Movies? Ice-cream?

Not an Angel. Just a Fan.

The bright light streamed in through the open curtains. Rubbing my eyes lazily, I jolted upright. Patting the bed, I looked about. I was definitely in my own bed. Alone.

What had happened last night?
I did have a clear recollection of Lay Oppa giving me gifts but beyond that... I wasn't even sure.
Spying a note scrawled on a piece of paper on my bedside table, I grasped it in my hand, scanning the words.
Morning Eunmi! By now, it's probably morning. You fell asleep last night on the couch so I carried you to the bed where you would be more comfortable. You did look a little strained so take care of your health alright? Don't make your Oppa worry!
Always yours.
-Zhang Yixing (Lay)
P.S. Some of the guys did mention dropping by later. Best prepare before midday!
Alarmed, I checked my phone.
10.30? I had slept in! Jumping out of bed, I scrambled for the closet. It was nearing the end of summer and the weather had of course cooled down. A knee length skirt with a collared shirt and a knit pullover. It was good enough.
Running into the bathroom, I hurriedly began preparing myself for the hectic day I knew was sure to follow.
Rushing back out into the bedroom, my eyes lingered on the note. His worrying certainly was sweet yet always yours? What did that mean? Was there a secret maning behind that or-
Interrupted in the middle of my thoughts, the doorbell rang, followed by mass amounts of whispered shouts and scrambling. Already imaging the scene of Sehun and Tao vying to be first to attack me, I giggled.
It was amazing how quickly I had fit in with such awe inspiring idols.
Opening the door, I was not surprised to feel two sets of arms elbowing each other out of the way to hug me first. 
"Too late!"
Surprisingly, it was Chen Oppa who had slipped under the mess of arms and legs, emerging victorious with me in his arms.
Laughing at the two childish maknaes who were pouting, I grinned from my position in the arms of Chen Oppa.
"Since I caught Eunmi first, I get to decide where to go!"
"Hyung! Movies! Please. Please. Do it for the most adorable panda of all time? Bbuing Bbuing."
"Hyung! Ice-cream! We can eat ice-cream. Please~ please~"
Looking between the two, I looked up to see Chen Oppa's decision. He seemed to be contemplating.
"How about we go to both? Catch a movie, eat some ice-cream and then wander about a little?"
Happy that Chen Chen had come to an arrangement that made everyone happy, I peered out the door to find no one else there.
"Everyone else is busy today?"
Shrugging, Chen Oppa allowed me to escape from his arms to put on outdoor shoes and grab my bag.
Collecting my phone which had been thrown on my bed in a hurry, I locked up as the three of us began the walk to the bus stop.
"Well the leaders are at the dorms relaxing for the day without us bothering them."
"Xiumin hyung finally convinced Luhan hyung to bend the rules and eat baozi together."
"Chanyeol mentioned something about going to have cake with D.O. and Kai went along to chaperone."
Waiting by the bus stop, I realised that had forgotten two names.
"Lay Oppa and Baekhyun Oppa...?"
"Ah! Lay Hyung said he'd meet us later! He forgot his headphones at home."
Shaking my head at the forgetful unicorn, I waited for the last member's whereabouts.
"Baekhyun Oppa? Is he joining us later too?"
The three exchanged looks before shrugging.
"Um. Ah. He was planning to join us."
Seeing as that was all Sehun was willing to say, I turned to Tao.
"Er. Hm. That is until someone came to see him...?"
An uncomfortable feeling landed in my gut as I knew who it would be.
"Ah. Soomin Unnie came to take him out? That's great. I hope they have fun."
My voice was coated in fake excitement as the three looked at each other warily.
"Eunmi. It's alright to be upset about it."
Opening my mouth, I was saved by the unicorn.
"Ah. Sorry I'm late. I forgot my headphones. And then I forgot my wallet."
Thankfully, the forgetful Lay Oppa had gotten on just in time to save the day.
"Oppa! Glad you could come! Let's have the best day ever!"
As the bus rumbled down the streets of Seoul, I couldn't help but feel upset that he went with Soomin Unnie instead of going out with us.
Wait... Was Soomin Unnie actually right?
Did I actually... like Baekhyun Oppa?


Will Eunmi understand these feelings or find another excuse for it? ;D

Next chapter-fun day out at the movies~


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spaghetti_soda #1
Chapter 38: It's a good. I love it ^.^
ok this story is amazing and oh my god the feels and the fluff
kill me everytime
Chapter 37: this story is just so awesome! This is like my 2nd time reading it! X)
Chapter 38: I loved both of the endings! But I prefer evil baek's one more hahaha
Ilikethis #5
WOW <- see dem caps?
Chapter 38: so , this is ending ^ _^ hahaha, thought i read both of it just to know how is it :P hihihi , whatever it is Author-nim!!! GREAT JOB~~ and now i'll participating your new fanfic~ *the one that you mention* hihi~ anyway IT'S AWESOME~~~~~ O_O WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 22: andwae!!!! i want a finish with Lay .. cuz he's perfect and don't have any other girls =='
takemetoSK #8
Chapter 4: haha. I'm laughing so hard when she's going in order with the bias list! :D
ItsElaine11 #9
Chapter 38: haha. this is cute. :3 nice story. :)
woohyunwifey #10
Chapter 38: Nice story . I love it <3