chapter 6

In This World .. Let Me Only Love You

Yun Hee's POV

 I'm here standing outside in front of Jonghyun's house. Should I knock or should I just leave? But where will I go if I leave?

 Taemin said that Jonghyun is upset and he doesn't want to be bother coz he likes being alone when he is sad or mad. What should I do?

 I knock on the door but no one answered, I twisted the knob and found it opened. He's here. I sneak in quietly to see if Jonghyun is in the living room, but he was not there. I continued walking to the kitchen and take a peek but no Jonghyun. Maybe he is in his room. I tiptoed and saw the door
a bit open, I peek in to see what he is doing. I saw bottles and cans of alcoholic scattered everywhere. The room was a mess, all the stuff are on the floor, there was even a broken figurine. Then I saw Jonghyun sitting down at the floor, his face was resting on his hands. I heard hi sobs, he
was crying.

 "SeKyung is lucky to have him, why did she let him slip away?" I muttered to myself.

 "How come? Why did you leave me Sekyung? I love you so much, why did you hurt me? Please take back all the things you said about us." he cried and cried.

 Then I remembered him. The person I love, the one who broke my heart. I was like Jonghyun when he left me. I was like that crying hard, crying my heart out.


 "Key, I love you." I said.

 "I love you too Yun Hee." Key replied and smiled at me.

 We've been together for three years. Since Jessica left him, he started to get interested in me. I was always at his side all the time, when they fight when they cool off and when they broke up. That way Key realized that he loves me.

 Key is my childhood crush, ever since I first saw him I started liking him. I was his bestfriend and so he is. I helped him court many girls especially with Jessica, even though it hurts. But when Jessica left him I was so thankful. Since then Key and I were inseperable.

 Until one day everything went wrong.

 "Yun Hee, I'm sorry. I still love Jessica." Key said.

 "But Key." I cried and cried when Key was breaking up with me.

 "I guess I only loved you because you were there all the time when I was down. But still I love Jessica, please don't make it hard for me Yun Hee." he said.

 "But what about me? You said y-you love me? Y-you said you're going to m-marry me." I said chokingly.

 "Marry you?" Jessica butted in, "I'm the one who will be marrying him." she hissed.

 "Key, I've waited for you for years. I was there when you were down, I was there when you fell. I love you, Key why are you going to throw our love just like that?" I asked still tears flowing down.

 "I thought that you could replace Jessica, but I was wrong. Now she's back, I realize I love her even when I was with you. No once can replace her from my heart, no one not even you." he said.

 "Key, please tell me your lying." I said begging him.

 "I'm sorry, but it's the truth." he said.

 I fell on my knees, "Key, please don't do this to me." I cried even more, "You told me I'm your Locket and your my Key. You said you'll never leave me."

 "I'm sorry, I was wrong." he said, "Jessica let's go."

 "Key! Please don't leave me. I love you!" I grabbed his hands. I was begging, pleading him to stay. "I'll do anything, just stay, don't leave me please Key." I said crying really hard. My sight was blurry.

 "Yun Hee, we're over. You can't do anything to replace Jessica in my heart." he said and left.

 He left me, he picked Jessica over me. I was all alone in a cold dark room. All my dreams instantly disappeared. My heart broken into pieces. All my dreams vanished.


 I look back to Jonghyun and saw his face dug in to the bed. His sleeping, he cried too much that he fell asleep. Poor Jonghyun, he doesn't deserve a relationhip like that.

 I quietly went in to the room to check if he is really sleeping. I smiled, at least he is sleeping soundly. But there's traces of tears on his cheeks.

 I started picking up the mess he did. I picked up the bottles and cans. Wiped the spilled alcohol.

 As I was picking up the pieces of figurine something struck my finger "Ouch." I uttered, I looked at my finger and it was bleeding. Gah, I'm scared of blood. The last time I saw blood I fainted. I instanly covered my eyes and went to the bathroom to wash my finger, I cleaned it and put a bandaid on it. Good thing Jonghyun has this kind of stuff here in his house. Then I continue cleaning.

 After cleaning, I took a towel and a lukewarm water. I have to clean him up.

 I took off his shoes and socks. I had a hard time taking off his shirt, two reason. First he is too heavy for a girl like me, and second I'm not used into looking at a man's body.

 I put on his white shirt and covered him with a blanket. "Sleep tight." I said.

 I made my way to the kitchen, he might be hungry if he wakes up. He just took two bites from the food we ordered at the restaurant.

 When I"m done, I sat down at the couch. I closed my eyes, and slowly, I drifted to dreamland.

 Jonghyun's POV

 Where the hell am I? I slowly opened my eyes and sat down. Aww, my head hurts. My eyes started to look around my room. It was dark but I managed to see my surrounding because of the moonlight.

 There's no trash to be found, no bottles or cans. Even the figurines I threw was nowhere. My room was mess when I was drinking and now it's clean? How did? Then I look at myself. I'm wearing a different shirt? I don't remember changing before sleeping. Wait, how the hell did I get on my bed?

 I was startled when my phone rang.

Jonghyun: Hello?
Taemin  : How are you? I've been calling you all day, why didn't you pick up?
Jonghyun: I was drunk and fell asleep.
Taemin  : Where's Hana?
Jonghyun: Hana?

 As soon as I remember Hana, I dropped my phone and stand up. Where is she? I left my room and saw the living room dark. No lights is on. Then I slowly walked and saw Hana sleeping on the couch. She was sleeping peacefully. Maybe she's the one who cleaned up my mess this day. I owe her.

 Then I carry her bridal style. Aish this girl sleeping on the couch, she might get a back ache. I lay her down on my bed. I smiled, "Thank you." I whispered in her ears.

 She then slightly moved, good thing she didn't woke up.

 I turned around but I heard her sobs, "Key, please don't leave me."

 I stared at her and notice that there were tears in her eyes. Who is Key? I left her and went to the kitchen to see if there's any food on the fridge. To my suprise there was, on the dining table. I smiled once again, Hana makes me smile. She's like my sister. Then I ate the food she left for me.


Here's an update again sorry for not updating too long, I was kinda busy. Phew! I'm okay now, no longer sick. Thanks for subscribing and commenting :)

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HyeMiGo #1
Chapter 48: Aigoooooo When are you going to update this story again?? :)
SHINing_Exotic #2
Aigooo yunhee just freaking remember jonghyun!!
Eliano #3
Pls update soon.
lululemon_lover24 #4
I want her to remember everything about Jonghyun and be happy and all<br />
....but I don't want this story to end soon! :( <br />
omg.<br />
<br />
jjong practically kidnapped her xD
SHINing_Exotic #6
Oh come on I hate cliffhangers!
Eliano #7
Pls update soon. <br />
Yunhee pls remember.<br />
Luv your story.
SHINing_Exotic #8
You're being unfair key. Yunhee should have a choice. It's her decision in who she picks to love
bad bad bad kibum!<br />
what about jjongie? :(