Midnight encounter and Waterfall..

HOT and COLD..

~Jieun's POV

The laughter filled the air while everyone are enjoying the taste of grilled meat. Jiyong's parents are talking how jiyong was when he's a little kid. Jiyong on the other hand juat laugh and yelling at maknae who's making fun of him while grilling the meat. Seunghyun is sitting beside me with a glass of wine on his hand. Yes , seunghyun is here. Turns lout the reason why he's been calling byeongyeon oppa is so that he can pick him up from the filming site soon so he can come to vita dolce and meet his favorite dongsaengs.

After the barbeque party, we all went to our own room. It's silly how jiyong actually named every single room in this pension with the title of his songs. Crayon? Butterfly? Tonight? Really jiyong?.
I get into my room which is the tonight room. The design I have to say is great, it's artistic and minimalist at the same time. I look at the clock it's almost midnight and I cstill can't sleep. So I take my sketch book and a pencil also my ipod with me then go out of the room. There's no sound heard in the villa everyone must be fallen asleep by now.

I walk outside and sit near Gaho's dog house. Gaho is sleeping peacefully in his house. I sit there and open my sketchbook start with my doodle. It's been a while since I doodle. I scratch my pencil to the paper. Not realizing someone sit beside me until I hear a voice.

"can't sleep?" It's sung oppa.


"It's been a long time eun."


"3 years and here we are."

Silence enveloping us again. I just don't know what to say. I mean it's been 3years since we met. 3years without any word from him not even a single hello. Seeing him here now, what do you expect me to say to him.

"I heard about your father. I'm sorry."

"Me too." I said.

"You know I'm not gonna ask you how you're holding up because I know you'll say that you're okay but in fact you're not." He know me too well.

"And I'm really sorry for not being there that day." He said again.

"you don't have to." I said then start doodling again.

"You're still sketching?" Sung oppa, always said that I'm sketching after I told him a thousand times that this called doodling. He said saying sketching is easier than doodling

"Doodling. Yes." I said and he laugh.

"Sketching is easier to say eun." He said.

"You always said that, oppa."

"Remember how I used mess with your sketchbook just to tease you. Then you'll be mad at me and chase me all over the house."

"Yeah.. And I really really hate you for doing that."

"Oh really? Then should I do it again?" He smirk and I just glare at him.

~Author's POV

Jiyong is staring at the ceiling of his room. He can't sleep. Jieun's face still lingering on his mind. He toss and turn on his bed but still can't sleep. He look at his phone, it's midnight.
After having another staring contest with the ceiling he decided that he need to get some air. He take his jacket and walk out of his room. He walk through the empty corridor then he saw one of the room's door is open. Jieun's room. He walk to the door and realize that the room is empty. 'Where the hell is she?' His thought interrupted by a phone ringing. Jieun's phone. 'Jihye Unnie' is written on the caller id. He hesitate for a moment but the phone keep ringing. Then suddenly it stopped. He sigh and walk out of the room when the phone ring again.

"Yoboseyo? Jieun-ah.." He heard jihye said as he finally answer the phone.

"Hmm.. Noona it's me jiyong."

"Oh? Jiyong? Why are you answering jieun's phone? Where is she? Is she okay? Wait . did you two? Oh my.."

"ANIEYO NOONA! I mean no.. I just walking pass her room , it's empty I think she's taking a walk. then heard her phone ringing so I decided to see then I saw it's you who called , I thought it might be an emergency thing so I pick it up." He said then walk out of his room to find jieun.

"Aahh.. I just want to check on her jiyong. Just tell her that I called."

"Neh.." Then something stop his way to walk outside. He saw jieun sitting there with in sung.

"Thank you.. I'll hang up ---"

"W-wait! Noona.."


"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Do you know jo in sung?"

"of course I know. Why are you suddenly asking about in sung? Wait. Is he there too?? With jieun??"

"Hmm yeah.."

"What a relieve."

"noona, what kind of relationship that he has with jieun? I mean.."

"Jiyong, if you want to know about in sung and his relationship with jieun then you should ask jieun yourself. All I can tell you is that he's our childhood friend, and if there's a man who is close to jieun and knows her well other than my father then that man will be in sung." With that jihye hung up the phone leaving jiyong standing there with jieun's phone on his hand looking at jieun who is chatting with in sung. Then in sung will laugh and ruffle her hair and she doesn't even mind.

