Stupid, Sidetracked Love

The nonstop texting went on for about three weeks. You were still playing this game of "guess who I am??" with this person. Even though at times you really didn't feel like talking to him, he was a good friend to you. You told him about your problem with Kai, and that you wanted your relationship with him to be better. The reply was: Oh. You must really want to be good friends with him, huh? And that was the end of that topic.

You couldn't spill to Eena about your Kai complex - you weren't that close with her yet, and you usually didn't tell other people about problems like these. However, your friendship bond with Eena was getting stronger and stronger every day, and your trust in her was also getting stronger. You desperately wanted to talk to her, to rant, to cry, to spill out the sorrow that you felt right now, like an overflowing cup with a lid shut firmly on top, but about to burst open.

You just decided not to - not yet. After you see what will happen in the future.

When you got home from school one sunny Wednesday, your mother greeted you with a huge smile on her face.

As you were tiredly untying your shoelaces and pulled your sneakers off your feet, she was holding your arms tightly, squealing about something.

Feeling frustrated and annoyed, you snapped, "Mom! Calm down!"

Your mother looked at you with a flash of hurt in her eyes, but she went back to her squealing disposition.

That was totally like your mom. She was the type of person to forget the earlier pains and move on. You didn't know much about her past, but you knew that she used to be an orphan - just like you. She had a very kind heart, but liked to keep personal conflicts to herself - both from the past and the current things she went through in everyday life. However, your mother liked to encourage you to speak with her if you had any troubles, which you did when you were in elementary school, but talking to her about Kai was like talking to your guy friend about your period. (Do you see the awkwardness?) This was how you felt whenever the topic "Kai" came up lately. Like when your parents got a letter home saying that the new student needed to feel welcome, their eyes literally bulged out when they saw the students' name.

"Is this the Kai that we know??" your mother asked, excitment in her voice. "Wow, you haven't seen him in years! How is he? Do you talk to him? Does he still remember you?"

You responded by keeping silent and retreating to your room, closing the door tightly behind you. The letter had come after you had that little visit at Kai's house on that rainy day, which was a couple of days after he moved here.

Your mind came back to the present, your mother standing in front of you, smiling from ear to ear. You haven't seen her that happy since your first prize placement at the national art competition last year. It wasn't that she was normally a boring person, but it was rare to see her to jumpy and squeally.

"How do you feel about getting married?" she asked, her eyes sparkling.

You flopped down on the couch and planted your feet on top of the coffee table, not even fully listening to what your mom was saying.

"Huh? Marriage? Why talk about it now?" you asked, rubbing your eyes and yawning.

"A lovely couple came over today and guess who it was? Kai's parents!" she burst out the news.

While you were in the process of yawning, you choked on the air as if someone had shoved a ball of tight air down your airway. Your eyes sparked up tears, your eyes and throat stinging, coughing like a maniac.

Your mother had a look of panic on her face.

"Oh my gosh! Are you alright?" she said, slapping your back hard.

It hurt you more than helping you. You coughed some more and she waited until they stopped.

You turned to her, your eyes red and watery, and said an astounding, "WHAT?"

She nodded a-matter-of-factly nod and smiled again.

"Kai's parents came over this afternoon while you two were in school. Well, we talked for hours and hours, meeting up from a while ago. I don't think you remember because you were so young back then, but the four of us were all college friends, and we decided to adopt a child when we married. They came over after finding out our address and they brought up plans for marriage between you and Kai. We could all be in-laws! Don't you think that's lovely?" your mom asked, holding her hands together with a dreamy expression.

Your jaw dropped. Kai's parents coming over was one thing, but an arranged marriage? Is the sun purple? Could dogs fly? Were pigeons barking like dogs?

Your world was turned upside down since that day. You had no idea if Kai knew about the marriage plans already - that may have been part of the reason why he was giving you the cold shoulder lately.

