
Not an Angel. Just a Fan.


Shoving my wallet into my jeans, I nodded to Tao.
EXO M was back from China and everyone was out having fun or just relaxing.
The two maknaes, Chen and of course Lay were planning to spend the day with Angel.
Of course I would go. As much as I respected Lay, Eunmi was much too good for him. Plus the maknaes always hung off of her like children.
The last of us, I slipped on my shoes and exited the door. Not two steps later did Lay remember he had forgotten his headphones. He really was too forgetful... Reaching the bus stop, the four of us waited as Tao and Chen told us of their stories in China.
The bus slowly halted to a stop as the doors opened. Before any of us could step on, a flurry of movement burst out and clung onto me.
"Oppa! I came to look for you! How about a picnic at the park? I even packed us a basket!"
Standing there numbly, I watched as my group members gave me sympathetic looks before stepping onto the bus.
Sighing at a lost chance of seeing Eunmi, I smiled half heatedly at Mimi.
"Alright then Mimi. Off we go. You better have packed me nice food!"
As she linked arms with me, the smile fell from my face.
I liked Mimi. I really did. She was my best childhood friend. She was pretty, sweet and adored spending time with me. But she just wasn't Eunmi...
Noticing my distracted expression, she poked my cheek.
"Oppa! Let's go to that park we used to go to all the time as children!"
The park we used to go to... It was the exact same one I reunited with Mimi at. In my mind, it was Mimi and Baekhyun's childhood playground. Eunmi and Baekhyun's park.
Unable to seem rude to a friend I had known all my life, I attempted to get back into things.
"Lots of things have changed Mimi. Life's different."
As ditzy as she was, she was intelligent enough to know the truth.
"I know you like Eunmi but she doesn't know her feelings yet. Just let me pretend for a day... Please? For old times sake?"
Grinning, I ruffled her hair.
"For old times sake."
Instead of taking the bus, the two of us walked. Catching up about our latest hobbies and interests, our tastes had changed. 
It had taken quite a while for us to walk to the park and by the time we got there, it was crowded with children and parents.
Smiling, the two of us were quickly pulled into playing a game of hide and seek.
Spending the afternoon laughing and relaxing made all my worries disappear.
As sunset neared, the children were led away one by one by their parents. Waving goodbye, promises were made to play again next time.
Choosing a nearby tree, Eunmi spread out the picnic.
Hungry after such a long day, the two of us dug in, eating everything bare.
Preparing to pack up, Mimi shouted out the a familiar retreating back.
Gulping, I frowned as Mimi told the small untruth.
It was our childhood playground yet I'd never brought any other girl except for Eunmi here.
Correcting Mimi, I looked closely at Angel's expression. Was that hurt I saw...?
As Mimi disputed my claim, I definitely detected the hurt in Angel's voice.
Ready to deny any romantic relation to Mimi, everything happened in a whirlwind.
The next moment I was sitting in a bus, next to Mimi after leaving Eunmi to travel home alone.
"...Oppa? Are you angry at me?"
Taking a deep breath, I shook my head.
"It's alright Mimi. I understand. I'll just clear it up with Eunmi. But Mimi... Remember that I love you. As a sister and not anything more."
A silence fell between the two of us as the bus continued journeying down the road.
Arriving at Mimi's stop, she gave me a quick peck on the cheek before standing up.
"Even though I know that Eunmi is ahead of me, I promise I'll make you fall in love with me."
Grinning and not disheartened in any way of my rejection, I shook my head as I watched her leave.
Frustrated, I held my head in my hands.
How was I going to clear things up with Angel?
Two steps out of the house, I realised I had left my headphones back at the dorms.
Cursing, I informed the others as I ran back.
This was delaying my meeting with Eunmi!
Running back out onto the streets, I reached the bus stop before face palming. 
I had left my wallet on the table after retrieving my headphones.
Giving up, I walked back to the dorms.
