Chapter 39

Youngest of Pieces: [WHO- I AM] (8)


Day two for their arena tour in Fukuoka is going well. The actual concert hasn’t begun yet, but all the ladies are in great moods. Emelia got a wish come true – which though is making the other ladies jealous and Maria keeps cursing backstage – by going to Korea in the morning to interview Robert Downey Jr. Who is better than him? Maybe Johnny Depp, but 5 Pieces’ very own Emelia has interviewed THE Robert Downey Jr.! It’s completely insane. And Emelia has been repeating the whole meeting with him for everyone she has met today, boasting louder whenever Maria has been around just to give a smirk at Maria’s cursing. Hannah has laughed so many times at it, telling Emelia over and over again how lucky she is and then when Maria steps up to Hannah to curse and curse again, Hannah is just nodding in agreement. Jealousy over their friend’s luck, Maria might be cursing at Emelia whenever hearing the stories from this morning, but it isn’t really real cursing because the ladies are just as proud as they are jealous because not everyone has a sister who has met Robert Downey Jr.

While Emelia has been boasting wildly the whole day, Hannah has been addicted to play around with their pets that follow them around anywhere. Ryo is the best puppy every; he follows whatever she says to sit, lie down, give her a paw, come and stay… He is adorable. Hannah takes pictures and even filming short clips of him. Michin doesn’t want to listen as much as Ryo, though he goes insane when seeing that Ryo gets candy when doing well so he copies Ryo adorably. It’s great how their stylist captures that moment of Hannah sitting on the floor, telling Ryo to sit down and when Ryo does it, Michin next to does it too, but only after noticing what Ryo does. Hannah laughs and praises them both.

“That’s hilarious,” Mi Young laughs too when squatting down to show Hannah the clip she just filmed, and when giving Hannah the cell phone the stylist picks up Michin in her arms. “You are too much like the ladies… That one, on the other hand-” Hannah chuckles when Mi Young looks at Ryo with raised eyebrows. “-you are just like Hannah.”

“Am I not part of the ladies?” Hannah giggles, as ‘the ladies’ is 5 Pieces.

“But you are not like this one,” Mi Young answers while cutely cuddling with Michin.

Hannah uploads the short clip of the puppies on twitter.

{Twitter, 5P_HANNAH: Concert tonight in Fukuoka, but I don’t forget to train the puppies, they listen so well xD (video)}

It’s raining in Fukuoka, but the crowd that has been waiting outside the building doesn’t seem bothered by it. The puppies loved it when they got to go outside to run around a little at the back of the building in the rain, which 5 Pieces’ managers though didn’t like because … wet puppies aren’t really the best by both smell and the fact that 5 Pieces can’t stop cuddling with their pets makes the ladies not as clean as they should be during the day’s rehearsals. So after being scolded, the ladies are put on a small distance to focus on just the rehearsal.

The day’s rehearsals go well. They had yesterday’s concert to think about during the rehearsals, the second day always going better than the first. The whole day they have been filming for their Japan DVD, filming of them playing outside in the rain and then playing on stage with each other and the dancers and also when getting ready backstage for the concert.

“Where are the heels?” Julia wonders when squatting down below the clothes to look through the mess of shoes. Looking at whose name is written in the high heels she is going through, not finding her own. Yong Hyun squats down next to her, not bothered at all by the camera that is filming the girl, and he sorts out some of the shoes.

“Maria has been here,” Yong Hyun chuckles, a joke or not for the camera but he is still blaming the leader for the mess of their stage shoes.

“I heard you!” Maria calls out from across the room and Julia giggles.

“Wait. Your heel was ruined at yesterday’s concert,” Yong Hyun remembers and he goes over to another part of the room, returning with the high heels. “I fixed them.”

“Thanks,” Julia kindly takes the high heels. The heel on one of the shoes had broken yesterday at the concert, a small mistake. She smiles at the camera when turning around to go put the high heels on. “Yong Hyun is a genius.”

She says it in Korean though it is for their Japanese fans, but they have been told to speak Korean if they can’t speak Japanese and that is what Julia is doing.

Hannah has stepped outside the room and is standing in another room where she is greeting the celebrities that today has come. Carolina and Emelia are also there, greeting some Japanese baseball player while Hannah is standing and talking to another Japanese man, who isn’t a singer or entertainer but a business man.

