Stupid, Sidetracked Love

Kai shut the door of your bedroom and let go of you. You turned to him and shouted, "WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU THINKING, KAI?? HOW COULD YOU CONVINCE OUR PARENTS TO MOVE UP THE WEDDING DATE- "

"Why not? Does this mean you don't love me? Were you lying to me the other day?" Kai asked, an innocent look on his face.

You shut your eyes and forced yourself to even out your breathing. *Be calm, Song Sukyung. Patience...*

"No, it's just that we're not ready for this event yet!" you pointed out.

"Give me one reason why my suggestion wasn't a good one," he demanded.

You bit your lip, "Well...the preparations - we didn't get to finish them up yet - we're barely starting, and moving up the date isn't helping us have enough time to finish them."

Kai was quiet for a second, then shrugged, "Then I guess we should keep going at full speed."

"Even if we do go full speed, we can't do it without help. Plus, it's the beginning of May now - we've only got a month and a half!" you protested.

Kai grinned and wagged a finger at you. "Not if we get help."


The doorbell rang and you ran to open it. When you swung open the door, you gaped at the number of boys standing outside in front of you.

Kai came up behind you and waved, "Hey guys!"

"Who...who are they?" you asked, not taking your eyes off them.

"EXO! As soon as I transferred here, these guys gladly took me into their group. I'm one of them now," Kai proudly stated.

"Hello, Sukyung!" they said in a playful chorus.

You jumped at their sudden greeting and smiled weakly. "Hello...Come in!"

10 males poured into your house and into the spacious living room.

You stared at the scene in front of you - 11 people wandering around, oohing and ahhing at  the different objects in the living room, in pairs or alone, touching things, sitting on the floor and couches, and chatting away. It was utter chaos.

You've seen these boys at school together all the time - they were the most popular guys there, and each and every single one of them were talented in the arts - dance, composing, singing, rapping, you name it. Their good looks scored them a few points, too.

You cleared your throat nervously and tried to say over their voices, "Ahem. Excuse me!"

No one paid any attention to you.

Feeling irked, you tried again louder, "Excuse me!"

Still no response.

Your blood boiling, you shouted, "EXCUSE ME!"

The talking stopped abruptly and all heads turned to you, bodies frozen in place.

You smiled nervously and apologized, "I'm sorry, there needed to be a way to get your attention. So, as Kai told you all, we need help preparing for the wedding that's next month - "

"Congratulations, Noona!" a voice called out.

You blushed and saw who said that - Oh Sehun. He was a few months younger than you and Kai.

"Thank you. And you can just call me by my name - we're the same age..." you said.

"Okay, Noona!" Sehun replied, smiling brightly.

*Umm...Okay?* you thought, a bit confused and weirded out.

You clapped your hands together, "So...uh...Oh yeah, preparations. We need a lot of hands to help us work to get this wedding ready. The first thing on our list is invitations - "

Suddenly, the doorbell interrupted you. Puzzled, you looked up at Kai. He shrugged.

*Who is that? A late EXO member?* you wondered, getting to the door.

You opened it and saw Baekhyun standing outside, waving cutely at you.

"Why wasn't I invited to this?" he asked, stepping inside.

The EXO members looked up and cheered upon seeing Baekhyun.

"Hey, Baekhyun-ah! You came!"

"Get over here!"

"Yo, 'sup?"

"Hyung, sit next to me!"

Okay, now you were really confused. You turned to Baekhyun and asked, "How do you know them?"

Baekhyun smiled and answered, "I used to be one of the EXO members before I graduated high school. I'm still technically part of the group."

"Oh...I see," you said, amazed that Baekhyun used to go to the school that you and Kai were attending now. "But...How did you know everyone was meeting at my house?"

"These guys texted me to come over," Baekhyun grinned while rubbing the heads of Sehun and Chanyeol.

"Hyung! My hair!" Sehun whined, fixing his rainbow colored hair back in place.

