
Do You Remember?

"~~-ah, wake up! I know it's early, but we're going back!" Junsu gently shook you to wake you up.

"Oppa... what time is it?" You groaned, still half-asleep.

"It's 5 o'clock..." Junsu lightly tapped you on the shoulder.

"Well then, we have plently of time, don't we?" You turned over and attempted to fall back to sleep.

"Anniyo... check-out time is 5:30, and Yoochun and Changmin are still asleep..." Junsu scratched his head in exasperation, annoyed that you kept insisting on sleeping.

"BWOH?! BUT THEY'RE THE ONES WHO ARE MOST DIFFICULT TO WAKE UP!" You bolted straight out of bed and ran into the next room which Changmin occupied.

"CHANGMIN, WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" You jumped on top of him, hoping the impact of your fall would wake him up. You looked down.

WHAT? He's still asleep? Aish... this seki...

"~~-ah, don't worry about it, I have a way to wake them both up quickly. Just go and get ready, arasso?" Junsu smiled at you, a mischievous look gleaming in his eyes.

"Eh? Quick way? Are you sure?" You looked sceptical. I know Changmin and Yoochun oppa, and I know that there is NO WAY they will get out of bed for anything. Even if there was an earthquake or something, they'd probably still be asleep.

"Neh! Watch..." Junsu giggled softly before reaching into a bag and taking out a container. He opened it slowly, and suddenly the wonderful aroma of seafood filled the room. You looked into the container to find warm, appealing soup.

You looked at Changmin, expecting him to still be asleep, but he was perched precariously on his bed. He had sat straight, his eyes fixed on one thing: the soup.

"Told you." Junsu whispered to you, winking as he did so.

Changmin held out his hands, desperate for the tasty-smelling soup.

"Anniyo, not until you clean up and get ready for our journey." Junsu closed the container and put it back in his bag. He shook his head at the maknae when he started to pout disappointedly.

"Wow, you're a genius, oppa!" You started laughing. How typical of Changmin to wake up just for food!

"And you're surprised?" Junsu laughed along with you, obviously happy about your bright mood.

"Hajiman... what about Yoochun oppa?" You knew nothing would stir the hot-headed man.

"I've got that sorted too... watch and learn, dongsaeng." Junsu walked over to Yoochun's room, motioning for you to follow.

Changmin may have been easy to wake up, because Junsu knows his weakness... but as far as I know, Yoochun has none! Aish... it looks like we're going to be here a long time.

"Hyung..." Junsu whispered in Yoochun's ear, taking care not to raise his voice too much.

"Go away." Yoochun smacked Junsu in the face, hitting him hard even though he was only half-conscious.

"But hyung... how could I go away if ~~-ah is here ?" Junsu whined softly.


"Bwoh? ?" Yoochun immediately jumped out of bed, whirling around the room to catch a glimpse of Junsu's description of you.

"Oppaaaaaa!" You hit Yoochun on the arm, annoyed that he would be willing to see you that way.

"Aish... but you're not ..." Yoochun rubbed his arm, wincing as though it hurt.

"Neh, but she will be if you get ready quickly for the trip home!" Junsu laughed and dragged you out of the room before you could contradict his statement.

"Oppaaaaaa!" You hit Junsu on the arm, annoyed that he used you like that.

"Mianhe, ~~-ah, but look now!" Junsu pointed in the direction of the opposite corridor.

Yunho was standing next to a mound of bags. Next to the bags was Changmin, happily devouring the container of soup, looking slightly disheveled. There was a sound of running feet, and before you knew it, Yoochun was standing there too, his bags splayed over the ground, and his hair and clothes in a mess.

Wow, Junsu oppa really is a genius...

"We're ready!" Junsu announced victoriously, pumping his fist in the air.

"Ummm... oppa... we're not checked out yet..." You murmured nervously.

The four men looked at each other for a split second, before running desperately in the opposite direction of the lobby. Bags were flung into the air, and all you could see was a blur of legs and hair.

"OPPAS! You're running in the wrong direction!" You yelled to no one in particular.

The men stopped abruptly, before running furiously in the other direction. As they rushed past, heir bags hit each other on the side of the faces, but they didn't seem to care.

You giggled softly at their panicked faces. If this situation wasn't so serious, this would be so hilarious.

You and the members arrived breathlessly at the counter, surprising the clerk with your unruly appearances.

"Did...did we... make it on... time for the check...out?" Junsu said, struggling to breathe evenly.

"Well... the check out time is 5:30-" The clerk explained.

"And what time is it?" Junsu interrupted, trying to appear calm but failing.

