Mix Feelings -Part 1-

Heal This Heart

Two weeks had passed,

Rilli and Minho are still together. Effection and Exo are still being friends. Rilli and Hana are okay again and so does Nuvic... The girls are at their house. It is sunday. Which mean, there's no school. And which mean, they have to clean their house. Its like their weekly routine. Nuvic is moping the kitchen while krywa is wiping the window. Rilli and hana on the other hand, are sweeping their living room's floor. "What's your plan for today girls?!" Nuvic shout in the kitchen. "Other than doing the house chores, I'll go out to the mall with D.O. He said he wanted to tell me something." Hana said and shrugs while sweeping the floor. "Wooohoooo~ Hana unnie have a boyfriend nanananana~" krywa sang cheerfully. "Yah! He's not my boyfriend okay? He's just my crush. He don't even know that I like him. What if he don't have the same feeling as I'm having? Hmmmmmm?" Hana said.

"Oh you and your negative thoughts." Rilli murmured. Nuvic just chuckled at the kitchen as she saw her best friend's silliness. "My daughters~" she exclaimed cheerfully and giggles. The girls laugh too at nuvic's action. "Our umma" they shout in unison and giggles. "Hahaha! Alright stop laughing, giggling, chuckling and so on. Say Hana, what time will you go out? Is D.O picking you up or you'll go by yourself? What time will you get back? Make sure you'll be back home before 9 o'clock arasso??" Nuvic said as she got out from the kitchen and goes to the living room. "Oh, D.O will pick me up at 2 o'clock. We'll be back on time unnie, don't worry! Oh anyhow, what's your plan for today,unnie?" Hana answered and asked back.

"Hmm... I'll go to the dance class along with Krywa. We have dance practice today. We'll be back at 7 o'clock." Nuvic replied and smile. Krywa goes to the living room as well and sat besides Nuvic at the couch. "What about you Rilli? Don't you have plan for today?" Krywa asked. "Bet you're going out with Minho aren't you?????" Hana said while poking Rilli's stomach constantly, making Rilli laugh out loud. "Hahaha! Yah! Twinzie stoppp! Aigooo.. Hmm.. I'll just stay at home and do some movie marathon." "With Minho?" Nuvic asked, curiously. "No, alone." Rilli corrected her and shrugs.

"Ah alone... What? Hey its sunday! Aren't you supposed to go out on a date or something?" Krywa asked in disbelief. Hana and Nuvic nodded in agreement. "I don't want to go out. I want to stay here. At this home. With my teddy bears, my Kpop's magazines, my cola, my disney movies and last but not least, my vanilla ice creams! Yum yum!" Rilli said while rubbing her tummy,thinking about her precious ice creams. "You're so gonna be fat anytime soon." Hana exclaimed. "True." Nuvic said in agreement. "Do you by any chance, have a I don't know.. Problem with Minho?" Nuvic added.

Rilli remain silent which had made the others confuse. "Is it true?" Krywa asked curiously. "Noooooooo! Of course not." Rilli corrected her. The other sigh in relief. "Then, what's wrong? Is he busy? I mean, he's an athlete. What do you expect right? I just heard that he will go to melbourne next week. Is it true?" Hana asked continuously. "Yah! One question per time! Hahaha!" Rilli said as she laugh awkwardly. The girls just stares at rilli while crossing their arms. Rilli gulped and sweep the floor. Pretending that she's busy. Well, she's just avoiding her best friend's gaze to be precise. "Stop changing the topic and pretend that you're doing the chores or what so ever. Tell us, is there anything wrong?" Nuvic asked in a serious tone.

