Stupid, Sidetracked Love

All throughout the school day, you couldn't concentrate in class. Your mind replayed that dreamy moment with Baekhyun the other night when he held your hand and kissed your forehead. If only that was Kai instead...

You shook your head furiously and slapped your cheeks lightly.

*Get ahold of yourself, Sukyung-ah. Kai doesn't like you, remember?*

You sighed and dropped your head onto your school desk with a soft "heeng".

It was lunch break, but you weren't hungry - thinking too much about Baekhyun and Kai took away your appetite.

Someone took a seat on the desk next to you and nudged your arm a bit roughly.

You expected it to be Eena, but when you lifted your head and smiled warmly to greet her, your eyes widened and your smile dropped. It was Kai, his elbows propped on his knees and leaning forward, one handsome eyebrow raised.

"W-What the heck are you doing here? You surprised me!" you stuttered, still not over your mini heart attack.

Kai kept on his solemn face and held up his phone, the screen glowing in your face.

"Read it," he said, steel at the edge of his voice.

You glanced at him uncertainly before reading the opened text message:

Jealous? Sukyung and I kissed last night...

Your eyes widened and you shook your head fast, your cheeks getting red.

"N-No, that's not it! We didn't actually kiss - " you tried to explain frantically, but Kai ignored you and sharply said,

"I don't care if you kissed him or not. You shouldn't be getting involved with my cousin. How do you even know him?" His eyes narrowed accusingly.

Taken aback by this question unprepared to answer, you stumbled over your words, "I...we - texted a lot, and...uh...we met up. He's nice - I mean we got close through messaging and - "

Kai waved his hand carelessly, looking away with a pissed off expression.

"Talk with him and be all buddy-buddy with that punk. But remember that you're engaged to me , got it?" he said, standing up.

You looked up at him and opened your mouth to talk back to him, but he was already at the doorway of the classroom.

*How is he so darn fast?* you wondered.

He was about to leave but he turned around again, giving you that cold signature look of his.

"Oh yeah, by the way, the marriage date is set for next July. That's 7 months from now - just so you know."

Kai spun around on his white converse heel and left, the bell ringing right as his uniform cardigan hem disappeared from sight, leaving you with a confused heart.




















When you got home, your mom was waiting inside, her arms crossed and a forced smile on her face.

"A guy came over earlier and dropped off some stuff for you. I put them in your room," she said, a thin, tight line. Clearly she wasn't happy with this.

Your face lightened up at the mention of gifts for you.

You were about to zoom up the stairs to see them, but your mom stopped you.

"Sukyung-ah?" she called.

You turned around slowly and looked at her. She had a worried expression on her face.

"You're...not dating someone other than Kai, are you?" she asked hesitantly.

Your heart skipped a beat at the mention of his name, but you shook your head quickly.

*I'm not exactly lying to her...Am I? Baekhyun and I aren't officially dating...Then again, we held hands and he kissed my forehead last night...*

Your mom nodded, looking a bit more relaxed. She smiled and said, "Good. Okay, I just wanted to make sure."

You sent her a quick smile and ran to your room, closing the door behind you.

You let out a huge breath, putting a hand over your heart. You didn't lie to her, but why did you feel so guilty? Your mom always believed that you told the truth, and honestly, it was burdensome. Yes, you told her your worries all the time since you were little, but you've become more independent and kept personal things to yourself.

You decided to ignore this feeling and made your way over to your desk. You smiled unconsciously when you saw the bouquet of white daisies. The flowery scent that they gave off relaxed your previously stressed out mind.

You then saw a large shopping bag with a pink card sticking out of it. You opened the card and read:

Hope you like it! ^^~      -B

Excited, you reached inside and pulled out the box of drawing pencils that you begged your parents for since last Christmas. You never got it because it was "too expensive". These were, in fact, expensive, but you were more amazed at how Baekhyun knew you wanted this exact one.

You set down the metal box carefully and immediately texted him:

Oh my gosh thank you so much! How did you know I wanted these??

A reply came almost right after.

