Chapter 05

Youngest of Pieces: [WHO- I AM] (8)


“Do I really have to wear it the whole time?” Hannah pouts, whining all over again with a glance down at her outfit.

“Yes! OMG, you lost if you remember?” Maria answers, and when she looks at Hannah she bursts out in a smile. “You look good in pink.”


At 5 Pieces last night in the US they all gathered in the same hotel room after finishing their schedule, like they always do. But this night they weren’t just going to sit and talk; they had decided to make a fun memory by playing a game.

“So what happens with the loser?” Julia asked with a yawn when coming to sit down on the double bed that she and Carolina were sharing. All five ladies had washed up and were ready to go to sleep, and they were at that time all gathered to sit on the double bed to play the game.

“The usual: we decide when that person looses,” Maria answered in a voice that said ‘of course we do it that way’. “I would love to decide it now, but if I say the looser will have to wear a green wig and then Emelia looses, she would go around wear it for a whole week even if we decide on just one day. That won’t be fun. So we decide afterwards.”

Whenever they have decided on the punishment before playing, it hasn’t ended the way anyone hoped it would. Some members like weird things, so it isn’t really a punishment for them. Once they had played a game where the looser had to dance their song at the airport, and Maria had lost; she can start dancing anywhere without giving it a second thought, so she had no problem at all to dance at the airport. So the best solution is to see who the looser is first and then make that person do something, otherwise the whole fun with the game is ruined.

Hannah nodded in agreement, not knowing how it would end. She was still slurping on the straw to the McDonald’s cup that was so big that even an hour after eating she still had Coca Cola left. Maria had gotten her will through by eating fast food during their trip, and though it didn’t happen in New York it did happen in Los Angeles. She had gotten happy over it, eating her pommes frites as if she hadn’t gotten food for a week, closing her eyes and enjoying the food in . She never noticed Emelia taking pommes frites from her when she had her eyes closed though.

Hannah was busy trying to see how much Cola she had left in the big cup, not noticing Carolina who was smiling like an idiot next to her.

“Okay, should we begin?”

“Just the simple rock-paper- game?” Carolina wondered and Maria nodded, giving her a glare and said it is the best game.

“Five times,” Emelia added as hands were put to the middle of their circle. Hannah had her eyes focused on their hands and all of them counts before the game started.

Two times later, Emelia gave Maria a simple push with her elbow, followed by a meaningful look that Maria had simply waves away, telling everyone to focus. Hannah laughed, thinking their leader wanted to end the game so they could decide the punishment for the looser so she then could go to get her beauty sleep. She didn’t notice anything else.

And when the fifth time was over, Hannah was throwing and hitting pillows on her members.

“YOU SET ME UP!” she cried out at them.

Emelia fell down on the floor, laughing, and Carolina had picked up a pillow to hit back with a laugh.

“You are so stupid,” Maria was laughing too. “It was so obvious ever since we decided to play the game, ha-ha-ha-ha!”


And now she is sitting in the van, right outside the airport to leave the US after spending two days in Los Angeles (after three days in New York too); wearing a pair of pink sneakers, to a pair of baggy pants in the same bright pink colour as the sneakers. And though she got to wear her own top, Emelia had made her wear a camouflage jacket, saying it complete the outfit. Maria had looked disappointed when she saw Hannah leaving the hotel in the outfit, telling the youngest with a grimace that it looks pretty good. Hannah had just glared at her, saying she hates pink.

Her own members set her up just in the need to see Hannah wear pink. Hannah hates pink. She can wear pink socks, if there are other colours too, but she can’t wear neither pink clothes nor bracelet or even have pink on a ring. Carolina, on the other hand, loves pink; so they had taken her sneakers and pants. The pants are too big for Hannah, but she still have to wear them.

“Let’s go,” Manager Lim says when opening the slide-door on the side and Hannah gives a final whine while the ladies are stepping out one after one.

“Hey, it’s my clothes, be happy to wear them,” Carolina pouts next to her and Hannah pouts even more.

“I like my own clothes,” Hannah mutters, watching Carolina step out and then crawls out after her, pulling up the pants the moment she has jumped out. All the other members are wearing their own clothes, looking comfortable and ready for a long flight to Malaysia for the Golden Disk Awards. Hannah keeps sighing while waiting outside the van for the managers to tell them to go in the airport.

