Chapter 41

In This World .. Let Me Only Love You

 Key's POV

 "Who are you?" Yun Hee asked.

 "Yun Hee?" I look at her.

 "We're your family Yun Hee." Mr. Park said, "I'm your dad and this is your mom."

 "Who is he?" Yun Hee asked looking at me, "Is he my brother?"

 "No, Yun Hee. He is your fiancee." Mr. Park said.

 "Fiancee?" she looked at me.

 I nodded. "Yun Hee." I hugged her. "I love you, I'm sorry."

 I was surprised when she hugged me back.

 "I-I love you too." she replied.

 Narrator's POV

 Three days passed and Yun Hee went back hom to her parents house. The doctor concluded that Yun Hee had a temporary memory loss
due to the accident. Her parents and Key are helping her to remember things.

 "We're home." Mr. Park said.

 "This your house?" Yun Hee asked.

 "Not your's but ours." Mrs. Park said.

 "Key, please take Yun Hee to her room. She must be tired." Mr. Park said.

 "Yes, Uncle." Key replied. "Yun Hee, come on. I'll take you to your room." he said as he offered his hand.

 Yun Hee reached for it. "Okay."

 Key's POV

 "This is your room." I said as I open the door.

 She didn't say a thing. Instead, she walk inside and look around. As if she was trying to remember anything.

 "Key, you are my fiancee right?" she asked.

 "Yes." I replied.

 She stopped in front of her cabinet and took a frame. She smiled.

 "Why are you smiling?" I asked.

 "We look happy here." she said staring at the picture.

 I walk towards her and I stood behind her. I look at the photo and I smiled.

 "Yeah." I said.

 She looked at me. "Key, do we fight?" she asked.

 "There are times." I said, "When I'm nagging at you."

 She smiled, "I hope we won't fight in the future." she said.

 I held her chin, "We won't. Let us just forget what happened between us in the past." I said as I kiss her forehead. In return
she hugged me.

 Taemin's POV

 "I heard that Yun Hee went back home." Yoseob informed me.

 "Really?" I looked at him, placing the papers I am scanning on the table.

 "Yeah, my brother Hyunseung told me who heard it from Kikwang." he said.

 "Why are you telling me this?" I asked.

 "I know you used to like her. She's a friend of yours. And I know you're waiting for a news from her." he smiled.

 "Yoseob, thank you." I said.

 "No problem. So I'm going to leave you with your work?" he said.

 "Thanks again. Take care." I said as he leaves.

 When he left, I called Jonghyun and told him everything.


Thank you guys for the positive response. If you guys really don't want me to delete this fic, okay. I won't. Thank you so much. You guys are my inspiration. From now on I will work hard much more harder just to satisfy you and reach your expectations. thankyou so much.



*sorry guys for the short update I was kinda sad. Or it would be better to say broken. hahaha. Just can't keep my focus up.  Sorry, reall am. while I was writing this, I was kinda crying my heart out. So please bear with this chapter.*

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HyeMiGo #1
Chapter 48: Aigoooooo When are you going to update this story again?? :)
SHINing_Exotic #2
Aigooo yunhee just freaking remember jonghyun!!
Eliano #3
Pls update soon.
lululemon_lover24 #4
I want her to remember everything about Jonghyun and be happy and all<br />
....but I don't want this story to end soon! :( <br />
omg.<br />
<br />
jjong practically kidnapped her xD
SHINing_Exotic #6
Oh come on I hate cliffhangers!
Eliano #7
Pls update soon. <br />
Yunhee pls remember.<br />
Luv your story.
SHINing_Exotic #8
You're being unfair key. Yunhee should have a choice. It's her decision in who she picks to love
bad bad bad kibum!<br />
what about jjongie? :(