Movies & Flour

Not an Angel. Just a Fan.


Blearily, I rubbed my eyes as I pulled the door open.
Standing in front of me, all pristine and shiny was Byun Baekhyun.
I had left the dorms pretty late, knowing that it'd be one of the last times I had free before my trainee days began. It was a known fact that being worked to the bone was a requirement.
Today, was technically my last day and I had planned to get as much sleep as possible, storing up for the time to come.
Yet, before me, all ready to roll and full of smiles stood Baekhyun Oppa.
"Baekhyun Oppa... What happened? Did something go wrong?"
Worried, I fluttered about helplessly.
Shaking his head, he shot me that heart stopping smile.
"Nope. Nothing at all. I just thought that we could spend the day out."
The last time we went out, I had an amazing time, but it was also the time I met Soomin Unnie who has it in her head that I'm her rival for Baekhyun Oppa's love.
Before I could respond, a familiar voice rang out.
"Eunmi! How come you're in your pyjamas? Baekhyun?"
The three of us stood in awkward silence as the two stared at each other intently.
"Um... Lay Oppa... How come you're here too?"
Snapping out of it, he gave me that dimpled smile.
"I just thought that we could spend the day out."
Nodding, I grinned.
"Okay! Let me get changed and we can leave. Lay Oppa, Baekhyun Oppa and Eunmi day out!"
Excited, I dashed back inside to get ready.
Half an hour later, I felt a little more presentable to the world.
The two sat on the couch, talking in whispers. Clearing my throat, the two broke apart, glaring at each other.
"So where should we go?"
Came the simultaneous replies.
The cold tension between the two could have been cut with a knife yet the smiles on their faces were completely real.
"I think we should go to the park. It's such nice weather outside!" Was the argument of Baekhyun.
It was then immediately shot down by Lay.
"Well the park certainly doesn't have bad memories for Eunmi at all does it? Plus have you actually been outside?"
Baekhyun Oppa flinched at his first sentence while I stared out the window. The wind was actually blowing quite heavily, making trees bend in unnatural positions.
"Then we shouldn't go shopping either! How many times has Angel gone there? It's probably a bore now."
Nervously fidgeting, I wasn't sure who's side to take. Making up my mind, I timidly spoke up.
"Um... Baekhyun Oppa. Lay Oppa. How about we stay here and have a movie marathon?"
"Great idea Angel!"
"It'll be fun."
Thankful that at least we had something to do, I walked over to the T.V., sitting by the stacks of DVD's.
"What type of movie should we watch?"
Looking between the two, I sighed. It was going to be a long day.
"If we watch a Horror movie, then Angel can cuddle up to me and feel safe!"
"If we watch a Romantic movie, then Eunmi would actually enjoy herself!"
Still sitting on the floor, I looked between the two.
"How about we watch a comedy. And then afterwards I'll just close my eyes and pick randomly from the stacks."
"At least I'll get to cuddle with Angel eventually."
"It seems fair enough."
Standing up, I motioned towards the kitchen.
"I'll go make some popcorn and bring out some drinks."
Rushing to the kitchen, I pulled out the microwaveable popcorn and a few bottles of water.
Who would have guessed that spending a day with two EXO members would be so tiring.
Minutes later, I tipped most of the popcorn in a large bowl, saving the rest in a smaller one. Holding a bowl in each hand and the bottles under my arms, I walked back to the guys.
"Before we start arguing, the two of you will stay right there and I will sit on that separate sofa over there. No complaining or arguing!"
Nodding meekly at me, I handed over the larger bowl and a bottle of water each.
Placing my things next to the separate sofa, I quickly pushed in a DVD before sitting back down. 
The curtains were all drawn and the lights were off. Not surprisingly, I could hear the whispers of greasy bacon attempting to move over and cuddle many times but was always nudged back by Lay. 
Four movies later, the bowl of popcorn was empty and my stomach was crying for food.
The action movie was so good that none of us were willing to leave for lunch.
Opening the lights, we all squinted at the brightness.
"So what should we do for dinner?"
"Take out!"
"Head over to D.O.'s"
"If we have take out we can spend more time with Angel!"
"She might want to see everyone one last time before her schedule picks up."
Why did this always happen?
"I've decided. The two if you can stop arguing. One more argument and I throw both of you out. I really like spending time with both of you so why do the two of you keep arguing!"
My words had softened near the end as I teared up.
The two exchanged a look before moving over to comfort me.
"Angel, we won't argue. Promise. How about you show us some more of that amazing Chinese food you learnt from school?"
"Dumplings sound good. We can all work together and then take it over to the dorms and eat with everyone."
Rubbing away the tears, I smiled a little.
"I like that idea..."

