
Believe It
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Sunhee's POV

 “Candy!” I screamed in joy when I reached the candy aisle at the supermarket. I began piling all my favorite candies into the cart, covering the other groceries we already had in there up.


Sehun and I needed to make a run to the market today since we were all out of food. Luckily, our apartment complex was close to the store so we didn't need to take the bus or subway here and back with all the groceries we were going to get.


“Noona, don't you think you're getting too much candy?” Sehun warily voiced from beside me, staring with wide eyes at all the candy I was grabbing.

“There is no such thing as too much candy Sehunnie.” I countered and reached up to pat his head. Sehun gave me an unamused look and stopped me from putting more sweets into the cart, “Noona, you aren't going to have anything teeth when you get older if you eat this much candy.”

“Who are you to preach to me about eating candy, boy?” I questioned and narrowed my eyes. “Because I know of a boy who goes by the name Oh Sehun that loves candy just as much as I do.” I retorted while harshly poking is chest.


“Luhan hyung told me to say it!” He quickly defended and moved away to avoid my poking attacks. I sighed and rolled my eyes at his obedience towards his hyung.

“What candy do you want Sehun-ah?” I asked knowing fully well that he wanted to get as much sweets as I did. A smile lit up his face as he reached out and grabbed three bags each of skittles and twix. “These!” He exclaimed, tossing the bags into the cart and receiving a few curious stares from a few strangers.

“That's the spirit!” I praised and slapped my younger brother's hard. “I love Halloween.” I joyfully expressed, ignoring Sehun's whine and glare from behind me. “With the dressing up, the decorations, scary movies, and most importantly-” I paused and reached my hand into the cart to grab the bags of sweets. “Candies are on sale!!” 


“Noona.” Sehun softly called me. He watched me as I grabbed two apples and held them up, trying to decided on which one was better. Sehun reached over and grabbed the better apple, placing it into a little plastic baggy. “I got invited to go to a party on Halloween.”

“You should go.” I told him as I grabbed another apple and compared it again with the other in my hands. I stared at the two apples and tilted my head to the side in wonder. The one in my left hand looks shinier but the one on the right is a lot bigger.

Sehun once again picked the better of the two apples and placed it into the bag. “I'm not going.” He shook his head when I turned to look at him in questioning. “I don't want you to spend Halloween all alone.”


I rolled my eyes at what he said, "It's fine Sehunnie.” When he opened his mouth to protest I quickly stopped him. “Sehun-ah, you need to get out and go hang out with your friends more. You're always with me. Aren't you tired of seeing me everyday?” He innocently shook his head no and I could only sigh at his answer. “Go Sehun.” I ordered. It was strange really, how I'm forcing my younger brother to go out to a party because he didn't want to. In normal situations, it's usually the other way around. Sehun always preferred to spend his free time with me instead of his friends since we were kids because of our close relationship, the whole attachment only got worst when we lost our parents. “You're a high school boy, you're suppose to go to parties.” I said.

I could sense his unwillingness so I placed my hands on his shoulders to comfort him. “I'll find something to do so don't worry.” I assured. I narrowed my eyes at him and gave him a stern warning, “And don't, call Luhan oppa and tell him to hang out with me.”

“Won't you be lonely?” Sehun tried to reason. “At least if Luhan hyung was there you two could-”

“Stop trying to set me up with Luhan oppa.” I exasperatedly complained. “You already know I don't have those sort of feelings for him.”


“I'll find something to do.” I interrupted. “Not, another word, Oh Sehun.” I held up a finger and stopped him in a threatening tone. "You will go to that party and you will enjoy it.”

“Fine.” He reluctantly grumbled. “I will go to the party....but I won't enjoy it!” He rebelled and ran off into the seafood section.




I walked into Jung's Corporation Monday morning and greeted the women behind the front desk. I walked towards the elevator to go up but stopped when I saw a large orange sign hanging on the wall. “Haunted House this Wednesday. 6pm.” I muttered. I looked at the little map attached to the corner of the sign that showed the directions to get to the Haunted House from this building. “Hm, it's only ten minutes away from here. Maybe I should go so I can have something to do. That way Sehun won't

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Chapter 67: They adjusted themselves to each other.
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 68: OMG this story is so awesome xD
Freespirited_drummer #3
Chapter 32: I never surpised that i found myself speechless when reading your stories. You made the characters all alive, each with their own uniqueness and traits. I wish that i can have just half of your writing skill to entertain myself. Please write more in the future, your writings make my day!
taurusgirl #4
Chapter 68: Heiiiii, new reader here and recently finished this story and can't stop imagine yunho right know kekeke
You have done good job, nice writing, aaand thank you for continue write the sequel kekeke
koreankimchibaby #5
Chapter 66: Omo!!!! I love this story....i like it when the story is not in a rush cuz u can see how their love blooms for each other.....SO FAR ITS ONEOF DA BEST FANFICS EVAAA!!!!! pls do the sequel....ur the best!!!! -from: KimJaeRi_KPop
princessjay #6
I enjoyed this so much...maybe because their love story was not rushed...you wrote it so well that we got to see how love bloomed for both of them. Off to read the sequel and your other stories!
krn_nadeshiko #7
Chapter 67: Love the story, actually I can laugh from the bottom of my heart with this story ... but I se disappoint though xD because I wanna read more about their firs time T_T but I think it was fine ~! Love it
shinee3112 #8
Chapter 68: I freaking loved it SOO MUCHH.
mitchiepoooo #9
Chapter 68: Yup yup! we want a sequel!!!
anneke329 #10
Chapter 68: Ohh, ohhh, pick me, pick me, please pick me!