“Carolina, take out your passport,” Maria reminds the member who is the only one to usually forget it, and Carolina starts to go through her bag in search for it. Hannah turns to face the van, biting her lip when noticing there are a few fans at the airport too.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” she mutters for herself, embarrassed to wear the outfit in public.

“I think it looks good,” Carolina says, still looking through her bag. Her words don’t really comfort Hannah any way because it is after all Carolina’s shoes and pants she is wearing. It does look good, actually, maybe not Hannah’s usually style but it looks surprisingly good; a little hip style, but since it is pink, Hannah does not like it.

“You should wear it for Easter too,” Julia comments when getting out of the van, a little late after the others, and she laughs when Hannah kicks her leg towards her. Hannah takes a step closer to them quietly when hearing the fans cheering behind them, embarrassed in her outfit, and she glances just a little to the side when seeing their manager making sure fans are keeping a distance. Hannah gives out a whine and puts her arms around Carolina, her cheeks probably red of embarrassment and Carolina laughs, waving to the fans behind Hannah’s back. Carolina holds on to Hannah so the youngest can’t get out of the hug; Hannah should have understood that since Carolina always have to hold on longer than necessary, making it awkward. But Hannah slinks out of it when their manager steps up to them, telling them to get inside, and with their managers keeping an eye on them and the fans filming them, they head inside the airport.

Fans are just shouting out their names, keeping a distance and a few of them wishes the girls to have a safe flight.

The youngest might be upset over the clothes she has to wear, but she still smiles and gives a wave to some of the fans. She doesn’t want to be rude to them, and while going through the security at the airport she keeps turning around to give a wave once in a while. The media that has been filming and taking paparazzi pictures of them only were at the entrance, so after that it looks like it is just fans wishing them a safe trip and wanting a last glance at them.

While waiting to get on the plane the whole crew that’s coming along to Malaysia gets to sit down on the lines of chairs. Through some glass (window) several meters on the side, fans are standing and trying to capture even more shots of the girls with cameras and cell phones; they are standing like a bunch of people crowding by the glass, almost leaning against it. Maria sits sideway on her chair, having her feet up on the other chair and letting her back face the audience, tiredly lowering her head to try sleep. Hannah is sitting on the chair next to Maria’s feet, keeping her bag in her lap and stretching out her short legs while listening to those sitting by the chairs in front of her. Emelia keeps her hand moving over the tablet she is using to look through comments from YouTube clips about 5 Pieces’ activities in the US; 5 Pieces’ performances, to be more correct. Emelia reads out a few of the comments that she likes, smiling as Manager Lim sitting with them agrees with everyone that they have done extremely well.

“Appa is complimenting us, that’s something new,” Julia jokes and he gets a small surprised face-expression over her comment.

“I compliment you ladies quite a lot,” he defends himself, “and don’t let me count up the times because you know I do it.”

Hannah smiles over how Julia is joking with their manager, but she doesn’t interfere while they keep joking with each other and instead she leans forward and reaches her hand out to ask Emelia if she can see. Emelia hands over the tablet so Hannah can watch, and when she leans back in her seat with it, Julia who is sitting next to her moves her head just slightly to watch too. The performance that the YouTube clip shows is from their outdoor stage in New York, where they performed both [Daze] and [Black & White] and had a brief introduction talk. Comments are like;

- “Maria talks so much compared to the others, I love hearing her voice!”

- “their live singing is really good! Two songs, they are heavily breathing after just the first song, and you can’t even hear it in the second song!!”

- “I think their choreography is y, feminine, creative, detailed and fun”

- “Hear the fans shout Love you Maria!”

- “The difference from 5 Pieces and other K-Pop group is that all five members can speak English. Notice any difference if you compare 5 Pieces’ in the US to when SNSD went there? Only two members of SNSD’s nine members didn’t look like question-marks during interviews”

- “Gorgeous Pieces <3”

- “I give them credit for dancing like that and still pulling off live singing, not even American singers can do it that well. Melissa Allen did a great job creating both [Daze] and [Black & White] and 5 Pieces pulls off both songs professionally, and I really think [Daze] is new in style with the great choreography and the sound is familiar for the Americans, so definitely, this song is showing 5 Pieces to the world. Really great performance too!”

