Stupid, Sidetracked Love

A week passed by with flying colors. Baekhyun came over daily, and your friendship with him got closer.

One day, your mom broke some "exciting" news to you when you stepped into your house from school.

"Guess what, honey??" she squealed, her eyes sparkling.

"What?" you asked, fairly curious.

She pulled out two plane tickets from behind her back. She hopped up and down and shrieked, "TWO PLANE TICKETS TO LONDON!"

You smiled, "That's great, Mom. When do we pack? It's still pretty chilly now in England, so you'll need to bring a coat."

Your mom stopped hopping and raised a mischevious eyebrow.

"Who said I was going with you?" she asked, waving the tickets.

You stood there thinking for while and your heart almost stopped at the realization. "K-Kai? I'm going with Kai?"

You mom nodded and crossed her arms in satisfaction. "Bingo!~ His mother and I got together and planned a two week trip to London for the two of you! You know, to get some time alone," she winked.

Your jaw dropped. "Mother!"

You were shocked beyond belief. Go on vacation? With Kai? You couldn't! It would be way too awkward. He disliked you enough, why make it worse?

"B-But what about school?" you tried to make any sort of excuse to not go.

"Don't you have a two week break next week?" you mom said, smiling.

*Oh my God! I totally forgot!* you mentally facepalmed yourself.

"You'd better start packing, dear! Break is tomorrow!~" she sang, floating upstairs.

Your eyes widened. *Shoot! Today's Friday, isn't it?*

You groaned and facepalmed yourself, wishing this was all just a horrible nightmare.

*My mother likes to make my life miserable...* you thought, dragging yourself upstairs.

You knew it was too late to beg your parents to let you stay home for the vacation, but you felt bad because the tickets were probably expensive - especially since it was the spring time when everywhere took planes to travel everywhere.

You sighed and rummaged around your closet, trying to remember where you stuffed your suitcase.



















Your mom pulled you out of bed at 6AM. She was way too energized at this dreadful hour.

"Rise and shine! Get up, get up~" she sang, throwing your blankets off your bed.

You groggily reached out for it, but realized nothing was there. You huddled into a smaller ball and tried going back to dreamland.

Your mom smacked your , making you jump.

"Mom!" you yelled, glaring one eye at her.

"I said up! You don't wanna miss your flight!" she said, ignoring your protests.

She left the room. You sighed and sat up, your eyes adjusting to the light in your bedroom.

*I hate it when she wakes me up this way* you grumbled in your head, getting up to wash your gross face.

After washing, dressing up, and eating a light breakfast, your parents drove you to the airport in Incheon. You had fallen asleep as your dad was giving you a whole lecture on being careful around Kai during the stay in London. You didn't wake up until you heard a tap on the window next to you.

You snapped awake, realizing your mouth had been dangling open and saliva was drooling down your chin.

You saw Kai at the window, looking at you with a smirk.

Embarrassed, you wiped the saliva off with your sleeve and got out of the car.

You looked around the parking lot of the huge airport.

"Where are my parents?" you wondered aloud.

"They left," Kai answered, pulling his suitcase along to the terminal.

"Wait, what? Wait for me!" you said, taking your suitcase from the trunk and trailing after him.

The car magically honked and locked by itself. You saw the car keys in his hand. *Oh so he was them.*

"Did my parents give you the keys to their precious car?" you asked him as you caught up.

He glanced down at you and said, "Well, yeah. I'm pretty sure they trust me with everything - even their daughter."

You made a judging face at him and rolled your eyes. *What a modest person he is...*

You followed him to Gate 12, getting the bags checked and loaded.

You lifted the heavy suitcase onto the table by yourself. You saw Kai eyeing the phone charm that you tied onto the handle.

"Where'd you get that from?" Kai suddenly asked, pointing at the charm.

"Oh, it's from Baekhyun," you replied, quickly pushing the suitcase forward for the customs person to check.

*Baekhyun gave that to her?* Kai wondered, feeling a bit jealous. *I should've thought of that...*

After all the tiring work of checking and loading, you both headed down to the plane and went on board. Your seats were in the first class section of the plane - they were large and comfortable looking, isolated from the other seats.

"I call outside, " Kai called, taking the seat first. He rested his head against the head rest and closed his eyes.

*Hmph* you thought, sticking out your tongue at him while taking your seat next to him.


















It was four hours into the flight. Kai was listening to music and you were trying to fall asleep, but it was almost impossible.

*The plane seats aren't that comfortable after all* you thought as your brows furrowed, tossing your head this way and that to find a comfortable position.

Kai got annoyed by the continuous movement next to him. He pulled out his earphones and hissed, "Stop moving!"

"I can't! These seats are so uncomfortable!" you whined.

Then Kai reached over and pushed your head down onto his shoulder. Your heart skipped a beat and your eyes rounded.

"Sleep," he ordered, and pushed the earphones back into his ears.

You blushed a bit but smiled, snuggling deeping into his broad shoulder. You fell asleep instantly.

Kai looked over at you and sighed inwardly, gazing at your peaceful face, your eyelashes casting long shadows on your milky cheeks.

