Stupid, Sidetracked Love

Kai dragged you out of the café, much to your embarrassment.

He pulled you to the car and forced you in. He slammed the door, making you jump a little. He got into the driver's seat and yanked at his seatbelt, an angry look on his face.

He started to drive, his speed a bit too fast. You glanced at his knuckles - they were white from squeezing the wheel so hard.

You were really scared inside - you've never seen Kai this upset before, and you were afraid to talk to him. However, you knew you had to speak to him some time or another.

Cautiously, you said, "Kai, why - "


You cowered into your seat, looking away, feeling ashamed.


"Why do I need to tell you everything? I'm not a child!" you talked back, feeling a bit scared that you were talking back to a very angry Kai.

He was silent for a while, not answering you. Your tensed shoulders relaxed a bit, trying to adjust to the now awkward atmosphere.

*Why is he so upset? I'm not hurt or anything...He doesn't exactly care about me, so why is being so protective?* you wondered.

You gathered up the courage to say, "Kai. Why are you so bipolar?"

"...What?" Kai said, taken off guard.

"I mean...you're nice one moment, and then angry and a the other. I'm really tired of dealing with someone as bipolar as you," you sighed.

Kai's face softened. *You've been through a lot of turmoil because of me, huh?*

When he didn't say anything, you sighed again.

"You...you're playing with my feelings, Kai. I don't know what to think of you anymore," you burst into tears, unable to contain your emotions.

Kai's heart sank. *I'm such a bastard...Why exactly am I doing this to her?*

"I...I'm sorry," Kai muttered.

You looked up at him and sniffled, "You don't sound sincere."

He gave a tired sigh. "I said I'm sorry. I'm sorry for yelling at you, for making you cry, for making you feel like ..."

You noticed him biting his bottom lip, his face scrunching up a bit as if he were about to cry.

He pulled the car over onto a curb. You stared at him as he took a deep breath and a single tear roll down his cheek.

"I'm such an idiot and a bastard...I...I can't exactly express my feelings too well after...after living in America and what happened there," Kai explained, his voice wavering.

Your lips fell apart, surprised that he was being so honest with you. Could that really be the reason why he was always so distant and bitter? For giving you the cold shoulder when you first met?

"Do you...do you want to tell me what happened? If that makes you feel better?" you whispered.

You didn't know what came over you - you reached out a shaking hand and rested it on top of Kai's limp hand on his lap. Kai's eyes widened a bit at your sudden contact with him, but he didn't say anything.

"I...No, not now. Maybe I will...someday. I don't want to talk about it," Kai said, looking away.

You felt a bit disappointed. *I thought he was gonna open up to me...I guess I'll have to wait for things to slowly progress...*

You smiled warmly at him and squeezed his hand. "I'll listen to you if you need someone to talk to."

He was silent for a few seconds before he turned his head and looked at you with the saddest eyes you've ever seen. They shone with wet tears, making your heart break.

*Was he in this much pain? I'm at fault, too...* you blamed yourself, frowning slightly.

Kai's lips turned up in a grateful smile, "Thank you..."






















You got back to the pension with Kai in peace. It was starting to turn dark, the golden-orange sun setting over the hills.

When you got inside, you decided on making some dinner for the both of you - green tea lattes weren't going to fill you up that easily.

*I hope I didn't leave too abruptly...Zelo must be worrying for me.* you thought, unconsciously biting your lip.

Kai sided up next to you in the kitchen and peered at your worried facial expression.

"What's up?" he asked, leaning his back against the refrigerator.

You whipped your head to him and gave him a look. "You pulled me out of that café in such an embarrassing way! Way to make a scene there in front of Zelo!"

You angrily turned around and put on your apron, getting to work on washing the rice.

Kai was quiet for a while and moved closer to you. You could feel his presence right next to you.

"So that kid's name was Zelo? Why do you care about him so much? Do you know each other well?" Kai asked suspiciously.

You stopped washing the rice and turned to him. "Number one, he's not a kid - we're the same age. Number two, I care because you were being so rude just pulling me outta there so abruptly. And number three, no we don't know each other, but we just did, and we were about to become pretty good friends too!"

You huffed a sigh and turned back around again, continuing to wash.

Suddenly, you felt hands grab your shoulder and spin you around. You gasped in surprised and found yourself staring into Kai's searching eyes.

He observed your face - he could see blush starting to creep up your cheeks.

"Let me warn you one more time - don't get too close with other guys. Baekhyun, well, he's a relative so I exactly help that, but other guys - especially guys who try to hit on you - they are out of bounds. Got it? Even that Jello kid - "

"Zelo," you corrected him.

Kai rolled his eyes and said, "Whatever. Sounds all the same. Anyway, you got it? I don't want any boy or man to be near you and gettin' all lovey dovey, okay?"

You nodded half-heartedly and pushed him away gently. "I got it. Let me get back to the rice - it'll get all mushy if I let it sit in the water - "

Kai suddenly pulled you into a warm hug, pressing you against him tightly. Your mouth fell open in shock, your eyes wide and confused. *What is he doing??*

Kai smelled your wonderful smelling hair and sighed inwardly. *I've never hugged her this close before...My heart is beating so fast right now...*

Your frozen body turned a bit softer, melting into Kai's embrace. *He's so warm...* you thought, blushing hard.

After a few comfortable minutes, you gently pushed your hands against Kai's chest, looking up at him in wonder. He smiled down at you so lovingly. You couldn't help but smile as well. *He's definitely changed - he's a new Kai that I can definitely love and live with.*

"I...I need to go get my...uh - sweater. It's pretty chilly all of a sudden, isn't it?" you said awkwardly, hurrying away upstairs.

Kai stared after you and chuckled. *You're so warm and cute, Sukyung-ah. I've desperately wanted to crack open my hard shell and confess my feelings, and it's already starting to melt away because of you. I love you so much.*



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please check out the spinoff of Stupid Sidetracked Love! (Complicated Sidetracked Love) ^^


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14 streak #1
Chapter 39: Thanks for the story!
Chapter 17: that was so sweet
Chapter 10: things are getting interesting
Chapter 8: awww baekhyun is so sweet to comfor her like that
Chapter 5: that was creepy. i wonder who that stalker is
Chapter 3: omg he recognized her
ChrisChen #7
Where is the spinoff??
It's still so good
U don't know how many times I've read this
Chocoholic_Exo-L #10
Chapter 37: Wow they have alot of kids. When I heard their son looks like Kai I immediately thought: Taeoh.
Prediction: failed.