- “Hannah is y”

- “Great to hear the fans being loud in the audience! XD 5 Pieces looked to have a great time ^^,”

Julia takes the tablet from Hannah when they are done looking through some comments, going in to watch another video that is a fan-cam from when the girls had been greeted outside a building in New York, and it is just about a minute long of the girls being pushed through to get to the bus. Looking through the comments there, one had complained that 5 Pieces were ignoring their fans even though they are trying to make it big in the US; writing that if they (5 Pieces) want to come somewhere they shouldn’t ignore the few fans they have, saying they are rude. Julia looked at a response on that comment, the one who had uploaded the whole video answered;

- “If anything, 5 Pieces were not rude. They had a really packed schedule and Emelia also said in the end that they didn’t have time to go shopping, but they had guards and managers telling them to hurry up because they had to move to the next location. Whenever they could, the ladies would stop and they didn’t just write autographs and take pictures but they talked to us too, being really nice. One night outside their hotel, Carolina and Julia came out to write some autographs and they said that they had seen us waiting outside so they skipped getting sleep just to meet us. 5 Pieces are far from rude, they are really nice and thoughtful, so don’t bash on them just because they were in a hurry in this video.”

“Have I said that I love our fans?” Julia giggles and hands over the tablet to Emelia to show that comment.

“There are always some people thinking we are rude while others can see it from another perspective,” Emelia mentions after reading it, continuing to look on sites and such.

Hannah listens to them talking while looking at her pants, bright pink baggy pants. She can’t believe she is actually showing herself in public wearing these; and the moment when thinking of that now she realises that she could have worn something on top of it. The punishment just said she has to wear it, so she could actually wear other pants over it. No, she couldn’t; these pants are the biggest, nothing could be worn over it. She finds herself sighing again, drifting off in to thoughts of how she could’ve handled this punishment-game better. There is nothing worse on clothes than pink. It can look good on others, but Hannah thinks she does not fit in pink – more because she hates the colour rather than it doesn’t look good on her – and she can’t melt it that she is currently sitting in this outfit at an airport.

“Oh .”

Emelia’s annoyed voice make her look up, seeing Emelia burst out some curse-word that sounds Chinese before showing an article to them all on the tablet in her hands.

‘Is 5 Pieces Looking Down On Others?’ What the is this ?” Emelia read out the headline, looking really annoyed.

“Emelia, language!” Manager Lim hisses in a low voice at her, glancing around to make sure no one but their crew can hear the idol talking bad. Manager Lee takes the tablet to look at the article but Manager Lim takes it from him to look at it himself; older goes first. Hannah glances at the fans on their right, standing far away on the other side of the glass. Their voices are heard, shouting from time to time, but they can’t hear what these friends are talking about. Maria sitting next to her hasn’t given any reaction and it makes the youngest wonder if she has fallen asleep already.

“What does it say?” Julia wonders.

Their manager looks through the article before explaining its content for them: “The article says that 5 Pieces keep singing about being yourself and that each person is unique, but that it seems like you are looking down on everyone else. Being active in Korea as Korean idols, but you don’t like the Korean culture with the food and being polite and more… and that you don’t like to be active outside Asia, that you don’t look happy talking about international activities…”

“That’s rubbish,” Maria’s Ron-Weasley-imitation is heard from the side, her English coming out fluently after spending a few days using it.

“It’s just an article. Don’t mind it so much,” Manager Lim tells them.

“Just an article? It has proof with clips of us saying we don’t like the overdo politeness in Korea and some weird clip of Hannah frowning when we talk about Swedish promotions,” Emelia complains, all worked up about the whole article. She takes back the tablet, showing the comments below for their manager. “Does this look good, you think? More idiocy. Antis must love this article, flocking around it like hyenas.”

“Hey, enough with that,” Manager Lim sighs and takes the tablet again from her, turning it off. “Is it anyone who has to use the bathroom before we board?”

Carolina stretches her hand up in answer, and Maria puts her feet down on the floor to sit up correctly. “All I want is to board the plane and sleep,” Maria tiredly says while getting up to go to the bathroom, looking like she is ready to sleep right now. She stretched out her long body, arms in the air and one leg pointing out, waiting for the others that also will go to use the bathroom. They can hear fans cheering over her movements and Julia leans to Hannah’s shoulder to hide her laugh.

