Stupid, Sidetracked Love

Baekhyun sighed as the voice mail came on again. He ended the call and blew air out of his cheeks.

*She's not picking up on purpose. I just know it.* Baekhyun thought, gritting his teeth.

He paced around his room slowly, lost in thought. He really wanted to help you, but he wasn't sure of how he could. He knew Sukyung was pretty sure by now that Eena and Ellen were the same person, but even he himself couldn't understand how Ellen was going to go through with her plan.

*I'd better keep track of Ellen...Who knows what other extremes she can do to tear Kai and Sukyung apart.* he decided.


You walked down the busy streets of town after leaving Baekhyun's café, unsure of what to do anymore.

*Should I really cancel the wedding? I don't know for sure if Kai and Eena are dating behind my back, but seeing them kissing...* you thought, tears b in your eyes again.

You shook your head slowly, your head bowed. *I can't bring myself to do that...*

You suddenly heard a crowd of girls screaming near you. You jerked your head up in surprise to see fangirls crowding around a group of tall, blond-haired boys coming out of an entertainment building. One of the tallest ones stood out to you. You gasped when you saw who it was - it was Zelo.

You stood there, staring at him as he and s tried to get to their van through the screaming girls.

Zelo suddenly looked your way and you made eye contact with him. His eyes widened.

*Did he see me?* you wondered.

You saw him trying to squeeze through the girls to your direction.

*Is he trying to get to me?* you wondered in bewilderment.

Zelo finally ran the rest of the way to you and stood in front of you, grinning from ear to ear.

"Song Sukyung! It's a surprise seeing you here!" he laughed.

He glanced behind him as the girls started running to him. To your surprise, he grabbed your wrist and bolted down the street with you shocked and following in suit. You could hear s yelling after him, "Yah, Junhong-ah! Where are you going??"

He didn't stop running until he lost the fangirls, and he slowed down to a walk for you to catch your breath.

Zelo led you to a quiet street and into a café that was empty. You were panting and sweating after the sudden exercise.

"Sorry for making you run," Zelo said with an apologetic smile. "I was excited to see you after such a long time!"

"No...problem...Zelo," you said between heavy pants, giving him a slight smile.

You and Zelo sat down at a small table. He didn't order anything. Instead, he observed your face closely, as if trying to see what was on your mind.

"Did something bad happen lately?" he inquired.

You looked up in surprise, "Is it that obvious?"

He nodded, "Yeah. Your eyebags are pretty bad."

Embarrassed, you covered up your bags with your fingertips, not meeting his eyes.

"Tell me. We haven't contacted each other since your London trip. Fill me in on your life," he said in a more serious tone.

"I...I don't even know. It feels like so much happened since then - I don't know where to start," you admitted.

"Then start from the moment you left London. I'll listen all the way through," Zelo reassured you.

At first the words came out hesitantly, but soon your words flowed out of your mouth like a rushing river, confessing to him all the emotions you had felt in the past month, the trouble with your "friend", and the flower pot incident.

After you finished, Zelo whistled. "Wow. You were right - a lot did happen."

You sighed and nodded in agreement. "I know...I really don't know who to trust anymore. Telling you everything just now really helped me to get rid of some of my stress and anxiety."

He smiled. "Well, you're welcome for that. But are you serious? You want to cancel the wedding?"

"I'm not sure yet...I mean, after seeing Kai and Eena kissing in front of my eyes...really broke my heart. It made me feel uncomfortable and upset just thinking about it," you said softly, fiddling with the beige colored tablecloth.

*She really looks down...I can tell how much she loves Kai.* Zelo thought.

"Don't worry. Kai loves you a lot. It was probably a misunderstanding!" Zelo said, but he realized that his words didn't make much sense.

"Tell me that after I saw them kissing in the middle of the hallway," you reminded him.

"Oh...sorry. I guess...I think you should confront either of them and demand the truth," Zelo suggested. "That's what I would do."

"Do you think they'd tell the truth? I'm engaged with Kai, and Eena is Kai's ex from America. It'll get awkward..." you said with doubt present in your tone.

