
Not an Angel. Just a Fan.

True to his words, the opening lines of Angel poured out of his mouth.

Burning, my heart pounded away. Byun Baekhyun was definitely serenading me in front of his group mates.
Speechless, I shut my eyes tightly, embarrassed at his display of affection.
"For you. My angel..."
Grasping my hand, he placed a soft kiss on the back.
Absolutely swooning, the distinctive voices of Sehun and Tao were screaming gibberish while the others were laughing and pushing Baekhyun about, teasing him for falling so fast.
"It isn't fast! I've known her forever! The first time I saw her was over a year ago!"
As he protested, I sidled away. I was flattered that he was sweet enough to serenade me. Yet it felt like a show in front of the others...
Bumping into a body, I quickly turned to apologise.
"Ah. Lay oppa. Sorry! I didn't see you there!"
Sneakily, he grasped my hand, pulling me out of the room calling out over his shoulder.
"Borrong Eunmi for the day. Don't follow us!"
Turning to me, he grinned.
"Come on. They're not going to stop for a while. We might as well go have fun."
Surprised that Lay Oppa would do this, I looked back before nodding quickly.
If Sehun and Tao got to me... I'd never hear the end of it.
Hurrying away, we ran to the nearest bus stop. Th sounds of the others chasing us followed but it only made us run harder.
Climbing in the first bus that arrived,
we collapsed onto seats before bursting out into laughter.
Running away with his group mate after being serenaded? It was crazy. Absolutely crazy.
Looking at each other, we burst into laughter again. Finally calm, he looked at the bus route.
"It seems like we're going shopping!"
Groaning internally, I gave him a small smile.
"Shopping it is!"

The two of us stood in the middle of the department store. It was a massive one. With escalators going up and down, left and right.

Pulling me into a clothing store, he gestured for me to shop around.
"Come on. Girls enjoy shopping don't they? How about we pick out an outfit for each other? I'm not as good as Tao's fashion sense but I pass by."
Shopping for others was something I could do.
Nodding happily, I dashed off to the male section while he stayed in the female section.
Browsing about, I picked out a casual outfit that would hopefully suit him.
Burgundy jeans, a plain white t-shirt and a red checkered shirt. Passing by the glasses rack, I pulled off a pair of nerd glasses on a whim.
Seeing a pile of clothes in his arms too, we exchanged items.
Laughing at the nerd glasses, he held out his own pair.
"I got one for you too!"
Laughing, I put them on while he put his on too.
"Let's get changed then Oppa!"
Nodding, he headed off towards the male changerooms while I headed to the female rooms.
Pulling on the clothes, I was pleasantly surprised at Oppa's  taste.
Leggings paired with a cute skirt and a plain white t-shirt. Matched with a red checkered shirt.
Laughing at the irony, I exited to see Lay Oppa waiting.
His eyes seemed to soften as he grinned.
"We match!"
Pulling out my phone, I stood in front of the large mirror.
"Photo to commemorate this event?"
Laughing, he pulled me close, taking the phone from my hand.
"One, two, three!"
The photo turned out really well, with the two of us smiling widely.
Grabbing the phone back, I looked up at Lay.
"Silly one? And then cute one!"
Laughing at my eagerness, he nodded, happy to appease me.
"One, two, three!"
His tongue stuck out as I scrunched my nose.
"And again! One, two, three!"
He was pouting while I was giving my best innocent look.
Done with taking photos, I chose the last one as my wallpaper.
"Let's pay and continue to shop?"
Nodding, I turned to change but he had turned me around.
"Get your clothes. I'm sure we can pay and walk out like this. It's our couple clothes!"
Blushing pink, I nodded softly.
Collecting my items, Lay stood at the counter, waiting.
Explaining that we wanted the clothes we were wearing, the lady was very understanding as she rang up our purchases.
"I wish the two of you a happy relationship! My husband and I were like the two of you and now we've been married for years!"
As I opened my mouth to correct her, Lay put his hand over my mouth.
"Thank you! We're certainly very happy together."
Dragging me out of the shop, he grinned.
"For the day, just be my date?"
Not having a real excuse to deny him, I nodded.
"Alright then Oppa..."
Smiling, he tucked me under his arm.
"Then let's continue our shopping date!"
Cringing a little at the word shopping, I winced.
How was I to tell him I detested shopping!?


Everyone loves flirting with Eunmi just to get on Baekhyun nerves but Lay'll be the main rival. :3

Eunmi's rival will appear... Eventually. ;D

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spaghetti_soda #1
Chapter 38: It's a good. I love it ^.^
ok this story is amazing and oh my god the feels and the fluff
kill me everytime
Chapter 37: this story is just so awesome! This is like my 2nd time reading it! X)
Chapter 38: I loved both of the endings! But I prefer evil baek's one more hahaha
Ilikethis #5
WOW <- see dem caps?
Chapter 38: so , this is ending ^ _^ hahaha, thought i read both of it just to know how is it :P hihihi , whatever it is Author-nim!!! GREAT JOB~~ and now i'll participating your new fanfic~ *the one that you mention* hihi~ anyway IT'S AWESOME~~~~~ O_O WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 22: andwae!!!! i want a finish with Lay .. cuz he's perfect and don't have any other girls =='
takemetoSK #8
Chapter 4: haha. I'm laughing so hard when she's going in order with the bias list! :D
ItsElaine11 #9
Chapter 38: haha. this is cute. :3 nice story. :)
woohyunwifey #10
Chapter 38: Nice story . I love it <3