He reached out and was about to your hair, but stopped himself. *What the hell am I doing?* he thought, putting his hand back down and staring ahead. His eyelids started to droop and finally shut, his head falling lightly onto yours.



















When the plane landed, you woke up to the hustle and bustle of the plane, passengers getting up and stretching from the long flight.

You realized that Kai was standing up as well, stretching his long arms. His head hit the cubbies above him with a loud thump.

He flinched and rubbed the sore spot, hissing, "Mother of..."

You tsked at him, shaking your head.

"I see being tall has issues," you commented, trying to hide your smile.

Kai glared at you and didn't say anything, still rubbing.

Soon the both of you were out of the plane and in the London air. It was cloudy, but the air was still pretty warm.

Your eyes widened at the crowds of Brittish residents walking about, nevering having seen so many nonAsians in one place before.

"Shut that dangling mouth and let's go get our bags," Kai barked, snapping you out of your daze.

You narrowed your eyes at him but followed.

The airport was very crowded - people were literally bumping into each other to get to where they needed to be.

You began to lose sight of Kai as people shrugged past you, disconnecting you from him. Your heart sped up, feeling uneasy.

"Kai!" you tried calling, but your voice was carried away into the other sounds of the airport.

Someone accidentally pushed into you and you tripped, falling to the ground. Tears brimmed in your eyes.

*Kai, help me, you buttface!*

Suddenly, someone reached down and took your hand. You looked up and saw Kai with "annoyed" written all over his face. He pulled you up and dragged you along. Even though he was being mean, you couldn't have been more relieved to see him and hold his hand.

You felt pretty dazed, staggering clumsily behind as his hand tightly gripped yours.

He brought you to a empty corner and turned to face you. To your surprise, he started smoothing down your disheveled hair with a bit of concern in his eyes.

"Aish...I'm always finding you in trouble," he scowled, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. You blushed like mad at the out-of-the-blue skinship, but you felt happy inside.

Kai didn't give you a chance to talk - he took your hand again (gently this time) and led you to the baggage claim.

Kai found both yours and his suitcases and took them from the claim.

You held out your hand to receive yours, but he wordlessly left, carrying both suitcases.

You ran after him, secretly feeling pleased at his sudden manners, wondering if this was all just temporary.

There was a white limo waiting at the entrance of the terminal.

Kai went straight to it and opened the door at the end. You stared at him as he climbed hinside, leaving the suitcases standing by the trunk.

A Korean man wearing a black, spiffy suit got out of the limosuine and quickly loaded the bags into the trunk. He glanced your way and gave you a quick smile.

"Get in, miss," he said, and went back in.

You blinked and went in, sitting next to Kai. The seats were black and leather, the windows tinted at a high scale, making the outside look ten times darker than they actually were.

Kai stared out the window and didn't talk to you as the limo drove to wherever it was going.

The silence was killing you, so you asked him, "Where are we going?"

"Pension," Kai simply said, not looking at you.

You raised a curious eyebrow. "There's pensions in London? I thought it was too crowded to have big empty areas - "

"There are - you just never knew. They're in the countryside of England, at the border of London. You know, where the horsies live?" he said sarcastically.

It was quiet for a while and you slumped down in your seat, muttering, "Okay, Mr. Grouchyhead."























After an hour or so, you finally arrived at the pension. It looked pretty big - a bit smaller than Kai's mansion back in Korea, but big all the same. There were no trees anywhere - just rolling green hills covered in morning dew. The house was absolutely beautiful.

You ran inside, having an excited urge to explore. Kai leisurely strolled in after you while the briver brought the suitcases. He's been here plenty of times with his  family, but this was the first time staying here with a person other than a relative...He knew his stay here with you would be something extra special.

You walked into a large, spacious living room and a long staircase.

You ran up the stairs and saw two doors. You opened one and walked into a huge bedroom.

*Is this my room?* you wondered, your mouth slightly hanging open at the luxurious design. You came back out and tried the other door. It was a clean, shiny bathroom.

You went downstairs and saw Kai standing in the kitchen, observing the view from the windows.

He turned around and saw the happy expression on your face.

"What's with that smile?" he asked.

You shrugged and walked over to him, standing beside him. "I guess this pension is just too good to be true. I've always wanted to stay in a neat place like this..."

Kai looked at you, your continuous smile making his lips want to curve upward. He maintained his expressionless face and sighed. "It's not as well done as I would've like it, but I guess it's good enough..."

You looked up at him and your jaw dropped.

" 'Good enough'?? How could you say that? This place is fantastic!" you said.

Kai smiled a little. *I love teasing you - your reactions are so cute.*

"Well, that's cause you haven't seen other nicer places like I have. Trust me - I know my quality houses," Kai snorted, pushing his hands into his pockets.

*Huh. Showoff* you thought, rolling your eyes.

"Oh yeah - there's only one bedroom. Where are you gonna sleep for the next 2 weeks?" you asked.

Kai had an amused expression on his face, asking in disbelief, "What do you mean 'where am I sleeping'? That's supposed to be our room, and if you're gonna be that way, then you might as well sleep in the living room." He rolled his eyes as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Your eyes widened at him and you said with a huff, "What? No way! I get the room and you sleep here!"    

