
Not an Angel. Just a Fan.



I sighed as I stood waiting outside the door. The taxi was supposed to arrive any minute now. Staring out at the EXO dorm, I scolded myself.

Why couldn’t I be brave enough to just go over and talk to him?

Why couldn’t I just walk over, knock on the door and then confess?

Turning away, I smiled bitterly.

That’s right.

Because I was a fool. A fool for promising that I would come back when I could look him in the eye, and admit that I was a better person.

Catching sight of a familiar shadow quickly hiding behind the curtains, before I could gather my courage, the taxi I had called stopped before me.

Handing all of my bags over to the kind driver, he stored it away as I tried not to look.

As the driver seated himself, I hesitated. Holding my hand up, I waved once before sliding into the car.

Sometimes, it’s not about the goodbye but more of the see you soon.



A knock brought me out of my thought. My Angel... It was a fitting name for her. She had flown into my life, breezed right past and then left in a flurry of hastiness.

Moving from my place by the window, I walked over to the door. Not even bothering to check who it was, I opened the door. It was probably one of the others that had forgotten their key.

A feminine voice pierced the air.


It certainly was without her usual enthusiasm.

Smiling weakly, I ruffled her hair.

“Mimi Monster... I never knew what it was like to be left. Well of course when we were children you moved away but I knew that one day you’d come back. Someone I don’t know if my Angel will ever come back to guide me again.”

She looked frustrated and quite irritated.

Holding out a book to me, she sniffed with disdain.

“That girl gave this to me. To give to you.”

Turning away from me, I missed her forlorn expression as I stared down at the familiar book.

“I admit defeat.”

Looking up at my childhood friend, I faltered. I had never heard that from her before.

Since we were children, Soomin had never admitted defeat to anything. She would always find a way to complete her task...

“I admit defeat. You already know that I’ve loved you since we were children but it seems that her place in your heart will always be greater than mine.”

Her tone turned nostalgic as she continued.

“Oppa... Remember when we were children and you promised to marry me? We’d have three children and always let them have cake anytime they want? We would have a million puppies and no one will ever tell us what to do? But most of all we would love each other forever.”

I nodded wordlessly.

“I guess I always wanted that. Not the million puppies because it turns out I’m allergic to them but the love. I’ve always expected you to love me the most but it’s time for me to realise that there’s someone else you love the most.”

Waving off any attempts at me speaking, she grinned widely.

“Now go after her Oppa. She’s waiting!”

Running past her with a grateful smile, I stopped to drop a kiss on her cheek.

“Soomin, no matter who has my heart, you’ll always be my first love.”



Watching the man I love, no, loved for most of my life run after another girl was heartbreaking.

Wiping away the tears, I took a deep breath. over it now was useless.

Straightening my posture, I grinned.

“I had better be the maid of honour at their wedding.”



I could say that our love ended dramatically. Like a drama. He would run after me in a crowded airport while I would silently walk on without realising. But it didn’t.

The taxi I was in had broken down halfway to the airport. Baekhyun Oppa had been driven right past me.

By the time I got to the airport, he was the one waiting for me.

He made me worry. He made my heart thump. He made me nearly burst into tears when he had merely helped me with my bags and escorted me to the boarding gate.

It was like he didn’t even care I was leaving.

Only when I had boarded the plane did I realise that idiot had come on with me too.


“Oppa... um. Why are you on the plane with me?”

Grinning widely, he nudged me with his shoulder before making himself comfortable in the seat next to mine.

“I came to see an Angel fly of course.”

Not even sure why I tried, I attempted another way.

“Oppa... Did Soomin come to see you?”

He shot me a snobby look before bopping me gently on the head.

“She did. The next time you want to return something, remember to do it in person. It’s impolite to use a mutual friend as a messenger.”

Nodding slowly, I looked side to side awkwardly.

“I’ll remember that next time?”

“Manners are important of course. So Angel, where is this plane headed anyway?”

This guy...

“America. Where my parents are right now.”

“I’ve always wanted to see the Grand Canyon.”

I stared in disbelief as he grinned.

“That’s another part of the country Oppa. We’re going to New York.”

“New York? The Statue of Liberty! Plus shopping. I didn’t bring anything apart from wallet and phone.”

Seriously? Choosing to let him continue his monologue in peace, I closed my eyes, hoping for some rest. It wasn’t long before he began prodding me.

“Hey. Hey. Hey. Angel? Do you think mother-in-law will like me?”

Attention fully captured, my eyes turned wide as I stuttered helplessly.


“Of course I chased after you because I love you and we’ll eventually get married. Maybe in the future when EXO becomes even bigger. But then you’ll have to worry about the fangirls. Maybe we should get married now? Manager will be angry but he’ll get over it eventually. I’m hoping for children too. How about seven? They’ll want pets too. I bet we need to move out soon. I mean- Angel? Angel?”

Eyes rolled to the back of my head, I had fallen into a dead faint.


Smirking, the evil one flicked his fringe to one side.

“Angel, as much as I love you, sometimes, a person need a little revenge. I mean, making me wait that long?”

His expression turning gentle, he laid a kiss to her forehead.

“But then, I wouldn’t want our story to have gone any other way.”


So that lady and gentlemen, is the end of the story.

The end of the story between greasy Bacon and his –albeit slightly unwilling- Angel.

For that was the story, of 100 days later.



I feel like a mother letting her child into the world. So, here it is, the complete story of Not an Angel, Just a Fan.


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spaghetti_soda #1
Chapter 38: It's a good. I love it ^.^
ok this story is amazing and oh my god the feels and the fluff
kill me everytime
Chapter 37: this story is just so awesome! This is like my 2nd time reading it! X)
Chapter 38: I loved both of the endings! But I prefer evil baek's one more hahaha
Ilikethis #5
WOW <- see dem caps?
Chapter 38: so , this is ending ^ _^ hahaha, thought i read both of it just to know how is it :P hihihi , whatever it is Author-nim!!! GREAT JOB~~ and now i'll participating your new fanfic~ *the one that you mention* hihi~ anyway IT'S AWESOME~~~~~ O_O WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 22: andwae!!!! i want a finish with Lay .. cuz he's perfect and don't have any other girls =='
takemetoSK #8
Chapter 4: haha. I'm laughing so hard when she's going in order with the bias list! :D
ItsElaine11 #9
Chapter 38: haha. this is cute. :3 nice story. :)
woohyunwifey #10
Chapter 38: Nice story . I love it <3