Chapter 38

In This World .. Let Me Only Love You

 Yun Hee's POV

 "Umma? Appa? What do you mean next month?" I asked.

 "As Key told us, that he wants your wedding to be done as soon as possible and we just couldn't say no to him." my mom replied.

 "But mom, I don't love Key." I said.

 "Yun Hee, that's impossible. Plus what would Mr. and Mrs. Kim will tell us?" my father said.

 "But appa, umma."

 "No buts, you have to understand Yun Hee." my mom said.

 "And we just can't tolerate you anymore. Key can take care of you." my father said.

 Then we heard a knock, "Come in." my father said.

 Then Key entered, "Good morning Mama and Papa." he said.

 "Good morning son." my father smiled brightly.

 "Can I take Yun Hee now?" he asked politely.

 "Of course, go ahead on your date." my mom replied.

 Key held my hand and led me outside, towards his car. He opened the front door to let me in and he followed.

 When he was inside.

 "I heard you telling your parents that you don't love me jagiya." Key said.

 "I was just telling them the truth." I replied.

 He chuckled, "Jagiya, our wedding will be next month aren't you excited?" Key asked.

 "I'm not." I replied.

 Then I saw him change his expression, "You better be excited, coz whether you like it or not you and I will be married."

 "I thought I am disgusting." I said.

 "It's not really what I meant Jagiya, I love you." Key said.

 "You should let me go Key." I said.

 He stepped on the brake and my face almost hit the glass.

 "I won't. You will be mine Yun Hee, only mine." Key said.

 Jonghyun's POV

 "Yun Hee's address?" Taemin asked.

 "Yeah." I nodded.

 "Here." he handed me a paper, "Why did you ask for her address?" he asked.

 "I want to settle things down, I want Yun Hee back to me." I replied.

 "Whoa, whoa. Jonghyun slow down." Taemin said.

 I look at him, "Why?" I asked.

 "Haven't you heard? Instead of three months, the wedding will be next month instead. Everything is settled down." Taemin said.

 "No way." I said.

 "I was hoping I heard it wrong too but we have to face the reality, you will never have Yun Hee back." Taemin said as he look back
at his paper works.

 "Taemin you have to help me then." I said.

 He look at me and knitted his eyebrow, "Help? What can I possibly do?" he asked.

 "I don't know, but you might have some ideas right?" I asked.

 "Jonghyun, I don't know what I can do to help you." Taemin shake his head.

 "Please, this is the first time I asked you a favor." I said.

 "Well, I don't know." he shrugged.

 I went back to my apartment and change clothes. Then I hurriedly went to the address which Taemin gave me.

 When I reach the address, it suprised me. It was definitely huge. She really came from a wealthy family.

 I went out of my car and to the gate. I ring the doorbell and an old lady in uniform approached me.

 "What can I help you, Sir?" she asked politely.

 "Yun Hee, is Park Yun Hee there?" I asked.

 She looked at me, "Young lady isn't here today, our young master took her with him for a date. Are you our you lady's friend?" she asked.

 "Yes, I am. Will you give her this note?" I said as I gave her a small white envolope.

 "I'll be glad to sir, but may I know your name?" she asked.

 "Just tell her that I once saved her life. And please give it to her personally." I said.

 "Yes sir." she said.

 I turned around and went back inside my car.

 'Yun Hee, I hope she get my message.' I thought.

 I texted my sister that I will pick her up. I start the engine and went to where my sister is. I reached the old coffee
shop where me and my sister usually hangs out.

 "Jonghyun!" I heard her call me.

 "Noona!" I smiled, she waved at me.

 "Have a sit, I already ordered you your favorite pasta." she said.

 "Noona, can I ask you something?" I said.

 "What is it?" she asked.

 "I need some advice." Jonghyun said.

It's been ages since the last time I updated my fic but I hope you guys understand me. I'm quiet busy with school works. So sorry. But I hope you are still interested in this fic *really*

btw, I'm planning to make another fanfic and I need your help, guys! I need you to pick who will be the next leading or main character to my upcoming fic. just vote thru this poll.

Short sypnosis about my upcoming fic.

"Why not kiss me? Don't you want me?" She asked, trying her best to seduce him.

"You're wrong (OC). I want you so damned too much I don't think I'll be able to stop. And you ask only for a kiss." ______ said.

"Make love me then." she said.

"You're just drunk." he tried to ignore.

"You talk too much," she said as she grab his lips for a  long drugging kiss.

If only she knew she would end up with him, she would have gladly married him five years ago whether he loved her or no.


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HyeMiGo #1
Chapter 48: Aigoooooo When are you going to update this story again?? :)
SHINing_Exotic #2
Aigooo yunhee just freaking remember jonghyun!!
Eliano #3
Pls update soon.
lululemon_lover24 #4
I want her to remember everything about Jonghyun and be happy and all<br />
....but I don't want this story to end soon! :( <br />
omg.<br />
<br />
jjong practically kidnapped her xD
SHINing_Exotic #6
Oh come on I hate cliffhangers!
Eliano #7
Pls update soon. <br />
Yunhee pls remember.<br />
Luv your story.
SHINing_Exotic #8
You're being unfair key. Yunhee should have a choice. It's her decision in who she picks to love
bad bad bad kibum!<br />
what about jjongie? :(