Secret 1

Heal This Heart

"Why can't i go to school? Do you know how many dance practices that i've missed?! And why do you guys are still here?! don't you guys have a home or something?" Nuvic shout angrily because the others didn't allow her to go to school. Nuvic has fully recovered, according to the Doctor, Nuvic is fine. But the others were insist for her to rest, so that they can skip school too. "Ugh! fine! okay relax! yah yah! put that monkey down!" Kris said, trying to calm Nuvic who's now holding a monkey bear. Nuvic throws the monkey bear "I want to go to school!" Nuvic demanded as she grab the monkey bear again and chase Kris all the way to the living room. "I said put the monkey down! Yah!!" Kris said while running away from the furious Nuvic. "Her name is Tasha!! The monkey name is Tasha!!" Nuvic shout as she throws the bear again. Kris got hit by the bear, so he stop running and rub his head. "Aish! woah! Relax! okay! We'll go to school first day tomorrow morning!" he shouted.


Tomorrow Morning, at the school gate..

"Ahhhh~ i miss school. I miss cooking, I miss dancing, I miss everything! It's good to be back~" Nuvic exclaimed while doing her famous chicken dance. "Geez~ you sounded like you've been away for ages.retard" Kris said then rolled his eyes. "Jealous!" nuvic said as she stomps Kris's feet which made him grunt. Nuvic smirk. "Our umma and appa are so cuteeee~" Xiu min said while clapping happily. "Yeah right Baozi" Chanyeol said as he hits Xiu min's head.

"Okay kids~ There,there don't fight." Suho said as he tries to split Chanyeol and Xiu min. "Ugh i hate him! he always hits me." xiu min said and frown. "You started it!" Chanyeol said and hits Xiu min's head again. "Hey, hey! Park Chanyeol and Kim Minseok! Stop it this instant and go to your respective classes now. The others too! ppalli-ppalli!"  Suho ordered while pushing the others. As the others were busy fooling around all the way to class, Baekhyun approached Rilli.

"Rilli." He calls. Rilli turn her head to the back and smile "Nae?" she said. Baekhyun fasten his steps and goes to Rilli. "Ah~ uhm... iseeyouatthecanteenlater...." Baekhyun mumbles shyly. "Pardon me? Haha, sorry i didn't catch that?" Rilli said as she raised her eyebrow and laugh. "Uhm.. i.. " "Yah Baekkie! Ppali!" Baekhyun was about to finish his words but unfortunately Chanyeol interrupted him. He sighs and leave Rilli. Rilli chuckles and keep on walking. Before baekhyun enters his class Rilli shouted his name. "Nae?" Baekhyun answers and tilts his head. Rilli shook her head and said "Nothing. I see you at lunch! Don't forget to buy me an ice cream!" Rilli giggles. Baekhyun shows a thumbs up and waved at Rilli.

The others goes to their respective classes and study as usual. All of Exo K, except Sehun who's in the same class with the rest of Exo M were focused in the class along with Kris,Tao and Nuvic. As Baekhyun done writing notes for History class, he looks at the window and sighs. "Why am i like this?" he mumbles to himself, loud enough for Chanyeol to hear. "like what?" Chanyeol asked, changing his gaze to Baekhyun. "Uh? nothing." Baekhyun gives Chanyeol an assuring smile. "Weirdo." Chanyeol said. Baekhyun ignored chanyeol's word and look back at the window, thinking about Rilli as always.

As for Rilli, she's busy doodling ice cream all over her note book, totally bored because their Math teacher, Miss Jiyeon was sick and can't make it to school. Sehun, on the other side is busy staring at Rilli who has lost with her own thought. "hey~" Sehun said while poking Rilli's cheek. Rilli giggles and blinks her eyes. "Don't you try to act cute Miss Choi, it doesn't work." Sehun said. "tsk, yeah yeah." Rilli said and rolled her eyes. "I know you're hiding something from me, from us." Sehun raised his eyebrow, his tone became serious. Rilli faked a cough and pretend to stretch and stuff. "I know that you'll act like this whenever there's something wrong,Rilli. Come on. I've known you since forever. I know that there's something wrong. Now your job is to tell me what is it about." Sehun demanded. "geez, you sounded like your sister." Rilli rolled her eyes. Sehun raised his eyebrow, demanding Rilli to spill.

Rilli sigh "It's nothing. Really. it's just some stupid mixed feeling. Wait no, i'm not sure what am i feeling right now to be precise. But don't worry. i may look like i'm in some kind of serious problem, but trust me, i am actually not. For whatever reason, i am alright. There's nothing that you should be worry about okay?" Rilli said as she gives Sehun her sweetest smile. Sehun ruffles his hair. "Okay, Princess." he said and smiles back. They continue to chat about random things while Krywa is reading some books and Hana is sleeping at the back.