Chanyeol just grinned and did it back to Baekhyun.

"Okay, back to invitations. We have a list of people that we're planning to invite here," you held up a long paper with people's names on it. "We already bought the cards a while ago, but Kai and I never got to writing them and sending them out."

"Okay, you guys got that right? We'll tape the list to the wall so everyone can refer to it. Now let's get going!" Kai said, taking the list from you.

The EXO boys scattered and settled themselves around the living room, a pen in hand and a card opened to be written in.

When Kai was taping the list to the wall, Baekhyun came up to you at the coffee table with a bright smile on his face.

"You really should've called me if you needed help," he said softly, twirling his pen in his hand.

You blushed and shook your head, "Oh, no, I couldn't have asked for your help, oppa. Your really busy now that you're a college student and all."

"I'm never busy when you need me, Sukyung-ah," Baekhyun said, ruffling your hair.

Your heart skipped a beat when his hand came in contact with your head. *His touches are always so gentle and light...Gahhh what's wrong with me? Focus Sukyung, focus!*

Kai suddenly appeared by your side, giving Baekhyun a warning glare.

Baekhyun smiled a little and backed off, stepping away from you.

"Well, see you later, Sukyung-ah. Call me if you need me," he waved, and left to sit next to his friends.

Kai grabbed your wrist and pulled you to the kitchen. Surprised, you stumbled after him. He turned around to meet you face to face. His eyes were full of comtempt and anger.

"Can't you stay away from that guy? I know your friends with Baekhyun and all, but please don't let him touch you!" Kai said in a low voice.

"Why can't he? He was only being a good oppa, Kai. I'm letting him do friendly gestures because he's really close to me and - "

"I honestly don't care! Just please don't be so intimate with him anymore!" Kai pleaded.

"Why?" you huffed, feeling very lost and frustrated.

Kai sighed. He stepped forward, putting his arms around you in a tight hug. Your eyes widened, your heart accelerating at his warm embrace. *Why is Kai so bipolar sometimes? One second he's upset, the next he's warm and nice...*

He whispered in your ear, his breath tickling your neck, "I'll be really sad and jealous if you two keep doing those things in front of me..."

You rolled your eyes yet smiled at his soft-heartedness. *He's just like a kid...That will never change about him.*

You lifted your arms to hug him back, patting his back lightly, "Okay, okay, don't get all soft and jelly on me."

You didn't notice, but Baekhyun was standing at the side, watching the moment between you and Kai. His heart dropped, seeing the love in your eyes for Kai, patting his back and hugging him close to you.

*Do you really love Kai that much, Song Sukyung? What does Kai give you that I can't? I really don't understand, Sukyung-ah - my heart is aching for you...But at this point, it seems like you're really deep in love with Kai. I think I'm too late...But I won't give up.* Baekhyun thought, silently leaving the area.


After about an hour of endless writing and laughing, the cards were finished, all sealed up in lacy white envelopes and ready to be mailed out.

Sighing in satisfaction, you called out, "Thank you everyone! We really couldn't have done this without your help!"

"No problem, Sukyung-ah!" Suho gave you a salute with a happy smile on his face.

You smiled back and took out a stack of invitations from behind you. "These are invitations for all of you! Kai and I made them a while ago, since he was whining about making your cards first. So here you go!"

The boys came up one by one to receive their invitations to the wedding. They all seemed pretty excited about it, and put them away in a safe place.

You handed one to Baekhyun. His face lit up when he took it in his hands. "Nice to know that you're thinking of me, Sukyung-ah," he said playfully, poking you with the card.

You laughed, "I never would've forgotten about you, oppa. I hope you can make it!"

You had one card remaining. You read the name: Eena Kim

"I'd better give this to her when I see her at school," you said to yourself, putting it away in your schoolbag.

