Stupid, Sidetracked Love

You walked into your classroom and plopped down on your chair, sighing heavily. *I don't feel too well today...* you thought. When you woke up this morning, your whole body was sore and fatigued, and your forehead was burning up. You brought a case of medicine just in case your condition got worse.

You were still pretty early to class. Kai picked you up from your house and drove you to school, but the car ride was awkward - he cleared his throat every few minutes, thinking about how to start a casual conversation, but you just ignored him and stared out the window. You found it hard to speak with him like before, but he was holding a secret that he was determined not to tell you, and you felt hurt that he wouldn't say what it was. Didn't he trust you?

You suddenly looked up and saw Eena walking in, her short hair back to normal. You forced a friendly smile and greeted her, "Hey, Eena!"

Eena momentarily frowned at you but quickly changed her expression to a happy one. "Oh, Sukyung-ah! What's up?"

*She seems so nice right now...How could her past be so dark?* you wondered. You answered, "Not much. I think I'm catching something though..."

"Is it the final exams? It's in a few weeks, isn't it? Don't exhaust yourself by studying so hard - you'll get sicker," Eena advised, shaking a finger at you.

You nodded and smiled, "Okay, okay."

Eena was getting out her books from her bag when she mentioned, "Oh, I heard you're getting married. Congrats."

You froze, your hand on your book. "...Yeah, I am."

"Kai must be pretty happy. I mean, you guys were childhood friends and all, and now you're all lovey dovey with him," Eena said, her last words sounded a bit bitter.

You were about to say something to her, but you stopped yourself, something making you think back to what she just said. "...I don't think I ever told you we were childhood friends...Who told you that?"

Eena's eyes flickered, panic visible for a second on her face, but she quickly returned to her calm state and said, "O-Oh, I think...I heard it from some kids around school...I don't know - is that a rumor?"

You raised an eyebrow at her suspicious behavior, but you shook your head, "No, it's true...We were living in the same orphanage for a really long time..."

"Ah, I see. Okay, well congrats anyway. Hope you're happy," Eena said, turning her back to you.

*I never told anyone except Baekhyun and EXO that we were childhood friends...No one in school should be knowing this...* you worried, biting your thumb nail.

The teacher walked in, banging the ruler against the desk. "Hey, hey! Go to your seats and get ready for morning classes!"

You bowed your head behind your opened book and started coughing. *Hmm...I really must be getting a cold or something...*




After school, you didn't see Kai waiting for you by the classroom door like he usually did.

*Where'd he go?* you wondered, looking down the hallway. You only saw students you didn't know, laughing and walking out the doors in groups or pairs.

*I guess I'll have to get home by myself,* you thought, feeling somewhat upset.

You fixed your backpack straps and walked out of the school building, having no idea that Eena was watching you from afar, with Kai at her heel, watching with worry.




"What do you want?" Kai asked coldly.

Kai and Eena were at Baekhyun's café, sitting at a table for two. Kai was definitely not pleased to see Eena, but she was acting as if they had never been apart in the last three years.

"Why are you getting married to that girl?" Eena asked calmly, sipping her iced tea. She looked up at him through her long eyelashes, an angry spark in her eyes.

"Does that matter to you?" he snapped.

Eena leaned back, acting surprised. "Kai! You loved me and you still do! Why would you marry a girl you don't love?"

"Who said I still loved you?" Kai growled. "I won't forgive you for messing with me with Baekhyun."

Eena placed her cup down and folded her hands, sighing. "Oh Kai...I know you still love me - even if it's just a little bit. It's an arranged marriage, I heard? Arranged marriages don't involve love, am I right?"

Kai opened his mouth to retort, but no words came out. She smirked and rolled her eyes, "Even though you have strong feelings for Sukyung, that doesn't mean she loves you back."

"Shut up! She told me herself she feels the same for me! How would you know?" Kai growled.

"Hello? I'm her best friend! Best friends tell each other everything. You don't have a best friend so you wouldn't know," Eena said, as if it was obvious.

"For your information, I have plenty of good friends - and you're not one of them. Leave or else I'm really going to totally ignore you from now on," Kai warned, starting to get up.

Eena shot up from her seat as well and gave him a serious look. "Look, Kai. You haven't seen Sukyung in years! I've dated you and loved you a lot! I probably love you more than her! You should just come back to me and forget about her!"

Kai glared at her. "If you say that one more time in front of me, I swear I'll kick your all the way back to ia. Stay away from me and Sukyung. If you ever try to hurt her...well, we'll see what happens then."

With that, Kai spun on his heel and left, leaving Eena gaping after him. *How dare he?! How dare he talk back to me that way! I swear, Song Sukyung, I'm going to get you back for taking Kai away from me!*




You lay on your bed, still in your uniform, coughing up a storm. *I definitely have a cold...* you grumbled in your head.

"Mom!" you croaked through your coughs. Within seconds, your mom rushed into your room, a worried look on her face.

"Oh my gosh, honey! Are you sick?" she exclaimed, kneeling next to the bed and feeling your forehead.

"Gee, I'm coughing and burning up, so I would think so, Mom," you said with slight sarcasm.

She gave you a look and stood back up. "I'll get you some cold medicine. I'll make some joogk* for you, so stay in bed and get some sleep." (*joogk is a Korean dish - its basically rice cooked in lots of water in a pot. It's like porridge, but it's easily digested and doesn't taste like anything. You eat it mostly when you're sick.)

"Thanks, Mom," you smiled a little.

After she left, you heard your phone ringing. You picked it up and said, "Hello?"

"Hello? Sukyung?" Kai's voice rang.

Your lips curved downward a bit. "Yeah, what is it?"

"Sorry, I had to get home and take care of some business. Did you get home safely?" he asked.

You coughed a fit before answering, "Yeah..."

"Are you sick? Fever? Is it serious?" Kai pelted questions at you.

"I'm fine, Kai. I'm not going to die - it's just a common cold..." you assured him.

"You get colds in hot weather like this? Well anyway, eat a lot, drink lots of water, and rest! I'm gonna come and visit you tomorrow. Okay?"

"Whatever..." you muttered.

"Are you...still mad at me?" Kai asked tentatively.

"Why would I be mad at you?" you asked, a bit confused.

"...Nothing. I'll see you tomorrow - if you're too sick, don't come to school."

With that, he hung up. You sighed and closed your eyes, your head aching. *Maybe all this worrying and stress is causing my sickness...I really need to stop being only concentrated on this...I have to do well on the final exams, too...*





































AND....the drama continues :P

Sorry again for updating after like a million days...I was in a manga phase...*cough cough*

Anyway, hope you guys anticipate the next chapter! Thank you ALL for commenting and subscribing! For the new readers - I WELCOME YOU~~~~ ^^

I got the most comments for chapter 24 - 8 in one day! (That's a record for me so don't judge :P)

Thank you also for the subscribers who upvoted the story! If you enjoy this fanfic, PLEASE upvote away! :DDDDD





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please check out the spinoff of Stupid Sidetracked Love! (Complicated Sidetracked Love) ^^


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14 streak #1
Chapter 39: Thanks for the story!
Chapter 17: that was so sweet
Chapter 10: things are getting interesting
Chapter 8: awww baekhyun is so sweet to comfor her like that
Chapter 5: that was creepy. i wonder who that stalker is
Chapter 3: omg he recognized her
ChrisChen #7
Where is the spinoff??
It's still so good
U don't know how many times I've read this
Chocoholic_Exo-L #10
Chapter 37: Wow they have alot of kids. When I heard their son looks like Kai I immediately thought: Taeoh.
Prediction: failed.