Recess Time

All of them dashed out from the class, too excited to eat because they are all too hungry. Nuvic as always, went to Rilli's,Krywa's and Hana's class to pick them up alone. "Where's Exo?" Krywa asked as soon as they went out from the class and hugged Nuvic. "Oh Suho said that they'll wait at the usual place." Nuvic explained. Krywa nodded her head. "Ahh ppali! na baegopa!!" Hana complain as she pulls her friends' hands. Rilli pulls her hand back and said "You guys go first okay? i want to go to the toilet. My hair is a mess. okay bye! See you guys there!" She waved at her friend and runs to the toilet. "strange" Krywa said, judging how odd Rilli looks like lately. "hmm?" Hana hummed. "No, i mean her hair is perfectly fine though and don't you guys notice how odd she is lately?" Krywa blurted out her concerness. "I know right? i saw her putting make up on her face this morning." Nuvic said. "She never really wears make up though." She added. "Maybe she wants to impress someone." Hana said "Ah ppalli! i'm hungry!!" Hana added and drags Nuvic and Krywa to the cafeteria.

They goes to the cafeteria and bought some foods and goes to Exo's table as always. "Where's Ri?" Luhan asked. "You nicknamed my daughter after Seungri's name?! how dare you!" Nuvic said dramatically. Luhan rolled his eyes. Nuvic giggles and said "She went to the toilet." Luhan nodded. "Say, where's Baekhyun?" Krywa asked Kai. "Toilet too." Kai simply answered. "He has been acting weird lately." He added. "Yeah, he always talk to himself and gosh he took 30 freaking minutes to decides what hairstyles he should do and sometimes what sock he should wears!" Chanyeol complains. "I cought him mumbling 'why am i like this' while looking at the window in History class." He added dramatically. "Strange. Rilli has acting weird too. She puts a freaking make up on her face this morning but she washed it back and cursed to herself." Nuvic explains as she gasp and continued "What's wrong with herrr??" Nuvic asked.

"Tell you what. lets just act cool for today at school but when we get back home, we force them to tell us the truth. How's that?" Chen suggested. All of them nodded in agreement. "What are you guys talking about?" Rilli said popping out of nowhere with baekhyun who has already took a seat besides Chanyeol. "YAH! SINCE WHEN THAT THE TWO OF YOU ARE HERE?!" Chanyeol shout as he stands up,totally freaking out with Baekhyun who's eating Chanyeol's food peacefully. "Just now." Rilli said as she took a seat besides nuvic. "O..kay? lets just eat, shall we?" Hana suggested. the others nodded and eat.

When the recess time has ended all of them bid their goodbyes and went back to their respective class. All of them were focused on every words that the teacher has said. Hours later, the school bells rang. Noting the studets that the school time is over. Exo went back to their own house while Effection goes to theirs. "We should clean up the house! Those Exo boys has made our house looks like a wolf lair. Ugh boys." Nuvic said while tighting her fist. The other just nodded and giggles. They are walking with pairs, Krywa with Hana and Nuvic with Rilli. Rilli is laughing out loud due to Nuvic's hyperness, she's dancing her famous chicken dance move and singing like a retard.

At Exo's House.

"Alright boys. Go get change. And meet me here at the living room as soon as you're done." Kris ordered as soon as they entered the house. 30 minutes later, the boys goes down to the living room, seeing Kris and Suho has already waiting for them while watching TV. "Hyung!" Tao approached and took a seat besides Kris, the others took their seats as well. Kris switch off the TV and puts the remote aside. "You know what it means when i call you guys to huddle like this,right?" Kris asked as he look at all of s. "Baekhyun." He calls baekhyun's name. "Deh? uh-uh nae?" Baekhyun said. "Do you have anything to share with us?" Suho ask calmly. "N-no. Why?" Baekhhyun answered. "Liar." Kris shout. "You've talked on your own, been day dreaming all the time, took 30 minutes just to decides what hairstyles you should do for the day and sometimes to only choose socks for school. The heck is that dude? Don't you dare to lie to us. All of them are the wktneses that you've acting all weird lately!" Kris continued.

