
Do You Remember?

"Oppa! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Jessica stormed forward, towards you and Jaejoong. Her face was stained red and blotchy. She looked like she was going to break down in angry tears.

"J...Jessica...what are you...?" You let go of Jaejoong's hand and stumbled towards your friend. don't want her to hate me. I don't want her to be with Jaejoong, but I don't want to completely wreck our friendship either.

"You! Why did you do this to me? I THOUGHT WE WERE BEST FRIENDS!" Jessica face was contorted in pain and hurt. Bitter tears flowed down her cheeks.

"We were! I mean.. we still are! Jessica... I wanted to tell you. I really did. But I was scared that you would react badly and you would stop being friends with me, or worse, stop talking to me!" You looked desperately into her eyes, willing for her to understand.

"You think that deceiving me and lying to me will help us?! Real friends tell each other everything! DOES OUR FRIENDSHIP MEAN SO LITTLE TO YOU?!" Jessica cried brokenly, face covered in tears and her hands clenched into fists.

"Jessica, don't be like this. Please. I only wanted to protect you from getting hurt-" You stepped forward to hold her hand, to console her, to do anything to comfort your friend.

"Then maybe you shouldn't have done anything in the first place! He was mine, and yet you still overlooked that to be with him. YOU STOLE HIM AWAY FROM ME. I love him, and he loved me. WHY DID YOU HAVE TO INTERFERE?!" Jessica dropped to her knees, and dug her hands into the sand. She cried her heart out, letting out a sound so heartrending and pitiful, it was painful to stand there helpless. didn't want to hurt Jessica. I had so many second thoughts with this relationship regarding her, but she was right. I did overlook the fact that they had feelings for each other. How could I step in so selfishly between their relationship? How could I interfere so inconsiderately? I am a terrible person.

You looked at Jaejoong, struggling to make a choice between your friend and your lover.

But...can I really leave him again? I love him so much... and this time, I gave him all of my heart. If I break things between us now, there's a possibility that I won't be able to love again. Ever. All I've ever wanted in my life is him. So how can I possibly leave the only reason for my being?

"Jaejoong..." Jessica lifted up her head and gazed right at Jaejoong.

"I love you with my whole heart, did you know that? I've always loved you. And I don't know how you came to be with ~~, but I know for a fact that you feel something for me too. We have chemistry between us. That chemistry... is so hard to find in a person nowadays... but I've found it in you. Remember when we were shooting the Haptic commercial? Even then, we had that spark between us. Back then, I didn't even know you well, but I was so hypnotized by your beauty, by your perfection. I would never leave you, Jaejoong oppa. are everything to me. Saranghae." Tears flowed down Jessica's cheeks as she pleaded with Jaejoong. Her hand lifted in mid-air, as if asking him to join her.

I...I don't want them to be together. But she looks so depressed right now...I can't help thinking that maybe letting them be together is the best thing for us. For all of us.

Jaejoong slowly and reluctantly walked over to Jessica, carefully taking her hand.

Anniyo. Anniyo. Jaejoong is MINE. ANNIYO. ANNIYO!

"Jaejoong..." You called our his name, an edge of alarm in your voice.

"I'm going to make this easy for the two of you. You two are best friends. I don't want that to be ruined. I don't want anything to change. So we're going back to the way if was before. ~~-ah, you and Jessica were still best friends when Jessica and I were in a relationship, neh? So, let's go back to that. That time when everyone was happy." Jaejoong looked down at Jessica and smiled gently.

"Chincha?" Jessica hesitantly smiled at him.

"Neh." Jaejoong leaned down and enveloped Jessica in a bear hug.

That simple gesture pushed you to the edge. Your heart was burned, cracked and torn to pieces.

Jaejoong helped Jessica up to her feet and smiled at her sunnily.

I'm broken. And nobody even notices.



Just a little plot twist, that's all. It's not the end yet!

Sorry for being so late with my updates lately! I need to pull my socks up with my studies... I failed my math exam, boooo D:

But KAMSAHAMNIDA everyone, for being so patient ^^

Keep the comments coming, they absolutely make my day! :D

Thanks for reading <3

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Chapter 29: I didn't expect for this story to be so good xD I really like it xD


She belongs with Jaejoong ._. I'm sorry Changmin D:
eveiefa #3
actually ~~ah need jaejoong in her life...<br />
she need give her love to jae...<br />
but, how's changmin?<br />
bwoh, pretty confuse now.<br />
nice to 'see' ~~ah happy.<br />
:] update please... :]
pls update again :]<br />
<br />
Just always Be Happy~!!
aww she's getting there~ she's happy :3
awesome as always <br />
î love ur fic :)
Oh~ She is moving on. :O
Hahaha... erted Chunnie... Update soon!