“Do you think your friend will like the gift?” the man asks Hannah when she has taken his hand for a shake.

“Yes, I really hope so. Thank you so much for that,” Hannah makes sure to sound like she really, deeply means it, which she also does.

He smiles at her. “I would do anything for you,” he friendly tells her and Hannah giggles. “A lot of people ask me for a favour, but not many at all want to pay for it.”

“They want it for free? No way!” Hannah laughs.

“No, it’s true, which was why I gladly helped you out. And I really appreciate the SNSD album I got signed, it’s really pretty.”

Hannah rarely uses her contacts like this, but with Jonghyun’s birthday coming up she felt bad for letting him being the one paying for everything in their relationship. She had used Taemin as a spy to know what kind of manga Jonghyun prefers and he let her know some different ones that Hannah then looked up in Japan and that special favour she asked for was to get an issue that hasn’t been released just yet, so Hannah used her contacts to get these special and hard-to-get mangas. Hopefully he will like them. Hannah had done a favour to the man too, by giving him a personally signed album by SNSD for himself and a signed album by 5 Pieces to his niece. Hannah is awful when it comes to gifts, so it hit her when she went to Japan that she can buy something, and if she thinks of Japan and Jonghyun it is obvious it’s manga.

“I’ll enjoy the concert,” he tells Hannah with a smile when they are parting.

Hannah has only met him a few times, but he is friendly because she pays for the thing she asks for without problem and any businessman likes a person who doesn’t ask for free things. And he likes that he can get some more knowledge if he shows he knows a member in 5 Pieces – which means Hannah didn’t have to pay the full price for the mangas she bought.

After greeting and being social with the famous guests backstage, the ladies get ready for some interviews. Dressed in their opening outfits the ladies sits down in a room with a small blanket over their legs – as Maria and Carolina are in shorts – and the interviews today are actually not for the Japanese or Korean TV, but for a French show that has begged for a week to get a brief interview.

And of course, the first question asked is why 5 Pieces started to like K-Pop in the beginning. A basic question asked wherever they go outside the usual places, so France of course has to ask it too though the girl-group has been answering that question for five years already. Though it was not until three years ago that the media outside Asia started to notice that a Swedish group is becoming famous as a K-Pop group; Swedish magazines wanted to interview them at that time.

“K-Pop at the time we started to listen to it was not as big and unique as it is today. When we started to listen it was more like a … a familiarity to the American pop with boy-bands and we really liked to see these groups forming, singing and performing with choreography and… It was music we couldn’t understand but it entertained us,” Maria is answering in English. “It just gets stuck in your head and that is what happened for us.”

“What made you decide you wanted to become a part of K-Pop?” the French reporter asks, having a woman sitting next to him and translating it to English for the ladies to answer.

“Just being fans of k-pop makes us part of k-pop, but what made us decide to come to Korea ourselves and form a group was because of an audition for a talent agency. When we heard about that audition we decided to try it out and to show that we are dedicated fans of k-pop and… …”

Emelia cuts Maria off after a few seconds silence to explain differently; “We usually says that we all loved music since we were kids, but when we listened to k-pop we wanted to make music too, so we formed a band where we practiced covers of these songs we like and when the audition came out it felt like we just have to join it and show who we are and what we love.”

Maria nods, saying that is exactly what happened.

They all remember that time. They were in the same school; Julia hadn’t joined their group of friends when they started out with the band. Hannah played the drums, and she remembers how they tried out all kind of songs by the band The TraX. It was a lot of fun, and they started to do it whenever they could at school by borrowing the music room there. They learnt to use the instruments on their own, using YouTube and each other, and Carolina had the luck of that she already knew how to play the guitar so it was easier for her to learn to play the bass. But they practiced hard. Hannah can’t make out the time if it was a whole year or just half a year later when Julia joined them. But she joined them, and they started to play as five for maybe half a year in school before that audition for SM Entertainment came out. And within weeks, 5 Pieces was making their way to Korea.

Hannah ran away from home because she was told to not go by her family, Maria’s sisters were telling her to just have fun and enjoy Seoul, Carolina’s family told her to contact them every day two or three times, Julia’s mother cried and Emelia’s parents gave her pills and more for the flight and to watch out what she eats. Each family was different, and when the ladies met up they all had different things to tell each other – different advices they had got from their families. Hannah didn’t get any advice from her family because they told her just not to go.