He turn around and walk back to his room with jieun's phone still in his hand. He's breathing somehow became unstable. He lay on the bed and close his eyes hoping he will get some sleep to get jieun out of his head.



Jieun open her eyes and look at the clock. It's 6 in the morning. 'I should go home now, jihye unnie must be looking for me. I only left her a short message about staying overnight yesterday.' Jieun thought.
Her hands roam aroud try to find her phone but it's nowhere. She get up from her bed and look all over the room. Still the phone is nowhere to be found. 'Where the hell is it? Did I bring it outside lastnight? It must be there.' She take her jacket then go outside to the place she was last night. She walk to gaho dog's house and meet jiyong's father.

"Jieun-ssi.. Good morning."              

"Good morning.." She bows at him.

"What are you doing up so early?"

"Aah it's just I'm looking for something.."

"What is it?"

"My phone. I think I left it somwhere last night."

"really? But I didn't see any phone when I came here this morning."

"Aah.. I must be left it somewhere else then." She said then crouch beside jiyong's father whose feeding gaho.

"You like dogs?"


"Do you have one?"

"No, my father won't allow me. He said I have to take a good care of myself first before start taking care of another God's creature." She said.

"Your father has a good point. Such a wise man."

"I know.. He was."


"He... passed away few months ago."

"Oh.. I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"It's okay mr. Kwon." She said and get on her feet. Then she see a rainbow.

"Beautiful isn't it?"

"Yeah.. It's amazing"

"It comes from the waterfall."

"There's a waterfall?"

"Yup. Not so far from here actually."

Then jiyong's father excused himself to get inside. While jieun still standing there looking at the rainbow.

Jiyong scrub his eyes greeted by the plain ceiling. The sun light comes creeping through the windows. He feels something strange in his hand. Then he realize he fell asleep still holding jieun's phone.
He got up from his bed and slip jieun's phone into his pocket then walk outside the room. He walk to the living room where seungri and seunghyun are still laying on the couch. He take a seat on one of the kitchen stool and drink his water.
"Ya.. Have you seen jieun?" 'Really? Right after I woke up somebody already talk about her.' Jiyong thought as dami get into the kitchen.


"Where is she.. did you really haven’t seen her? At all?”

“I Haven’t seen her noona. I don’t know and I don’t care.” He said.

“Ya! Kwon Jiyong!”

" Go ask in sung hyung. Maybe she's with him."

"who's with me?" In sung suddenly came into the kitchen.

"Jieun. Have you seen her?" Dami ask in sung while jiyong put his glass and walk out of the kitchen.

"I talked with her last night. What? She's not in her room?"

"No. I was going to give her my clothes for her to change but she's not there. I search the bathroom still nothing. Where is she?" Dami said start to get worried. In sung face start to get pale. Jiyong just stay on where he is listening about what dami said.

'Where the hell is she?!!' jiyong panicked

"I'll go find her." In sung said and about to walk out of the house when mr. Kwon came.

"Dami, what's going on?" Mr. Kwon said.

"Appa, have you seen jieun?"

"Jieun? Yeah I saw her a while ago. She's looking for her phone outside." Those words hit jiyong hard. Her phone. It's with him.

"Did she say anything else?" In sung ask

"We talk about the waterfall." Jiyong doesn't know what's gotten into him as he heard about the waterfall he run outside but but then he realize that he's not alone.

"what are you doing hyung?"

"Finding jieun. what else?! do you know where the waterfall is??" in sung said looking around.

"I know. I got this hyung. You just stay at the house."

"What?! No. I'm coming with you."

"Ugh. just stay here hyung! I have no time to argue with you. If you want to find jieun then let me find her! I know this place like the back of my hand and I rather go alone." Jiyong said and run far away from the house towards the forest.

"YA! KWON JIYONG!!" In Sung yell then start to walk to the forest but got hold up by dami.

"In sung-ah.. just stay here. Let jiyong find her." Dami said.