A while later, EXO finally made a move to leave. Baekhyun went along with them. He saluted a good-bye to you as he left with the members. They offered to drop the invitations off a the post office for delivery.

You shut the front door and leaned against it, a content expression on your face.

"I'm so glad we got one thing done...It would've been impossible if it weren't for EXO," you said.

Kai smiled and came over to you, turning you around and massaging your shoulders. "Now that we're done, we should have time to ourselves, Mrs. Kim."

You shrugged off his hands and turned to him, raising an eyebrow. "It's getting late. You should get going, Kai."

You pushed him to the door, Kai whining all the way, "Whyyy? I want to stay here with you..."

"Look who's being all mushy gushy all of a sudden? You were a cold city man turned into a kid when we met again," you chuckled.

You opened the front door for him and kicked him out of your house. He looked at you with a puppy expression, "Is this the right way in treating your future husband?"

You rolled your eyes and made a move to shut the door, "Good-bye, Kai."

Kai stopped the door from closing by pushing his hand against the other side.

"What?" you asked, feeling annoyed.

Kai pretended to look upset and asked, "When are you going to start calling me 'oppa'? You call Baekhyun that all the time."

"Kai - we're the same age. I don't need to call you oppa," you reasoned.

"Hello? I'm 17 right now. You're still 16," Kai pointed out.

"I'm turning 17 soon!" you protested, crossing your arms.

"Don't make excuses! Now, say, 'Bye, Kai oppa'. Say it!" he demanded.

Horrified, you shouted, "No! Now leave!"

You tried to push the door closed with your full strength, but Kai was easily blocking you from doing.

He pushed it open wider and stood right in front of you. You bit your lip, your heart beating faster at his closeness.

"Say it, Sukyung-ah," Kai murmured, leaning closer to your face.

"Okay! Bye, Kai oppa!" you blurted, blushing like crazy.

Kai gave a satisfied smile. "Good. See? Nothing bad's gonna happen if you just say it - "

"Okay, so leave!" you said, pushing him out again.

"Yah! Aren't you gonna give me anything before I go?" Kai asked in a serious tone.

"What? Did I forget something?" you asked, confused.

Kai tapped his cheek and tilted his head to the side, making his cheek fully available to you.

You looked away, your face turning a brighter shade of red. "Seriously?" you muttered.

"Hurry up or else I'll be standing here all day," Kai urged.

Sighing, you lifted your face up to his and was about to peck his cheek, but Kai turned his head last minute to kiss you full on the lips. He held your head there as you jumped in surprise, hitting his chest repeatedly.

He was closing his eyes the whole time, as if he was kissing in a drama or something. He finally let you go and his bottom lip.

"Bye, Sukyung-ah! See you tomorrow!" he winked, and waved as he left.

You stared after him, a rage of emotions engulfing you - surprise, shock, embarrassment, shyness, happiness, and anger.

As he drove off his car, you shouted with red ears, "STUPID! YOU'RE NEVER COMING BACK HERE!"

You slammed the door and huffed, "He's always doing this to me..."



























WOW i am so good :P updating twice in one day! ^^

Please comment and subscribe! They are loved! ~~

and about my announcement in the other update - please make me a poster for this story, all you talented art peoples! :P they will be greatly appreciated and used as chapter images! ^^


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please check out the spinoff of Stupid Sidetracked Love! (Complicated Sidetracked Love) ^^


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14 streak #1
Chapter 39: Thanks for the story!
Chapter 17: that was so sweet
Chapter 10: things are getting interesting
Chapter 8: awww baekhyun is so sweet to comfor her like that
Chapter 5: that was creepy. i wonder who that stalker is
Chapter 3: omg he recognized her
ChrisChen #7
Where is the spinoff??
It's still so good
U don't know how many times I've read this
Chocoholic_Exo-L #10
Chapter 37: Wow they have alot of kids. When I heard their son looks like Kai I immediately thought: Taeoh.
Prediction: failed.