Not so Bad

Believe It
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Sunhee's POV 

Both Yunho and me were busily working on our own things without making much conversation. I was typing away on my own laptop when something suddenly hit me hard on the head. “Ow!” I yelped and rubbed my now sore head. I looked down in my lap to where to object had landed. What I saw was a small bag of baby carrots, cold to the touch as if someone has just pulled them out of a fridge. I gingerly grabbed the small bag of carrots and turned to face Yunho, who was acting like nothing happen and just continued working on his paper work. “Why'd you throw a bag of carrots at my head?” I angrily asked, still in a bit of pain from the force of his throw.

“To eat.” He simply answered without looking up.

“Do I look like a rabbit to you?” I retorted while carefully examining the carrots. “Did you poison them?”


“Then why-”

“Just eat them!” He barked and slammed his hands on his desk. “Stop eating all that candy and eat healthy for once.” He snapped annoyed. I shrank back into my seat at his tone and opened up the bag.


I pulled out a small carrot and began nibbling on the end. “Where did you get these carrots?” I questioned.

“From the fridge.” Yunho answered after composing himself. I looked up at him confused, carrot in-between my lips, “What fridge?”

“The one I have under my desk.” He answered and pointed below him.

“What?” I muttered surprised. “You have a fridge there?” He nodded his head at my answer I couldn't be more surprised. “How come I didn't notice?”

The gears in my head started turning and everything clicked into place. “Ah, that's why you don't need to come out of this office.” I mumbled and thoughtfully nodded my head. “You have everything you need in here....well besides a bathroom.” I shoved another carrot into my mouth and chewed it down. “Just out of curiosity, do you even go to the bathroom?” I asked. “I barely see you get up from that desk let alone this office. Don't you ever have to go?”

That question got Yunho twitching which only made me smile. “You're twitching.” I pointed out with a laugh. “I haven't seen that in awhile.”

“Just eat the damn carrots and be quiet!” He roared and sent me a murderous glare. I frowned and slumped into my seat. “Touchy.”


“I need you to do something for me.” Yunho suddenly voiced after at 10 minutes of silence.

I rolled my eyes at his words, already use to his random request or rather demands. “So shocking.” I muttered and got up form the leather couch. I walked towards Yunho's desk waiting for him to tell me what it was that he wanted me to do. He rummaged around with his desk drawers until he found something. He pulled out a box cutter and placed into my awaiting hands. “Take this box cutter and go to the storage room.” He ordered. “We just got a shipping of new office supplies. Open up every box and organize the things in there.” I gave him a displeased look before grumbling an answer. “Fine.” It only meant one thing when he wanted me to go do pointless errands. He wanted me as far away from him as possible so I wouldn't be there to bother him from finishing his work.


I left his office and walked down to the storage room with the box cutter in my hand. When I opened the door to the storage room I was met at least a dozen medium size boxes scattered all over the room. I looked at the boxes in despair before trudging inside the room. I sat on the ground and began opening up all the boxes and cutting them up like a boss. “What the heck does he even want me to organize? Everything in the boxes are already nicely arranged.” I grumbled to myself as I looked into the boxes. “If he wanted me to leave him alone he could have just told me. It's not like I would have been offended or anything. Stupid old man.”

“Why is it that whenever I leave you alone to do something, I always hear you cursing me somehow?” Yunho appeared and glowered down at me. I casually glanced up at him and continued on with my box cutting, “What are you doing here ahjussi?”

“I just came from the bathroom to check up on your progress.” He mockingly told before looking around the room in approval. “I see you're a pretty fast worker.”

“Old man, what exactly do you want me to organize here? Everything is already arranged.” I asked and glanced at him, not stopping from my extreme box cutting. “Ah!” I yelped in pain and dropped the box cutter, sending it tumbling to the floor. I stared at my now injured thumb, watching as the blood oozed out from the cut. Since I

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Chapter 67: They adjusted themselves to each other.
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 68: OMG this story is so awesome xD
Freespirited_drummer #3
Chapter 32: I never surpised that i found myself speechless when reading your stories. You made the characters all alive, each with their own uniqueness and traits. I wish that i can have just half of your writing skill to entertain myself. Please write more in the future, your writings make my day!
taurusgirl #4
Chapter 68: Heiiiii, new reader here and recently finished this story and can't stop imagine yunho right know kekeke
You have done good job, nice writing, aaand thank you for continue write the sequel kekeke
koreankimchibaby #5
Chapter 66: Omo!!!! I love this story....i like it when the story is not in a rush cuz u can see how their love blooms for each other.....SO FAR ITS ONEOF DA BEST FANFICS EVAAA!!!!! pls do the sequel....ur the best!!!! -from: KimJaeRi_KPop
princessjay #6
I enjoyed this so much...maybe because their love story was not wrote it so well that we got to see how love bloomed for both of them. Off to read the sequel and your other stories!
krn_nadeshiko #7
Chapter 67: Love the story, actually I can laugh from the bottom of my heart with this story ... but I se disappoint though xD because I wanna read more about their firs time T_T but I think it was fine ~! Love it
shinee3112 #8
Chapter 68: I freaking loved it SOO MUCHH.
mitchiepoooo #9
Chapter 68: Yup yup! we want a sequel!!!
anneke329 #10
Chapter 68: Ohh, ohhh, pick me, pick me, please pick me!