Thinking of it now, Hannah wonders what would have happened if she really did as she was told – if she didn’t come to Korea in 2008 with her friends. 5 Pieces would be 4 Pieces, and there wouldn’t be a blonde short girl sitting on their very left side now, five years later doing an interview.

“Most K-pop girl-groups have very cute and adorable images with their songs, what made 5 Pieces not follow that image? You have a tougher image, why?”

“When we made our debut, there weren’t really that many groups as there are now, but the girl-groups that did become popular had a very cute concept. But … 5 Pieces debuted through an audition that aired on TV in Korea, where we kind of created our image by being ourselves as the viewers saw us practice there, so the agency decided that we can’t take on the cute and adorable image like other girl-groups, though later in our career we have tried it on in our way,” Maria is answering when getting the question translated. They were a rock-band when they first came to Korea too, but they have kind of pushed that information on the side.

“But how could you become popular by not taking on the usual image? What made the fans start to like you? Because you weren’t Korean, you didn’t have the usual cute image… What was it that made them like you?”

This time Maria glances at her members, but then brings the microphone to her own lips when no one looks like they want to answer.

“Thanks to the audition we were able to show ourselves to the viewers, so those that watched it I think got used to that we weren’t Koreans and they saw our hard work behind the stage before we took on the stage… … And … according to what we have heard, the viewers liked that we weren’t the typical girl-group… Our image was always compared to boy-groups, tough and charismatic instead of cute, and the viewers liked that because it was something they weren’t used to see, I think.”

“Are you actually treated like Koreans and like any other k-pop group or do people think of that you aren’t from Korea?”

“In the beginning, everyone thought of us as foreigners and we can understand that because we are foreigners. We barely spoke Korean. But … now, I think we are treated like anyone else,” Emelia is the one answering this time.

Hannah is sitting there, hoping it will end soon so they can prepare for the concert. She is longing to get on the stage… Julia sitting next to her seems to be restless for the stage too.


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After the concert, somewhere between 8-9PM (today’s concert began at 5PM so they have some time to relax afterwards) the ladies of 5 Pieces head home to their apartment in Tokyo with train, which takes about five hours so they don’t reach Tokyo until two in the morning. Though it’s late when they come to the apartment, they have slept on the train to be a little awake for a beauty night.

A beauty night is what Maria says; face masks, nail art and soft music with the ladies hanging out without having the TV on, or the music being loud and just simple low music with each other’s company. That is what they had planned to have when coming back to the apartment tonight and that is what they will do.

One after one they shower, gather up in either a one-piece or for Carolina it is a dressing-gown in the living-room where Emelia is the one turning on the soft music and Maria taking out all the nice nail colours. The other ladies do it too.

Hannah giggles when seeing Maria sitting there with a whole box; fake nails with beautiful and fun art on it and lining things up on the living-room table. Ace is curiously standing on the table and looking at what she is taking up.

“What did Jonghyun think of the birthday gift then?” Julia wonders when she comes inside the room, busy brushing her messy hair after the shower.

“He hasn’t gotten it yet,” Hannah answers, picking up a colour Maria has put on the table to look closer at it. Lilac or red? Hannah glances up at Julia again. “It will come to his address on either Monday or Tuesday.”

“His home with his family or his home with SHINee?” Julia wonders and Maria gives a sudden laugh.

“Imagine his family’s reaction if their son’s girlfriend sends an expensive gift like that,” Maria laughs.

“It’s to SHINee’s dorm,” Hannah smiles, answering the question. “It wouldn’t be smart to send a gift to his family because they might think I am boasting over the money I don’t have or the contacts that I use. And I’m not that kind of girlfriend.”

“It would still be fun if you had sent it to his family,” Maria smiles.

Hannah gives her a grimace before showing the nail colour in her hand. “What colour is this?”


“Oh…” Hannah stares down at her hand. Neither lilac nor red… she thinks and puts it back to look at the other colours. Maria gives a laugh and picks up some colours, asking which one she should use.

“Or should I take several?”

Hannah has no idea of how Maria can make these beautiful nail art that she does – always fascinated by it – but Hannah is satisfied with just one colour on her nails, not good with complicated things. She doesn’t have the patience for it. Emelia and Carolina joins them in the living-room, sitting down in the sofa and all the ladies are glancing at what colours to use. For tomorrow’s PV filming of [Let Me Love] – seriously there is so many PV filming for this album – the stylist agreed to let 5 Pieces make their own nails.

