

You smiled to yourself at Bang Yong Guk's fit about not being able to be with you during your prom since you both went to different schools, to be honest you were quite fine about it hoever to him it was the biggest deal in the world. He got angry about having to see you in your dress first or something and forced you to take a photo for him so he could see you before anyone. Weirdly enough, you, for whatever reason did what he wanted and granted his wish. Succeeding in getting him to quiten down. He also asked you to go to the cinema with him before your prom starts so that you could meet Zelo's girlfriend too, how does that even sound appealing? With Bang Yong Guk yes, but seeing Zelo's girlfriend wasn't exactly going to be 'fun'. However you couldn't refuse him because the boy kept bugging you about it and so, that was your plan today. Cinema and then doll up for Prom night.

You were going to watch Transformers 3D and you actually wanted to go see that movie so you were quite happy, you all went to a cinema close to your house so you could easily go get ready for prom and not be late. You wore a pink dress and happily left your house, you decided to take a shortcut through a mall and waited for the elevator to open up and let you in. An old lady was in the elevator beside you, she looked really weird as if she was unwell and you asked her if she was okay, she replied back with a simple “I’m fine” and walked out of the elevator doors on the car park section of the mall. She was clearly dizzy or something and in a split second you reached out and tried to grab her but you missed by a mere millimetre and you saw her tumble and roll down the stars. You let out a half scream of surprised, you were so shocked as you ran down after her. You were so scared and you didn’t know what to do, she wasn’t moving. Thank god a cleaner came by and ran inside so you weren’t alone with this situation; he checked if she was okay while telling you to call an ambulance.

You quickly called it and didn’t even know what to do because you’ve never called one before. A lady answered to phone and started speaking with you trying to calm you down after you explained what happened hysterically, heart beating really loudly. She asked you for your mobile number and you froze at that second not remembering what it was, she then asked for the address and you told her that and she said they would be there soon. You could still see the image off the old lady’s head bleeding, it made it hard to talk to the lady. After you had got off of it, You were told to leave when they got there and said she’d be fine. At this point you were already in tears due to just witnessing this fragile looking old lady hurt herself.

You were late for the cinema now but you didn’t really care, when you reached the gates; Zelo, Bang and Himchan were already waiting outside. Bang immediately embraced you in a hug, your eyes were still teary and you told them what happened while the boys looked at you with concern. Since you were around people, you decided to toughen up, not used to anyone seeing you crying. You went to the toilet and washed your face and came back with a falsified steady smile, ready to go watch the movie. You didn’t see anyone except for the boys but apparently there were two other girls, Zelo’s girlfriend and a girl that Himchan brought along.

While walking past to where Bang lead you in the darkened cinema now showing trailers, you could see Zelo and Suzy hugging, It was kind of cute. However when you saw Himchan and the other girl’s figures, they were sitting there as still as ever, it was kind of funny. They didn’t even interact. Bang Sat down next to Himchan and you sat beside him, not next to anyone else. That was better at least. You sat down and started to watch the movie but you weren’t really paying attention, all you could think about was the old lady at the moment. Bang kept looking at you, as if he could read your thoughts at one point it seemed he snapped and asked you if you were okay. You said “Yeah, I’m fine” but regardless he wrapped one arm around your shoulders and forced you to lean on him, as soon as your head impacted with his chest and you breathed in the heaven that he provided. You instantly felt better, you cuddled up to him and finally tried to focus on the movie and forget everything else.

While watching the movie you both occasionally commented on it, he insulted you for liking Bumble Bee and you were telling him to shut up, his insults continued until one point you got irritated by his comments on the scenes Bumble Bee was in so you bit the hand that was wrapped around you as punishment. Clearly unable to lose, Bang immediately held you down and tried to bite you while you moved your head away from him, You squealed not wanting to be bitten as he was practically half on top of you.  You blushed intensely as you saw all your companions look towards you and Bang, you put a hand on his face and pushed his head away from you and straightened up. You suddenly felt a moistness on your hands, you pulled away from him, disgusted, he just friggen your hand. You could here is melodious laugh as he pulled you close again, placing loads of chaste kisses all of your face as if he was apologizing while you pretended to stare at the screen, unaffected.

