Stupid, Sidetracked Love


"It's Me" by f(x) Luna & SNSD Sunny



Kai didn't listen to you - he came back to your house anyway - at 7:00AM in the morning.

He rang the doorbell, waking you up. Your parents had left early for work, so they weren't home.

Without knowing it was Kai at the door, you dragged yourself out of bed and shuffled downstairs to open it. Before you opened it, you groggily called out, "Who is it?"

No one answered, but you twisted the knob and pulled open the door slowly. The person  on the other side pushed it open further, and before you knew it, you were being pulled in for a back bear hug.

"ACK!" you squealed as you were being pushed inside the house.

"Hey, Sukyung! I told you I'd be back here, but you didn't know when I would be back, right? I'm so good at surprising people!" Kai said brightly, nuzzling his nose into your neck.

"You're good at annoying people, too," you muttered under your breath.

You squirmed in his grasp, struggling to get out. "Kai, let go!" you whined.

He only held you in his arms tighter, rocking back and forth from one foot to the other, his arms tight around your body.

"Where did mom and dad go?" Kai asked, looking around the living room.

"They're at work..." you said, trying to pry his arms off of you.

"Ah...I see...then let's go out today!" Kai suggested, pretending not to notice you working so hard to get him off you.

You sighed deeply and said, "I won't be able to go out with you today if you don't let me go to get myself ready."

"Okay," he said simply, and freed you.

You shook out your arms, giving him a final glare before trudging back up the stairs to your room.

"You better hurry up!" Kai yelled, cupping his hand around his mouth to amplify his voice.

"ALL RIGHT!" you shouted back, rolling your eyes.











"Where are we going?" you asked, curiously looking out the car window.

Kai was driving to an unknown destination with a strange smile on his face.

"You'll see," Kai said mysteriously, making you even more curious and antsy to find out where the two of you were heading.

"But do you think the puppies will be okay at your house?" you asked him.

"Don't worry about them - the maid ajumma  is gonna feed them and stuff," he said, waving it away.

"I'm still worried about them..." you murmured, biting your bottom lip in worry.

Kai stole a quick glance at you and complained, "How come you're always worried about the puppies and you're never worried about me?"

"Because they're young and need care," you answered.

"But I'm young and need care too!" he fired, feeling upset.

"But you're a guy and 17 years old! You have money and the body to survive! Those puppies can't survive on their own!" you explained, starting to feel frustrated.

"Who says I can survive by myself? If I don't have one important thing in my life, then I could just drop dead!" Kai defended.

"Oh really? Then what is that one important thing that's so vital to you?" you snapped.

Kai rolled his eyes, "Seriously? You don't know!"

"Yeah! I don't know!" you said, furrowing your brow at him.

"It's you, babo!" Kai said.

There was a long silence that followed. You were a bit shocked by his answer, and you blushed, red creeping up your face. You faced the window and refused to talk to Kai the rest of the way there.

Kai was able to catch a glimpse of your blushing face. He smirked and felt giddy inside, delighted with himself that he could catch you off guard.

Kai finally slowed the car down and stopped completely. You looked around quickly. "Where are we?"

He wordlessly got out of the car and came over to your side. He opened the door and held out his hand. Feeling uncertain, you took his hand gently and stepped out of the car.

Still holding your hand, Kai interlaced his fingers through yours and started swinging his arm as you both walked. You blushed again and looked away. You hadn't held his hand in a while - you suddenly remembered holding Baekyun's hand this way the first day you met him in person.

You shook your head furiously and hit your head multiple times, earning a strange look from Kai.

*Stop thinking about Baekhyun oppa, stupid! He's not the one marrying you, it's Kai! He's finally...He's finally showing you some love...No, he's giving his all for you! You should be doing your best to please him too, Sukyung-ah!* you thought, realizing this.

You looked up at Kai and looked into his eyes. They were so warm, a nice shade of dark chocolate. They were inviting and so kind looking. But most of all, they were loving, staring only into yours.

You suddenly felt very touched and choked up. You tip-toed and pecked his plump lips, surprising him.

His eyes widened, staring at you as if you had two heads. You blushed a deep red and glared at him.

"What? What are you staring at? Making me feel more embarrassed than I should be..." you muttered.

Kai broke into a huge smile and touched your warm cheek softly. Your heart thumped loudly, but he suddenly pushed your cheek with a strong push. You tipped to the side, almost losing your balance and falling. Kai laughed out loud, laughing his high pitched laughter mixed with a chorus of giggling.

"Oh, Sukyung, you're so funny!" he laughed, wiping a tear from his eye.

Your hand balled into a fist and you screamed at him, "YOU MEAN ! GO AWAY, STUPID!"

You tried to break away from Kai's grip, but he held your hand firmly, not letting go. Instead, he jerked his hand towards him, making you stumble and fall into his chest. Again, like this morning, Kai hugged you close, still laughing, but more gently.

He lowered his lips to your ear and whispered, "You're so unpredictable and sweet, Sukyung. I love that about you. It makes my life feel more exciting..."

You were sure that your face was going to start feeling like a stove, hot and on fire.

