Stupid, Sidetracked Love

Kai sat there, biting his bottom lip in deep thought. The day before when he said he had to take care of some "business" was actually business with Eena.

*Or should I say, Ellen," Kai thought, sighing heavily.

He left America because he wanted to leave his broken heart behind, but the cause of his broken heart had followed him all the way back to Korea (unfortunately). Kai didn't want to see Ellen's shocked face when he caught her kissing her secret boyfriend - a close friend of his and a relative, even.

His mind was suddenly thrown back in time to that moment...


Kai smiled to himself as he tip toed up the stairs to Ellen's room, excited to surprise her with the ring he bought for her.

Holding the box behind his back, he sneaked up to the closed door and listened. He couldn't hear anything that was going on in there, but since light was seeping out from under her door, he knew Ellen was in there.

Counting under his breath to three, he opened the door and shouted with a huge grin, "Ellen, I'm here! I have something for you - "

He stopped midsentence and stared at the scene in front of him, his eyes widening in confusion and horror.

There she was, his girlfriend making out with another boy on the bed. Ellen quickly got off of him and looked from boy to boy, stuttering while trying to explain, "U-Uh...Kai, this isn't...Um...I'm not dating him - "

Tears welled up in Kai's eyes, and in his fury, he screamed, "I can't believe you, Ellen! How could you? I love you and I trusted you with everything, and this is what I deserve?"

He stormed out of the room, pushing the ring box back into his pants pocket. Ellen tried to chase after him, "Kai, wait!"

Without looking back, he ran outside and down the street, tears flowing freely now.

*I can't believe she cheated on me...And especially with HIM...* Kai thought, crying more tears.

The image of Ellen and that boy kissing on her bed would not stay out of his head. Seeing their surprised faces when he burst in were going to be burned into his brain forever.


*End of Flashback*


Kai shook his head furiously and sighed again, hitting his palm against the steering wheel, feeling upset all over again.

*Why did Ellen want to see me after all these years? It couldn't be that she still has feelings for me...does she?* he wondered, pondering that thought.

Ellen had asked to meet up at a small café not too far from his house, so they met officially for the first time.



Kai looked around the café before sitting down slowly, Ellen leaning back in her seat with her arms crossed.

She smiled sweetly at him and folded her pretty hands on the table, leaning forward. "So, how's it going, Kai? I haven't seen you in a very long time."

Kai glared at her and didn't answer.

She kept going, "You know, I came to Korea because I wanted to see your handsome face again. After you left America, I thought I was going to die of loneliness and heartbroken feelings, so I decided to come here with you and we can continue our loving relationship!"

"Shut up. I never want to date you ever again. And anyway, I'm in another relationship with someone whom I really love and don't want to lose, so get lost," Kai said in a snappy tone.

Ellen looked a bit taken aback by his sharp answer but maintained her sweet smile and calm tone. "Oh, I see. Well, you will regret this, Kai. I know it - you still have feelings for me, and you can't deny it."

"You're wrong. I never have loved you and never will - I was an idiot back then for thinking that I could just replace my empty heart with you, but the void could only be filled by my first love."

"I was your first love!" Ellen insisted.

He shook his head, "No, you're not. Sukyung is. Song Sukyung was my first love and she still is. I love her and I'm getting married with her soon. So give up and move on, Ellen. I'm not planning on meeting up with you ever again."

He stood up abruptly and walked out of the café, leaving Ellen sitting there with her jaw dropped. She clenched her fists so tightly that they were shaking. She fumed, "You're definitely the one who's crazy, Kai. We'll see who's gonna get married with who..."

*End of Flashback*

"I'm just going to avoid her as best I can in school and outside of it. I don't want to risk the chance of being seen with her while Sukyung's around," Kai decided. After confirming that decision with himself, he started the car engine and drove home, a bit of his stress load taken off of him. However, he didn't know there was still miles and miles of more drama to get through before he was off the hook...




"Oh Lord, Sukyung. Your fever is way too high - you're not going to school today," your mother said, holding up the thermometer in front of her.

You groaned and turned over in bed, your body aching - it felt as if a thousand rocks had been thrown at you and bruised your whole body. Your head felt like a burning coal and sweat was pouring down your face and neck.