You ignoring him must of hurt his pride because he suddenly stopped. He was very still and you could feel his breathing on your cheeks, he was too close for you to turn and face him without having your lips not be close together so you didn’t risk it. Your heart started beating loudly as you became more aware of Bang Yong Guk and not the movie. He placed another soft kiss on your cheek, letting it linger, he then bit onto your flesh very gentle. Allow you to feel his teeth kiss against your skin, he then placed another kiss on your cheek. Moving his plump lips against your skin the way you would when you were kissing someone. He then placed soft kisses along your jaw and up to your ear, moving your hair out of the way with his burning fingertips. “Little girl… Why are you gripping on to me so tight” he gracefully rumbled into your soul. You pushed the now laughing boy away as you realised that somehow you clung onto him for dear life while he made your insides do crazy things.

The movie finished and you all kind of huddled outside of the screen doors but Bang Yong Guk and Zelo walked ahead and talked privately, away from you guys. Himchan was nice enough to stand close to you while the other 2 girls conversed since they were clearly friends. You asked Himchan what was wrong with his friends and he politely replied that he didn’t know with a cute smile. You retorted that he should shoot them for acting dodgy. You both laughed a little only then the girl that might have been Himchan’s ‘Date’ for the night looked towards you with a blank look that gave out a fake smile and they both acknowledged your existence. Suzy then decided to say hello and introduce herself too, quite frankly you didn’t care if neither of them did. You could tell they didn’t like you so whatever. .

When Zelo and Bang had enough of their alone time you all left the cinema and crossed the road to wait for a bus for everyone else except for you since you could easily walk home. Somehow you realised Bang Yong Guk gave you too much money back, that irritated you, you didn’t want him to pay for your cinema ticket. That was annoying and he wasn’t even your boyfriend. You could take care of yourself and with that thought you let out a “Oi, you gave me too much, this is yours, don’t try to pay for me again. Go buy yourself something” while placing the money in his hand, He laughed and said “You go buy yourself something” and tried to give it back to you. You moved away and replied “No, my house is right there, I can just go home if I want something.” Then something else was said which didn’t really process your brain, what was most memorable was the moment he looked angry at you again and said “You know what, Go home. Go home right now, go to your little prom and don’t talk to me.”

You couldn’t help but laugh at the situation you were in, you laughed and Himchan was close by and watching us, everyone else went into a store. You said to Himchan “Are you listening to his fit?” And he laughed with you and replied with a ‘Yeah’ You turned back to Yong Guk and asked him to repeat what he just said, and he did. Once again telling you to go home. You asked one more time with a “You sure?” and  he let out more irritation telling you to ‘just leave’. You didn’t like it when people acted like this for no reason and you also had to much pride to say when someone you came for was telling you to leave. You now being irritated gladly left with a happy smile and a “Cool. Byeeee!”.

While walking away from everyone, you heard Bang Yong Guk’s deep voice tell you harshly that you were being immature, not really? He started this. You ignored him and kept walking towards your home, If he was going to tell you to harshly go home 3 times in front of everyone. You were going to do it. It’s not like you were a dickhead to stay around for nothing right?  As you got ready for prom, you could constantly Smell Yong Guk around you, his smell lingered to your skin, never letting you forget him. Despite being you’re your feelings slowly washed away while you tried to enjoy his masculine scent that was all over you. You got your hair done and everything else that was needed to be done. You felt slightly uncomfortable and nervous, you hated dolling yourself up. Especially with the attention that comes with it, but today was your special day right?


You got into the hotel, where the party was hosted, quickly going into to the elevator to get up to the floor you needed to go. You were greeted with a lot of boys from your school, they all eagerly looked you up or down, it somewhat boosted your confidence as well as make you nervous. It was all very embarrassing, you looked towards the ground while Jay Park and Taecyeon laughed at you and both gorgeous boys put they arms around you. Escorting you into the Prom Hall, the embarrassment increased as they walked you in and pulled out a chair for you to sit. Your usual group of friend’s joining you at that table.

You were having a lot of fun but almost felt guilty for some reason. You constantly felt like something was missing and you couldn’t properly have fun if you kept thinking about Bang. So you decided to text him, telling him that you weren’t being immature that you were just doing what he asked and for example you didn’t talk until prom. He replied back with short answers, evidently showing the attitude he wanted. “Never said till prom, said till 2moro at like 3pm” However, if he wanted to play this game, you could play it 100 times better. You texted back “Okay :D” with a happily smiley that you were sure would piss him off. It’s not like you weren’t having fun, he was the one at home not you. “K, tlk 2 u then” He replied, it just made you laugh and question why you were a sometimes. However you didn’t care, it was his fault to begin with and you weren’t going to let Bang ruin your prom day.