“What happened with the facial masks?” Julia wonders when Maria has started to pain a nail and all four girls looks up at her.


Hannah and Carolina bursts out laughing when hurrying away to go get the facial masks on, Julia running after them as they are putting it on in the bathroom. Maria shouts out in complaining when finishing her one nail and she joins up with the other members after Emelia, continuing to complain for that they didn’t remember that earlier.

The girls are laughing when putting on the masks, making fun of each other’s faces and Emelia is fast to out of nowhere have her camera in hand, taking pictures of them through the bathroom mirror and the girls are pushing their heads close together to fit with the facial masks on, pouting out with their lips and doing v-signs and more. It’s hilarious because Emelia’s camera takes the best pictures and the girls are having a blast on their own. Maria sneaks a picture with her cell phone too of them in the bathroom’s mirror, and when heading back to the living-room she uploads it on Instagram to tell the world that 5 Pieces takes care of their skin after schedule to prepare for the next day’s schedule.

While fixing their nails too, Maria takes two pictures of that to upload on Instagram and she laughs when seeing that fans are already commenting on the first picture she uploaded.

“I got no idea of what eyes that person is looking with when he says we are pretty,” Maria laughs and shows her cell phone to the members just briefly; they don’t catch anything on the screen. “Ha! And this person wonders why we haven’t gone to sleep yet. Duuuh, it’s not that late. Ya, Carolina, were you trying some kind of pose or something?”

“But it looks good,” Carolina pouts and leans over to see the picture. “It’s good!”

“It’s not good. You look like a fool,” Maria responses.

“She is a fool.”

Carolina gives Emelia a glare when sitting back down, but the others are smiling so Carolina starts to smile too.

Though the ladies spend all the days together at the schedule in Japan, it is nice to just hang out without having cameras around you. For their arena tour they are always surrounded by some kind of camera filming backstage, for their Japanese DVD or for something else, and tomorrow they will be in front of the cameras too for the promotion video filming… It’s nice to be able to relax around each other, not having to think of that they can’t do certain face-expressions and especially about talking about things, because even if 5 Pieces is known to be very natural in front of the cameras, they can’t speak about Jonghyun, ‘We Got Married’, that a part of their body is itching and usual things that girls talks to each other about. It’s nice to sit there, fix their nails for tomorrow and talk about all these things while forgetting the time.

And spending time like this with her members, Hannah can stop thinking about Jonghyun for a while. She keeps thinking of him, wanting to see him. It’s been two weeks since they saw each other, and she smiles when thinking of that it has just been two weeks but it feels like two months. Maybe because she knows she can’t see him now when he is at the hospital she is missing him so much, and they don’t contact each other as much either because … well, he is at the hospital and they have their rules, but she is glad his sister keeps contacting her to tell her how he is doing. Yesterday she also texted Hannah to say that Jonghyun is going on her nerves missing Hannah, though his sister still sent that text message with a funny icon to not let Hannah take it the wrong way. They are a sweet family.

It’s difficult though, to have all these feelings inside her. She goes insane thinking of Jonghyun, remembering everything about him when she can’t see him. She always watches that Polaroid picture they took on Valentines Day. It was a good evening with good memories. At times she gets confused, her head swirling around and making her dizzy when she thinks of Jonghyun and then some thoughts about the stage and performing tries to get place too and she just wants to hold her head still though she is completely still. The dizziness over her feelings makes her confused and thinks it is difficult, because even if she takes these short moments to spend with Jonghyun, she is the entire time feeling apologetic to her members, the staff and all their fans. Her fans don’t know anything. Some asks if she can’t get back together with Honggi, saying they looked pretty together in the drama a year ago. Hannah doesn’t like that. Others wants to make sure she isn’t too close to Honggi, the only person she has admitted ever dating though it was just briefly. What would they react if they found out about Hannah and Jonghyun? Would it be like when 5 Pieces debuted? Would she be able to perform? Would her fans hate her? She knows Jonghyun’s fans would, they would hate her and call her awful words and send her threats and…

Shaking her head, Hannah sighs.

