Stupid, Sidetracked Love

The next day at school, you tried to be a bit more aware of your surroundings. Nothing big happened to you, so that was good.

*I wonder who dropped that flower pot before...* you pondered while walking down the empty hallway to the bathroom.

Eena quietly peeked out from behind the corner of the hallway, watching you walking towards the girls' bathroom.

*I need to put my plan into action.* Eena thought, her heel spinning to sprint down to Kai's classroom.

She stood at the edge of the window of the classroom and searched for Kai. He was sitting in the back, his back slouched and his eyes on the empty desk in front of him as the teacher lectured the class.

Eena waved her hands wildly to get his attention, and to her relief, he saw her. He raised an eyebrow as she pointed at the door, silently telling him with her eyes, "Come out!"

Kai sighed and raised his hand tiredly. His lips moved silently, asking the teacher for a bathroom break. He let Kai go, and Kai stood up slowly with his hands in his pockets and sauntered out of the classroom, a stony look on his face as he approached Eena.

Without a word, she grabbed his arm and dragged him down the hallway of the bathroom where you just went into.

"Kai, we need to talk," Eena said, crossing her arms defiantly.

"What do you want from my life?" Kai questioned, rolling his eyes.

"I'm going to ask you one more time - you're 100 percent sure that you don't love me anymore?"

He nodded, "Yes. 100 percent sure. Anything else you would like to know?"

Eena bit her bottom lip and said, "Well, that's too bad - it seems like I'm still not over you yet, Kai."

She heard footsteps getting louder and louder in the bathroom, so she quickly stood on her tip-toes and tugged Kai's head down. She squeezed her eyes shut and crushed her lips against his, trying to make it look passionate. Kai grabbed her shoulders and tried to pry her off, but she held onto him for dear life, waiting for you to catch the two of you kissing.

And you did - you walked out and stopped in your tracks when you saw Eena and Kai kissing deeply down the hallway. Shocked and horrified, you quickly jumped back into the bathroom, your throat getting tight and your eyes watering.

*Is that....with Eena...* your mind was scrambling around to find a possible explanation or excuse for this situation, but you couldn't find anything.

Kai and Eena were kissing. And that was reality.

You put a hand against your rapidly beating heart and took deep breaths, tears finally running down your face. The bathroom was starting to get blurry, and your knees were weak. You leaned against the wall and let yourself slide down, sitting on the floor and your salty tears dripping.

*What...What is this? Was this why Kai was acting so distant around me? Because he was secretly meeting Eena behind my back?* you wondered, sniffling loudly.

You didn't know what to do with yourself - you just wanted to sit there and cry your poor heart out, wondering why the world was so cruel.

You wanted to go up to them and pull them apart, saying "Kai is mine so don't touch him!", but you couldn't. You didn't have the courage or will to.

*I can't do this anymore.* you decided after your crying eased.




Kai finally pulled Eena off of him and breathed heavily, wiping off his lips with disgust.

"What the hell are you doing? Are you crazy?" Kai shouted in a menacing voice.

Eena rolled her eyes and smirked. "You didn't feel anything? No racing heart or nervousness while kissing your ex?"

Kai glared at her and snapped, "Shut up, Ellen. I didn't feel anything at all, so don't even imagine anything of the sort. You're staying my ex and I've long ago decided to leave you for good. Stop following me around and doing crazy things like these!"

"I'm not giving you up, Kai," Eena said calmly, looking up at him with a fierce gaze. "I'm doing this so that you'll come back to your senses one day."

With that, Eena turned and left Kai standing there speechless, nothing going through his head as he stood in that same spot.

*Can't she just love someone else who'll actually give her the love that she wants?* Kai thought.




You stalked into the café with tears still flowing down your face. Baekhyun looked up in surprise and his eyes widened when he saw your tears.

"Sukyung-ah! What happened? Why are you crying?" he asked in alarm, putting down the cup he was drying and coming over to you.