Jonghyun was weird today, He was looking at me all day, You suddenly remembered Mr Narumi coming up to you and your dress, exclaiming how pretty it was. It was pretty scary since every was 100% sure that that man was either gay or a psychopath. You actually danced tonight. You’ve never danced in front of people in your life but today was the first and probably last time you danced, it was okay because it was with your group of friends. One girl was somehow drunk, she probably had snuck in alcohol, she was happily whining on you and you were pretty creepy out but it was too funny, she then moved into the next crowd of people. You loved your school because they made this prom like a big rave (Party) instead of a boring formal one, that’s because everyone in school was energetic and hyper. Prom was perfect and it suited everyone’s personalities. Jonghyun and his group and somehow gotten nearer to where your group was dancing, it was evident he wanted to dance with you and for some reason you let him. It was weird but for once you felt like everything was back to normal, that you could just get along with him like in the old days, be the close friends you were. Today was a day of happiness, so you decided to just enjoy yourself and just kind of be with him, after all. This was kind of a bye right? You wouldn’t be seeing these people again unless they went to the same college as you.

The music suddenly stopped and a slow song came on, initiating the time for the couples to slow dance, you quickly sneaked your way out of the crowd like a ninja, you did not want to have to reject people especially Jonghyun. You refused to slow dance with anyone, you hated dancing like that, and you’d never ever do it. Well maybe if it was Bang... No you thought to yourself. You wouldn’t do it. You sat down and sighed, not thinking about Bang was like trying to not exist. It just couldn’t happen. You suddenly realised you had a text indication from over an hour ago, it was pretty late now. 12:34pm.

“Okay, how was prom baby =/”

You couldn’t help but smile at him, guess he couldn’t play the game any longer. You decided to press on the burn and text back a “Lol, didn’t you say 3pm tomorrow?” He said something along the lines of it was killing him and he didn’t even remember the  reason of why we stopped talking and asked if you did. To be honest you didn’t know why, all you knew is that he tried to ruin your pride and that irritated you so you wanted him to learn his lesson. However you just said that despite both of them not remembering it was over now. He then said “But I was upset and you just left, you didn’t even say bye.. How was prom?” You didn’t like the thought you may have hurt his feelings even more unintentionally, the fact that he just told you he was upset instantly gave you a sharp pain in your chest.

You texted back saying it was really good and you had a lot of fun, you also told him that you didn’t say goodbye cause he was telling me you to leave and  he then said that he doesn’t like testing you. That confused you, after asking him to explain it he refused and said he would if he could come and see you. Prom wasn’t over yet, but how could you ignore the boy you cared so much about? You said fine but it can’t be for long and told him where the hotel was located, it wasn’t really that far.


You slipped out without anyone knowing and waited patiently outside in the cold breeze, you should have brought your jacket with you but you didn’t. You let out another huff, you could see your hot breath in the air. You looked up from the floor to see a figure that jogged towards you, you instantly recognised him. Your heart started to flutter, as if getting ready for a race, the moment your eyes laid upon him. He looked so beautiful, he was wearing his suit. Was it his prom suit? You couldn’t even think right now. Right now you had no mind, right now it was as if your prince had just come for you; he was too perfect, too illusory. He stood there in front of you with his hands on his legs, clearly out of breath but wasted no time and looked up at you, dead in the eye. You could see his chest rising and dropping with his intense breathing. Did he run here? Another thought skimmed through your blank mind. It was as if he was an illusion, breathing so temptingly like that, Shirt not done fully. Hair in an exceptionally, magnificent y mess with his mouth parted to inhale air.

