Chapter 22

In This World .. Let Me Only Love You

 Yun Hee's POV

 "Yun Hee." a familiar voice called me.

 I turned around and saw Key walking to me. I can't move my feet. It's as if I feel numb.

 He came closer to me nd hugged me.

 "I'm sorry." he whispered, I feel his sincerity.

 Though it was sincere, I have already moved on right? I'm already in love with someone else.

 I pull away from that hug.

 I look at him, tears was in his eyes.

 "I'm sorry for picking Jessica over you, I know I'm a jerk Yun Hee. I pushed you away from me. I realize that I was wrong for picking her over you. It was you whom I really love I was just blinded and corrupted by Jessica's words. I'm sorry for taking you for granted, Yun Hee I love you." he said and fall down on his knees.

 "Key," I stared at his tearful eyes, "I cried a lot because of you, I laughed a lot because of you, I believe in love because of you, and I had also lost everything because of you. You have torn my heart into million pieces," I said, "I don't know what I really feel towards you Key. Coz right now, someone caught me when I was falling, someone stretched his arms to catch me when you left me. I'm sorry, I have fallen in love with this guy."

 "I'm sorry Key." I whispered and ran off.

 I want to see Jonghyun, I want him to hug me and tell me that I did the right thing. I want him to be by my side, coz I know how weak I am. It's true that I have forgotten my feelings towards Key, but he is still my bestfriend and I might ran back to him if Jonghyun is not with me. I don't want to see my bestfriend crying.

 I ran as fast as I could, tears flowing down my face.

 Then I saw Jonghyun only to see him...

Jonghyun's POV

 What Yun Hee took so long?

 "Jonghyun." I heard a voice, a voice from the person whom I loved once.

 I turned around and saw Sekyung standing behind me.

 "Sekyung." I said.

 She hugged me, she started to sob, "Jonghyun, I'm sorry for leaving you. I've seen you suffer because of me. I'm sorry for breaking up with you I thought it was the best
way so that you could be happy, I thought that you'll return back to your family but I just made you suffer more."

 Then she kissed me. A kiss that started to melt my heart. A kiss that I had been longing for so long.

 When I opened my eyes, I saw Yun Hee. She saw me kissing Sekyung. Her redish eyes full of tears, her hands covering .

 "Yun Hee." I said.

 Sekyung turned around and look at the girl I'm staring at.

 I was about to walk towards her but then she ran off.

 I was about to ran after her when someone held my arms.

 "Jonghyun, don't leave me." Sekyung pleaded.

 "I'm sorry, but you left me first." I said taking away his hands from my arms and I ran off.

 "Yun Hee!" I shouted.

 "Yun Hee!" I yelled on top of my lungs.

 Then I saw her standing in front of a guy, then he hugged him.

 Taemin? No, it's impossible. Taemin is with Minho.

 And then I saw the guy's face, he held Yun Hee's hand.

 I saw both of them walk towards the car.

 Is she going to leave me now? Yun Hee.

 My feet started to walk, then I ran.

 The car started to drive off but I keep on chasing it.

 "Yun Hee!" I shout, "Yun Hee! Don't leave me!"

 When I can no longer chase the car, my feet started to feel tired, my body became numb. I can feel my heart being torn into million pieces.

 "Yun Hee!" I shouted as tears flow down my face.

 Then is started to rain, which washed the tears away from my face.

 I fell on my knees. I feel weak, I can't breathe.

 Key's POV

 I was about to leave when I saw Yun Hee walking towards me, she's crying.

 "Yun Hee." I said.

 "Key, please take me home." she said and hugged me.

 "What happened? Why are you crying." I asked.

 "Please Key, just take me home." she said.

 "Okay." I led her to my car and we drove off.

 Through the rearview mirror, I can see a man chasing us.

 "I think we should stop the car Yun Hee." I said.

 "No!" she said in a hard tone, "Keep driving, I don't want to see him anymore. Take me away with you."

 I speed up and I saw the man giving up.

 "What happened Yun Hee?" I asked, "You can always tell me what happened."

 "He chose her over me." she said and cried again.

 Yun Hee's POV

 'Jonghyun, why? You said you'll love me, you said you'll never leave me? You promise to stay by my side. Was it all a lie? I knew is, it was always her.
It will always be her. You should have told me straight to my face, why do you have to hurt me so badly?'

 "Goodbye." I whispered.

 Jonghyun's POV

 'Yun Hee, why did you leave? I thought you'll come with me. I thought you have forgotten about him. I thought that you will always be  at my side.' I thought to myself.

 I went back home and went straight to my room.

 Her scent still lingers there, her vanilla scent which I love.

 I cried on my bed.

 "Yun Hee!" I shouted.

 I was hoping she'll pop out somewhere and tell me that everything is okay. That she won't leave me, but she never appeared.

 "Jonghyun-ah, stop crying." I can hear someone's voice.

 I look up and saw Sekyung.

 She offered her shoulders and I grab her and cried on her.

 "I'm here Jonghyun, stop crying." she said.


Update, sorry for the late one. Sorry for making this story goes like this. Miahne. Kinda sad, their relationship was only about to begin. :(

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HyeMiGo #1
Chapter 48: Aigoooooo When are you going to update this story again?? :)
SHINing_Exotic #2
Aigooo yunhee just freaking remember jonghyun!!
Eliano #3
Pls update soon.
lululemon_lover24 #4
I want her to remember everything about Jonghyun and be happy and all<br />
....but I don't want this story to end soon! :( <br />
omg.<br />
<br />
jjong practically kidnapped her xD
SHINing_Exotic #6
Oh come on I hate cliffhangers!
Eliano #7
Pls update soon. <br />
Yunhee pls remember.<br />
Luv your story.
SHINing_Exotic #8
You're being unfair key. Yunhee should have a choice. It's her decision in who she picks to love
bad bad bad kibum!<br />
what about jjongie? :(