Chapter 27 - When a crystal heart shatters

When unexpected things happens....


After they entered the car and being teleported, I ride the skate board to the airport. But because is my first time skate-boarding, I fell a lot.

"Damn you. Were'nt you suppose to be able to ride?" I kicked the skate board.

"Anniya, I cant give up now." 

I ride the board again till I reach the airport.

That thing suddenly collapsed, throwing me off.

"I'll ask Sooyoung unni to disect you later." I hissed and ran into the airport. Limping on one leg as I previously sprained it when I fell.

I saw Jiyeon, Eunjung and a guy in a coat I believe is Mr. Park was about to enter the hall.

"PARK JIYEON!" I shouted. She stopped at her track and turned back. She saw me. I ran towards her.

My knees felt weak suddenly, I collapsed infront if her. Luckily EUnjung caught me on time. I struggled to catch my breathe.

"WHo are you." Mr. Park asked.

"I-,... am... Jiyeon's... Friend.." I said while still catching my breath.

"Don't be too long, Jiyeon." Mr.Park said and turned. He was about to leave us.

"No. Mr.Park. I want to talk to you." I said stopping him from going further. He stopped at his track and turned to look at me.

"Five minutes. Start." He said strictly.

"Please let Jiyeon stay here." 

"With you? Alone? Why must I trust you?" --Mr.Park

"Not just me. There's another three. They're on their way." 

He stared at me.

"Fine. I'll give you another five minutes. If they manage to arrive, I will let Jiyeon stay here." --Mr. Park

After I failed, I collapsed on the nearest chair and rested.




(Jay, where are you guys?)

"Flight to Tokyo, Japan. Passengers, Please board now. " announcement said.

Mr.Park stood up from his seat and took his luggage. Jiyeon followed him.

"EUnjung, stop day dreaming. We have to go." Jiyeon pulled my hand. I was still looking outside the entrance hoping Jay would come with the others.

When we were about to go in, Suddenly Jiyeon's name is called. I turned back and saw a girl running towards us. Her body is filled with scratches clearly she fell alot before reaching here. She collpased infront of us but I manage to catch her. SHe was breathing heavily.

Mr. Park agrees to wait for the other for five minutes. Unless they are near by, is impossible to reach within five minutes.

I was praying the whole time. But sadly they didn't make it.

Jiyeon was looking sadly at her.. I pats her back to comfort her.

"You will be with them again. Trust me." I whispered to her. We flight to Japan.





Jay and the others finally arrived at the airport. 

"Krystal!" --Hyuna called out while the others ran towards her and sat around her.

"Where is Jiyeon?" --Risa

"She... She flew to Japan." Krystal said in a low voice but loud enough for all of them to hear.

"WHAT? didn't you stop her?" --Jay

"I did. Mr.Park said if you guys arrive in five minutes, he will let Jiyen stay. But you guys didn't come." --Krystal explained.

"Don't lie Krystal. You were jealous of her. You purposely let her go." --Hyuna suddenly exploded.

"Hyuna! What are you talking about?" Risa scolded.

"Don't tell me you didn't realise. Krystal were always jealous of Jiyeon. The beginning since Jay have been observing her. She just doesn't show. Jay, you won't be stupid enough to believe Krystal is as special as will not get jealous?" --Hyuna said.

"ENOUGH! Krystal, I can't believe you did this." --Jay glares at Krystal angrily. Krystal feels like she is going to cry anytime.

"You don't believe me too? FIne. I admit I was abit jealous. But I have faith in you. So I din't once quarrel with you about Jiyeon. But now you're blaming me Jiyeon left?" --Krystal starts tearing up. She felt like her heart shattered the moment Jay doubted her.

A tear dropped from Krystal's eyes. She quickly wiped it.

"They (points to Risa and Hyuna) can doubt me and misunderstood me. But you... Jay, you dissapointed me." Krystal pushed Jay aside and ran off. 

When Krystal pass by Jay, she can hear some sobs. Her heart is aching for making Krystal cry.


Krystal running off the road alone. Once she reached home, she knock on Hara's attic door.

"Mwoya? Krystal?" --Hara shocked to see Krystal.

"Can I share a space with you?" --Krystal

"Er. Sure. COme up." --Hara said and extended a stairs so Krystal could climb up.

"Yah, you cried alot? You're eyes so red and swollen?' --Hara wipes Krystal's tears. Krystal shook her head.

"I'm fine." --Krystal. Hara goes to her small fridge and take some creams.

"Use this. It'll make the swell go away." --Hara said and gave Krystal the cream.

"You.. argued with Jay?" --Hara

Krystal just nods. She goes to the corner, hugs her knees close to her chest and buries her face to it.

"I'm guessing I'll be sharing a room with you temporarily until you two reconcile." --Hara said but receives no respond from Krystal. 

Hara then heard the bedroom door closes. She knows is Jay. She then go down to the bedroom.

"Yah, why are you taking Krystal's stuff?" --Jay

"She'll be temporary live with me. Up stairs." --Hara answered shortly and took some of Krystal's needs upstairs.. Towels, tooth brush, tooth paste, pillow, blankets , etc.

"I'll take care of her." Hara said before dissapearing from Jay's sight.

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Chapter 3: please update soon
Chapter 1: please share more
Chapter 42: WAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jay is so sweeeeet!!!!!!!!!!! >.<
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