Kai rolled his eyes again. "Who's the one who practically owns this pension?"

"You, but - "

"Exactly. It's mine. So I'm pretty sure I get to choose who's sleeping where, right?" Kai asked, raising an eyebrow.

You couldn't make a comeback to that, and you hated to admit it to this jerk.

"Fine! I'll sleep downstairs! Happy now?" you said with your teeth clenched. You stomped out of the kitchen and into the living room.

*Who gave that jerk the right to act so rudely? What happened to that sweet chivalrious guy an hour ago?* you sighed. You sank down into the couch and spotted the cell phone charm on your suitcase.

*Maybe I should call Baekhyun oppa to update him on my trip* you thought.

A smile crossed your lips as you punched in his cell phone number.

It rang twice before he picked up, "Hello? Sukyung?"

"Hi, oppa! I've finally arrived in London!" you said with a wide grin.

"Hey, that's great! I heard from my aunt that you and Kai are at the family pension?"

"Yeah, it's amazing here! Why, jealous?" you teased.

He laughed. You missed that wonderful laugh so much.

"Hmm...I guess I am. You'd better get some rest though! You must be exhausted from that flight."

You nodded, "Yeah, I should. I'll talk to you later, Baekhyun oppa!"

"Yup! Bye!"

He hung up. You sighed in content and held your phone against your ear, you mood much lighter after talking with Baekhyun. Suddenly, a hand snatched your phone from your hands. Your eyes widened and you snapped your head up to see Kai holding your phone.

"Hey, give it back!" you protested, trying to snatch it back, but Kai just held the phone up high in the air, out of your reach.

You jumped up from the couch and hopped up and down, trying to reach your precious phone.

Kai just yawned and stood still, waiting for you to lose your energy.

Unfortunately, you did, and you stopped momentarily to catch your breath, your cheeks flushed.

"Give...it...back..." you panted, leaning forward on your hands on your knees.

Kai shook his head, smirking. "And you said something about my height? Anyway, you're not getting this back until this trip is over."

"What?? Now who gave you the right to take my phone away? Who are you, my mom?" you yelled, throwing your hands up in the air in exasperation.

Kai gave you a toothy smile. "I did."

*That * you seethed, glaring at him.

He took no notice and walked upstairs. You quickly followed him.

"Where are you going with my phone?" you asked.

Kai didn't answer and went into the bedroom. Kai went over to the bureau and opened the top drawer. He placed the phone inside and took out a key from his pocket. You watched in horror as he closed the drawer and locked it. He gave a satisfied smile and turned around to leave.

You blocked him with your arms spread out, giving him a firm look. "You're not going anywhere with that key."

He just blinked at you and easily bumped you to the side, making his way down the stairs.

He went out the front door and handed the driver they key. The driver ajusshi had been waiting outside for further instructions from Kai. His eyes widened when he saw you chase after Kai, yelling at him like a crazy woman.

"Go! Leave1 I'll see you in two weeks, driver ajusshi!" Kai said, waving him off.

The driver bowed ninety degrees and swiftly left, getting into the limo.

"No! Wait! Ajusshi!" you screamed, chasing after the limo as it from off.

Kai caught you around the waist and held you in place until the limo was out of sight.

You turned limp in his arms, staring at the spot where the limo disappeared. A feeling of hatred and disbelief bubbled up inside of you.

You roughly pushed Kai's arms away and ran back to the pension. Kai looked after you as you ran, one arm covering your face. His heart sank, knowing that he had hurt you.

*I had to do this, Sukyung-ah...It's the only way that I can keep you to myself and awayf from Baekhyun during this vacation. Baekhyun hyung is getting in the way of our relationship. I want to start over with you, but I can't express my feelings to you that easily. I now know that I've completely fallen for you, and I want you to be mine and mine only.*

Kai sighed and shoved his hands into his jeans pockets as he slowly made his way back to the house, wondering if this trip would run smoothly as he hoped.


























HELLO READERS!!!!!!!!!!! :D this update was pretty longggg wasn't it?? i took out almost an hour to write this up, and this came out of my study time so be happy :P

sooo you see a change in Kai now, right? he's finally admitted that he has feelings for sukyung(you)!! :O

*FEELSSSS <3333 can i get an amen??*

LOL anyway, please look forward to more updates! writing one during spanish class -.-; hehe~






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please check out the spinoff of Stupid Sidetracked Love! (Complicated Sidetracked Love) ^^


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14 streak #1
Chapter 39: Thanks for the story!
Chapter 17: that was so sweet
Chapter 10: things are getting interesting
Chapter 8: awww baekhyun is so sweet to comfor her like that
Chapter 5: that was creepy. i wonder who that stalker is
Chapter 3: omg he recognized her
ChrisChen #7
Where is the spinoff??
It's still so good
U don't know how many times I've read this
Chocoholic_Exo-L #10
Chapter 37: Wow they have alot of kids. When I heard their son looks like Kai I immediately thought: Taeoh.
Prediction: failed.