Rilli sighed. "Fine. Let's go up stairs. Its more comfy." She said. The others just nodded and goes up stairs. As soon as the reached up stairs, they went to Nuvic's room and sat at Nuvic's queen sized bed. "Alright, now spill." Hana ordered. "You have one hour. Because I only have two hours to get ready,so ppalli!" Hana continued. Rilli shook her head and began talking. "Okay, here it is. Minho and I are perfectly fine. Yes, he's busy but he still do have time for me. So he's perfectly innocent. I am the one who is the "bad guy". Rilli emphasized the word 'I am' and 'bad guy'. "Did you cheat on Minho?" Krywa asked curiously. "What the.. NO! I'm not that type of girl okay?" Rilli said. "Then what? Come on, cut the drama you drama queen! And please be specific or something. Hello! Blurr baby here!" Hana said and waving her hands like a mad monkey.

"Enough Hana. Now Rilli, would you mind to continue? Please ignore the monkey over here." Nuvic said calmly and patted Hana's head. "I'm not a monkey." Hana said and frown. Rilli rolled her eyes. "Okay, I have this kind of mix feelings. You know? At first I was so sure that I still do love Minho, but now I realized that the way I treated him is not the same anymore. Sometime I feel like I love him and sometime not. Sometime I feel like I want to cry yet I don't know why and sometime I just wish I could just leave everything and move back to China. See? Stupid mix feelings." Rilli confessed and let out a sigh. "Don't you ever think about it okay? I will not let you move to China." Nuvic protested. Hana and Kyrwa nodded in agreement. "True, I mean there's no one there though." Krywa said and shrug.

"That is why I wanted to go there because no one knows me." Rilli said in a melancholic tone. "Nu-uh. No twinzie. Just no." Hana said as she waved her fingers and let out a sigh. "Okay, I know that I don't really know what love really means, but if you think that you don't have any feelings towards minho, why don't you just tell him instead of hurting him like this?" Hana added. Krywa nodded. Rilli remain silent and then she speaks "okay then. If you think that's the best. But I don't have the heart to do so. Minho is just too nice for me for the past two weeks. I don't want to hurt him by saying that 'hey minho, sorry but I don't love you anymore'. Ugh do you know what I mean guys??" Rilli said, completely frustrated. "Its for the best,Rilli. If you keeps on treating him like this. Trust me, he'll hurt even more." Nuvic said and hug rilli. Rilli broke the hug and nodded.

After the 'girls talk' had ended, the girls continued their house chores.

Hour later,

Hana got ready for her 'date' with D.O while Nuvic and Krywa got ready for their dance practice. Rilli choosed to stay at home and wants to do her disney movie marathon. But something kept disturbing her mind. The thought of minho is distracting her to watch the movies. "I have to tell him the truth." She made up her mind and call nuvic to ask for her permission to bring Minho to their home.


-Conversation. -

Nuvic: *panting* yeoboseyo? 

Rilli: err.. Annyeong unnie! Its Rilli!

Nuvic: ah Rilli, nae? Anything wrong?

Rilli: uh? Ani. Uhm.. Unnie would you. mind if I ask minho to come over? I want to tell him the truth.

Nuvic: you what? *sigh* ah alright then. Don't do anything stupid alright?

Rilli: *relief* nae unnie! Don't worry! Okay gotta go! Bye!

-End of conversation.-


Rilli hung up her phone and text minho instead.



Rilli: Minhoooooo~ :)

Minho: hi baby! ^-^

Rilli: Uhm.. Are you busy? >.<

Minho: nope, I'm not. Wait, are you by any chance, are asking me out? Oh baby you're such a sweety haha!

Rilli: yah! You wish! Kekeke~ are you sure you're not busy?

Minho: nae. I'm so sure. I've checked my schedule. No practice, no shooting no nothing. :3

Rilli: great! Come to my house! Let's have a movie marathon!! ^^V and .. I want to tell you something.....

Minho: movie marathon? Disney movie marathon huh? Alright baby. I'll be there in 30 minutes. Bye, I love you pie :)

Rilli: yup. Disney. Haha you know me so well huh Mr. Muscle? I'll be waiting kekeke~ ^^ uh? Me too.

