CHAPTER 8 - Couple Item??... umm maybe...

When unexpected things happens....





“Jay, let’s walk to school together.” Krystal said and starts eating her breakfast.


Krystal nodded. “Yeah. We still have a lot of time. We can walk and sight-seeing.”

“Go ahead, Jay.” Ga Young unnie said.

After we had breakfast, yeah, we walked to school. Though the distance is not very far away and we could reach there in like 15 minutes by bicycle, but we got an hour plus before class. So Krystal and I, made stop everywhere.


Krystal POV

Walking to school with Jay is like a wish come true for me. We’re really like couple. Oops, I didn’t just say that.

Ever since I saw her willingness to save Hyuna despite whatever happened in the past really moved me.

If I were in her shoes, I’d have ignored everything else and just let Hyuna die. Though I had no idea what happened in the past, but the awkwardness between her and Hyuna needs to be solved. We are a team now. The awkwardness needs to be expelled.

But for now, I’d just enjoy he journey to school with Jay. Aww man, I’m feeling so happy. *blushes*




Jay is looking outside the window. Like the usual. While scribbling on her ‘secret book’ that she hid from Krystal.

“Wah, Krystal and Jay got couple items!!”

“We just happen to like the same thing!!!” Jay protested. Krystal tried to hold her laughter.






“Jay, look at this keychain!!” –Krystal

“Ahjumma, can I have this single one?” Krystal asked the storekeeper.

“Agasshi, this is a couple items. We don’t sell anything in single.” The storekeeper said.

Krystal’s smile turned to frown. She bowed to the storekeeper and exit from the store.

Looking at Krystal from the back, Krystal is no longer hyper like just now.

(She really wants it huh?  –Jay)

“Ahjumma, sell this to me please.” Jay said to the storekeeper. The storekeeper check the price in the record book,

“It’s 10,000KRW.”

“Nae~” I took out my adidas red purse from my pocket.

(Damn. 10,000KRW is all I have for lunch. –Jay)

*Note:  10,000KRW = USD 9.00


“Thank you, please come again.” The storekeeper said as Jay exits the store and catch up on Krystal.

Jay taps on Krystal’s shoulder and handed her a small blue box.

“What is it?” Krystal asked lazily.

“Open it.” Jay said.

Krystal lazily opened the box.

“WAH!! You bought it?” Her eyes widened.

“Well, I liked it too. So might as well give one to you. See.” Jay said as she shows her half keychain on her adidas wallet.



“Wah. Saranghae!!” Krystal squeels happily and hangs the keychain on her purse. They leave the keychain hanging out from the pocket and went to school.



“Yah, isn’t that Hyuna and Risa?” Krystal and Jay looked to the door and indeed are RIsa and Hyuna.

Krystal immediately helps RIsa to support Hyuna all the way to her seat, and Jay pulled the chair for Hyuna.

“Thanks.” Hyuna said with a smile. A friendly smile that is.

“W-welcome.” Jay replied.

“Wow. What happened? Days ago they were stepping on each other’s tail and now Jay is helping her?”

*Note: Step on each other’s tail basically meant annoying each other.



“Exactly, and Hyuna the trouble maker said thanks.”

(Gossips … *sighs* -Jay)

“They’re still awkward even after that day.” Krystal mumbles to herself.

“Er… Risa, are you feeling alright?” Jay started asking.

“Yeah. Never healthier than ever. Why?”

“Err...  Nothing. I thought you two are supposed to be resting at home for weeks.” Jay said carefully.

“Supposed to. But the doctor said I could go to school as usual. Even oppa allowed me to.” Risa said.

Jay and Krystal looked at her in a “you’ve-got-to-be-kidding’’ look.







“Yah, come on let’s hit the cafeteria.” Risa called the others.

“SURE! I heard the new honey bun is nice.” Krystal said happily.

“You girls go ahead. I’ll pass.” Jay said.

“Yah, are you that stingy? The bread is only 9,000KRW. You always bring 10,000KRW isn’t it?” Hyuna said.

“Did you dig my purse??” Jay shocked at Hyuna’s remark.

“Do I even need to do that? You always bring that much money even in kindyland.” Hyuna fired back.

Suddenly Krystal remembered something.

(10,000KRW? That’s the price for the keychain isn’t it? So she just bought it to make me happy,huh? Then, I should return a favour too. –Krystal)

“How about my treat for today?” Krystal said smiling to the others.

“Sure. But why the sudden?” Risa asked curiously.

“To celebrate we’re alive after the other day.” Krystal whispered to them. Risa is blurred about it since she was unconscious when they rescued Hyuna from Liethal Mansion.

Suddenly Jay feels pain at her stomach area.

(. Not now.. >_< -Jay)

Jay’s vision slowly getting blurry. She felt weak all the sudden.

“Yah, Jay!! What’s wrong? HEY!” Risa and Hyuna panicked.

“You girls go on and have lunch, I’ll send Jay to the infirmary first.” Krystal said and both Hyuna and Jay agreed to it.


School infirmary

“So Miss Park. How’s Jae?” Krystal asked after the school nurse covered Jay with blanket after checking on her.

“Don’t worry too much. She’s fine. Just gastric due to hunger.”

“Gastric? But it’s just lunch time now.” Krystal said.

“Jay have a habit of eating on time. I bet she didn’t have proper breakfast this morning. That happens to gastric patients. But since her condition is just minor, it shows that she is aware of her own stomach health. When she wake up, be sure to feed her or she might faint again in an hour.” Miss Park said.

“I will.” Krystal said.

“I always saw you and her together. Especially this morning. Are you two…dating?”

“WHAT? No! We’re just best friends. Like sisters.”  Krystal said almost freak-out.

Suddenly Miss Park goes nearer to her and whispers, “Really? I tell you my sense to these matters is sharp you know. Probably not now but in the future, who knows.”

Krystal was frozen on the spot hearing that word from the nurse.

Miss Park sat on her work table and checking on some files after talking to Krystal..

“Now if you don’t buy food for Jay, she might end up fainting again later.” Miss Park said again after still feeling Krystal is still in the room.

“Ah, nae.” Krystal snapped back and goes to the cafeteria to get some honey bun.





I slowly opened my eyes and realize I am sleeping on a bed. And this place smells like hospital.

 “Yucks. Medicine scents.” I complained.

“Hey, don’t insult medicines. It saves life though it’s bitter.” A voice said. Then, from behind a portable curtain, appear a lady in a doctor uniform. I read her nametag silently.

(Park Hyomin.)

“Am I in heaven? I just see an angel.” I said.

“Will heaven smells like hospital to you?” the nurse said. I just stayed quiet.

“Well, seems you’re fine. Just wait a while. Your girlfriend went to buy some food.” The nurse said as she checks on me.

“Take care of yourself better. You have important tasks await you.” That’s the nurse’s last words before she sat on her working place.

(Important task awaits you?)

“Oh my god, Jay!! How are you feeling? Thank goodness you’re okay.” Krystal came in with a honey bun in her hand.

“I’m fine. Don’t worry. I’m all good.” I said smiling to her to assure I’m fine. But honestly I like her touching my forehead with hers. We’re just … inches apart. *blushes*

“Here. Eat this.” Krystal said and handed me the honey bun.

“Nae~” I replied happily and munching the honey bun. But there is one thing bothering me.

The word that the nurse said. “You have important task awaits you.”

Though I did wished I have important things to do but this is just pure ridiculous. What? Am I gonna be a doctor one day? Pfft. 



A/N; jah, 8 chappies so far so how is it? How you guise like the couple item choice?? XD I personally have a thing for keychains.. :P


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Chapter 3: please update soon
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