The group is not unfamiliar with receiving comments that say they are either rude or unprofessional. It’s more that they are more unfamiliar with all the great comments and response they have been getting lately that it should have been expected for at least one comment to appear that is supposed to prove the bad side of 5 Pieces, while all bad comments and being accused for unbelievably small things are something they have learnt to accept since before their debut five years ago. A loved and hated girl-group, 5 Pieces have a lot of anti-fans that keep coming with the most stupid and strangest comments and more, and the ladies have no idea why. The ladies know that not every soul on earth can like them or their music, and they accept it since it would be foolish to think or even hope otherwise, but it is also foolish and idiotic of people to spend so much time and effort in hating a group so much. 5 Pieces still get annoyed over antis, of course they do; antis are horrible and they make absolutely no sense, but the ladies know better so within minutes it is like they never saw that article.

Those that went to the bathroom haven’t returned yet, and Hannah is boringly pouting and looking at her feet that are stretched out in the air in front of her.

“…And then Emelia would get to kick some asses,” Hannah catches up the last of what stylist Yong Hyun says. She has been in other thoughts again and only hears the ending of his sentence, seeing how he laughs at Emelia who puts on the hood of her jacket to try giving a cool pose.

“I could easily kick your ,” she answers him, giving him a teasing smile and look with her small eyes, and Hannah laughs because it looks like she is telling him to point his at her. Yong Hyun laughs too, continues to joke with them but Hannah stops listening again when Julia puts her arm behind her neck and Hannah automatically leans forward – Julia is just waving over to their fans, whose shouting are heard in happy response to the hand waving. Hannah laughs over their enthusiastic fans and she gets up with a bent back to hold on to the bag in her lap while reaches over to the chair next to Emelia’s where their stylist Mi Young is sitting, handing a scarf to Hannah who only sits back down after getting it, still hearing the fans screaming on the other side of the glass. Julia gives a happy laugh too, stopping to wave her hand but leaves her arm still resting on the backrest of Hannah’s chair.

“I can’t understand how they can have so much energy,” Julia smiles, “I’m exhausted but our fans aren’t.”

“That’s because they take your energy,” their stylist jokes.

Hannah is smiling over their comments, not saying anything as she is busy putting on the scarf in a try to hide herself a little from the fans eagle-eyes.

“I still think I can fall asleep any second,” Julia yawns tiredly. All of them are exhausted from the time here in the US, and they can’t wait to get back to Seoul; to their apartment and their own beds, where they can sleep comfortable and feel like home. Though they will spend two days in Malaysia first before going home.

“I feel like I’m sleep-walking,” Maria says as she is coming back from the bathroom, responding to Julia’s comment.

“You look like it too,” Emelia chuckles and Maria, who had been on her way to sit down, kicks her foot in Emelia’s direction, muttering some words at her. Manager Lim comes up behind her, also returning with Carolina, and he puts his hands on Maria’s shoulders to tell her to not kick and makes her take a step to her seat before he walks by to take his own seat. Maria still turns to Emelia while sitting down, saying that she will remember that comment to a later opportunity. Hannah keeps smiling at their leader who bumps down to sit on the chair next to Hannah, breathing out when asking how much time it is left before they can board the plane.


Once getting up in the air on the airplane, Hannah can see how the staff and members are drifting to sleep. Emelia easily gets travel sickness so she has taken some pills; hopefully she will sleep throughout the flight. Hannah, on the other hand, is sitting comfortably with a blanket to stay warm, a pair of earphones blasting music to her ears and her precious laptop in front of her with a Microsoft Word-page open. Over 400 book pages written, it will be the second book to her released series and she is correcting things, writing down notes and more, just as she has been doing for the past few weeks in preparations for the next book meeting.

Quietly and carefully, Maria takes out one of the earphones in her seating friend’s ear to get her attention, and Hannah of course pause her music and looks at her friend. Hannah has always been secret about her writing – for as long as Maria has known her – and she always is in a hurry to press down the page to not show anything of what she has written in her obsessive hobby, but Maria takes notice of that recently, Hannah doesn’t do that. Maybe because Maria has already read it all, that it no longer is a secret, so she doesn’t have to hide it. For some reason it makes Maria feel that Hannah has opened up completely to her, just because she knows that Hannah used to not let ANYONE see what she has written. Embarrassment and shyness, insecurity in herself and her writing, a past of Hannah that still lingers but has soften up; something that Maria definitely thinks is a positive thing. But that is not what Maria whispers to her friend about.

