Stupid, Sidetracked Love

That night you texted Zelo, explaining to him how the phone call with Kai turned out.

Congrats, Song Sukyung! ^^ Looks like everything's in place now! And the wedding goes on! You'd better invite me! ~

Grinning, you answered back, Of course, Zelo-ssi~ You've been a great help to me. I won't forget you or your advice!

Sighing, you lay in bed, the smile on your face stuck there. *Everything has cleared up, and I got the answers that I needed...I hope nothing else happens...*




The next morning, you found Kai waiting in your living room, wearing his uniform and ready.

When you came downstairs after changing, he looked up at you expectantly, his eyes twinkling.

Your mom came into the room with a surprised yet cheerful expression on her face when she spotted Kai sitting on the couch.

"Oh, Kai! I haven't seen you in a very long time! You're here to pick up Sukyung?" she asked brightly.

Kai grinned and nodded, "Yes, omonim (polite way of saying 'mother')! I see that she's ready now." He grabbed your hand and raised it for your mom to see. "Can we leave now?"

She laughed and pointed out, "What about her breakfast?"

"I'll buy something for her on the way to school. That's why I came here so early!" Kai explained.

You looked at him with a weird look, but he paid no attention to you. His hand felt so right in yours. Your hand has been feeling empty this whole time while all this drama was happening - it felt so good to feel his familiar, warm hand in yours again.

"Okay, go, you two! Have fun!" your mom consented, waving you two off.

Kai bowed to her and gave her a big smile before pulling you out the door.

"Woah, woah, Kai! Slow down!" you said, laughing a little.

Kai led you down to the waiting black car in front of your house, opening the door for you. You got in and Kai climbed in behind you, shutting the door.

Kai leaned forward in his seat and said to the driver, "Ajusshi, to the nearest café, please."

He sat back with a satisfied look on his face.

*Is he that happy to be driving to school with me again?* you wondered, smiling the slightest bit at him.

Kai turned to you and raised his eyebrows. "You're hungry right? I'll buy you anything you want at the café."

"I just want a bagel or something...Nothing extravagant," you said.

He frowned a little, "Isn't that too small of a meal? I'll get you a lot of food!"

"No, really, I don't need that much - I'm a girl. Girls don't eat as much as guys do, babo," you joked, punching his arm lightly.

He rolled his eyes and shrugged, "Whatever."




After breakfast, it was off to school. You took all of your classes without a worry, excited to be able to concentrate in class after a long period of just staring straight ahead with the lectures going through one ear and out the other. However, you've noticed the aura around Eena getting darker and darker. You caught her giving you a sort of glare during class.

*Is she mad at me about something? I should be the one mad at her for trying to take Kai away from me...* you thought, feeling that same burning gaze at the side of your head.

You were relieved when the bell rang for the end of the day. You quickly stood up and started to pack your books into your backpack.

In your peripheral vision, you saw Eena getting up slowly and walking over to your desk.

You pretended to not notice and continued to pack up, slinging your pack over your right shoulder. Your eyes lifted upwards and met Eena's dark eyes.

"Hey! Do you need something?" you asked cooly.

Eena kept glaring at you but didn't say anything. You were about to leave when suddenly, she grabbed your sleeve tightly. You looked up at her, confused. Eena leaned in next to your ear and whispered, "Do you wanna know a secret?"

"What?" you asked, faltering back a few steps.

She gave you a smirk and said, "Did you know that Kai's cousin, Baekhyun, is in love with you?"

You froze in your spot, staring at her with wide eyes. "W-What? Baekhyun? How do you know?"

Eena rolled her eyes, "Are you that stupid? Everyone knows that Baekhyun is head over heels for you. I'm pretty sure he's fallen for you ever since he saw you in school. He even asked almost all of your friends for your phone number."

Once you heard this, everything clicked into place: the mysterious texter, how he got your phone number...It all made sense now.

"Baekhyun...is in love with me?" you whispered, your heart feeling troubled again.

Eena smirked and said in a low, soft voice, "It's a shame, really. The boy who's loved you from the very first time he laid his eyes on you gets left out. Instead, the girl falls for his cousin! How painful it must be for him to stand all that..."

Your mind became blank, her words echoing in your head.

*So...That's why Baekhyun has been so nice to me all this time? Because he loved me?*




Baekhyun bit his bottom lip as he stared into space in his dark room, sitting in his wheely chair.

*Is Sukyung really going to be okay?* he wondered, still not knowing that Sukyung and Kai were now on good terms. *Should I call her?*

He was about to reach for his phone on the bed, but he hesitated and retracted his arm. *No, I'll wait for tomorrow...She'll be okay.*

Baekhyun suddenly remembered the first time he's ever seen Sukyung. It felt like such a long time ago, but it was only last year.


Baekhyun struggled to lift the box onto the curb from the car trunk. *Damn, this thing is heavy.* Baekhyun complained inside his head while grunting and sweating to get the heavy box to move down the pathway to the school building.

It was the day before Kai was enrolling to the new high school, and Kai's parents had asked Baekhyun a favor to get Kai's stuff into the teacher's office for him to pick up later.

*Why couldn't Kai go do it himself?* he wondered.

Suddenly, a girl walked past him. He glanced up and saw a short girl with long black wavy hair and semi-pale skin. She had large eyes with no double eyelids and long, pretty lashes. Her uniform was neat and clean, and there was a light bounce in her steps.

*Who is that?* he asked himself, watching her disappear into the school.

After delivering the box, he asked one of the teachers for the student directory. There, he got the student directory and found the girl's picture and phone number. He found out later on that Kai and the girl were long-lost friends. He looked at her picture for a long time.

*Song Sukyung...Such a pretty face and name...* he thought, rubbing the picture with his thumb.

*End of Flashback*

Baekhyun sighed. "Maybe I shouldn't have contacted Sukyung in the first place...If I didn't come in, there was no need for rivalry for her heart. I somehow already knew she was going to fall for Kai, but I couldn't lost hope..."



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please check out the spinoff of Stupid Sidetracked Love! (Complicated Sidetracked Love) ^^


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14 streak #1
Chapter 39: Thanks for the story!
Chapter 17: that was so sweet
Chapter 10: things are getting interesting
Chapter 8: awww baekhyun is so sweet to comfor her like that
Chapter 5: that was creepy. i wonder who that stalker is
Chapter 3: omg he recognized her
ChrisChen #7
Where is the spinoff??
It's still so good
U don't know how many times I've read this
Chocoholic_Exo-L #10
Chapter 37: Wow they have alot of kids. When I heard their son looks like Kai I immediately thought: Taeoh.
Prediction: failed.