Start of day one..

HOT and COLD..

Jieun's POV

I walk out of YG building and make my way to the nearest bus station. Yeah. I accept that manager job. Turns out Sajangnim is a really good talker. He got me at the word adventure. He also said I can end it whenever I want, that means it worth a try right? I got nothing to lose.

I sit on the seat beside the window again, my favorite place. Looking at the night sky, so cold and quiet. Silence engulfing the night on my way home. The bus arrived at the bus station, that means I have to get off and walk my way home.

I walk the empty street, only that street lights lining leading my footsteps home. The sounds of owl and night creatures howling in the sky, so calm. Standing at the door, punch in the key then get into my house. It's quiet, that means everyone is already sleeping.

"Jieun-ah. You're home." Jihye unni said to me as she walk out of the kitchen with a bowl of popcorns on her hand.

"Yeah.. Where's everyone?"

"Mom is sleeping, minwoo too. Jinsung is in the living room, we're going to watch movie. Come join us!" Park Jin sung is jihye unni's husband. They're temporarily living here until their house finished redecorated.

"I'll pass. I have to work early tomorrow." I said.

"Oh jieun-ah, you're here. how's work?" Jinsung oppa came into the scene wearing his favorite football team t-shirt.

"Great. As usual." I said. Nothing is great as usual actually.

"You sure?" Jihye unni said while munching popcorns.

"Yeah. I'm going to sleep now."

"Okay.. Sweet dreams, dongsaeng" unni said again and I just smile at her then walk into my room.

I get cleaned up and wear my loose t-shirt. Laying on the bed,staring at the ceiling. It's 11.30pm. 30minutes left until tomorrow comes. Close my eyes, sleep is my best choice to regain my energy for tomorrow work with that conceited jerk.



The alarm rings wake me up from my sleep. 5.30  in the morning. I look at the schedule that sajangnim gave me yesterday.

7am. Wake jiyong up, bring him to the office for his tour meeting.

I get ready because I have to go to the office first and get the car to pick up jiyong from his apartment. I walk outside my room ready to go and see my mom cooking breakfast in the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" My mom asked after taking a glance at me.


"This early??"

"Yeah, I have things to do first at the office." I said wearing my shoes. She doesn't say anything else.

"I'll be going now, bye eomma." I said again and walk out of the house go straight to the bus stop. As soon as I arrived in the building I get the car keys from the receptionist and drive to the address of the apartment that sajangnim gave me.

Standing in front of the apartment building. I can say the building is expensive. Sajangnim said all the members of bigbang except TOP live in this apartment building. Top chose to live with his parents, yongbae and daesung recently move into the same apartment with seungri to keep him guarded after the scandal, while jiyong live in his own apartment.

I exhale my breath and walk into the building with the extra card that again, sajangnim gave me yesterday. He really gave me a lot of things yesterday. Walk along the hall towards jiyong's apartment, I punched in the code. Seems like this guy really lovethe number 8.

"G-Dragon-ssi." I call out his name as I get in. His apartment is clean. Like super clean. I expected boy's room to be at least a little bit messy, just like ... I shake my head as that memories starts to kick in again. Preventing it to take over.

I call out that jerk's name again, but still no answer. I walk to each room still haven't find him. Then there's this one last room. I try to open it and it's unlocked. I open the door and there he is, sleeping with his backside facing me and a blanket covering half of his body enough for me to know that he doesn't wear any shirt.

His room is not as clean as his other room. A lot of crumbled papers all over the room. It's like someone played toss papers all night long.

"GDragon-ssi. Wake up. It's time to go or you're going to be late for the meeting." I said from the door. No response, not even a movement.

"GDragon-ssi." Still nothing. I look at the clock it's already 6.30. I only got 30minutes left to bring his to the meeting. I have no time for this. I walk to his bedside and shake him.

"Yah. Wake up! It's already late!" I said still shaking him.

"Urrgghh.." Finally a respond! He groaned, and open one of his eyes to see me.

"Wake up sleepy head!!"

"Yah. Shut the up. It's still morning, why are you being so noisy. Get out."

"Hey, Get your out of the bed now."

"Didn't you hear me? I said Get The Out. I want my sleep." He said the went back to sleep. He is really getting on my nerve.

"Fine." I said then walk out of his room. But instead of giving up, I grab a bucket of water then go back to his room. Standing on his bedside again, lifting the bucket enough for him to see.

"Yah. G-Brat, get up or I will pour this cold water all over you." I said, then he open his eyes again facing me while laying on the bed.

"You wouldn't dare." He said smirking.

"Try me." I said.

I don't know what happened but suddenly the bucket ended up on the bedside table, while me ended up on top of that jerk. My eyes grew wide because of the sudden movement he suddenly pulled me to him. His hands are on my waist, my hands are on his chest, our faces are only inches from each other. Then he smirked. His infamous signature smirk.

"G-Dragon, are you having a death wish or something? Get your hands off me." I said when his eyes staring into mine.

"You said it yourself to try you. That's what I did." He said still not letting me go. This jerk. I stretched my free hand to the bedside table, then...


"WHAT THE IT'S ING COLD!ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR ING MIND?!!!!" Jiyong yell out as I get up from him. Yes, I just pour him with that cold water.

"You tried. And that's what you get, now go get cleaned up.. You only have 5 minutes to get ready or I will throw those cold water back to you." I said watching him get up from his bed with those angry eyes. His breathing unstable, his eyes filled with anger, I can see it. But I don't care, I'm just doing my job anyway. He glance at me then walk to the bathroom. His behaviour reminds me of sajangnim's words the other day.

"Being his manager is not an easy task. He will be hard on you, scold you endlessly, say bad rough things. You just have to be patient with him, don't get effected with everything he said or do. Be yourself, then you'll do fine."

Now I know what he meant. His act this morning shows it all.


sorry I haven't updated for a while~

Thank you for all the subscribers, readers and all the comments..


working on the next chapter now, gonna update as soon as it's done! :D

ps :


See you on june 16th, G-Baby~^^



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MaryJoy15 #1
Chapter 32: please update huhu </3
Lilykwon88 #2
Chapter 32: Please update!! I totally love this story, it's a different kind of story that I enjoy alot.
venomel #3
Chapter 32: That's it!? Why is people always make me hanging???? Even in here? T.T
~~~ authornim must be busy~~~
darkestnights #5
ive been waiting for this ff to be updated since 2014 TTTTTT
haroobommi #6
.....................PLZZ UPDATE!!
update! update! update! :D i'll wait :D
pilyangsweet #8
Is this fanfic dead?