Cleaning up the the stray popcorn pieces, and throwing the bowls in the sink, the three of us stood in my overly extravagant kitchen.

"Angel... How did you get from a job taking care and living behind a shop to a trainee with an apartment on our street?"
Startled, I searched for an answer before giving him the only real reason I had.
"Luck. Plain luckiness that I am who I am."
He obviously didn't understand although Lay Oppa looked at me a little closer.
Shifting in my spot awkwardly, I gestured towards the cupboard.
"The ingredient for the dough should all be in there. Lay Oppa, can you make it with Baekhyun Oppa? I'll work on the filling."
Nodding, he ruffled my hair as he walked past.
"I used to make dumplings with my grandparents all the time. The dough shouldn't take long."
Concentrating, I didn't look up until I had the filling done just right.
What I saw made me burst into a fit of giggles.
The two looked like snowmen.
The flour had mysteriously gotten into both of them and the 'dough' was still a bowl full of flour.
Baekhyun grinned sheepishly while Lay glared at him.
"Um... I might've gotten a little too excited with the flour?"
Shaking my head, I shooed both of them to the bathroom and handed them towels.
"Just wipe off what you can. If you take a shower now and go out into the cold, you both will catch colds!"
Still giggling to myself, I quickly made and kneaded the dough.
With the components done, it was fast work making them into actual dumplings.
As the food cooked, the two came out. Their clothes were definitely a shade lighter and they still had flour in their hair.
"Lower yourself down for a second. Both of you."
With both of them at my eye level, I put a hand on each of their heads before ruffling it continuously. 
A puff of white erupted, clouding the air.
Motioning for both of them to stand up, their hair stuck out at unnatural angles.
Giggling, I pulled at my own hair.
"I like your hair."
Patting their own hair and realising the mess, the two of them stepped towards me.
"How about having nice hair like us too~"
Ganging up on me, they chased me about the apartment before finally destroying my hair.
Attempting to tame my hair. The thought of dinner came to mind as I ran towards the stove.
It was just right. 
With all the dumplings on a large plate, I wasn't exactly sure how to take it over while keeping it still warm.
"Lay Oppa. Can you just call everyone to come over?"
Pulling out his phone, he dialled.
He had just hung up when a banging erupted at the door.
Opening the door, I was greeted by a shriek.
What was Xiumin on about? Of course he was the first person to show up at the mention of food but monster? That was mean of him.
Turning around, I saw Baekhyun stifling his laughter.
What was so fun- 
My hair!
Dashing towards the closest mirror, I looked at myself. The puff of flour had landed on my face and with the wild hair, I did look monstrous.
Wiping away the flour with a wet towel and brushing my hair, I mentally noted to pay back Baekhyun Oppa for not telling me this. Lay Oppa had been busy in the phone so Baekhyun Oppa should have told me I looked monstrous!
Emerging from the bathroom, my apartment was crowded with handsome idols.
Plates had been taken out and another batch of dumplings was on the stove.
Xiumin Oppa had calmed down after being explained to and everyone sat down.
It was a family meal.
Laughing, chatting and sharing stories.
I felt like the luckiest girl in the world.


A three way date. How enlightening.

So what would you all like more of? Fluffy Baekhyun+Eunmi or Lay+Eunmi~

Thank you all for supporting and reading my story. <3

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spaghetti_soda #1
Chapter 38: It's a good. I love it ^.^
ok this story is amazing and oh my god the feels and the fluff
kill me everytime
Chapter 37: this story is just so awesome! This is like my 2nd time reading it! X)
Chapter 38: I loved both of the endings! But I prefer evil baek's one more hahaha
Ilikethis #5
WOW <- see dem caps?
Chapter 38: so , this is ending ^ _^ hahaha, thought i read both of it just to know how is it :P hihihi , whatever it is Author-nim!!! GREAT JOB~~ and now i'll participating your new fanfic~ *the one that you mention* hihi~ anyway IT'S AWESOME~~~~~ O_O WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 22: andwae!!!! i want a finish with Lay .. cuz he's perfect and don't have any other girls =='
takemetoSK #8
Chapter 4: haha. I'm laughing so hard when she's going in order with the bias list! :D
ItsElaine11 #9
Chapter 38: haha. this is cute. :3 nice story. :)
woohyunwifey #10
Chapter 38: Nice story . I love it <3