Stupid, Sidetracked Love

"Hello and welcome! How may I help you?" a friendly girl asked you and Kai as you approached her in the flower shop.

"Hi! We're here for wedding flowers," you said, smiling pleasantly.

The girl nodded, "I can help you with that! Please come with me."

You were walking a few steps ahead until you noticed that Kai wasn't following you. You whipped your head around and saw Kai just standing there in the middle of the flower shop, playing on his phone.

You rolled your eyes and marched over to him. You linked your arm through his and dragged him along, his attention solely focused on his phone.

The girl stopped in front of a small section of pale colored flowers. She gestured to them and smiled, "You may look through these. These flowers are set aside especially for weddings."

"Thank you," you said, bowing a little.

You glanced at Kai to see that he was still on his phone, ignoring your glare.

When the girl left, you bonked him on the head with your palm. Kai flinched in pain and threw you a sharp look.

"Why did you hit me?" he whined.

You shook your head and sighed, "You seriously have no manners..."

"I have perfect manners! I'm a very gentlemanly person - "

"And incredibly rude," you finished quickly, rolling your eyes at him.

Kai snorted, "Since when?"

"Since you were born," you answered, smirking.

You let go of his arm and began to look carefully for the perfect flowers for your bouquet. Kai stared after you, a bit thrown off guard and dumbfounded.

*Huh. Is she really in love with me or what?* Kai wondered, scratching his head.

You finally came across pale pink roses.

"These would look pretty for a bouquet," you pointed to them as Kai came to your side.

He nodded, "Sure. Ask for these, then."

Together, you made your way back to the front of the shop and ordered the flowers.

As the girl made the order, she asked, "When is your wedding?"

"It's in couple of months - July," you said.

She looked at Kai and you standing so close to each other and smiled brightly, "Your husband-to-be is very handsome. You're really lucky!"

"Huh? Oh, no, I'm not," you blushed, a bit taken aback by her compliment.

"No, she's right. I am handsome. You're just too blinded by my handsomeness to admit it," Kai beamed.

You facepalmed yourself while the girl giggled. *This guy...*

After paying for the bouquet and setting for the flowers to be delivered on July 19, you and Kai left the shop.

"There's so much to prepare for," you sighed as you walked to down the street with Kai.

Kai shrugged, "They are. But it's fun, isn't it? Especially because I'm getting married to you. I feel like I can keep going without getting tired."

Your face burned from his words. "Yeah, I guess..." you muttered shyly.

Kai suddenly stopped walking, rooted to the sidewalk. You looked up in surprise at him. His jaw was set and his eyes were narrowed.

You looked in front of you and gasped a little. "B-Baekhyun oppa..."

Baekhyun was right across from you, a backpack slung over his left shoulder and his hair dyed blond. He seemed equally as surprised as you and Kai.

He smiled, even though Kai was shooting lasers at him with his eyes.

"Sukyung-ah! I haven't seen you in a while! How was your trip to London?" he said, coming a little closer.

You glanced uneasily at Kai, who cast his gaze away from Baekhyun and walked ahead. Alarmed, you took a step forward, "Kai - "

"It's okay. I don't think he likes it when I'm around," Baekhyun said, slowly leading you in the opposite direction of Kai.

"But - "

"Let's go to a my café, Sukyung. My treat," Baekhyun winked.

You worriedly looked at Kai's back figure, his hands in his pockets and walking away from you. You wanted to run after him, but you didn't want to be rude to Baekhyun.

"Sure..." you muttered, a strange squeezing feeling in your chest.

*I hope Kai's okay...He seemed so upset when Baekhyun run into us...*


*Damn that Baekhyun.* Kai cursed in his head as he drove home. He squeezed the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white.

Kai didn't know what came over him - as soon as his eyes spotted Baekhyun on the street, he ran off without a good reason.

*I guess I don't want Sukyung to be pressured by me...She likes Baekhyun - as a friend, I hope. She has a special relationship with my cousin. I don't want her to hate me for not letting her see him when she wants to.* Kai thought.