Remember? I have my ways :) Not to sound all stalkerish. I'll give you a small hint - your art project last year - it was displayed in the local art gallery. Wasn't it a drawing of the pencil set?

You blushed. Yes, you'll admit it - you thought that if you drew the pencil set that you wanted and it was picked for the art galla, then your parents might buy them for you. Unfortunately, that didn't happen.

You texted him:

Anyway, thank you so much! I know this was expensive...how can I repay you?

Hopefully he wasn't going to ask for something expensive back. Then you would be in real big trouble.

Just come to the café in Apgujeong this Saturday at 1PM. see you then!

You smiled shyly and brought the daisies up to your nose and breathed deeply. Despite your heart fluttering, you couldn't help but think about Kai. Why were you still trying to hold onto him even if he hated you now? Even though you were going to get married to him in a few months, you realized that you were falling deeply in love with Baekhyun. Should you push Baekhyun away? You knew you jumped to conclusions too fast, but it seemed like Baekhyun like you, too. The kiss, the hand holding, flowers...they were all things that a guy would do to a girl he loved. And you didn't mind it a bit. You realized that you were craving love from Kai, but you were receiving it from Baekhyun, instead.

A tired sigh escaped your lips.

"Hmm...what to do..."





















After what felt like years, it was finally Saturday. You spent an hour the night before to figure out what to wear. You finally decided on this:


It gave off a spring feel, and you wanted to look good for Baekhyun on this...What do you call this? A date? A meeting? You confirmed this as a meeting between "friends", but you secretly considered it a date.

You had already told your parents that you were going out to see a friend (which was technically true) and that you weren't coming back for a while.

Your heart fluttered nervously as you took a cab to Apgujeong to the small café Baekhyun told you to come to. When you got there, you admired the pretty decorations on the windows - it looked like one of those cute cafés in dramas.

You pushed the door open, making a tinkling sound from the wind chimes and searched for Baekhyun.

You spotted a man's light brown curly head sitting by the window. A grin spread across your face as you made you way over to him.

As you sat down in the chair across from him, he looked up in bried surprise and smiled.

"So you made it," Baekhyun said, raising an eyebrow playfully.

"Of course - if this was somehow repaying you for that ultra expensive pencil set, then I should do as you ask," you answered matter-of-factly.

He chuckled, looking down at the table and fiddling with his jacket sleeve.

You looked around the small café with curiousity.

"But...why did you ask to meet here? Is this café special to you?" you asked.

Baekhyun nodded, looking up at you again. His eyes...they were so warm and welcoming that you couldn't help but stare into them.

"Yes, for two reasons. One, my grandparents opened this café way back when, originally for my parents to own, but they didn't want it anymore. It was passed down to me. And secondly..."

He turned his head to the back and called, "I'll take an order!"

Baekhyun turned back around again and smiled as a waiter came over to the table, standing stiffly.

He glanced up and his smile grew wider.

"Because my cousin and I work here when we have time," he finished, sitting back comfortably.

Your eyes traveled up the waiter's uniform and stayed on the waiter's face. You had to hold back a gasp - it was Kai.

Kai gave you a cold glance, making you avert your eyes, blushing a bright red.

Baekhyun took no notice of the interaction between you two - if he did notice, he ignored it.

Kai handed you a menu - and not too nicely.

"Please pick what you would like to order," Kai said with semi-clenched teeth.

You wondered why Kai was so uncomfortable, cold as a blizzard - was it because of you? Did your friendship with him completely shatter now?

"What would you like, Sukyung-ah?" Baekhyun asked, bringing you out of your train of thought. He smiled a warm smile.

You carefully observed the choices of drinks and desserts, but all the unfamiliar names of the choices confused you.

"What's good?" you asked Baekhyun, feeling lost.

Then he did something that made your heartbeat speed up - he took your hand on the menu, his fingers lightly manuevering yours to a brownie sort-of cake. Kai turned stiffer than a statue but didn't say anything.

"We'll have two brownie bites and I'll have a regular coffee. Sukyung..."

"I'll have a green tea latte, please," you finished quickly.

