Stupid, Sidetracked Love

"It's beautiful out today," you stated, a smile spreading across your face.

The vibrant green grass and the cloudless blue sky smelled of a warmer spring in London. Birds were chirping pleasantly, and the sunshin shone through the green leaves on the trees, making them glow a yellow-green.

You were standing on the balcony of the bedroom, the sun streaming in through your hair. It was just the right temperature - not too warm with a steady breeze blowing.

You didn't notice Kai sneaking up behind you as you were enjoying the weather.

He leaned down to your ear and whispered, "You wanna go for a walk?"

You yelped in surprise. You whipped your head to him and glared, "Don't sneak up on me like that! Remember? Mini heart attacks?"

Kai smirked and shook his head, moving next to you.

"A walk?" you resumed to his suggestion, tilting your head to the side.

He nodded, "Yeah. There's a nice path around here that goes around the pension. Wanna go?"

"Sure!" you beamed. "Let me change first."

You pushed Kai out the door and closed it after him. Kai chuckled and smiled warmly to himself.

*I'm glad things between us are getting back to how it was before...* Kai thought, pushing his hands into his pockets and trotting downstairs.

You burst out of the bedroom five minutes later, wearing a cute outfit.

You went down to the front door and stepped outside. You breathed in the fresh spring air and sighed in content. Suddenly, a pair of hands caught you around the waist, pulling you up off the ground in a tight back hug.

You squealed and shook your dangling legs. Kai spun around in a dizzying circle, laughing all the way.

He finally set you down and smiled brightly at you.

You stared at him with a funny look on your face and ended up laughing along with him.

































Soon, you and Kai were on the trail, walking side by side in quiet peace. It was a bit awkward since no words were being exchanged - you just gazed at the pretty scenergy around you, lost in the quietness of the walk.

The path you were walking on was cobblestone - all neat with no grass or moss growing between the stones.

"You said you've walked here before, right?" you suddenly asked, lifting your eyes up to meet his.

Kai nodded, "Yeah. I walk along here when I want to clear my head...to think..."

"That's...good," you said, the atmosphere turning awkward again.

You rubbed your arm awkwardly, too timid to try and start a conversation again.

*We used to talk nonstop to each other when we were orphans...I had to tell Kai to shut up when he wouldn't stop.* you recalled, smiling to yourself.

"Where does this path lead to?" you asked with curiousity.

"It leads to a clearing...a place that's special to me since I found it years ago. You're the second person I've ever brought here..." Kai replied, his eyes looking distant as if he was remembering something painful.

You wanted to ask him what was bothering him, but you thought better of it and decided not to push it.

After climbing over a hill, you looked out and saw a wide open space with tall grass swaying in the breeze, wildflowers growing among them. A long black road cut through the clearing. There were tall, sturdy fir trees bordering the area, blocking the view of whatever was behind them.

You heard Kai cursing in disbelief under his breath.

"What's wrong?" you asked, a bit startled by his use of profane words.

"There wasn't a road here last time I came!" Kai said angrily, throwing up his hands. "Which idiot would put a random road smack in the middle here?!"

You looked at him worriedly. *He seems pretty upset.*

"...It's still pretty nice here - even with the road," you said nicely, smiling a little to comfort him.

Kai sighed and shook his head, his shoulders drooping. "I...I'm sorry - I was planning to show you this place...This clearing used to have a lot more wildflowers and space, but now...this road happened," Kai spat, gesturing to the alien feature of the clearing.

You put a hand on his arm and squeezed gently. "Thanks anyway. I know this is a special place for you, so by just bringing me here shows that you really care. It's the thought that counts!" you softly spoke, winking.

Kai shifted his gaze to you and smiled sadly. "You're too nice for your own good, you know that?"

You laughed, "I'll take that as a compliment."

"It was," Kai murmured, slipping his hand into yours.

You blushed and looked away, "Look who's being all romantic all of a sudden." you teased.

He rolled his eyes and started pulling you down towards the road, but suddenly stopped when a small truck drove by, stopping right in front of them.

Kai instantly back up, pulling you with him, back to the top of the hill. He crouched down and put a finger to his lips. "Be quiet."

You nodded and watched as a man got out and brought a large cardboard box from the back. He set the box down gently in the grass. He looked down at it for a while, as if debating whether to leave it or not, and finally got into his truck and left.

After the truck disappeared, Kai stood up slowly and eyed the box.

"Let's check it out," Kai said, grasping your hand.

The two of you made your way down the hill and crossed the road, approaching the box carefully.

