Stupid, Sidetracked Love

You felt something wet and slimey your cheek, bringing you out of dreamland.

*What the...* you groggily thought, opening your sleepy eyes.

A furry animal (more specifically - Dal ) was your face, his tail wagging.

"Ugh...Dal-ah, stop it..." you groaned, pushing him gently away.

"Hey, stop being so cruel to Dal - he's just happy to see you," Kai defended as he entered the bedroom. He was still wearing his pajama bottoms, his hair messed up and sticking out in odd places.

"You mean what is Dal doing to me," you corrected, rolling over to your other side.

Kai picked up Dal and scratched the puppy's head. He heard scampering below and looked down. Chorong and Byul were now in the room, their tongues hanging out of their mouths.

"The puppies are here to see you and you push them away? How rude," Kai snorted, bending down to gather them all in his arms.

"You dramatic butthead," you muttered, half-asleep.

Your eyes shot open when you realized something - you recalled sleeping first in the bed the other niht, so where did Kai...

You rolled over again and eyed him suspiciously. He gave you a blank look while the puppies chased each other around him, "What?"

"Where did you sleep last night?" you demanded.

He pointed to the spot next to you, "Right here."

You eyes almost popped out of your sockets, "WHAT?? WHY ARE YOU SLEEPING WITH ME IN THE SAME BED WHEN WE'RE NOT EVEN MARRIED YET??"

Kai shrugged, "We will be in a few months. What's the big deal?"

Your body froze, your eye twitching. *This guy...*

Kai sighed, reaching out to grab Chorong who had squirmed out of his arms, "I didn't do anything to you last night, so don't get any weird ideas. Just because my hormones are raging, it doesn't mean I'm that low."

You raised an eyebrow and muttered under your breath, "If he did do something to me, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised..."

"What did you say?" Kai asked in a warning tone, standing up from the floor.

You jumped and waved your hands in panic, "H-Heh, nothing..."

Kai rolled his eyes and left the room, carrying the puppies away.

You stared at the ceiling, all you energy zapped from your body.

*We slept together in the same bed...and we're not married yet...* you thought in a daze.

You grabbed your pillow and pressed it against your burning face, wanting to scream like a madwoman.




"We've got..." Kai counted on his fingers, "A week left of our stay here. Any suggestions on our plans?"

"Can't we just go home already? I'm getting sick of just having you for company," you whined.

"Go already? But we have a week left! What are we going to do in boring Korea all week?" Kai demanded, crossing his arms in a huff.

You shook your head and sighed. *He's such a kid sometimes...*

"Then do you have any brilliant suggestions?" you asked, leaning back in your seat on the couch.




"Oh, Sukyung-ah! Back already?" your mom greeted you with a disappointed smile.

After arguing about it for hours, Kai agreed to go back to Korea - on one condition.

"Yeah, I am," you said monotonously, walking past her and into the house.

"As a matter of fact, Mrs. Song, we're back for a specific reason!" Kai said with a grin as he followed you in.

Your mom clapped her hands in excitement, "Oooh, what's the reason?"

Kai crossed her arms and proudly announced, "Sukyung and I are going to look for wedding clothes!"

*Oh, boy, that's it - I'm done.* you hid your head under your arms miserably.


You lifted up your head and saw you mom actually wipping away tears from her eyes with Kai standing behind her, grinning like an idiot.

"Mother..." you groaned. "You're embarrassing me!"

"Mom is sorry, Sukyung-ah. This is just - oh, I'm just so happy for you!" you mom said, going over to you and embracing you tightly.

You sighed, "Mom, please..."

She held your shoulders and leaned back, tears glistening in her eyes.

"You're all grown up, my Sukyung. Oh, the years when I've been raising you...Since the year I've adopted you till now - "

"Mom - it's been about five or six years since you've adopted me," you interrupted.

She paused, thinking hard. "Oh, that's right. But anyway, OH NO THE TEARS ARE COMING AGAIN - "

You jerked away from her and zoomed up to your room. "I'm outta here!"

Kai watched you leave in a hurry, chuckling to himself.

