Chapter 44

In This World .. Let Me Only Love You

 Yun Hee's POV

 "I'll be back here, so don't go anywhere okay?" Key kissed me on my cheeks.

 "Can I at least go over there?" I pointed at the department store.

 Key smiled at me, "There still one thing that didn't change on you, nae yeoja." he smiled. "Okay, I'll meet you up there. I'll be quick." he said.

 "Okay." I replied.

 I went to the department store which is located inside the hotel.

 "Good afternoon, Ma'am," the clerk greeted me.

 "Good afternoon," I replied.

 I went to the cocktail dress section.

 "Ma'am this looks good on you," she handed me a black off shoulder dress.

 "Then I'll take that, and thi also." I said as I handed her a simple yet red cocktail dress.

 I was waiting for the saleslady to come back when someone stood in front of me. A good looking man who seemed so familiar, at some point my heart started to beat fast.

 "Yun Hee." he said, he's eyes looks happy seeing me. But I don't know who he is.

 "Who are you?" I asked.

 Jonghyun's POV

 Onew informed me that Yun Hee is alone at the department store. So I rushed down there and search all over the store. I found her alone at the dress's section. I went to her and stood there for a long time. God knows how much I had been waiting for this day to happen. To see her once again. And I'd say, she's still gorgeously stunning even she's just wearing a simple carnation pink dress.

 "Yun Hee." I said.

 She looks surprise to see me. As if she never expected me. My heart jumps with joy. I know this sounds crazy but, as girls say, I feel like there are tons of butterflies in my stomach.

 "Who are you?" Yun Hee asked. That made me stop.

 'Who am I? Is she playing dumb with me?' I thought.

 "Yun Hee, it's been like forever since the last time I saw you and that's all you can say to me? Have you forgotten me?" I asked.

 She looks confused.

 "Yun Hee, it's me Jonghyun." I said as I held her hand. "The man who loves you more than anything in this world. The man who is willing to fight for you. The man you said you would only love. The man you helped to stand up once again."

 "I really don't know you, Mister." she said. "My fiancee told me not talk to any stranger."

 "But, Yun Hee. I'm not just a stranger to you, have you forgotten everything? Everything we've been through? The time when I found you at the shore when you tried to commit suicide?" I asked. "It's me Kim Jonghyun, don't you remember me?"

 "Yun Hee!" that voice.

 "Key!" Yun Hee instantlty went beside Key.

 "What are you doing here?" Key asked me.

 "I'm here to talk with Yun Hee." I replied.

 "There's nothing that you two should talk, leave my fiancee alone." Key said.

 "What did you do to Yun Hee?" I asked him.

 "I didn't do anything to her, so if you'll excuse us." Key said as he pull Yun Hee with him. I saw Yun Hee looking back at me, I can see through her eyes that she is somewhat sorry.

Key's POV

 "Who is that man?" Yun Hee asked when we reach the penthouse.

 "Some ." I replied.

 "Key, am I connected to that man?" she asked again. "Does something happened between us?"

 "Yun Hee, there's nothing going on between the two of you." I shouted.

 I saw Yun Hee took a step back. She looks scared.

 "I-I... I just wanted to know the truth," she stuttered. She went to her room and locked the door.

 I sighed. Why the hell did I yell at her?

 I knocked ath her door, "Yun Hee," I said.

 She did not answer.

 "Nae yeoja, I'm sorry." I said. "Please open the door."

 Still no response.

 "Baby, I'm really sorry. I was just jealous."

 "But that isn't enough for you to yell at me." her voice was quivering.

 I went to my room and took the some keys. I instantly opened her room and I found her sitting on the floor, her face was burried on her bed and she is silently crying. I went to her side and hug her.

 "Baby, I'm sorry I got mad at you for such a lame reason. I was just scared." I whispered in her ears.

 "Scared of what?" she replied still on that position not looking at me.

 "Scared of you leaving me," I replied.

 She looked at me, "Why would you think of that? Do I have any reason for leaving you?" she asked.

 'Yes, you might leave me because of him. I'm afraid that you'll remember everything and leave me alone.' I thought.

 I just hugged her tightly, "I'm sorry, nae yeoja. I'm really really sorry." I said.

 She then hugged me back, "Please don't get mad at me like that again. It scares the hell out of me." she said.

 "I'm sorry." I apologize again.

 Jonghyun's POV

 "I forgot to tell you that Yun Hee had a temporary amnesia." Onew said apologetically.

 I sighed. 'So that's why she can't remember anything about me. Of who I am and what I'm talking about.'

 "That's okay, I think I should do at least something for her to remember me." I replied.

 "Then what will you do?" Taemin asked.

 "I don't know." I replied.

 "Do something that will make her remember you, from simple things." Minho said.

 "Like?" I knitted my eye brow.

 "Like giving her things you gave her during the time you were together." Minho replied.

 "Yeah, I remember you ordered a whole lot of roses from my aunt's flower shop. Why not send her that many flowers."

 I sighed. "Do you think that will work?"

 "Don't you watch Korean Dramas?" Taemin asked. "Whenever a person has an amnesia, the one who loves him or her always gave her or bring her to the places they've been together before that happened."

 I chuckled, "But guys this is reality, and that is fantasy."

 "Don't be so stupid Jjong." Minho said. "You need to do something right? Then do as what we said."


Quick update!

Sorry for posting it really really late. Anyway, what do you think of the chapter? Is it lame? Sorry, it's kinda mess.

By the way check this blog about me making poster. thought I'm still an amateur, I'm willing to accept request to those who are interested, just fill this form.

Willing to give you my service.

btw thanks for commenting and for ubscribing :)


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HyeMiGo #1
Chapter 48: Aigoooooo When are you going to update this story again?? :)
SHINing_Exotic #2
Aigooo yunhee just freaking remember jonghyun!!
Eliano #3
Pls update soon.
lululemon_lover24 #4
I want her to remember everything about Jonghyun and be happy and all<br />
....but I don't want this story to end soon! :( <br />
omg.<br />
<br />
jjong practically kidnapped her xD
SHINing_Exotic #6
Oh come on I hate cliffhangers!
Eliano #7
Pls update soon. <br />
Yunhee pls remember.<br />
Luv your story.
SHINing_Exotic #8
You're being unfair key. Yunhee should have a choice. It's her decision in who she picks to love
bad bad bad kibum!<br />
what about jjongie? :(