“How are you going to deal with both Honggi and Jonghyun being at the awards?”

Hannah grimaces by the memory of what happened at New Year just two weeks ago. She hasn’t talked much to her members about what happened as they have all been busy with their promotions, but they all were given the details (most of it) the first days of the New Year. So much happened during the year-end shows, so many emotions that make Hannah’s head spin just thinking back on it. She had been so happy to welcome the New Year, so sad that 2012 was coming to an end so quickly, happy that she would go on a party with her members and friends after the year-end shows and happy that her boyfriend would be there too, happy over all the fun performances and cheering from the audience and nervousness because she was performing a solo song, she would play the piano for the first time on stage even if it was just briefly and it was still so much anger, disliking, fury and confusion mixed up in it all. She fought with Emelia, her best friend since 3rd grade, and she had felt so angry, used and ignored during that fight. Still Hannah hasn’t completely forgiven Emelia; still she thinks that her friend did completely wrong. But Emelia isn’t the one to apologize. Though they have talked it through, none of them apologized or admitted being wrong, and since it wasn’t their first fight throughout the years it wasn’t too hard to put behind them. Emelia was still not a big part of everything that happened at New Year.

Hannah and SHINee’s Jonghyun has been a couple for two and a half year now, keeping it a secret from all of their friends outside their groups for the first year. After the first year, their co-workers at SM Town couldn’t hide their curiosity of noticing the strange behaviour between them two, and they were confronted and simply admitted about having a secret relationship. But before anything actually happened between Hannah and Jonghyun, when the two of them were still just good friends, it was pretty known among probably all idols that talked to each other that FT Island’s Honggi and Hannah were maybe more than just friends.

5 Pieces came to Korea before summer 2008, and after the summer the girls were introduced to FT Island. Though there was a language barrier, they became friends because of their close age – just the same with the members of SHINee – and in the beginning of 2009 while preparing for their first album, Hannah was often caught sneaking out with Honggi. He would call her and ask if she is hungry or if she is tired, and depending on her answer or if he was busy, he would pick her up and take her out to eat or just simply hang out. He liked her and she liked him; could it be harder than that?

Yes. Hannah had come to Korea because of 5 Pieces, and because she didn’t want to ruin for the group by dating when they had debuted barely half a year earlier, she talked to Honggi and they decided to just be friends. Close friends, they ended up to be as they still could sneak out together from time to time.

It feels like a long time ago now.

Hannah sighs over Maria’s question about the two. “According to them, everything is okay between us,” Hannah answers. Maria keeps looking at her, repeating her question;

“How are you going to deal with it?”

“I don’t know,” Hannah honestly answers.

Hannah and Honggi have had a shaky friendship for months already because he won’t accept that she likes Jonghyun (their relationship has been shaky since 2011 when he first found out about it, but more shaky a few months ago), and Hannah had in the end told Honggi after years of trying that they can’t be friends any more. At the first party after one of the year-end shows, Honggi had maybe gotten a little too much to drink, because he said horrible things to Hannah about her and Jonghyun. He didn’t stop, and Hannah had punched him.

Hannah knows how to fight. She learnt it back in 2009-2010 for a role in a Japanese drama, and personally she has kept doing it slightly at the gym to stay in shape. She had never really punched someone aside from accidents when filming, all until Honggi said what he said that night. It had felt good, all her anger and frustration over his stupidity made her maybe not give a good punch as she wanted it to be, but it had hurt and she is happy for that, thinking that he deserved it. Every since they agreed to just be friends years ago, Honggi had still reminded her over and over again that he likes her, and over and over again Hannah had tried to ignore it in hope they could just continue to be friends. It had been exciting being with Honggi at her beginning in Korea. They would run off, away from managers and schedules, and at that time Hannah found it exciting and adventurous.