Both leaders were watching TV as Kris just pointed at the table.
So maybe I was a little forgetful. 
Thanking Duizhang, I walked out of the dorms for the third time. 
Halfway down the road, the  sight of the bus made me run faster to the stop.
Jumping on, I was relieved to find out that they were all on this bus too.
Eunmi was definitely pretty today. Well she always looked good.
Surprisingly, Baekhyun wasn't there. I had expected him to leech onto Eunmi but as Tao whispered that Baekhyun bumped into Soomin, I mentally cheered at my luck.
Grinning at the choice of movies and ice-cream, we arrived at the theatre with plenty of time to spare.
Eldest there, I paid for all the food and drinks as we walked into the dark cinema.
To be honest. I had no idea what the movie was until it began. To my surprise, it was a horror.
The effects and blood was entirely too fake for my liking yet with Eunmi curled against my chest, I thanked all the bad horror movies there were.
As the movie ended, we shared a joke about Tao's childishness before going to the food court.
Of course, this is where the whole ordeal of fangirls ambushing and Eunmi vanishing.
Extracting ourselves from the crowd, I held onto Eunmi's cone as the four of us headed to the nearest female bathroom.
Chen and I, smart as we were, stood a distance away while the maknaes stood right outside. Staring at the numerous people entering and exiting.
Sure that someone would call security on the two, I thanked all the deities when Eunmi exited.
Walking away, I hoped my plan of luring them away fast would work.
The day ended quickly as Eunmi forced us all to get off the bus.
Standing at the bus stop, the four of us stood about uncertainly. It wouldn't be very gentlemanly to just leave her.
Volunteering, I patted Chen on the back.
"Chen. Just take Tao and Sehun home. I'll catch the next bus and check that she got home alright."
Smiling at me knowingly, the two maknaes followed with loud complaints that they wanted to go too.
Taking a seat at the back of the bus, I stared out the window.
Baekhyun had feelings for Eunmi. But he could never be good enough for her.
I like Eunmi. But did she like Baekhyun or me more? 
Still asking myself these questions, I saw Baekhyun and Soomin standing together at the next stop.
Familiar clothing greeted me as Eunmi stepped into the bus.
Did she spend time with the happy couple...?
As if in a daze, she took a seat near the front and leaned her head against the window.
Staring at her back profile, I continued watching her as she stepped out of the bus at her stop.
Getting up to follow her, I caught a glimpse of her expression which made me sit back down.
Frowning as she bit her lip, it was her eyes that made me pause. 
They were filled with hurt and confusion.
Wishing I could take away the pain, I couldn't move from my seat, as of frozen.
Right them and there, I made a vow.
Eunmi didn't suit sadness. Her glow and brightness was what made her an... Angel. If it was the only thing I could do, I would always be the one to keep that stunning smile on her face.


An insight to their inner feelings~

Which ship are all you lovelies aboard?

Lay+Eunmi or Baekhyun+Eunmi?


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spaghetti_soda #1
Chapter 38: It's a good. I love it ^.^
ok this story is amazing and oh my god the feels and the fluff
kill me everytime
Chapter 37: this story is just so awesome! This is like my 2nd time reading it! X)
Chapter 38: I loved both of the endings! But I prefer evil baek's one more hahaha
Ilikethis #5
WOW <- see dem caps?
Chapter 38: so , this is ending ^ _^ hahaha, thought i read both of it just to know how is it :P hihihi , whatever it is Author-nim!!! GREAT JOB~~ and now i'll participating your new fanfic~ *the one that you mention* hihi~ anyway IT'S AWESOME~~~~~ O_O WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 22: andwae!!!! i want a finish with Lay .. cuz he's perfect and don't have any other girls =='
takemetoSK #8
Chapter 4: haha. I'm laughing so hard when she's going in order with the bias list! :D
ItsElaine11 #9
Chapter 38: haha. this is cute. :3 nice story. :)
woohyunwifey #10
Chapter 38: Nice story . I love it <3