You stared at him with your wide eyes, unable to move, unable to speak. Mesmerised by the beautiful being in front of you. He took off his suit blazer and swiftly wrapped it over your shoulder in one quick motion while moving you closer towards him. The only thing that changed was your head moved up higher to be able to see him and he looked down at you with equal interest. You could practically read the stress in his eyes as he spoke. “It’s just an automatic thing to test you; you never do the right thing” You didn’t even try think about what he was talking about, the point was his mouth just opened and symphonies escaped them, if you wanted to hear anything else as beautiful you needed to answer him. “What is the right thing to do?” You breathed out in your trance while not being afraid to hold your gaze with him. You couldn’t look away if you wanted to. “Note walk off! I- I” he let out irritated and confused with his emotions. His hand left your shoulder to run distractingly through his hair, restless as he couldn’t speak out his thoughts. He suddenly moved away from you, you held on to the jacket that was on your shoulders in order for it not to fall since he no longer had his arms on you. He then turned around and let out a “How was Jonghyun?” You gave him a confused look, not understand since he didn’t speak properly due to all his stress. “I mean, how was he at prom?” He let out again, eyes questioning you desperately. “Fine?” You questioned him? Unsure of where he was getting out.

“I was so scared that you- Did you dance with him?” He took stepped towards you as the question left his mouth, his eyes never leaving your as if they would find the answer to his question just by looking at you. The intense beating of your hard made it even hard to breath, “yes” you let out, not being able to lie, it’s not like it was real dancing, it was just the kind of dancing little 5 year olds did. Harmless. Bang suddenly embraced you again, really tightly, crushing you almost. You could almost hear the sadness as his voice sang “This whole day… This whole day I’ve been going crazy that I couldn’t have went with you… That I couldn’t be the one to dance with you” He pulled away slightly, only so he could look down towards you, sharing his pain with you through his eyes. Your breath hitched as he continued “I wanted to be all your first experiences, even such a simple thing… I know it doesn’t mean much to you but I also wanted you to be the first one to see me like this.” You took the time to notice his suit and all the effort he has ever put into you, he’s wrong though, it means more than he could ever imagine however you were unable to speak out. “…Because I like you [Insert your name here]. I really really like you, at first I thought I’d be fine as long as you were happy. But I can’t give you away anymore. I want you.” He spoke out the last words confidently. Leaning his head into the crook of your neck, hugging you tighter and trailing kisses on your neck.

 “Your mine [Insert your name here], they can’t have you” He let out in-between kisses. You felt the vibrations of his voice, as they rang threw your skin and gave you Goosebumps. He shouldn’t do that, you felt yourself become weak; if it were anyone else you would have ran away and cursed at them for coming near your sensitive spot. But since this was Bang, you let him. You let him drive you insane as you tried to ignore the deep effects his impeccable kisses had on you. “Bang” You let out… “Mhhmm?” he let out while nuzzling your neck. “I didn’t slow dance with him, if that’s what you meant” You spoke out quietly, “Really?” “Yes” you replied back again this time receiving a “Thank god” and an even tighter hug only to have him pull away from you afterwards. “You have no idea what you do to me do you?” he said taking his time to let his eyes scan every bit of you. “You don’t know how hard it is for me to hold back” He said again while looking into the very depths of your entity, while grabbing your wrist and pulling you back into his arms. He places a kiss on your forehead. You both stood there for a long time, you wrapped your arms around him too and somehow you both slowly swayed to the nothingness but the sounds of your hearts providing rhythm. Making you feel more alive than you ever had before, soon a melody was created as both of your hearts tried to harmonize and correspond with each other. It was almost as if it were an unspoken deal that you belonged to him, your heart seemed to think so, that much was the very least you were sure off.

Please tell me what you thought! :~) <3


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BeautifulRain #1
And here I am, once again..reading your lovely story all over again because I love it THAT much *-* !! xo
user555 #2
Chapter 31: re-reading for maybe the 3rd or 4th time! please update it hahaha i still anticipate it quite a lot :) thanks
Chapter 31: Awwwwww, so sweet. I like how you update this story, it's always what i want a story to be haha update soon, i'll be waiting :-)
Chapter 31: Love this chapter full of cuteness
Chapter 31: Omg so cute<3
The last part was the best uhuhuh where to put my feelings ;-;<3
user555 #6
Chapter 31: wth omg this story deserves so much more attention :) its so good omg one of my favs tbh thank you for updating ah
BeautifulRain #8
Chapter 30: Oh.
How are the exams going o: ? I hope good :) ? I wish you gooooooood luck, you will do well...I know that & HWAITING, fae Author-nim >:3

Lots of Loveu from Germany,
Nila Xoxo
user555 #9
Chapter 29: i was reminded of this story after the notice and re-read it again hehe still great
when will you update?