Chapter 11

6 Kingkas, 1 Nerd And... You

~Continuing from previous chapter~

“You can sing!?” Woohyun turned around with a shocked expression. “U-uh you weren’t meant to hear that.” His face was as red as a fire truck. “You. Are. Amazing. WHY ON EARTH ARE YOU HIDING THIS?!”

“Heh, thanks. Well lots of reasons and I’ll give you one. I’m a nerd. Do you see any nerds that are singers?”

“But you’re not like other “nerds”. You can sing, you’re smart and for all I know under those glasses and shirt you could be an extremely cute guy with abs.” *Crap. Did I just say that? Ah .”

 “Have you eaten?” You asked trying to loosen the awkwardness. He shook his head.

“Good, I have extras.” You gave your crutches to Woohyun and dropped to the ground. You put out your lunchbox and placed it in the middle. You took some chopsticks and dug in. “Eat! It’s nice!” Woohyun smiled and dug in too.

“Aww, look at them two, so sweet and loving.  Ew” Suji cooed as she walked past with miss A and Junhee.

“Ignore them.”

“Always have.”

“What else can you do?”

“I can do impressions. Check out my Suji impression.” Woohyun got up and stood confidently and firmly. He blinked his eyebrows fastly and put a smile on his face. “Annyeong! My name is Suji. Bae Suji.” He said in a high pitched voice. “Ew, What are you doing? Uh! That’s so nerdy and weird. Come on miss A! Let’s go! Oh and Hyesung, you’ll never become a queenka every again if you don’t stop hanging out with that nerd! Bye!” He waved his hand and sat down whilst you kept laughing and hitting the ground. “That was classic!”

~~~SUJI’s POV~~~~~

You looked up from where you were sitting and saw Woohyun pointing to Hyesung whilst she laughed. *What in the world are they doing? That’s so gay. I cannot believe she was in our group.* You looked down on your food and played with it. You didn’t know why but you felt sad and lonely. Hyesung wasn’t with you and Infinite wasn’t with you. Who else wouldn’t be sad? Yes, you were the one that kicked her out but she didn’t keep to her promise and until she stops hanging out with that ugly nerd, I will treat her as one of those. Infinite wasn’t there because they were too busy with that new kid Dongwoo. That name was so familiar but not familiar enough to ring a bell. “Suji what do you have against nerds? Like not to be rude or anything.” Min asked. “They’re horrible people.”


“Umma, I’m going to the park! Take care of Nunu!” Nunu was your dog. She was elderly but still cute. You’ve had her since you were 6. On the way to the park a nerd came up to you, he was tall and skinny, he had looked about 2 years older than you were. “Annyeong!” You waved at him and bowed. “You’re one rude little girl. Think you can ignore me?” He pushed you to the ground. Why was he doing this? You only had met him. “Aniya. Please stop I didn’t do anything.” He crouched down to you and pointed his finger to you. “I’ve had enough bull from you. You think you’re so tough and strong! You think you can use me, well tough luck!” You realised why he was doing this, he was bullied, a lot. He suddenly lifted his fists and smashed them into your cheek. “OW!” He laughed and smirked. “That’s what you get Junhyung!”

“I’m not Junhyung! Can’t you see I’m a girl!” You said while holding your left cheek.

“Sure you aren’t. How does it feel huh? You’re the one being pushed and shoved and hurt. Now you see how I feel!” He had tears in his eyes. Although he hurt you, you felt sorry for him. He punched you in your arm weekly. “YAH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO THAT GIRL?” A small kid about your age stood behind the nerd with his hands on his hips. He had anger in his face. “This kid is not a girl! IT’S A DEMON! HE’S THE WORST PERSON ALIVE!” The little kid looked confused. “I said it’s a girl. Why did you say he?”

“I TOLD YOU IT’S NOT A GIRL! THIS IS JUNHYUNG! THE DEVIL! He’s bullied me since I came. It’s all because I look like this! BECAUSE I’M A NERD!”

“LOOK CAREFULLY!” But the nerd didn’t listen. He threw another punch but this time it was to your stomach. You winced in pain. “YAH YOU GIRL BASHER!” The little kid pushed him away from you and blocked him from getting closer. The nerd was crying out “Why does everyone side with you? Why do you have to bully me! I HATE YOU JUNHYUNG!” He walked off in the other direction. The little boy walked closer to you and tried to comfort you. “Are you okay?” You just nodded. “What’s your name?” You replied softly “Suji”. “Nice name. Let’s get you home.” He helped you get up off the ground. It was basically silence for the whole walk but you liked it. He had saved you but you were too shy to ask for his name but when you finally thought you had the guts, it was too late. You were already at home at your mother’s care. “Suji, next time I’ll bring you to the park, we don’t want this to happen again.”

*End Of Flashback*

You were thankful of that boy but the pain still remains. All these years, you have been looking for that kid but you’ve had no luck. With only a vivid memory and no name, it was near impossible to find that kid. Ever since that little accident, you decided to do taekwondo. Now you’re a black belt so if anyone tries to mess with you. You’ll definitely win. No one know this story and you are not planning to let anyone know. It’s not like you have a phobia of nerds, you’re just afraid that one day they’ll explode. “Earth to Suji. Earth to Suji. Do you hear me?” You blinked twice and realised that you had completely from blanked out from the groups’ conversations. “Yeah, keep going.”

Heellloo (:

Soo yeah now you guys know why Suji hates nerds. She has a phobiaa~! I'm joking, shes just... afraid. kekek (:

Don't forget to subscribe! ^^ Thanks for reading <3 Andd for that Woohyun's going to give you guys a kiss


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I Changed the forward guys... The old one didn't really have anything to do with the actual story. Don't worry the story's still the same!


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Chapter 30: YAY!!!! You go Sungyeol!
ilovesweetpotatohoya #2
Chapter 30: WOOHYUNS SELFIE <3
Chapter 29: Mr. Jang needs to leave them all alone!!
ilovesweetpotatohoya #4
Chapter 29: Hehe i have that photo of woohyun . DONT KILL ME . Update more often !
Chapter 27: Woohyun was so funny in this chapter, LOLOL.
And omg, grandma why?! :(
Hi love, sorry to take up some space here but if ever you are interested requesting in my graphic shop you are free to do so.

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Thanks. :)
Chapter 25: DUN DUN DUN DUN...
Lol, Hyesung is one smart cookie.
Chapter 24: Woohyun, why?!
She likes you too! You should've continued. :(