Kai left the two of you with the spin of his heel to get what you ordered. The tension in the air lessened and it got comfortable again.

You realized that Baekhyun's hand was still resting on yours. You shyly slipped your hand out from under his hand. He seemed a little surprised and smiled with embarrassment.

"Oh, sorry," he said.

You shook your head quickly, the tips of your ears turning red.

"No, it's okay! No need to apologize!" you said, waving your hands.

One thing that made you extremely uncomfortable about Baekhyun was that he was too polite. He apologized about things that didn't need apologies for, and you always had to wave them off, saying that there was no need to. How could you say this...it was burdensome? And made you feel guilty?

Kai returned with the orders on a brown circular serving plate. He set them down in front of the one who ordered them, and left without a word.

You felt a bit guilty for having a date - no, meeting - with Baekhyun right in front of Kai, when you're engaged to that distant boy.

"I think Kai just woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I'll apologize for his crankiness," Baekhyun said, bowing his head.

*Aish, Baekhyun oppa, stop that apologizing!* you winced in your head.

You bowed your head as well, saying with a slightly burdened expression, "No, I'm fine. Kai's like this to me all the time..."

Baekhyun frowned a little. "Hmm...should I talk to him for you?"

"NO! Ah...no, I'm good. Please don't worry about me," you said quietly at the end.

You were touched that this oppa would go out of his way to make you feel comfortable. It made you feel...special and important. Your heart wouldn't stop skipping beats when you were around him.

He gave you a quick smile before taking a sip of his steaming coffee. You brought your latte to your lips and drank slowly, the green tea goodness melting your taste buds. The frothy layer covering your upper lip. You didn't notice until you heard Baekhyun chuckling.

You looked up at him, confused as to why he was staring your lips.

He shook his head, still chuckling, "You're so cute..."

*Huh??* you thought, wondering why he was saying this all of a sudden.

He paused and asked, "Did you watch that drama 'Secret Garden'?"

You actually loved that drama. You never missed an episode when it was playing on TV, and you were very upset when it ended, yet very satisfied with the ending. It was like a fairy tale happily ever after ending.

"Yes, I did," you replied.

Baekhyun had a glint in his eyes - was it curiousity? It looked like he was thinking hard about something.

"Then you should remember this famous scene..." he said.

Baekhyun stood up from his seat and leaned his whole body over the table to your direction.

*What's he doing right now?* you wondered, but then your eyes widened 10x when his eyes fluttered closed and his lips gently touched yours.

You were frozen in your seat, his lips still on yours.

You couldn't help but notice that his lips were so soft on yours, a puzzle piece matching with its missing piece.

*This should be my...second kiss?* you blushed.

After a few seconds, Baekhyun your upper lip (*What the - EEK!*) slowly and drew away, sitting back down.

You let out a huge breath that you were holding in during the kiss, your lungs burning from holding it for so long.

Your face flushed and you didn't meet his eyes, too embarrassed to say anything.

"I was an avid watcher of 'Secret Garden'. Too bad it ended, huh?" he said, laughing.

*Why isn't he shriveling inside like I am right now??*

After eating in almost silence, Baekhyun led you out of the café.

On to the next adventure.


Kai watched Baekhyun lean over the table and saw his lips being pressed against yours.

He watched your body go stiff and frozen, your eyes rounded in surprise.

He didn't know why, but his heart clenched painfully, his fists balled up and knuckles turning white as he watched secretly from behind the food closet door.

Kai had to stop himself from tearing towards you and ripping Baekhyun away from you, but he was rooted in place.

What was wrong with him? Did he even care if you kissed a million guys and not him?

Baekhyun released you from the kiss, his tongue peeking out and off the foam on your lips, you face an amazingly bright red.

*I can't do this,* Kai thought, and looked away, heart stinging.


Baekhyun took you to Everland, where you both rode exciting roller coasters, ate delicious foods, and wore couple animal headbands. It felt like you were on a real date with your boyfriend. Every moment was filled with laughter and bright smiles.

You haven't been to Everland before since you didn't have many friends and your parents were always too busy to go with you.

