The Natural Habitat

Not an Angel. Just a Fan.

"Come back here you brat!"

A side view of Sehun disappeared as Chanyeol chased after him.

"Kris Hyung! I want Gucci! Take me shopping! Bbuing Bbuing!"

Tao was trying to persuade Kris into taking him shopping... Again.

"What if we go eat pizza? Spaghetti? Cake?"

"We're on diets Hyung. No can do."

"Please. Please. Please. Just this once?"

"That's what you said last time Hyung."

Xiumin was attempting to convince Chen and Luhan to go out and eat. It certainly wasn't working very well.

"Where do you think Lay took Angel? Probably a super shady place. Don't you think we should go looking for them?"

Baekhyun was pleading with Suho to go out and search for me? It was a sweet thing for him to do...

"And this Eunmi. This is EXO in their natural habitat..."

Kai had joined in the game and was running away with Sehun, aegyo was being used against everyone and D.O. was nowhere to be seen.

"Three. Two. One." 

Whispered Lay.


The words were practically screamed and came from the kitchen.

All talking/chasing/pleading was immediately forgotten as ten full grown males dashed towards the dining room.

"Sometimes, I wonder if they're all just children stuck in adult bodies..."

As Lay sighed, I giggled. They were all too cute together. Like a family.

Leaving all the gifts on the couch, Lay led me through the dining room door.

"Guys! I brought Eunmi back. She even got everyone presents!"

Shockingly, in the span of two minutes, half the food was already wiped out.

Those bottomless pits...

Sehun of course immediately wanted presents, to which D.O. umma immediately rejected.

"Food first and then presents. Do the two of you want food?"

As we had just eaten, the two of us shook our heads.

Standing by the door, I watched in amazement as the eleven tucked away enough food to last me an entire week.



"I'm full."

Attempting to sneak back into the living room, Suho immediately caught Chanyeol and Sehun while Kris grabbed a hold of Tao.

"D.O. was nice enough to cook. Don't you think it'll be nice for the three of you to clean up?"

As if it were an everyday occurrence, everyone cleared out as the three were set to work on the dishes under the careful watch of Kris and Suho.

No doubt everyone had a job to do. Like a family.

Lay had gone to guard the presents from sneak peeks as I waited for the clean up to be completed. Kris and Suho had shot down any suggestion of me helping, leaving all the work to the three. After much grumbling and puppy dog eyes, everything was finally packed up and put away.

The three happily bounded away back to the living room as I followed, with the leaders at the back.

Standing by the couch that was covered in presents, I smiled sheepishly.

"Un... You've all been so nice to me. And I couldn't help but feel a little guilty. These presents are to express how thankful I am..."

After waving off all protests, I began pulling out gifts.

"Lay Oppa helped me a little so... I hope you all like it."

Missing the dark look Baekhyun shot Lay at the word Oppa, I continued my rambling.

"A leadership book for Suho Oppa and a beauty kit for Kris Oppa. But I do think that Suho Oppa does a magnificent job already and Kris Oppa has skin nicer than mine!"

Accepting their gifts gratefully, they smiled warmly.

"For Channie Oppa is a new hat, it has a picture of Yoshi! And a baozi plush for Xiumin Oppa. When you feel hungry, just hug it and contact me! I promise Oppa to make a healthy meal that even the director will approve of!"

Chanyeol immediately put on the hat and went in search of a mirror while Xiumin grinned happily with the plush.

"Er. Lay Oppa said D.O. Oppa needed a new frying pan so I chose the nicest one in the store! And for Chen Chen Oppa I got a bracelet with a charm. It's a microphone so you always remember your dreams!"

As D.O. Oppa embraced the pan, I grinned. My bias liked his kitchen utensils alright. Handing the bracelet over to Chen Oppa, I blushed as he smiled gently, clipping it around his wrist.

"It's a set of headphones for Kai so he can listen to all his favourite songs and a hexagonal Rubix cube for Luhan Oppa. If you trace the edging, it has the EXO symbol!"

Kai hung the headphones around his neck as Luhan began to spin the object with a smile on his face.

"Maknaes! A mega gigantic large plush for Panda Tao. So you don't have to take walks forever alone and the brand new video game Sehunnie wanted!"

Pulling the panda out of my arms, Tao wrapped his arms around it.

"I'm going to name it E.J. Eunmi Junior. So when Eunmi Noona can't take walks with me, I can still take walks with a Eunmi!"

Smiling, I couldn't help but wonder if it was purely Tao’s childish nature or Baekhyun's super greasiness was affecting the others.

"I've wanted this game for a while! Noona can play with me too!"

Nodding, I felt quite pleased at getting all the gifts suited to each person. With Lay Oppa's help of course.

"Ah! Baekhyun Oppa! I got you this... It's only a notebook but hopefully it will be filled with all your hopes and dreams and wishes for the future!"

Giving me an indescribable look, he embraced me in a hug.

"Such a deep gift... I'll treasure it always Angel."

Patting his back gently as butterflies went wild in my stomach, I was suddenly pulled out of Baekhyun's grasp by Lay.

"It’s late I’ll take Eunmi home then."

Surprising everyone with his coldness towards Baekhyun, I barely had time to grab my bag before he ushered me out the door while shouts of thanks followed us out.

Sliding into the car after me, I fiddled with my fingers.

"Oppa... I know you said not to get anything but I got just a tiny thing for you. Please don't be angry!"

Taking a long look at me, he gave me a dimpled smile.

"I never expected you to listen anyway. Hand it over then!"

Nervous, I took it out from my bag.

"It's a pair. Since Yixing is your real name and you were once a child star, it represents that you'll always be a star. Please accept this necklace... It's not much but I have the other half. A moon. The moon can't exist without the stars to guide it so I guess you'll have to be my guide."

Burning at the corniness, I held out the necklace.

Silently, he took it gently, putting it on. Grabbing the other half, he leaned over and clasped it around my neck.

"Now, we match..."

Gazing into each other's eyes, the car jolted to a stop.

"Ah! We're already outside my house. Thankyou Oppa!"

Grabbing my bag, I opened the door before fleeing to the safety of my small home.

Holding my hand to my heart, I sat on the floor, breathing deeply.

First Baekhyun Oppa and now Lay Oppa? What does my heart want from me!


Double update~

I hope you enjoyed the presents Eunmi gave to the boys. :3

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BaekMi or LayMi? ;D

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spaghetti_soda #1
Chapter 38: It's a good. I love it ^.^
ok this story is amazing and oh my god the feels and the fluff
kill me everytime
Chapter 37: this story is just so awesome! This is like my 2nd time reading it! X)
Chapter 38: I loved both of the endings! But I prefer evil baek's one more hahaha
Ilikethis #5
WOW <- see dem caps?
Chapter 38: so , this is ending ^ _^ hahaha, thought i read both of it just to know how is it :P hihihi , whatever it is Author-nim!!! GREAT JOB~~ and now i'll participating your new fanfic~ *the one that you mention* hihi~ anyway IT'S AWESOME~~~~~ O_O WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 22: andwae!!!! i want a finish with Lay .. cuz he's perfect and don't have any other girls =='
takemetoSK #8
Chapter 4: haha. I'm laughing so hard when she's going in order with the bias list! :D
ItsElaine11 #9
Chapter 38: haha. this is cute. :3 nice story. :)
woohyunwifey #10
Chapter 38: Nice story . I love it <3