She would love to be able to show their relationship in public, because in the end of the day, she is human and she is able to love. Fans seem to forget that at times. She feels bad hiding it from them, all these fans that says they love her, saying she is pretty no matter what she does… And she is lying to them all.

With another sigh, Hannah lies down in the sofa. Her nails are done, and Emelia sitting next to her is sitting at the edge of the seat so Hannah fits lying on her side behind her.

“You keep sighing again,” Emelia mutters without taking her attention away from her nails.

“It’s a bad habit…” Hannah sighs again, lifelessly looking at Ace stretching out on the sofa above her head. “Were you angry at me for not telling you about me and Jonghyun in the beginning…?”

Julia looks up from her nails that she is redoing again, looking over at Emelia who is sitting in the way for her to see Hannah lying in the back. When Hannah and Jonghyun first started their relationship, they kept it secret even for their members for a few months. It wasn’t always so difficult because Hannah spent half of that time at the hospital after a car accident, but she was always feeling bad for just letting Maria and Key know about it. When telling the other members around Christmas that first year, both Emelia and Julia said they had figured that out already and they weren’t surprised. But Hannah doesn’t know if they were angry at her for keeping it secret for so long.

“I was disappointed,” Emelia shortly answers, still focusing on her nails. “And I was entertained to see how silly the two of you were when trying to hide from us. You at it, by the way.”

Hannah pouts behind Emelia’s back. “But you are angry at Jonghyun all the time.”

“Of course I am! He’s an idiot and he shouldn’t put so much pressure on you and he has completely fallen for you so he is blindly walking around doing whatever he feels like,” Emelia answers in a strict low voice, making the youngest pout even more.

“Which, Emelia means, isn’t good since your relationship is a secret,” Maria kindly adds for the youngest, the only member who actually can see Hannah’s face from where she is sitting on Emelia’s other side in the sofa with some space between them.

“I don’t think I was angry, I just-”

“I was angry,” Carolina interrupts Julia with an overdoing pout. “I thought we were all singles, like five pieces of a puzzle, and all of a sudden you said you and Jonghyun have been a couple for a few months! I was heartbroken.”

“But she is happy now when seeing how happy you are,” Maria kindly adds and this time, the ladies can’t help but to giggle at her try to keep it positive. Hannah’s sad face shows it is something going on in her head, and Maria is the only one who can see it. “Why are you asking this?”

“I’m confused,” Hannah sighs and sits up, pulling up her knees to hug her legs. Careful to not touch her nails. “Am I failing being part of 5 Pieces? Am I doing completely wrong for not being dedicated 100% with us five because of Jonghyun?”

Emelia turns around, her small eyes looks at Hannah. “You are 100% dedicated to 5 Pieces,” Emelia tells her, not caring that Hannah looks to get teary eyes. “All five of us are and we know it, which is why we keep working hard together. If you have a boyfriend or not: we know the truth whether you tell us or not. Well… Carolina might know, but that’s not the point.”

Hannah smiles at the joke at the end, and Carolina is actually nodding at the other end of the sofa. She was the only member not knowing Hannah and Jonghyun was in a relationship that Christmas when Hannah told them, as Maria had known since the beginning and the other two thought it was obvious. Clueless Carolina.

“And me being angry at Jonghyun is just to make sure he treats you well,” Emelia adds in a matter of fact tone. Hannah smiles again and she nods when Emelia asks if she is satisfied with that.

As long as 5 Pieces doesn’t have anything against it, Hannah can live with the pain in her heart for cheating on her fans like this. Emelia turns back to her nails, placing them on the table to finish painting them just as the other members does. Julia is done now too. Hannah leans a little forward, resting her head on Emelia’s shoulder-blade. She has the best friends ever, the best life. Emelia is smiling widely over the tiny skinship between them, because she knows that Hannah’s simple touch like that means a lot.


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For the next two days, 5 Pieces are filming the promotional video for the Japanese song [Let Me Love]. 5 Pieces are tired the first day from the concerts the two day’s before, but they are happy and polite and they keep hugging each other. On the second day filming it ends early, so 5 Pieces heads to the apartment where they all fall asleep within an hour. Tired and exhausted, they surely deserve the sleep.

Emelia and Manager Lee are the two heading out on the dinner walk with the puppies, talking about the tough schedule and how exhausted they are. But a good night’s sleep will make all the exhausted fade away, so 5 Pieces will in the morning be happy on their feet again. Emelia predicts that, and early the next morning, her prediction has gotten true.