Marrying Kai? That was too good and too bad to be true. It was too good because since you were little, you had always dreamed about marrying your best friend, who in your case, was Kai. He knew almost everything about you, what you liked and didn't like, what your habits were, what color you liked - it made sense to you that marrying your best friend would be awesome because you would know your other very well, and you wouldn't get into fights as much as regular couples do. It was too bad because now that you and Kai have reunited after so many years, Kai changed completely, and he was nasty towards you. You didn't know if the Kai you knew back then was still in him now, locked inside a tiny box that had a complicated key on it.

You worried most of all that if you married Kai, then it would just result in a terrible married life - just fighting, misunderstandings, loneliness, and later, divorce. You had to stop this marriage in all the power that you had, before it was too late.
















A week later, Kai's parents came over again. It was becoming an almost daily tradition to come over to your house in the afternoons, drinking hot tea and buiscuts (your mother really liked English food and drinks, even though she was Korean) in this cold, rainy winter.

When you were home during their visits, the only topic they ever babbled about was the marriage - how they were going to decorate the wedding hall, the invitations, inviting family and friends, who the best man would be, the wedding dress, and even to a personal topic - having children. You sometimes leaned your ear against your bedroom door, eavesdropping on their conversations to imagine a nice mental image of you and Kai walking arm and arm down the aisle, people cheering and throwing white confetti, but you quickly shook your head every time, trying to get it out of your head. Marriage was out of the question, especially in this situation, and that happy life you desperately wanted with Kai was never going to happen.

In these times of conflict, you texted the anonymous person, telling him about the marriage. At first, he didn't reply back, but when he did, he said: Well, I hope things go well for you...^^ If you really don't want to marry him, then just tell your parents how you feel.

So you did - that night after Kai's parents left, you confronted your parents, bluntly saying that you were against this marriage. They seemed shocked at first, and then they tried to talk you out of it.

"It'll be good for us, honey! You and Kai are very close friends! Why don't you want this? I don't understand," your dad said.

Your mother was crying legit tears, dabbing at them and crying, "Oh, why don't you want to marry Kai? I had our whole lives planned out, too!"

Your attempt to hault the marriage was a complete failure - in the end, your parents said no, and the marriage was still happening.

There was no set date yet - the parents were just talking about it, not having the time and date. You guessed it would be after you graduated high school, but who knew? If you knew your mom, she was probably going to make it next month or something.

At school, it was still awkward when you saw Kai - in the hallway, lunchroom, etc. Instead of him being your best friend, the anonymous person you texted on a daily basis was, being very nice to you and tried to be understanding. You asked him over and over, "When are you going to show yourself to me?" He would always answer, "One day..."

And right to his word, that "one day" was sooner than you expected.






























OMG I'm really sorry guys ><;;; I really don't have time to update anymore....high school life is so damn busy :/ tests and stuff everyday....

Anyway, the news of their most-likely-gonna-happen marriage is finally here! XDDDDD so excited! but don't look TOO forward to it - their marriage isn't gonna happen until after a few more events lead up to it.. ;)

THe won't be happening until after the marriage (I'm thinking...not so sure), but do not worry my wonderful subscribers! ^^

I'm making a commitment to try to update one chapter every three weeks - i know thats a REALLY long time to wait for an update, but it's the most I can do as of now...Please understand me ! *bows*

Thank you SO MUCH fore subscribing and commenting! they really motivate and help me to write and update more! ^^ Please tell your friends about this story! Thanks a bunch again!!!!!

-supergirl14 :P

P.S. in the meantime, who do you think this anonymous person is? I shall reveal him in the next update...MUAHAHAHAHAHA :)

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please check out the spinoff of Stupid Sidetracked Love! (Complicated Sidetracked Love) ^^


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14 streak #1
Chapter 39: Thanks for the story!
Chapter 17: that was so sweet
Chapter 10: things are getting interesting
Chapter 8: awww baekhyun is so sweet to comfor her like that
Chapter 5: that was creepy. i wonder who that stalker is
Chapter 3: omg he recognized her
ChrisChen #7
Where is the spinoff??
It's still so good
U don't know how many times I've read this
Chocoholic_Exo-L #10
Chapter 37: Wow they have alot of kids. When I heard their son looks like Kai I immediately thought: Taeoh.
Prediction: failed.