Stupid, Sidetracked Love

You sketched in one last pencil mark on your sketchpad and dropped your pencil, staring at the image you've just created.

It was that look Kai usually had on his face at school when girls were fanning over him - bored, tired, and handsome.

You couldn't stop staring at his face - it looked so real to you, as if his face could all of a sudden start moving and he would talk to you.

Your mind flashed back to the scene in his living room the other day. His facial expression gave you the shivers, still.

You desperately wished that everything was back to how it was between you two at the orphanage - happy, close, and comfortable. These feelings had been the opposite since the time Kai moved to your school - dark, distant, and uncomfortable.

You got up from your desk with your sketch in hand, and shoved the drawing pad between your school textbooks, the place where you went to the least.

Sighing, you laid down in your bed and stared at the ceiling. For some reason, you saw Kai's face staring back at you with a solemn expression.

You closed your eyes and exhaled slowly. You used to take yoga classes to relieve stress when you were in middle school, but with all the school work in high school, you barely had time to go to them anymore. You wished your still did, though.

Suddenly, your phone buzzed next to your ear. Opening one eye, you reached over and took your phone in your hand. There was a text message icon on the black screen.

You tapped on it and the message opened. Something you totally didn't expect appeared on the screen.

It was a picture of Kai smiling at the camera, his full face in view. His tan skin was still the same from your childhood days, his eyes softened and warm. His smile invited you in, his handsomeness showing through the picture - everything about him looked so perfect.

You read the words under his picture:

Sorry about the other day...Forgive me? For old times' sake?

You stared at his apology. Were you supposed to forgive him? After he almost you? Well, this Kai seemed more like the childish, sweet guy from the orphanage, but it seemed too good to be true. When you talked with him, he was like a completely different person. Could you trust him just once more?

You typed back:

I don't know. How can I? Like I've said before: you've changed, Kai. I don't know who you are anymore.

You sent the message, and then another thought came into your head.

How did you get my number?

You were pretty sure you didn't give him your number, and you knew almost no one had your number since you just changed your phone two months ago. How  did he get a hold of it?

A minute passed until his reply came:

I have my ways...

You felt uncomfortable with that answer. It was like a stalker's reply.

Do you mind? Please erase my number from your contacts. Now.

You bit your lip and sat up. You didn't like being so forceful to others, but this was hanging onto your safety and privacy.

I can't...




This isn't Kai's phone.

You thought you read the message wrong, but you surely saw those words right on the screen.

This...isnt' Kai? Who are you?

Look out your window.

Feeling panicked now that a ert could be right outside your own house, you jumped from your bed and peeked under your curtain to look out into the darkening day.

A figure was standing on your driveway, looking up at your window.

You squinted to see the person's face, but you couldn't see their face clearly.

Your phone vibrated again. You looked at the message:

Just know that I really love you. Please come to me and not that jerk Kai.

You looked back out the window, but the figure was gone.













The next day, you were completely paranoid. A guy just messaged you saying that he loved you (probably a he...you hoped) and was mysteriously standing outside your house. What made you even more uncomfortable was that he knew where you lived, he knew your phone number, and he knew your history with Kai. This rang the stalker alarm.

Who was this stranger? If he knew your relationship with Kai, then he definitely was someone from your past because Kai only came to your town a few weeks ago. He couldn't have known Kai and you unless he was involved in your childhood.

You were absorbed in your thoughts trying to figure out who this person was, when suddenly, someone placed a canned drink on your desk. You looked up, a bit startled, and saw a girl standing there. She was very cute looking, with short bobby hair and a small round face. She was short, but she looked cute this way.

"Here, drink this," she offered, pointing to the drink on your desk. She took a long sip of her own drink.

You stared at the can and slowly took the warm beverage into your two hands. You snapped it open and drank out of it. Coffee.

"Aren't you lonely? I've always seen you around school with barely any friends," the girl said, her eyebrows furrowed together.