"Then you'll never find out anything. Only those two know what's going on, so to get a straight-forward answer, you'll get it from one of them," Zelo said simply, leaning back in his chair.

You bit your lip nervously. "You really think I'll get some answers that way?"

"Well, it's kind-of obvious..." Zelo muttered under his breath. "But yeah. It's the only best way."

Before you could say anything else, someone burst into the café, looking wildly around the area. The handsome, tall blond male spotted Zelo and came over quickly, looking a bit upset.


"Yah, Junghong-ah! How could you leave the group like that? We were looking everywhere for you and manager hyung is going nuts!" he scolded, slapping Zelo's shoulder.

"Ow, Daehyun hyung! What was that for? I was just greeting an old friend that I haven't been able to contact in a while!" Zelo whined, giving him a dirty look and rubbing his shoulder.

Daehyun seemed to have noticed you sitting awkwardly in front of him. He quickly bowed and apologized, "I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there. I'm B.A.P's Daehyun. It's nice to meet you."

You bowed back and introduced yourself shyly, "My name is Song Sukyung. It's nice meeting you, too."

"As you know, Zelo and I are part of the rookie group, B.A.P. Since we're singers now, we're not exactly allowed to go out into public like this anymore..." Daehyun explained, momentarily glaring at Zelo, who completely ignored him. "I'm sorry for causing this unnecessary trouble."

"Oh no, it's no trouble at all! Zelo-ssi was just...listening to me talk on and on, that's all! I'm sorry for letting him get into trouble."

Zelo waved his hands in annoyance and said, "Okay, stop with the apologizing! I'll be out in a few minutes, hyung!"

Daehyun gave him a stern gaze, "Manager hyung said we have to leave as soon as possible for our next schedule!"

"I swear, Daehyun hyung - it'll only take a few minutes, please?" he pleaded, pouting at him.

Daehyun quickly looked away, a look of annoyance written all over his face. He nodded, "Fine, but only two minutes! Then we're leaving! I'll be waiting outside."

After he left, Zelo turned back to you and sighed. "Living a life like this is getting really hectic...Sorry for that just now."

You shook your head, "No, it's fine. I kind-of understand...You're always in a rush to get to different locations these days."

"Anyway, go ask Kai about it. I'm sure he won't lie to you. Hopefully...But still. As soon as everything's cleared up, I'm sure everything will be back to normal. Okay?" he said, starting to stand up.

"Thanks, Zelo. You're really amazing," you beamed, also standing up.

"I gotta get going. Here, my phone number," he said, handing you a napkin with a phone number written on it in ball-point pen. "Contact me if you still need someone to talk to!"

You took it from him with a grateful smile and nodded, "Thanks. I guess I'll see you around?"

Zelo got to the front glass doors and put his hands on the door. He turned his head to you and winked. "Of course." With that, he left to rejoin with Daehyun, who had a relieved look on his face. He said something to Zelo, and they both ran off down the street.

*It was nice talking to Zelo after a long time...* you thought, smiling a little bit. *I'll follow his advice and ask Kai once I get home.*


Dal was waiting for you at the door as you stepped inside your house. You chuckled and picked Dal up, the puppy's tail wagging wildly.

"You missed me, Dal-ah?" you cooed, laughing when he barked.

You set Dal down on the floor and went upstairs to change out of your uniform. You picked up your cell phone and dialed Kai's number. It rang for a while until he finally picked up.

"Hello? Sukyung?"

Taking a deep breath, you decided to start out with a bright conversation. "Hi, Kai. Yeah, it's me. How are you doing?"

"Um...Good, I guess? You're feeling okay? Nothing major happened?"

*Nope, except that moment where I saw you kissing Eena in the hallway!* you thought, but you said instead, "No, I'm feeling fine. Listen, I have a question for you..."

"Sure, ask away," Kai said.

"You...and Eena...You guys have dated before, haven't you?"

There was a long silence before he quietly said, "Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

"It's because I want to know. Please tell me?" you urged.

"...Maybe," Kai murmured.