He felt so many mixed feelings - jealousy, anger, sadness, bitter-sweetness... He wanted you to be happy, so one way was letting you hang out with your close friend and his worst enemy.

Kai gave a tired sigh and continued driving home with you invading his mind the whole way.


You absentmindedly stirred your green tea bubble tea, staring at the swirling green liquid in the clear plastic cup.

Baekhyun took a sip of his bubble tea and starting chatting happily, "So how was London?"

You snapped out of your trance and answered a bit monotoniously, "Good. It was nice."

He nodded, "That's good. I called you before - did you not hear your phone ring?"

Your mind went back to that moment - after you got your phone back and flew back to Korea, your phone had rung from Baekhyun. You and Kai were in the car on the way to pick a wedding dress at the time, and Kai had sternly told you: Don't pick it up.

You had obliged and ignored Baekhyun's call, but you felt extremely guilty for that.

You lied and said, "Yeah, my phone was on silent...Sorry, oppa."

Baekhyun took the lie without any skeptical doubts and beamed, "So have you spoken to your parents about calling of the marriage?"

You eyes widened, "Huh? What do you mean?"

"Well, you were complaining about how rude and cold Kai was to you, so I thought maybe you were going to ask your parents to let you call of the wedding," Baekhyun explained, folding his hands on the table.

"Oh, no that wasn't what I meant! Uh, Kai and I have gotten much closer because of the London trip! Turns out there was a midunderstanding..." you explained quickly, waving your hands in panic.

There was an evident look of crestfallen on Baekhyun's face, but he maintained his cheerful expression, "Oh, that's great! Now you guys can get back to being close again!"

You sighed in relief inwardly and leaned back in your seat, nodding, "Yeah, I guess."

"I'm invited to the wedding right?" Baekhyun asked playfully.

You smiled and nodded, "Of course! You're related to Kai and your a really good friend of mine. You're obviously on the guest list, oppa."

You could see a hint of sadness in Baekhyun's eyes - why was that?

"Oppa...are you okay? You seem a bit...upset about something..." you said carefully, a worried look on your face.

Baekhyun shook his head and grinned, "No, I'm fine! I'm not upset - well, maybe because Kai is taking you away from me so quickly. We could've gotten closer if it wasn't for that fast wedding." He winked.

You nodded but wasn't assured.

Baekhyun inwardly thought, *So the wedding isn't off...Sukyung doesn't know my feelings right now, but if she does, would she cancel it? I'm pretty sure I'm the closest person outside of her family right now...But it's too early to tell her that I have feelings for her...I'll confess when the time is right.*

You looked at your watch - it was already 5PM.

"I'm sorry, Baekhyun oppa - I gotta go. I'm supposed to have dinner at Kai's house tonight and I can't be late," you said apologetically.

"No, I won't hold you back. Have fun!" Baekhyun sent you off, smiling brightly at you.

*He seems preoccupied with something...But what?* you wondered, waving good-bye to your friend.

Baekhyun sighed and stared at his drink on the round table. *I wish there was a way to get Sukyung to come to me...*























OOOOOHHHH drama coming up!!!! :O (look forward to it!!!!!!!!!!) ;)

Thank you all for commenting and reading the updates!! ^^

Please look forward to the next update!

(Comments are lovedddd~~~)

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please check out the spinoff of Stupid Sidetracked Love! (Complicated Sidetracked Love) ^^


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14 streak #1
Chapter 39: Thanks for the story!
Chapter 17: that was so sweet
Chapter 10: things are getting interesting
Chapter 8: awww baekhyun is so sweet to comfor her like that
Chapter 5: that was creepy. i wonder who that stalker is
Chapter 3: omg he recognized her
ChrisChen #7
Where is the spinoff??
It's still so good
U don't know how many times I've read this
Chocoholic_Exo-L #10
Chapter 37: Wow they have alot of kids. When I heard their son looks like Kai I immediately thought: Taeoh.
Prediction: failed.