As you and Baekhyun were strolling down the colorful pathway and to the parking lot to go home, he suddenly asked, "How do you know Kai? How did the two of you meet?"

You stayed quiet for a while, and finally replied, "We grew up together in an orphanage for a really long time..."

*And then we met again, but he was different* you said in your head.

Baekhyun nodded, slowing down his pace.

"So...you two must have a long history together...and have a close relationship," he guessed, smiling a little.

You thought about what he said.

Yes, you and Kai were the best of friends anyone ever knew at the orphanage, and since you and Kai were together for so many years, you knew everything about him - his three favorite colors were navy blue, white, and red, his fear of bugs, and even about the little mole next to his belly button.

Kai knew a lot about you, too. More than you'd like, though.

You smiled bitterly and said, "Yeah..."

You reached the car and opened the passenger's side door. You climbed in and pulled at the seatbeat, lost in thought.

Baekhyun climbed into the driver's seat. He didn't start the enginge right away, just sitting there and staring at the side of your head.

It was getting darker outside, the tiny sparkling lights in the distance from Everland.

You turned your head to see Baekhyun staring intensely into your eyes.

"W-What is it?"  you stammered, looking down into your lap.

"...You seem uncomfortable to be around Kai," he whispered.

That was the first time anyone said that obvious statement out loud. You couldn't hold back the tears that were threatening to waterfall down your face and let out a frustrated sob.

Baekhyun let you cry for a minute before draping his arm around your shoulders comfortingly, pulling you into a warm hug.

He your hair, whispering into you ear, "I'm going to kill that cold, heartless bastard. What right does he have to hurt such a close friend this way?"

You shook your head and pulled away from him, shaking your head. Even though Kai did hurt you, you still felt the need to defend him, to say that he was innocent and he didn't do anything wrong.

"I-It's fine...Friends don't last forever anyway," you said between huge breaths, calming yourself down.

Baekhyun got a tissue from the tissue box on the dashboard and handed it to you.

You took it gratefully and blew your nose, dabbing at your eyes.

"Kai is really selfish - don't try to defend him. That guy seriously needs to understand that it isn't only him that everyone focuses on," Baekhyun growled.

You saw the discontent in his eyes and felt deeply touched - again.

"But...why do you care so much about me? We haven't known each other for very long, yet you treat me as if you've known me forever..." you said softly, not meeting his eyes.

There was silence for a while, until Baekhyun murmured, "Because...we're friends now aren't we? Friends help each other out, don't they?"

Baekhyun had to stop himself from saying "Because I love you". It was too early in this relationship to confess to you, and it would complicate her feelings towards him. He could see that you loved Kai, but Kai kept pushing you away, making you feel terrible. Baekhyun was broken hearted that the girl he loved was in so much pain, and confessing to her would just make her feel worse.

You nodded and sniffled, smiling a little. "Thank you, Baekhyun oppa."

He smiled back. "No problem."

*If there's anything I can do to make you smile, I'll do whatever it takes...*





















Hello everyone!!! I'm so sorry i haven't updated in a while... >< sooooo i have left you all with a long chapter :) (for me that is lol)

Thank you so much again for sticking with me and this story! ^^ I don't deserve your love....TT.TT

Please comment in the comments section! I really like reading the comments from my lovely subbies! I like to hear that you're enjoying the updates as much as i am! :P

Thank you and HAPPY 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY, THE BEAUTIFUL OT12!!!!!!!!!!!!


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please check out the spinoff of Stupid Sidetracked Love! (Complicated Sidetracked Love) ^^


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14 streak #1
Chapter 39: Thanks for the story!
Chapter 17: that was so sweet
Chapter 10: things are getting interesting
Chapter 8: awww baekhyun is so sweet to comfor her like that
Chapter 5: that was creepy. i wonder who that stalker is
Chapter 3: omg he recognized her
ChrisChen #7
Where is the spinoff??
It's still so good
U don't know how many times I've read this
Chocoholic_Exo-L #10
Chapter 37: Wow they have alot of kids. When I heard their son looks like Kai I immediately thought: Taeoh.
Prediction: failed.