Chapter 33

In This World .. Let Me Only Love You


A/N : I told you guys that I was drunk HAHAHA :)) I posted chapter 33 before chapter 32 and I'm really SORRY I was DEAD drunk that's why I had some errors in posting the chapter. I hope you guys understand :)

 Yun Hee's POV

 "I still like you, Yun Hee." I heard him say it.

 "Jonghyun." I said.

 Then he pick his bag, "I think I have some chips and a bottle of water here." he said as he scan his bag.

 I look down, 'Jonghyun, if I told you that I still love you, would that 'like' you said will turn to 'love'?' I thought.

 "Here." he said handing over me some chips.

 "Thanks." I took it.

 We both remained silently for the past hours. He was busy looking around to see if there's away to get out from there, or even if there's a place for a signal. And I was there just sitting, looking at him.

 It was dark outside.

 "Aish! No signal at all." he was losing his patience.

 "Jonghyun, we could try tomorrow." I said.

 He looked at me. There was confusion in his eyes, I can tell it.

 He went outside, leaving me again alone.


 I stood up. And when I was about to take a step when I whimpered, I felt my right ankle sore. It hurts. But still I tried my best to walk towards him.

 "Jonghyun," I called for his name. I was standing at the entrance of the cave, while he was sitting a bit far from me. I can no longer walk coz my ankle really hurts.

 He just looked at me.

 I sighed, maybe I should keep on walking. I must endure the pain. This pain I'm feeling right now is nothing unlike the pain I felt when we both got seperated.

 I was only a few steps away when I tripped.

 "Kyaaa~" I screamed.


 I held my back and the other one on my sore ankle.

 I saw Jonghyun immediately stood up and walks towards me, "Are you okay?" he asked.

 I look at him and back to my ankle.

 "Aish~ you're ankle is swollen." he said while examining it, "Can you stand up?" he asked.

 I shook my head.

 I heard him sigh, "Would it be okay if I carry you back inside?" he asked.

 "I have no other choice right?" I asked back.

 Then he carried me back inside. And it was pretty awkward, I was only wearing his sweatshirt and there's nothing beneath it. I can hear
him breathing heavily.

 Then he put me down on his sleeping bag.

 "Have some rest," he said, "I'll look over you."

 He was about to stand up and move across from me when I grab his hand. He look down at me, his eyes were asking me why.

 "Please. don't go. Just stay here with me." I said.

 He didn't say anything, he just sat down beside me. And there, I slowly drifted to dreamland.

 Jonghyun's POV

 It was dark and very cold. I had been watching Yun Hee since she fell asleep.

 'Yun Hee, why do you have to make me feel like this? Why is it that you have a some sort of spell being casted on me?' I asked myself.

 I bent down to look at her closely. I can smell her scent, the scent that once filled in my room since she started to live with me back then. The scent that makes me go drive crazy. The scent I had been longing for. I slowly kissed her soft lips. I had been dreaming of this day.

 I thought I was doing fine all this time but I was definitely wrong, I had never forget her. She was still here, inside my heart. She slightly moved, so I quickly back away. I'm scared that she would slap me for taking advantage of her while she's sleeping. But thanks to God, she did not woke up. I her long, soft hair.

 "Yun Hee, I still love you." I whispered in her ears.

 Then I lean back to the rock and fell asleep.

 Yun Hee's POV

 I woke up and it's still dark outside. The fire was the only thing that is giving us light aside from the moon outside th cave. I glace at Jonghyun, he was sleeping. And I know it's not easy to sleep while sitting, plus the fact that it is really cold. The fire is not enought to keep you warm especially when you're only wearing a boxer.

 I sat up. I stared at him for a moment. Then my hands started to touch his face.

 And his face was really cold!

 "Omo~" I exclaimed, "Jonghyun-ah, Jonghyun." I said shaking his arms.

 He did not move an inch.

 "Yah, Kim Jonghyun." I shake him even more.

 This time he opened his eyes, and I can tell that he is shivering.

 "Yah! Don't scare me like that!" I hugged him tightly.

 "W-what? What happened?" he asked half asleep.

 "I was scared." I said.

 I heard him sigh, "Go back to sleep, Yun Hee." he said.

 "You're cold, you should have something to put on." I said.

 "But our clothes are still wet." he replied.

 "Then come with me here inside the sleeping bag." I said.

 His eyes widen, "What?" he asked.

 "I know your freezing to death there, so come here. We can share this sleeping bag." I replied.

 "I'm not---"

 "Just come here." I ordered him.

 "Yun Hee, I'm okay here." he said.

 "No, you're not. The fire won't keep you warm. Look at your face, you're so pale. Your shaking, I can tell that your cold." I said.

 He sighed, "I'm okay here, just go back to sleep. I'll watch you." he said.

 I pull his arm, "Come on." I said.

 "No!" he shove my hands away from him which hurt me a bit.

 I bit my lower lip.

 I look at him, "If you're not going here then I won't sleep here either." I said and tried to stand up but I whipered in pain and fell down.

 "Yun Hee!" he caught me on time, "Aish~ go back inside the sleeping bag."

 "No!" I said, "I can't stand it any longer Jonghyun! I can't just watch you suffer in cold like that." tears started to flow, "I can't just be
sleeping soundly while the man I love is suffering." I said without thinking.

 "The man you what?" he asked.

 I look down and then I push him away from him.

 "I hate you Kim Jonghyun." I said. "I hate you for making me fall for you over and over again!" I screamed.


I hope you like the updates and I thank you for subscribing and commenting I really appreciate it a lot. Stay tuned.

Sorry guys, go back to the previous chappy, I posted chapter 32 SORRY GUYS :)


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HyeMiGo #1
Chapter 48: Aigoooooo When are you going to update this story again?? :)
SHINing_Exotic #2
Aigooo yunhee just freaking remember jonghyun!!
Eliano #3
Pls update soon.
lululemon_lover24 #4
I want her to remember everything about Jonghyun and be happy and all<br />
....but I don't want this story to end soon! :( <br />
omg.<br />
<br />
jjong practically kidnapped her xD
SHINing_Exotic #6
Oh come on I hate cliffhangers!
Eliano #7
Pls update soon. <br />
Yunhee pls remember.<br />
Luv your story.
SHINing_Exotic #8
You're being unfair key. Yunhee should have a choice. It's her decision in who she picks to love
bad bad bad kibum!<br />
what about jjongie? :(