Meanwhile jiyong run as fast as he can through the forest. 'Please be there. Please be safe. Don't do anything stupid, han jieun. And dear God please don't rain.'  is all he keep saying in his mind

He run and run until he suddenly stop. He's right in fromt of the waterfall. His eyes roam around and finally. There she is. Sitting on a big rock staring to the waterfall.
He walk to her slowly, inhaling every view of her. The waterfall is beautiful, yes. But she complete the beauty of it and he's amazed by that. He caught her closing her eyes and a smile tugging on her lips. He stunned. Her smile is more than beautiful

"Han jieun." He finally have the guts to say. She turn her head around and see jiyong standing there.

"Jiyong, how did yo---"

"YAAA!! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW PANICKED I WAS?!! HOW WORRIED EVERYONE WAS LOOKING FOR YOU?!! WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!!" Jiyong lash out on her voicing out his worries. His breathing is unstable.

"I'm sorry." He surprised. That's not what he thought she would say. He expected her to say those cold words she used to say. He sigh and took a seat beside her on the big rock.

"What are you doing here?"

"Nothing. Just admiring the view. I was looking for my phone and your father told me about this place so here I am."

"Speaking of your phone.." He said and took her phone out of his jacket pocket.

"Here's your phone. I was walking around and your phone was ringing nonstop when I passed your room. It's empty. I look at the screen it's jieun noona I thought it might be important so I picked it up and ended up bring it with me to my room. Sorry."

"It's okay. But next time you touch my phone, will be the last time you ever touch anything." He chuckles hearing her response.

"How did you find me here anyway?" She asked.

"well when everyone was worried about you, then appa came saying that she saw you this morning and told you about this waterfall."

"They worried about me?"

"Yeah, Dami noona. In sung hyung."

"Sung oppa." She said with a low voice.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Since when g-dragon ever ask any permission to do anything? Ask away." She said

"How did you know in sung hyung?"

"He's my childhood oppa. We knew each other since We're kids. He's the closest oppa I ever have."

"That's it?"

"Yeah.. What else do you want to hear?"

"Nothing." He said not asking any further even though he want to.

Silence enveloping them. The sounds of water pouring from the waterfall and birds chirping are the only voice heard.

"Jiyong.. I'm sorry. About that night."

"What night?"

"The night when I slapped you, and you got hurt because of me."

"Hey, it's okay. I am a lot better now. It's nothing g-dragon can't handle." He said and smirk then swing his leg back and forth.

"You know why I don't tell anyone about me and my 'rain thing', because if I tell them they'll keep looking at me like a broken toy like how they saw me right now. When my family or anyone I know look at me, i can only see 2things in their eyes it's either 'jieun the broken toy who needs to be fix' or  'jieun the girl who killed her father.'" She look down. He turn his head to face her. She fiddling with her phone in her hands.

Suddenly she feel warms enveloping her. Jiyong hug her tight. She doesn't know how but everytime jiyong hug her, she always feel safe. Like nothing will hurt her. Like none of those horrible things happened.

"I'm sorry for making you feel that way." He said. She just nodded then he let go of his hug but keep his hands on her shoulder to keep her in arm length. They both look at each other eyes. jiyong can see all the pain she tried to cover in those cold pair of eyes. and he hates to see those pain in her. Meanwhile jieun looking at jiyong's eyes deeply. Those pair of brown colored eyes.

Then to her surprise, something warm and soft touch her lips.

Jiyong kiss her.




there's a long chapter for all of you readers..

my inspirations was flowing these days..

gonna write some more..

please do comments! ^^

even though I may not be able to reply every one of them,

but know that I read every one of those comments..

and it really pumped up my mood to write ^^



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MaryJoy15 #1
Chapter 32: please update huhu </3
Lilykwon88 #2
Chapter 32: Please update!! I totally love this story, it's a different kind of story that I enjoy alot.
venomel #3
Chapter 32: That's it!? Why is people always make me hanging???? Even in here? T.T
~~~ authornim must be busy~~~
darkestnights #5
ive been waiting for this ff to be updated since 2014 TTTTTT
haroobommi #6
.....................PLZZ UPDATE!!
update! update! update! :D i'll wait :D
pilyangsweet #8
Is this fanfic dead?