"You should get up and take a nice hot shower, sweetie. We need to get rid of this cold before it gets any worse," she added, putting the thermometer back into its box.

"Okay..." you muttered, sitting up slowly.

She patted your head lightly and gave you a worried smile. "Get well soon, Sukyung."

Your mom left the room. You sighed and closed your eyes, feeling very fatigued and sleepy.

*I wonder what kind of business Kai had to take care of the other day that he couldn't take me home?* you wondered, turning your head to your phone.

You picked it up and unlocked the screen. You tapped the 'messages' app and it opened to the  text messages you had sent back and forth with Baekhyun.

*I haven't spoken with him for a while...* you realized, so you decided to text him a simple message.

Hi, Baekhyun oppa! I'm actually sick right now...TT.TT I couldn't go to school this morning...Wish me better health! ^^

After sending that message, you put down your phone and got up to take a long steaming hot shower.

When you got out, you heard the doorbell ringing. As you closed your bedroom door behind you, you heard your mom exclaiming something.

Suddenly, you heard a series of knocks on your door.

"Uhh, wait a moment please!" you said, speeding up your rate of changing into your clothes.

Finally you opened the door and was surprised to see Baekhyun standing there with his hands full of plastic food bags.

"Omo, oppa what is this?" you asked, staring at him as he set them down on the floor.

He straightened up and dusted off his hands, smiling proudly, "I bought food from a restaurant nearby. It has great tasting food, so I brought some 'get well soon' foods to get you back on your feet!"

Touched, you sat down on the floor next to him, "What did you buy?"

He opened the bags and took out sidedishes and a bowl of plastic wrapped jjajjangmyeon, fried mandu, and warm soup. Your eyes widened at all this, your stomach growling.

"Eat! I got these all for you so eat up!" Baekhyun urged, smiling wide.

"Thank you so much, oppa! I'll eat well!" you laughed, picking up the chopsticks and starting to open up the bowls.

After digging into the delicious food, you realized something -  Baekhyun wasn't eating with you. He was just watching you eating like a pig.

"Um...are you going to eat too?" you asked carefully.

He chuckled, "No, I already ate lunch. Eat it all up!"

You smiled gratefully. You picked up a piece of mandu with your chopsticks and held it in front of him. He looked confused.

"Say ah, oppa!" you said.

"No, I said I'm fine," he refused, pushing your arm away gently.

"Ahh, just eat it! I want to thank you for all this good food somehow!" you whined.

He gave you a funny look and gave in, "Fine, ah~"

Beaming, you popped it into his wide open mouth.

"Yay, it tastes amazing, right?" you asked.

He nodded and put his thumbs up, "Yeah it does!"

After you finished eating everything, you leaned back against your bed and rubbed your full stomach.

"I'm sooooo full..." you groaned. "Oppa, can you pass me those pills on my shelf over there?"

"These?" he asked, taking them and giving them to you.

You popped open the lid and shook out one cold pill. You washed it down with water and sighed. "Thank you."

"You need to take care of yourself more - lack of sleep and too much stress can cause your body to become weak...I don't want that for you," Baekhyun said.

You smiled at him, "Thanks for worrying about me so much, oppa...I guess these days aren't exactly my best days so far..."

Baekhyun was about to question her about what she meant, but he decided against it and just said, "You're welcome. I should get going - I have to get back to the café. It's unattended right now. I'll see you soon - if you need anything, just text or call me!"

"Thanks oppa! Drive safely!" you called as he left your room.

*He's so supportive...I hope I can stop worrying about all this soon...*



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please check out the spinoff of Stupid Sidetracked Love! (Complicated Sidetracked Love) ^^


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14 streak #1
Chapter 39: Thanks for the story!
Chapter 17: that was so sweet
Chapter 10: things are getting interesting
Chapter 8: awww baekhyun is so sweet to comfor her like that
Chapter 5: that was creepy. i wonder who that stalker is
Chapter 3: omg he recognized her
ChrisChen #7
Where is the spinoff??
It's still so good
U don't know how many times I've read this
Chocoholic_Exo-L #10
Chapter 37: Wow they have alot of kids. When I heard their son looks like Kai I immediately thought: Taeoh.
Prediction: failed.