he's weird.. but I don't care.

HOT and COLD..

~jieun's POV

It’s been 3 days. 3 days of being GDragon’s manager. 3 days of being annoyed with everything that he did to me. that 3 days went on and on and on with the same cycle. He did something, I got annoyed, I say something to him, he got annoyed then yell at me. Now hearing him yell, curse, scream nothing is just a daily routine.

Today, he spent his time rehearsing on the replica stage again. Try to make everything as perfect as possible, now I know why people called him the mighty perfectionist dragon. Because that’s exactly what he is. The kick off of the concert is getting close, only less than 2 weeks left and you know what that means? That means a lot more screaming and yelling from him.

“YAH! YOU! HAN JIEUN! Don’t you dare leave this place if I don’t tell you to!! STAY HERE! If you’re not here when I call you, then you will face the consequences and THAT WON’T BE PRETTY!!!”

That is exactly what he said when I came back from the toilet a while ago. He said he was looking for me and get angry. No reasons why he’s looking for me, I don’t even understand what is going on in his tiny head. One thing that make it worse is that my class starts again tonight, and knowing jiyong he will be rehearsing until tomorrow morning that means I can’t go to class since I’m not allowed to leave this sport hall.

Well, I already told him few days ago about my school starting today.

“G-dragon-ssi, ..”


“My school will start on Tuesday night, so I won’t be able to accompany you until you finish rehearsal and bring you home.”

“you still having that class?”

“of course I am.”

“then quit.”


“what’s the use of attending class if you’re not even getting smarter.”

“whatever, I’m just giving you a heads up, don’t care what you’re saying.” I said then he start to get annoyed again.

“Fine, just go and don’t be late the next day.” he said.

But now the condition is different. He must be forget about my class tonight. Seeing him now, how he works so hard even forgetting his own health, I don’t think I can leave him. It’s not that I care but it’s just, I don’t know. What the hell is wrong with me.

One hour left until my class started, here I am still in the sport hall looking at jiyong dancing all his heart out. all the staff, dancer and band are already leaving. It’s just him on stage dancing and singing with the background song from the speakers. He looks drained.

“you can go.”  I was lost in my thoughts didn’t realize that he’s already take a seat beside me drinking his water.

“huh?” I said looking at him.

“you have class right? Go.” He remember?

“really? Do you need anything else?”

“I’m fine, just go. Before I change my mind.” He said.

“Okay then. Bye.” I said and run my way out of the sport hall.

I take the bus and look at my watch, it’s 30 minutes left until the class start. Thankfully the sport hall is not too far from the university. I run to class as soon as I get off the bus. When I get into the class, the lecturer is not there yet. I took the back seat. Put my bag on my side, take out my notebook and look outside waiting for the lecturer to come. Sudden thoughts came into my mind. Did jiyong really remember that I have class today? That’s weird. Then someone knock on the classroom door. The lecturer came in and the class finally started.

After hours of focusing on numbers on the white board, the class end. I pack up my bags and walk out the classroom. The hall is empty, since the night class already end. I put my earphone on and play some music from my ipod just to ease away the scary feelings. I stand outside the building, stare at the night sky. It’s pitch black, only some stars weakly giving some of their lights. I start to walk out of the university gate and straight to home. As I walk out of the gate suddenly I saw a bright light coming from a car parked on the side of the road. I shrugged it off and keep walking, then the car start to honk and blink its light for couple times. I keep walking. Without I even realized it, the car already made its way to my side. It stopped right beside me, then the passanger window rolled down.

“Jieun!” the driver called my name. I look at the car and it’s him. G-Dragon.

“you? What are you doing here?”

“Yah! just get in! ask later!”

“No! just go.” I said. Then as if the sky is not on my side tonight, one by one the raindrops starts to fall down.

"Han Jieun, it's raining! Just get in, will you?!" He yell from the car as the rain starts to pour. By reflect I open the door and get in. I hate rains. I can't stand in the rain. It's too painful, I can't just can't afford to reminsce those times again.

"Finally!" He said, I'm too immersed by the rain I even forget that I'm in his car.

"What are you doing here, G-Dragon?"

"Call me jiyong.. We're not at work."

"Well, why did you came here in the first place if you know that we're not at work, G-dragon-ssi?"

"Hey.. I was just driving around and I saw you walking alone in the middle of the night."


"So, I thought for once I'll be the nice guy and drive you home."


"No reason. From now on, call me jiyong. Working or not."

"Fine, whatever."

"Okay! Now let's go"

Then jiyong starts to drive and me showing him directions to my house. I don't know what's gotten into him, he's been...nice. It's super weird. He's been quiet, no annoying words. He just keeps silent all the way.I look outside the window, the rain has stop. The night became quiet again.

Suddenly jiyong park his car in front of a familiar house, my house.

"We're here." He said nudging me

"I know. Thank you for the ride." I said and get out of the car. I walk to the front door of my house without looking back at him. I hear him screamed something but I didn't get what he said then there's the sound of his car drive away from my front porch.

I get inside my house, and as expected everyone is already asleep. I walk straight to my room. Put my bag on the table and get cleaned up. After feeling clean enough, I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling replaying every single things that happened today. This is what I do when I’m trying to sleep, it’s as if my brain won’t let me sleep so it replays everything and makes me thing about it.

I closed my eyes try to ignore everything then suddenly my phone ring, a text came in. I lazily take my phone off the table to see who disturbed my chance of sleeping. And it’s him, jiyong.

From : G-Brat

Jieun, don’t sleep too late, rest well..

And one more thing, DON’T BE LATE TOMORROW!!


Ugghh… I put my phone back to the table. Speaking of jiyong, something is strange about him today. First, no annoying words. Well there is, like that text earlier but not as much as usual. Second, he remembered about my class and let me go. Third, offering me a ride home? That is weird. What is wrong with him?. Ugghh, whatever. I don’t know and I don’t care. Tomorrow is going to be a long long day. I close my eyes again and finally this time I drifted away to my dream land.


hey hooo~~

enjoyy the new chapter..

tell me what you think ^^

by the way,

I just want to say get well soon to our Kwon Jiyong..

it breaks my heart to see you walking with cane..

but you really made me proud for being able to give 100% in your concert despite the injury..

love you~ jiyongie^^

love you too, dear readers~ see ya on the next update ^^




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MaryJoy15 #1
Chapter 32: please update huhu </3
Lilykwon88 #2
Chapter 32: Please update!! I totally love this story, it's a different kind of story that I enjoy alot.
venomel #3
Chapter 32: That's it!? Why is people always make me hanging???? Even in here? T.T
~~~ authornim must be busy~~~
darkestnights #5
ive been waiting for this ff to be updated since 2014 TTTTTT
haroobommi #6
.....................PLZZ UPDATE!!
update! update! update! :D i'll wait :D
pilyangsweet #8
Is this fanfic dead?