The return of the past.

HOT and COLD..


Both of jiyong and jieun’s turn towards to source of the voice. There she is, a petit Japanese girl with her shoulder length hair standing at the door.

Jieun shrugged jiyong hand away from her arm then walk out of the studio leaving jiyong who is stunned by the present of Kiko. It’s been few months since the last time he seen her and that time didn’t end well. Actually jiyong is stunned by 2 things. One, by kiko sudden appearance. Two, by the way jieun roughly shrugged his hand. It’s not the first time she shrugged away his hand but this time feels different and all he can see is her back disappearing from the door

“yongie.. you’re so surprised aren’t you? Aren’t you happy that I’m here?”kiko said  disturbing his train of thoughts.

“a-ah.. kiko.. what are you doing here?”

“ya.. to see my yongie of course.. what do you think I’m doing flying away from japan to seoul. Only for you yongie.” She said and give his lips a peck.


Jieun walk through the corridors with her bag in her arms. Her feet just keeps walking without knowing where to go. It’s like all she know is that she have to go, far away from that place. She look at her phone, it’s already past midnight. She can’t go home since there’s no more bus. Jieun decided to go to her old office room. Sajangnim made sure that she can always go back to her office if anything doesn’t work out with the manager thing. She put her bag on the table and look at her phone again, there are missedcalls from jihye. ‘she must be worried.’ She thought so she call jihye.

“Jieun! Where are you? Why didn’t you pick up my calls??”

“Mianhe unni, I was studying at the office and fell asleep. I just woke up now. mian.”

“ya.. it’s already past midnight how are you going to go home? Want me to pick you up?”

“it’s okay, I’ll just spend the night here. I have to study anyway.”

“you and your studying. Have you eat dinner yet?” dinner. Yes she did. With jiyong.

“I have.”

“arasso.. be careful okay, and hurry come home, get some proper sleep. You’ve been sleeping on the table with your books these days.”

“neh unnie.”

“by the way, in sung came here a while ago, looking for you. Are you okay?”

“I’m okay unni, don’t worry.”

“alright then. See you in the morning, dongsaeng~” jihye said then hung up the phone.



Jieun walk from the bus stop to her house. The morning breeze is blowing onto her hoodie covered skin. She look up and see the sun start to rise behind the clouds. She close her eyes for a while wanting to feel the air but other thing came up unexpectedly. Jiyong’s face came up into her mind, his face when they’re standing a breath away in the alley last night, his face when he lean in to kiss her. She open her eyes and shake her head. ‘aish. Unnie was right, I need a proper sleep.’

She walks again hoping she can arrive at her house soon to get some sleep, but then she saw a familiar car in front of her house with a very familiar figure leaning against the car door. ‘why can’t I at least have one free-of-drama day?’ she thought and walk to her house when the voice stop her track.


“What are you doing here, oppa? I’m tired.”  She said start to walk again.

“eun, please just let me explain everything. Just listen okay, it’s your choice to hate me later but please this once listen.”

“Fine. Go ahead.”

“thank you.. I’ll start then. The girl that claimed to be my fiancé is a hoobae actress from my company. I didn’t even know what she was doing when she said that to the media. I got angry, I scold her and everything. Turns out her father is the owner of the company, so she threat me that her father will shut the company down and fire everyone if I decline to be engaged with her. So I did engaged and that’s the biggest mistake I ever made.” In sung explained while looking at jieun’s eyes. Her eyes turn soft.

“After a year, she found another boy toy. A new star in the company so she canceled the engagement and kicked me out of the company.”


“I keep looking for you since I came out from the army. I went to your house but you moved. I searched for your new address, ask your friends, but nothing. I heard about abonim’s death 3weeks ago when I suddenly meet jihye’s friend and I just regret everything. Maybe I should’ve just stay beside you three years ago and let the company shut down.”

“oppa.. you did the right thing.”

“I’m sorry eun, eventhough I know my sorry won’t make up the pain I caused you but still I’m so sorry. I’m sorry for not look harder for you. Sorry for not being wit you when you’re having the hardest time of your life. I’m sorry for suddenly came back into your life as if nothing ever happened. It’s just seeing you in dolce vita that day was like a dream. A dream I’ve been waiting for a long time to finally come true. I’m sorry. I know you hate me, and I understand that but at least you know the truth now.”

“oppa, I don’t hate you, it’s just seeing you back was overwhelming. I don’t know how to react, it’s too sudden.”