But it was different with Jonghyun, it always has. All people around Hannah thought she liked Honggi when she first came to Korea, when she was seen being so close to him, everyone knew about it (beside from media), while Hannah secretly had been admiring Jonghyun. He always makes her feel better, puts a smile in her face through just a simple text message. At the beginning when the language barrier was still a problem and Hannah was struggling each day to just get up from bed because the girls were working and practicing all days so they barely got any sleep, at that time when she could run off and cry by herself because it was so hard, Jonghyun always found her. Coming to Korea, not knowing the language and neither did the ladies know much about neither singing nor dancing, they had a lot to learn at the beginning, and staying away from their families wasn’t so easy either. They had a lot of struggles and fights, and somehow whenever Hannah ran away from them, just to calm herself or think things through, Jonghyun appeared. What he did was to usually just sit down next to her, not say a thing because she couldn’t understand, and he just sat there and comforted her with his presence. It always made her feel better for some reason, to have him sit there. He didn’t look at her, he was just there, and at times he would sit so close that their shoulders could touch, and Hannah can remember how no words had to be said between them for her to feel better. It is still the same. And at that time she didn’t know that Jonghyun liked her, that he used to hear from others at the agency that 5 Pieces had fought or something and he would go around looking for her, just to sit down and wait for her to calm down, to let her know she wasn’t alone. She found out about it later; they both found out later that they had noticed each other more than how they noticed others since the first day they met.

She found a good friend in Honggi, but it became too much in the end and her punching him felt like a conclusion.

Only it wasn’t.

Hannah is still confused with what happened on New Year, the day when all of them were preparing for the final year-end show that would end 2012 and welcome 2013. She was still furious at Honggi over what he had said, but Jonghyun wanted her to see it from Honggi’s point of view; his two close friends had hidden their relationship from him, knowing that he likes the girlfriend. Honggi had felt outside, Jonghyun told her, and though she didn’t want to talk to Honggi, he had made her do it. It was confusing everything, but it seems like they have forgotten everything. Hannah and Jonghyun are okay, of course, but Hannah has told Honggi that she will need time to calm down. They are friends, just … not as they were before.

Hannah has had too much drama between Honggi and Jonghyun that she just wants it all to be over, for them to just take each day as a good day and keep on. She has only met Honggi once after New Year, and it was as if nothing has ever happened between them with all the drama going on, but that time they met it was on a talk show – Hannah doesn’t know if she was acting the whole time or if she actually felt that they are friends again, but now she is confused over everything and she is wondering how their trip to Malaysia will end up.

She leans her head back on the rest of her seat, sighing.

“No drama in Malaysia,” Hannah says which Maria seems to think is a great idea as she is nodding in agreement.

“We’ll have fun,” Maria says with a smile. “No boys, no drama – just 5 Pieces. And boys, we can’t skip them.”


++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++


This place seems familiar. Walking through a corridor backstage, in a country that is just as unfamiliar to her as it has been in the US, she still feels familiar and safe here. Almost a week ago 5 Pieces left Korea, spending five days in the US, and for the first time since then, Hannah is feeling safe in her surrounding. They aren’t back in Korea yet and she is just as much stranger in Malaysia as she is in the US, yet she can’t help but to feel different here. It’s the people. All around here there are faces she recognizes – idols, stylists, managers and staff – walking around and preparing for the award show just as she is familiar with in Korea.

A long and tired flight has made her head feel heavy, but she is still smiling when turning around, seeing another familiar face jog up to the girl-group that just arrived.

“What’s up with the pants?” FT Island’s handsome smile Jonghun chuckles with his eyes down on Hannah’s legs. Her good mood changes just slightly over the comment and she grimaces as she is reminded on that she is still wearing the horrible outfit. Her members said it would be no fun if their friends couldn’t make fun of her about it backstage, so she has to wear it during the rehearsals for Golden Disk Awards. To see it the positive way; right when arriving, 5 Pieces is heading to do their rehearsal because they are the last ones to arrive, so if Hannah is lucky no one will really catch her in this outfit.

“I was fooled by the ladies,” Hannah answers him.

He smiles at her, moving his head in judgement over the pink pants before he takes a long step forward, getting up in front of Hannah to where Julia is walking and Hannah can only smile again when seeing how he warmly puts an arm around Julia’s shoulders and jokingly is on his way to give her a peck on the cheek; to which Julia reacts on right away and pushes his face away. From behind Hannah can hear Jonghun laugh.

“Have you been bored without us, handsome?” Maria asks him when seeing how happy their friend is to see them.

Hannah looks behind them again, hearing the others having fun joking about missing each other. She can’t see anyone else coming to greet them. Emelia makes her look forward again when grabbing her arm; Hannah had been looking behind them so she couldn’t see that she was missing the way out to the stage, making Emelia turn her to head the right direction.