"Tell me the truth. I can find out if you're lying to me or not," you warned.

He sighed and said, "Okay, I did. A really long time ago, but it's all in the past now. Why?"

*Okay, one answer down.* you counted in your head.

"I was just curious...Do you still love her?"

"What? Hell no! She's just my past - I don't want to have anything to do with her!"

You frowned. "Are you sure? I don't think you're telling the truth to me..."

"What? So you're saying you don't believe me? What makes you say that?"

"Because today I saw you and her kissing - " you started to blurt out, but you stopped yourself, realizing you said too much.

Kai didn't say anything for an even longer time, making you scared and nervous.

*Is he admitting it now that he's cheating on me behind my back?* you wondered, your heart beating rapidly, waiting for his response.

"I wasn't the one to make the first move - Eena forcefully kissed me. I didn't want her to. She keeps insisting that I still have feelings for her, but I really don't. Please believe me, Sukyung-ah. You're the only one in my heart and it's going to stay that way forever," Kai pleaded.

You wanted to believe him desperately, that everything was just a misunderstanding, that you came at the wrong moments, but for some reason, your conscience wouldn't let you.

"I...I don't know, Kai. I honestly don't know. How do I know that you're not lying to me?" you asked, your voice starting to shake.

"You have to trust me! Sukyung, I'm Kai - your future husband, your childhood best friend, your - "

He paused for a moment before he whispered softly, "Your lover who's always thought about you 24/7. There's never been a moment where you've left my mind. Can you take my words and believe them?"

That just made your eyes tear up even more until they spilled out, your sobs racking your shoulders. Kai was alarmed by your sudden crying.

"Why are you crying?"

You sniffled before crying out, "Do you k-know how much I-I've b-been waiting to hear t-those words from your mouth, K-Kai? For so long, I was i-in agony and d-darkness, wondering if you were cheating o-on m-me this whole time with E-Eena. I'm so g-glad that it's not w-what I thought it was!"

Kai stood still, speechless. He had no idea that Sukyung had been there, witnessing the forced kiss that day, and the pain that he put Sukyung through this whole time.

"Sukyung-ah..." he whispered, still in shock and guilt.

You continued to cry and sob, not able to answer him. His voice saying your name felt like medicine to your wounds.

"I'm so sorry, Sukyung-ah...They were all misunderstandings. Eena is not the one I love - it's you, Song Sukyung. And I'll never regret falling in love with you. Even if you tell me that you hate me, I'll still love you with all my heart," Kai said, making you cry even harder.

You nodded and sniffled, "Thank you, Kai. You're just as corny sweet as you always are."

"Hey, I was being serious back there!" Kai teased, trying to sound upset.

You laughed for the first time with Kai in ages, your mind starting to clear up and your heart feeling less heavier.

"I love you, you know that? And you're only mine," you said, smiling and blushing.

"Woah, aggressive Sukyung? I think I might like that," Kai joked.

"Agh, shut up, stupid," you giggled, your tears drying up in happiness.



























YAYYYYY misunderstanding - cleared!! ^^

BUT - don't think everything is over YET, my lovely subbies :P

I think I'll be ending this story after a few more chapters. Thank you all so much for giving this story soo much love and support!

Thank you my wonderful subbies for commenting, subscribing, and upvoting this story! Please continue to give "Stupid, Sidetracked Love" a lot of LOVE!!!!!! ~~~




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please check out the spinoff of Stupid Sidetracked Love! (Complicated Sidetracked Love) ^^


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14 streak #1
Chapter 39: Thanks for the story!
Chapter 17: that was so sweet
Chapter 10: things are getting interesting
Chapter 8: awww baekhyun is so sweet to comfor her like that
Chapter 5: that was creepy. i wonder who that stalker is
Chapter 3: omg he recognized her
ChrisChen #7
Where is the spinoff??
It's still so good
U don't know how many times I've read this
Chocoholic_Exo-L #10
Chapter 37: Wow they have alot of kids. When I heard their son looks like Kai I immediately thought: Taeoh.
Prediction: failed.