All eyes are glaring at baekhyun. He look down and gulped. Then he sighs, he knows that he should tells s what's really going on. "Okay,okay. I'll tell you guys But first. stop with the glares and stuff. You guys looked like a freaking vampires right now." Baekhyun said. The others keeps on glaring at Baekhyun, demanding him to tell them what's wrong. "okay, okay. god. I know this sounds weird, and it is weird to me but since you guys have asked then yeah.. the truth is..... i think i'v fell in love." Baekhyun confessed. Soon, all the glaring vampires has turned to be a laughing robot. "HAHAHAAHA! YOU, IN LOVE? FUNNY BAEKHYUN! WHO'S THE UNLUCKY GIRL??" Chen joked. "Yah! Geumanhae! don't laugh! tsk.. it's Rilli." Now all of them has stops laughing and gasps in shock instead. 'M-my.. my mei mei?!! YOU LIKE MY SISTER?!" Tao asked in disbelief. Baekhyun rub the back of his neck and smiled speepishly. "S-since when?!" Now it's Luhan who's asking. "I don't know.... since the first time i met her i guess? but i didn't realised it at first, but then i knew that i've fell on her when i knew that she get back with Minho.." Baekhyun explained. "Tao.. are you mad a me because i like your sisster?" Baekhyun asked. Tao scoff "Uh what are you kidding me?!" He raised his voice.

Baekhyun looked down to the floor, moment later Tao laugh. "W-why are you laughing?" Baekhyun asked. "do you really think that i would be mad at you because you has a crush on my sister? Damn, you're stupid. hhahaha!" Tao said and laugh, the others laugh too. Baekhyun just stare at them in confusion. "Look, we don't mind if you likes her, okay?" Kris said. Baekhyun grins "Jinjja? Oh gosh thanks!" Baekhyun beams "uhm.. can you help me? you know.. i've never ask a girl out to be honest." he confessed. "Hmm.. tell you what, why don't you just stay cool and try to speak with Rilli more often. And you don't have to change your style or whatever just to impress her, sorry to say my friend, she wont be impress if you do so. So just relax and be yourself,nae?" Tao said. "Oh don't forget to buys her an ice cream" he added. Baekhyun nodded in agreement.

All the heart to heart talks between exo has ended, they went outside to grab something to eat for dinner aftewards...

Effection house 

Nuvic was busy cooking at the kitchen, preparing for dinner while Rilli and Hana are helping her cuts the veggies and stuff. As for Krywa, she's preparing the dining table. Minutes later, they all gathered to the dining table and eats their dinne. "Girls, we need to talk. after dinner, nae?" Nuvic said while looking at all her members. They all nodded.

After dinner, all of them goes to Nuvics room. Which is their usual place to settle something. All of them are siting at the queen sized bed while hugging their favorite plushies or pillows. "Do you know why i asked you guys to come here?" Nuvic suddenly asked. 


Nuvic sigh, "there's someone in our group who is not being honest to us." she said while glancing at Rilli. "Rilli?" She calls Rilli's name. Rilli sighed, "Okay okay, no need to force or whatever. Yes i am the one who ate all of the ice creams in the fridge though you guys telll me to not to." she said. "Wh-what?!" They all shout in unison. "Rilli! The heck did you just said? We're not talking about the ice creams! And yes, we knew that you ate all of them. i mean who else in this house that loves ice creams as much as you do?" Hana nags. "Okay-okay. relaxxxx! now, spill. what's the main topic of this discussion?kekeke~" Rilli asked and giggles..

Krywa shook her head. "Please be seriouse for once. Aigoo Rilli." Krywa said. "Okay, guys enough. Hmm.. Rilli.. you know that we never keeps secrets to each other,right? now, is there anything that you want to share to us?" Nuvic asked. "Yeah, you've been acting weird lately, do you have any explanation to that?" Krywa asked. Rilli hugs her ice cream pillow more tightly. "hmm.. okay-okay... i was trying to impress someone." Rilli blurted out. "I knew it." hana said while snapping her fingers. Krywa rolled her eyes. Nuvic looks at Rill, "Impress who?" she asked. "My crush.." Rilli simply replied. "Name?" Krywa asked back. "Alright.. promise me that you won't laugh!" Rilli said while looking at alll her friends, the others nod.

Rilli inhales and exhales, trying to calm herself. "it's..... Baekhyun...." she confessed. All of them stared at Rilli for awhile, then laugh crazily. "HAHAHAHAHA!! BAEKHYUN? THE ANNOYING BACON WHO'S SUPERBLY BLUR AND LOVES TO SREAMS FOR NO REASON??? THAT ANIME FREAK?????" Hana asked continuosly while laughing. "Yah! Yah geumanhae! you guys promised to not to laugh." Rilli said and frown."HAHAHA! mianhae Rilli-ah! it's just too funny!" Krywa said while laughing. "HAHAHA! Okay-okay. that's it girls. Ahem, my dear Rilli. If you likes him, then jst tell him the truth and be yourself. there's no need to be someone else just to impress someone." Nuvic said and pat Rilli's head. Rilli nodded, after a few chit chat, they goes back to their respective rooms.

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Isent tvxq to old to be dateing high school girls
Nummie #2
DO read Our fanfic!!! Lot of love for you guys buddyzz!! -xoxo-
Nummie #3
Hello !!! we're NURIE !!! NUmmie + RIEri