“I know. I don’t think you can forgive me either. Hell I can’t even forgive myself”

“I forgive you oppa.”

“really?? Are you serious??”

“yes oppa.”

“oh my God. Thank you eun.”

“neh oppa. Let’s just start over from the beginning.”

“start over?”

“yes, start over before all the bad things happened. Back to the time when we’re not close to each other.”


“oppa, I told you it’s too sudden for me. let’s just take one step at a time.  Slowly.”

“okay.. Thank you eun, for forgiving me.”

“hmm.. Now you should go, I need some sleep.”

“neh, me too. Staying here all night wai—“

“YOU STAYED ALL NIGHT? In your car?”

“yeah, I try to find you in the university but you’re not there so I came here and jihye said you’re not here either. So here I am, waiting for you.”

“well.. go inside now, get some sleep you have an exam tomorrow right?”


“what time is the exam? I’ll pick you up tomorrow.”

“oppa.. One step at a time.”

“Arasseo.. I’ll just call you then. Good luck for tomorrow eun, have a good sleep. And again, thank you.”

“neh..” jieun said as they bid goodbye.

In sung get in his car with a big smile on his face waving to eun whose walking inside the house.



The bell rings, everyone in the class room put their pen on the table and pack up their things. Jieun pack her bag and walk outside the classroom. She stretch her body in relieve that the exam is finally over.

She walk through the hallways seeing her classmates are talking, joking with each others. Think of it, she never made any friends here. Well they knew each other but not friends. She's not good at making friends. Jieun is comfortable being the 'invisible' girl throughout the years. As she walk outside the university, her phone ring. She take her phone and look at the caller id : 'YG'

"Yoboseyo sajangnim."

"Jieun, where are you?"

"At the university, sajangnim."

"Ah! Right! The exam. Is it finished? How is it?"

"Yes i just finished. It's okay."

"Good then. Here's the thing, I know today supposed to be your off day and jiyong's off day too but there's this important dinner meeting that I need jiyong to come. So can you told him and make sure he attend it? Because you know he said 'meeting is not my thing' "

"Yeah sure, I'll go to YG now."

"Arasso.. I'll text you the dinner time and place."

"Neh sajangnim."

Jieun make her way YG, telling herself forget whatever happened that night. Shw walks along to the door of jiyong's studio. 'Nothing happened. It's nothing. Be professional. Work is work.' She keep saying in her mind. She take a deep breath then open the door. There he is, sittin on his favorie chair, working on his macbook, a view that she always see. But one thing is different. This time, a girl is hugging him from behind.

"Sorry to disturb you, but I just want to--" jieun said but got cut by someone's voice that's not jiyong. Because he's absorbed seeing jieun's face again.

"Who are you?" The girl said.

"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm jiyong's temporary manager , Han Jieun."

"Oh... Hi.. I'm kiko." Kiko said smiling

"Neh.. Kiko-ssi." Jieun said and bow.

"Aigoo.. Don't be too formal.." She said.

"Neh.. Again, sorry if I disturb you but I just want to tell jiyong that he have a dinner meeting later."

"Dinner meeting? What dinner meeting? Isn't it my day off?" Jiyong said

"Neh, sajangnim just called that it's an important meeting and I have to take you there and make sure you attend the meeting."

"Arasso. What time is the meeting?"

"6pm. We can leave at 5. And it's exactly 1hour from now. Tell me of you're ready to go, I'll be waiting at the cafetaria." Jieun said then bow at both of them.

"Nice to meet you jieun!" Kiko said and wave at her.

"Nice to meet you too.." Jieun said and walk out the door making her way to the cafetaria.


I know I haven't update this story for a long time.

and I'm really really really sorry..

You have no idea how thankful I am for all of you who still supporting this story.

I love you guys.

so much.

in order to make it up to you,

in this last day of 2013.

I'll give you another new chapter after this one. ^^

hope you guys like it.

<3 <3 <3

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MaryJoy15 #1
Chapter 32: please update huhu </3
Lilykwon88 #2
Chapter 32: Please update!! I totally love this story, it's a different kind of story that I enjoy alot.
venomel #3
Chapter 32: That's it!? Why is people always make me hanging???? Even in here? T.T
~~~ authornim must be busy~~~
darkestnights #5
ive been waiting for this ff to be updated since 2014 TTTTTT
haroobommi #6
.....................PLZZ UPDATE!!
update! update! update! :D i'll wait :D
pilyangsweet #8
Is this fanfic dead?