-End of conversation.-


After that, Rilli dash of to the kitchen to cook something. As for minho, he keeps on grinning and gets ready to meet his beloved Rilli. "Someone looks happy. Going on a date huh?" Taemin asked when he saw minho getting ready in his room. "Oh this kid. Haha! Yeap! I can't wait to meet Rilli! Woohoo! Yo kid, how do I look?" Minho asked after combing his hair. "You look as handsome as ever." Taemin said and smile. "And you sounded so gay." Minho said jokingly. "Hey! I am gay! Gay means happy! I'm a gay kid! Which mean, I am a happy kid!" Taemin said cheerfully.

"Whatever weirdo. I'll be going! Tell onew that I'm going to Rilli's house alright?" Taemin nodded "arasso. Uh hyung! Tell Rilli noona that I says hi!" Taemin said and waved at minho. Minho smile as dashed out with his super bike. "There's a tons of cars in this house, why on earth did he choose to ride a bike? *scuff* my hyung." Taemin said and go back inside. At Effection home.. Rilli has already done preparing the snack for the disney movie marathon. Minutes later, minho arrived. *Ding Dong* Rilli runs to the front door and opens it. "Ahem, signor romeo? You're 2 minutes late." Rilli said as she crossed her arms. pretending to sulk.

"There,there my Juliet. My apologize to you,my lady. But I bought this delicious thing for you. I hope you will love it." Minho said while handing Rilli a plastic. Rilli takes it and look inside. "Ice cream!" She shout in excitement. Then she tried to act calm. "Come in, my dear." She said in a so-called-calm-voice. Minho giggled at Rilli's silly action and stomp his feet like a soldier. "It would be my pleasure, my Juliet. Daughter of Sir Capulate." Rilli chuckled and said "okay, enough with the Romeo and Juliet drama. Come in, Minho!" She grabs Minho's hand and ask him to take a seat at the couch as she goes to the kitchen to take some spoons. "Alrighty, got the spoon for the ice cream!" Rilli chimed.

Minho chuckled and shook his head. "What movie that we'll watch first?" He asked. "Beauty and The Beast." Rilli answered and played the DVD. Hours passed, they've reached the fourth DVD. "Up next! Cinderella!!" Rilli said in excitement. Completely forget about the confessing thing. Then her phone beeps. Telling her that there's a text. Two texts to be precise.

(Text 1)

From: Nuvic Umma ^-^

"Hey, we'll be back late! Gonna grab a dinner at the usual ahjumma's stall. I'm craving for a dubboki T^T. Anyway, have you tell Minho about the "thing"? If not, then make it fast!! Hwaiting! :)"

(Text 2)

From: Hana c:

"Rilli~ I'll be back late! D.O is taking me to somewhere that I don't know. I'm scared ;-; but don't worry,twinzie! I'm sure that I'll be fine! Kekeke~ take care <3"

Rilli smiled at both texts. "Who was it from?" Minho asked curiously. Looking at Rilli who's smiling while reading the texts. "Nuvic and Hana. They said that they'll be late." Rilli answered. "I see. I thought it was from baekhyun." Minho said. Rilli let out a awkward laugh and said "don't be silly,Minho. Hmm.. Hey I heard that you'll be going to Melbourne next week huh? How come you never tell this to me?" Rilli asked.

"Uhm.. Yeah. Forgot to tell you bout that. I was so happy that time. I'll be staying there for uhm... Two months.." Minho answered. "Two months? Wow. Uhm.... Minho?" Rilli said. "Yes baby?" Minho replied and smiled. "Uhm... I've a uhm.. Confession." Rilli said. "Confession?" Minho said. *i knew it.* he thought. "Its about your feelings,right?" Minho questioned. Rilli looked so shock at what Minho had said earlier. "H--how did you know?" Rilli asked him back. "I knew it all along Rilli. Do you think I didn't notice? You treated me like I'm some kind of you guy friend and not a special boyfriend. To be honest, I am hurt........

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Isent tvxq to old to be dateing high school girls
Nummie #2
DO read Our fanfic!!! Lot of love for you guys buddyzz!! -xoxo-
Nummie #3
Hello !!! we're NURIE !!! NUmmie + RIEri