You sat down at a table and covered your face with your hands and sobbed, your shoulders shaking uncontrollably.

Baekhyun sat down in the chair next to yours and put a comforting hand on your back, rubbing in gentle circles.

Your tears lessened after a few minutes and you finally took your hands away, revealing a tear-streaked face with puffy red eyes. You felt so tired after crying for such a long time, and you didn't want to share the experience with anyone.

"Tell me, Sukyung. What's making you cry so much?" Baekhyun asked in a soft voice.

You sniffled and hiccupped once. "I...I want to cancel the wedding now."

*Uh oh. That Ellen definitely did something...* Baekhyun thought.

"Why?" he asked.

You rubbed your swollen eyes and said quietly, "I saw Kai and...Eena...in the hallway...They were...They were..."

You paused and took a deep, shaky breath. "Kissing..."

Baekhyun's jaw dropped. *That's the dirtiest move Ellen could ever pull off. I'm going to have a talk with her later.*

"Are you...serious?"

You nodded sorrowfully. "Yeah...They were kissing and...I caught them as I was *hiccup!* walking out of the bathroom."

Baekhyun's eyes looked uneasy - they kept flickering from location to location, his hands fiddling with each other as if he was nervous. You peered at his face and asked, "Is there something wrong, oppa?"

As if snapped out of a hypnotizing spell, he quickly said, "Oh no, nothing! I was just...Sorry, but I have to tend to the customers here. I'll call you later and help, okay?"

You opened your mouth to say something to him, but before you could, Baekhyun jerked out of his seat, almost knocking the chair over, and stiffly walked back behind the counter. He disappeared into the back room.

*That was weird...Does he possibly know something about Kai and Eena?* you wondered.

Suddenly, you spotted D.O. walking out of the back room with an apron on. He saw you too and broke into a wide smile. He waved and greeted, "Hey, Sukyung!"

You smiled and stood up, walking over to him. "Hi, D.O. Your shift is now?"

He nodded, "Yeah, it is. I heard you're a bit down today...Want patbingsoo? It's on me!"

"That would be great. Thanks, D.O!" you beamed, your mood lightening up a bit




Baekhyun sat down in a chair and held his head in his hands in stress.

*I can't believe Eena did that. She kissed Kai on purpose - I know it. I'm really going to have to speak with her about this. Now Sukyung doesn't want to go on with the marriage anymore - I understand her completely. It looks like Kai's cheating on her but he's not! I hope...* Baekhyun thought.

His brain was a trainwreck right now, feeling antsy. He really wanted to make you smile and be yourself again, but he didn't know how. Kai and Eena had hurt her big time - probably shattering her heart forever.

*Just be strong, Sukyung. I know you can pull through this...You always have and always will.* he thought optimistically for her.

After thinking a lot, Baekhyun picked up his cell phone and dialed a number, waiting for the person to pick up.

*Ellen Lim, you are going to pay for the pain you've caused Sukyung.* Baekhyun fumed as the phone still rang.



































LALALALA~~~~~~~~~ now she's done it! :O (UH OH!!!)

Now sukyung doesn't want to marry Kai anymore! Now whutttt???

LOL please put your reactions and comments below in the comments section!

THanks everyone who upvoted this story and for commenting! I love you all!!~~~~~




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please check out the spinoff of Stupid Sidetracked Love! (Complicated Sidetracked Love) ^^


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14 streak #1
Chapter 39: Thanks for the story!
Chapter 17: that was so sweet
Chapter 10: things are getting interesting
Chapter 8: awww baekhyun is so sweet to comfor her like that
Chapter 5: that was creepy. i wonder who that stalker is
Chapter 3: omg he recognized her
ChrisChen #7
Where is the spinoff??
It's still so good
U don't know how many times I've read this
Chocoholic_Exo-L #10
Chapter 37: Wow they have alot of kids. When I heard their son looks like Kai I immediately thought: Taeoh.
Prediction: failed.