"Heeng~, let go Kai!" you said, unintentionally adding in aegyo in your voice.

"Ah, so cute!" Kai said, squeezing your tighter.

*Oh gosh...I'm so embarrassed!* you thought, feeling butterflies in your stomach. *I'm not letting this go, Kai!*

*You're so sneaky and sly, Sukyung-ah...I know you actually do love me, but expressing it to me is the hard part. I feel that our future together will only get better.* Kai thought as he gazed down lovingly at your blushing face.




Kai continued holding your hand, skipping and swinging arms. You felt so embarrassed, getting stares from strangers. You nudged Kai's arm and hissed, "Kai, stop skipping! It's embarrassing and bringing attention to us!"

He shrugged, "So? Let them stare at us! We're a cute couple and they're jealous - it's nothing to be ashamed of."

You pinched the bridge of your nose and sighed. *I'm ashamed of you, though...*

You finally figure out where Kai brought you - it was the biggest park in the area, with a large lake and many places to eat and have fun.

"There's a specific place where I want to show you," Kai said, veering you off to a larger stone path.

He led you to a large stage in the middle of the grassy park, lights and chairs being set up by staff.

"Where is this? What's going on here?" you asked, your eyes wandering.

"Hey, there they are!" Kai suddenly said, smiling widely.

You turned to see what he was talking about, and smiled brightly as well - EXO was coming towards the two of you, dressed in full costume.

"Hey, Sukyung! Kai!" they greeted happily, waving at you.

You waved back, feeling shy all of a sudden.

"You guys ready?" Kai asked them.

They all nodded. "More than ever. Hopefully it'll go great. Our rehearsals and practices have been going really well," Suho said proudly.

Kai nodded, "Good, good. Good luck you guys!"

They nodded back and ran off back stage.

You turned to Kai and pulled at his shirt, "What are they doing?"

"They're performing at this dance recital being held here. They're going with a wolf concept," Kai said, looking very proud and happy.

"How come you're not performing with them?" you asked.

He paused a bit before looking down at you and smiling gently, "Because I couldn't meet up with them. I was too busy preparing for the wedding and spending time with you."

You felt terrible right then. Because of you, he couldn't participate in the dance recital with his friends - he was busy with you, and you had been giving him a bad attitude and not being the right kind of fiance that you were supposed to be.

"But it was my decision - I wanted to be with you more, so I decided to just drop out this time and watch them perform with you," he said quickly, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and patting your arm.

"I still feel bad..." you muttered, hanging your head.

"Don't. It was my decision. So let's just enjoy this, hmm?" Kai said softly, leading you to the chairs to be seated.

The two of you sat all the way in the front of the stage. You were looking forward to EXO's performane - you've only heard how well they danced and sang, and this would be your first time watching them.

"This is your first time, right?" Kai leaned over and asked.

You nodded, "Yeah. I'm looking forward to it!"

"Too bad you can't see me dance...Next time, I'll dance solo just for you," Kai winked.

You made a face and playfully hit his arm.

The main MC introduced himself and called out the first performers. After a few groups, it was finally EXO's turn. You screamed and cheered them on as they performed, your eyes sparkling and excited. Kai glanced at you once in a while, smiling at you.

*She's seems so hyped up about my friends up there...I wish she would look at me that way more often...* Kai thought, turning back to the performance.

After they finished, you clapped and cheered, your throat sore from cheering so much.

You rubbed your neck as you and Kai left the area to get home. Kai noticed you rubbing it and asked with concern, "You okay?"

"Yeah, just a bit sore," you coughed, your voice sounding scratchy.

"I'd better get you home fast," Kai said, picking up his pace.

You shook your head, "No, I wanna see the puppies."

He paused and nodded, "Okay, but don't talk. It'll get worse."

Kai put an arm around you and led you to the car, driving to his house.

























YAY UPDATE!!! ^^ sorry I couldn't really come up with an exciting chapter guys :/

I promise it'll get better, so please be patient and wait! ^^

Thank you all for the comments and support! :D

AND EXO HAS WON FOUR TIMES ON MUSIC SHOWS!! I'M SO PROUD OF OUR BOYS! :') no matter how many haters out there bash the fandom and EXO, we'll be having their backs and supporting them all the way!!!!

I wish them luck for the future! ^^

Please comment and enjoy!! ~~

(Plus, thank you PinkxChopsticks for the awesome poster!!! ^^)


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please check out the spinoff of Stupid Sidetracked Love! (Complicated Sidetracked Love) ^^


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14 streak #1
Chapter 39: Thanks for the story!
Chapter 17: that was so sweet
Chapter 10: things are getting interesting
Chapter 8: awww baekhyun is so sweet to comfor her like that
Chapter 5: that was creepy. i wonder who that stalker is
Chapter 3: omg he recognized her
ChrisChen #7
Where is the spinoff??
It's still so good
U don't know how many times I've read this
Chocoholic_Exo-L #10
Chapter 37: Wow they have alot of kids. When I heard their son looks like Kai I immediately thought: Taeoh.
Prediction: failed.