Jonghun waves to the ladies when heading off, letting them prepare for their rehearsal. Hannah is getting her microphone while checking the surroundings; it’s an outdoor stage, fitting a big audience and once again she finds herself not paying enough attention while the staff is telling the girls how the rehearsals will be like. The Malaysian staff speaks English to them while the Korean staff speaks Korean, and 5 Pieces get up on the stage.

“Hold it,” Maria interrupts suddenly, a hand in the air to stop people from talking and she gives a comment in English; “That’s completely weird.”

The leader is talking through the microphone so all the staff can hear her, and the members are also looking confused. Apparently they had no idea of what songs they will perform at the award show, and since the group has been in the US they haven’t prepared anything, and now hearing about what songs they will perform makes Hannah think she is not prepared at all.

“I haven’t even practiced that song,” Maria says in Korean, then quietly adds when being asked if she can’t do it; “No, I can do it, I just didn’t’ know about it.”

Back in 2012, Maria made her solo debut with the single [Me, Myself & I] that showed off her unique style, and now she is told that she is going to perform it on the award show. The group thought they would perform two of their songs, but is now told they will perform two group songs, and then two of the solo songs. Three songs promoted in 2012, one song promoted in 2011. 5 Pieces’ [Black & White] from their third album promoted in October to the end of the year, Maria’s [Me, Myself & I] that she in bright colours promoted back in April, and also Hannah’s [I CRY] that was released digitally in February almost a year ago. All three songs are completely different from each other, and they have all been high on the music charts in not just Korea but in other countries too – Asia and Europe. Hannah’s [I CRY] came first on the weekly music shows for six weeks in a row and then more, chosen as the second song of the year after PSY’s [Gangnam Style]. It might be a ballad, but it is a deep ballad. [Black & White] got six weeks in a row on Show Champion, but not on the other music programs, but the song still got popular from live performance quality and choreography. The last song is [I Love You], from 2011 and 5 Pieces first song with a “cute” concept.

In other words, 5 Pieces impressed in 2012 with their variety of songs and concepts, and great live performance skills. And according to the other members, they will keep doing so. Hannah at the moment is just getting question after question in her head about performing [I CRY]. She wonders if she will perform it alone, so when the group is heading up to take their positions for [Black & White] she turns to Carolina standing closest to her.

“Is someone going to play the piano?” she whispers to her friend with a worried face-expression.

Carolina hears wrong though, thinking she asks do you want to play the piano? and because of that shines up in a smile. “I can play it for you,” Carolina answers and raises her hand for a high-five. Since it was neither the question Hannah asked nor the answer she wanted, Hannah just sighs and takes her position without pleasing with a high-five, so Carolina looks upset too.

Though that is just briefly. When their song starts to play, they start to move their bodies to the music and it always feels the best at this time – on stage, performing. It might just be a rehearsal, Hannah wearing pink pants and the weather is hot, but [Black & White] is always seriously rehearsed and performed, an enjoyment for the members.

The rehearsals of the songs might go well, but in between, Hannah has never felt so confused on stage before. She doesn’t know if they are going to talk or if she is supposed to go to another part of the stage or even if she is supposed to get down or sing another song… It’s so much confusion that in the end she just stands there and waits for someone to simply tell her what to do and where to go, looking like an innocent question-mark – or she looks like she is too lazy and tired to do anything else. Either way, she can not wait to get backstage and greet her friends that will put her in a less confused state.


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Headline 14th: Korea’s Second Best Book Of The Week Is ‘Joe – Under Seoul’s Streets’

Headline 14th: Repackaged Album [WHO- I AM] RELEASED!

Headline 14th: 5 Pieces To Make Appearance On Ellen DeGeneres Show Again

Headline 14th: (America) The Tattooed 5 Pieces Tops The Dance Charts With [Daze]

Headline 14th: Is 5 Pieces Looking Down On Others?

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++


Ask anything if there are any questions~

I’m trying to fill in everything for those that don’t want to read the whole story from winglin, but it is quite a lot so I’m sure I’m missing something, so feel free to ask~~ ^^,


X. devonalias


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Could you upload these storys from to here please!!
Chapter 10: lol! This is so cute! I looove criminal minds <3
Seems like a fic I would read.
Lemme grab my popcorn. :D
illlusionist #4
I almost believed the existence of this group.I love your style of writing. Looking out for more updates!!

With thanks and regards
arescom #5
seems nice.