Still half-asleep, Hannah and Maria are in linked arm leaving station when reaching Hiroshima after hours on the train. They had make-up and hair fixed before leaving, as well as their outfits put on, but they have been sleeping almost the whole ride so it feels like just waking up again. Getting in the van prepared for them, they head to a restaurant that Manager Kawayama had looked up online. The girls are slowly waking up when getting to the restaurant, and once they have started to eat you can see the spark in their eyes changing and the chatting starts.

In the middle of the day, 5 Pieces makes a brief radio visit in Hiroshima before going to the fan meeting there. It’s a lot of fun with the fan meetings because each fan meeting ends with a fan-signing of the album [Run Out]. Today too, 5 Pieces gets to sit down by a long table on the stage while fans are lining up on the side. The Japanese fans seems just as dedicated as 5 Pieces; they dress up (both boys and girls) and they even study either Korean or Swedish to say a compliment in that language, others have gifts with them with the most amazing self-made things that fascinated the ladies and Hannah just can’t stop talking in Japanese.

A lot of fans, no matter where they go, ask Hannah if she is eating and asking why she is loosing more weight. Hannah has tried to gain weight after she got sick a while back, but for some reason (maybe because of their hectic schedule where Hannah doesn’t eat much) she doesn’t gain anything at all. She promises everyone who asks about it that she will gain it, just to not make them worry, and deeply on the inside she tells herself that she will not break the promise with her fans.


Hannah doesn’t forget what day it is today though, sending a birthday text message to Jonghyun. It takes hours before he answers, and his answer is actually a phone call.

What’s up with the present?! You really got it for me?” Jonghyun sounds surprisingly happy when he asks her, and Hannah smiles.

“You don’t like it?”

I totally loves it! But where did you get the money from? It’s expensive!

“It’s your present, you shouldn’t know how much it costs, Jonghyun,” Hannah laughs. Though he sounds to be complaining, he sounds very happy.

I looked it up online… It’s expensive. You could have sent me a picture of you dressed up like Nico Robin or something less expensive,” Jonghyun sounds to be pouting.

“If you don’t want it, I can always send it back,” Hannah pouts back. She keeps smiling when hearing him laugh. He is in a really good mood.

I love it, thank you, nabi.

She can’t stop smiling listening to his voice, hearing how happy he is and knowing he got happy for the present she got for him.


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Headline 05th: 5 Pieces’ Emelia Gets To Interview Robert Downey Jr.!

Headline 05th: Hannah Shares A Cute Video Of 5 Pieces’ Puppies

Headline 05th: 5 Pieces Ends Their Fukuoka Concert, Shares Picture To Thank Their Fans

Headline 05th: Maria Uploads Pictures Of 5 Pieces’ Spa Night At Their Apartment In Tokyo


Headline 06th: ‘We Got Married’ Hyunsuk & Maria Goes On A Tokyo Date


Headline 07th: Robert Downey Jr. Talks About 5 Pieces, Iron Man 3 And His Birthday With 5 Pieces’ Emelia

Headline 07th: Emelia Gets Praise From Robert Downey Jr. When Interviewing Him

Headline 07th: 5 Pieces Drives Bangkok Crazy With Their Performances On MBC Korean Music Wave Broadcast


Headline 08th: Korea’s Second Best Book Of The Week Is ‘Joe – Under Seoul’s Streets’

Headline 08th: 5 Pieces Have Fun In Hiroshima With Their Japanese Fans

Headline 08th: 5 Pieces Performs [Run Out] On HEY! HEY! HEY! Music Champ


Headline 09th: Maria Shows Hilarious Picture Of 5 Pieces Rushing To Kitakyushu After Hiroshima On Instagram


Headline 10th: 5 Pieces Confirmed For 2013 K-Pop Dream Concert On May 11

Headline 10th: Emelia Shares Picture On Maria’s Instagram Of 5 Pieces’ Filming A CF In Korea

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X. devonalias


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Could you upload these storys from to here please!!
Chapter 10: lol! This is so cute! I looove criminal minds <3
Seems like a fic I would read.
Lemme grab my popcorn. :D
illlusionist #4
I almost believed the existence of this group.I love your style of writing. Looking out for more updates!!

With thanks and regards
arescom #5
seems nice.