You smiled slightly. "No, I'm used to it, I guess. If not many people take notice of me, then I won't get bullied or anything..."

"Like this, you're gonna become a loner for life," she said, sitting down on the desk next to you.

You shook your head and cradled the canned coffee in your hands, your fingers tingling from the warmth.

"I already am. I don't have a boyfriend or anything...Like I need one..." you murmured.

She rolled her eyes and held out her hand.

"I'm Eena. I'm gonna start hanging around you from now on. I'm new, so I need a friend anyway."

You looked up at her, surprised.

"You're new?"

She nodded.

"Yeah, since today. I moved away from this town when I was six, and moved back here two days ago. All the people I used to know are still here, but they've totally forgotten me," she snorted.

"So...you're planning to befriend me," you confirmed.

She smiled brightly. "Yup. What's your name?"

"Umm...Sukyung..." you said.

"Nice to meet you! Let's be friends now!" Eena said, all cute and bubbly.

You smiled. Her happy mood really rubbed off on you, making the corners of your mouth tug.

"I gotta go now. I guess we could walk home together at least, right?" Eena said, jumping off the desk.

You nodded. "Sure. I'll see you later."

She waved to you and she disappeared out the door.

You sighed to yourself, but you couldn't help but smiling wider. You couldn't make much friends because of your quiet personality, which was a change from your younger self, but you were finally able to get close with someone. You promised yourself that you would try hard to maintain this friendship from the girl who confidently went up to you and asked you to be friends.















You accidentally ran into Kai at the end of the day in front of the school.

You glanced up at him and walked quickly away, your heart beating fast.

Once you reached your house, your phone buzzed again. You looked at it, and it was another message from the person who were texting yesterday.

You went inside first and then looked at the message:


You cringed at how this person asked you where you were, like a stalker.


Just wondering :)

You hestitated before typing:

Can you tell me your name?

You anticipated the answer, and was disappointed in the reply:

Can't :) it's a secret...

You tried something else:

Your gender at least?

The person wrote back:


Okay, so this stalker dude was a dude...At least this was going somewhere.


He wrote back:

Four years older.I'm not pedo though! :)

So it definitely couldn't be Kai - he was a few months older than you (different age however), and this guy was four years older.

Which town do you live in?

You hoped that he would give a definite reply, but you got annoyed:

My town.

Then another message:

kidding, kidding. ^^ I can't tell you - gives away my secret identity...

You gave up talking child's play with this person and just chucked your phone onto your bed.

Your phone buzzed about ten times in the next ten minutes, but you didn't answer or look at any of the messages.

You were extremely curious to see who this person was, but he was being annoying and stalker-like.

You were half hoping that it was Kai, but you knew in reality, that would never happen.

All you wanted was for Kai and you to be best friends again. Was this too much to ask? Why, instead, were there people stalking you and texting you constantly?

















anyway, updated ^^ hope this chapter was satisfying...but deep down inside, i know it wasn't...i'm sorry ><;;

More interesting things coming on the way! anticipate it, my lovely readers! :D

and thank you everyone who has subscribed!!!! :) so happy! :') like, 98 subscribers!!!! that is an overachievement for me LOL.

and i shall ask the question every exotic has been asking for the past two months:

WHEN IS EXO COMEBACK???????????????????????????

SM YOU TROLLSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:0

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please check out the spinoff of Stupid Sidetracked Love! (Complicated Sidetracked Love) ^^


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14 streak #1
Chapter 39: Thanks for the story!
Chapter 17: that was so sweet
Chapter 10: things are getting interesting
Chapter 8: awww baekhyun is so sweet to comfor her like that
Chapter 5: that was creepy. i wonder who that stalker is
Chapter 3: omg he recognized her
ChrisChen #7
Where is the spinoff??
It's still so good
U don't know how many times I've read this
Chocoholic_Exo-L #10
Chapter 37: Wow they have alot of kids. When I heard their son looks like Kai I immediately thought: Taeoh.
Prediction: failed.