"It's 5:35, but-" The clerk tried explaining again.

"Aish... we missed by 3 minutes..." Junsu interrupted again, shaking his head sadly.

"Well, actually-" The clerk patiently tried explaining again, but was once more interrupted.

"If only you guys moved faster! Aish..." Junsu scowled at Changmin and Yoochun.

Yunho stepped forward and touched Junsu's shoulder. "Junsu-ah, the clerk is trying to explain something, but you keep interrupting. Jwesonghamnida, please continue." He nodded to the clerk, signaling for her to continue.

"Well, the check out time is 5:30-" The clerk explained once more.

"We already know that." Junsu interrupted again, but not on purpose.

"Junsu." Yunho shot him a warning glare, before bowing again to the clerk.

"Um... 5:30 pm." The clerk spoke quickly this time, as if she wanted to avoid being interrupted again.

"Neh, but we still missed it..." Junsu pouted sadly.

"Um... 5:30 PM." The clerk emphasised the 'PM' part of her phrase.

"AISH... JUNSU!" You, Yunho, Changmin and Yoochun turned exasperatingly towards a scared-looking Junsu.

"Mianhe, DON'T HURT ME!" Junsu raised his hands to shield himself, expecting blows from the four of you at any moment.

The four of you looked at each other mischievously, then cornered Junsu as if you were going to hit him.

"ANNIYO! ANNIYO! CHUNNIE, HOW COULD YOU BETRAY ME LIKE THIS?!" Junsu sounded like he was going to cry. He covered his face with his hands and leaned with his back to the table.

Suddenly all four of you laughed hysterically. Changmin and Yunho leaned on each other, slapping each others' backs while laughing, and Yoochun lay giggling madly on the floor, wiping tears of laughter.

You were trying to regain your breath, leaning over the ground, trying not to look at Junsu so as to not laugh once more. Aigoooo, Junsu oppa is too funny! He looked so scared... Aigooooo!

Junsu finally realised that a joke had just been played on him, and looked upset.

"Yah! That's not funny! What kind of friends are you?" He pouted childishly.

"The best kind." Changmin said, still giggling to himself.

"I'm going." Junsu walked away, not looking back at you.

"Oppa, is he okay?" You worriedly asked Yoochun. It was funny, but I don't want him to be angry at us...

"Neh, he'll be fine. Look." Yoochun winked at you, and motioned for you to look at the lobby door.

Junsu had managed to entangle himself and his suitcase with a young woman's dress. He was trying to untangle himself without ripping the girl's dress, but he was red as a tomato and looked very embarassed.

"Why do those things never happen to me? She's very pretty too." Yoochun sighed and made his way toward Junsu and the woman.

The next thirty minutes were spent with Yoochun and Junsu battling to flirt with the woman. She was very charmed by both men but in the end, asked for Changmin's number instead. Both Yoochun and Junsu were very surprised, and didn't respond to her favor.

"Oppas? Is everything okay?" You looked at them, concerned.

"Neh. Kaja!" Yoochun and Junsu grabbed his bags and walked out the door.

"Oppa? What's wrong with them?" You turned to Changmin curiously.

"They lost their chance at getting laid." Changmin winked at you, before following his hyungs.

You stood there for a moment stunned, before nearly killing yourself laughing.

Hahaha! My oppas are so erted!

"Yah, ~~-ah! I told you that you don't need him! You have us!" Yunho hugged you quickly before running after the other members, clearly protective of them.

Maybe they are right... I don't need him to be happy. I just need to trust myself to know that I can be content with my life, with or without him. I don't need you, Jaejoong. Watch me. Watch me be happy, without you.

"Yah! Oppas, wait for me!" You ran after the men, tugging along your bag.

I'm moving on now. One step at a time.


YAY! She's happy again! All I want for ~~-sshi if for her to be happy ^^

This is just a filler chapter, to prepare you for the drama that awaits :)

Thank you for all your nice comments! All the support I get, big or small, makes me happy nevertheless :D


Thanks for reading <3

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Chapter 29: I didn't expect for this story to be so good xD I really like it xD


She belongs with Jaejoong ._. I'm sorry Changmin D:
eveiefa #3
actually ~~ah need jaejoong in her life...<br />
she need give her love to jae...<br />
but, how's changmin?<br />
bwoh, pretty confuse now.<br />
nice to 'see' ~~ah happy.<br />
:] update please... :]
pls update again :]<br />
<br />
Just always Be Happy~!!
aww she's getting there~ she's happy :3
awesome as always <br />
î love ur fic :)
Oh~ She is moving on. :O
Hahaha... erted Chunnie... Update soon!