*Oh, the fun has just begun, Song Sukyung...*




"I can't believe we're doing this all on our own," you complained.

You and Kai arrived at a wedding dress shop in downtown Seoul - just the two of you without any annoying mothers around to squeal and embarrass you. The bad thing about not having those annoying mothers around was that that you didn't know what to do about picking out your wedding dress.

"Just pick the one you want and I'll give a second opinion," Kai said simply, looking down a row of white dresses.

You facepalmed yourself and sighed in frustration. "It's not that easy as you think it is - picking out a wedding dress is REALLY HARD, believe it or not..."

Kai shrugged carelessly, taking a sip of his Taro Milk bubble tea. "Whatever."

You rolled your eyes. *Boys...they don't know anything about girls...*

An employee finally came over to you to help.

"Could I try on a few of these?" you asked politely.

She smiled and gestured to a large dressing room. "Yes, miss. Pick as many as you would like and the staff will help you try them on."

You bowed politely as she left, thanking her.

You puffed your cheeks as you carefully looked through the endless racks of wedding dresses.

Suddenly, Kai appeared beside  you with three dresses in his arms. He held them out to you.

"Try on these. I like this one the best," Kai said, holding out one of them. You took them from him and observed them.

You nodded approvingly, "Not bad. Sit over there while I get ready."

Kai obediently sat on the couch across from the curtained display stage where you would appear later.

Meanwhile, three unnie employees were helping you get into the first dress, fixing the veil, make-up, hair, and heeled shoes.

Kai was starting to feel impatient. He shook his leg and looked around the room, feeling bored. Yet, his heart was beating quickly, anticipating your appearance. *I want to see how gorgeous she'll look when she appears in front of me.*

Right on cue, you took your place on the elevated platform and stood still, your heart racing. Your palms were getting clammy from nervousness.

*Breathe, Sukyung-ah, breathe...* you told yourself, breathing deeply.

The curtains were drawn away, and a spotlight from the ceiling shone on you, creating a white, dazzling image of you.

Kai's jaw dropped to the floor, his eyes glued to you.

You blushed but pretended you didn't see his reaction. "Well, how is it?"

Kai snapped out of his daze and smiled, putting a thumbs up. "I like it. Get this one!"

You made a face, "We can't make a decision after looking at only one dress - "

"You'll look amazing in all of them so what does that matter?" Kai interrupted, his cheeks turning a light pink.

You looked at him in surprise. *Such sweet words coming from Kai...makes my heart beat faster.*

After trying on many more dresses, you and Kai finally decided on this beautiful wedding dress.

"It suits you well," Kai commented as you stepped out of the store.

You blushed and didn't say anything, looking the other way to avoid eye contact.

Kai shook his head and casually slipped his hand into yours, holding on tightly.

You whipped your head to him, a surprised look on your face. "W-What - "

"What am I doing? Claiming the prettiest girl in the world as mine," Kai finished, smiling mysteriously at you.

You made a face, "Ew, so cheesy..."

"Is someone complaining?" Kai asked, loosening his grip on you.

"N - No, I was just kidding..." you blurted, squeezing his hand tightly.

You looked down at the ground and blushed madly. *Stupid, stupid, stupid! What are you doing, Sukyung-ah??*

Kai chuckled at your cuteness. *You're only mine, Song Sukyung.*

You sighed as he pulled you to the car parked on the side of the street. *I'm never going to get used to this...This is a stupid, sidetracked love story...*





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please check out the spinoff of Stupid Sidetracked Love! (Complicated Sidetracked Love) ^^


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14 streak #1
Chapter 39: Thanks for the story!
Chapter 17: that was so sweet
Chapter 10: things are getting interesting
Chapter 8: awww baekhyun is so sweet to comfor her like that
Chapter 5: that was creepy. i wonder who that stalker is
Chapter 3: omg he recognized her
ChrisChen #7
Where is the spinoff??
It's still so good
U don't know how many times I've read this
Chocoholic_Exo-L #10
Chapter 37: Wow they have alot of kids. When I heard their son looks like Kai I immediately thought: Taeoh.
Prediction: failed.