"Do you...hear that?" you asked, pointing at the box.

"Hear what?" he asked.

You strained your ears - yes, there was - "Whimpering. I hear like...small whimpering from there."

"If I'm right, that man just abandoned..." Kai trailed off.

He bent down and opened the flaps of the box. You peeked over his shoulder and gasped.

"Oh my gosh! They're adorable!" you squealed, clasping your hands together.

Inside the box were three small, weak puppies, huddled together in a dirty blanket. They looked up fearfully at the two strangers.

"Kai reached in and picked one of them up. It was only a little bit bigger than his hand. He brought it to his chest and the puppy's head.

"The poor thing is trembling," you said in a sympathetic tone, bending over to observe the little animal in Kai's arms.

"Let's care for them," Kai said boldly.

Your eyes rounded, "Are you sure? Taking care of three puppies are a lot of work..."

"I've had experience taking care of animals in the past. Come on, please?" Kai urged, giving you a pleading look.

You nodded and smiled. "They are cute...What breed are they?"

Kai gently put the puppy down with its siblings. "They're corgis. They seem like they're only a few months old."

You squat next to the box and reached in, one of the puppy's head. "That's so cruel for the man to just abandon his puppies like this..."

Kai sighed, "Unfortunately, there's a lot more people who just throw away and abuse their dogs...It's a big problem in Korea. And all over the world."

He straightened up. "We'll raise them to be good dogs. Here, carry one and I'll carry two."

You obeyed and picked up a small puppy with gentle hands. You brought it up to eye level and looked into its eyes. They seemed really sad, as if it knew it was abandoned by its owner along with its siblings.

You hugged it to your chest and started walking beside Kai back to the pension, whispering, "Don't worry, little one. We'll give you a good home..."

"What should we name them?" Kai asked on the way.

You thought about it hard and long. You finally came up with, "How about this one is Chorong?"

Kai raised an eyebrow. "Do you know for sure that that one is a girl?"

You made a face. "How am I supposed to know?"

"Check," Kai smirked, walking ahead.

You were confused for a second and realized what he was saying. You lifted up the puppy and checked. "She's a girl!" you called defiantly, huffing at him.

"Okay, then Chorong it is. What about these two?" Kai asked, looking at the puppies in his arms.

"What gender are they?" you asked.

"They're both boys," he answered.

You made a face, "Why boys? Why can't they all be girls?"

"Don't ask me, stupid. Should I name them myself or do you want to hurry up?" Kai said impatiently.

"Okay, okay! Sheesh! Let's name the black and brown one...umm...Dal - "

"Moon? Seriously?" Kai smirked, rolling his eyes.

"What? What's wrong with Dal?" you pouted.

"Nothing, what about this one?" Kai nudged the light colored fur puppy in his other arm.

"Let's name him...let's see...uh...Byul! That's a cute one!" you said, happy that you were able to come up with the puppies' names.

"Ugh...you really..." Kai muttered under his breath.

You glared at him. "You better not make fun of their names! These are their names and that's final!"

You stomped ahead of him, leaving Kai strolling behind. He shook his head and sighed.

"Arf!" Dal barked a tiny puppy bark.

Kai looked down at him in surprise - were the puppies already adapting to them?

He broke into a large grin and looked up, seeing you waiting for him at the front of the house.

"Come on, slowpoke!" you shouted at him, waving your hand.

*Raising puppies is going to be fun with Sukyung...* Kai thought, feeling giddy.



















Hello everyone!!! :D OMG i've received so much love from all of you i feel so special TT.TT

Thank you for keeping up with the story and reading all the updates! your comments have also made my day and kept me updating! :P

Hopefully everyone is enjoying the story so far! I have 232 subscribers now, and i feel so lucky and happy that 232 people are reading my story! T.T

Thanks again! ~~





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please check out the spinoff of Stupid Sidetracked Love! (Complicated Sidetracked Love) ^^


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14 streak #1
Chapter 39: Thanks for the story!
Chapter 17: that was so sweet
Chapter 10: things are getting interesting
Chapter 8: awww baekhyun is so sweet to comfor her like that
Chapter 5: that was creepy. i wonder who that stalker is
Chapter 3: omg he recognized her
ChrisChen #7
Where is the spinoff??
It's still so good
U don't know how many times I've read this
Chocoholic_Exo-L #10
Chapter 37: Wow they have alot of kids. When I heard their son looks like Kai I immediately thought: Taeoh.
Prediction: failed.