Shall We Dance?


“A guy and a girl can be just friends, but at one point or another, they will fall for each other... Maybe temporarily, maybe at the wrong time, maybe too late, or maybe forever.”

-Dave Matthews




In every girl’s life, they’ve felt love. The love towards family, the love towards friends and the one every girl searches for, the love towards their soul mate. That quote just sums up the story of so many lives. No one ever feels the pressuring need to try and become more than just friends but sometimes, a person just knows... They know and they feel. They recognise and they discover. Like a child first seeing the wide world, everything is new, unique.

These are the tales of love. Lost, found and even returned. As sometimes, all we need to do is understand.



It's been a loooong while but I'm finally back with a oneshot series thing. 

To be honest, this series has really not a lot to do with dancing.

I chose the title because it just happened to be from a video I was watching and I felt it might be just a little too perfect in terms of relating to love. 

Hopefully, my writing isn't too rusty.

Enjoy! xx


The graphics for this story are made at the wonderful ✗ ℐust ℱor Уou ◠A Graphic Station◡

Isn't it perf? C:


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Chapter 6: The last story was my favorite. I guess they'll be together forever after all.
Chapter 6: Wauw good story!!
siyeon #3
Chapter 6: Wow you are such a powerful writer! These one shots really deserve more recognition!
siyeon #4
Chapter 3: Heart = broken ~ you are a really good writer ( : keep up the good work!
siyeon #5
Chapter 1: Aww wow. This is so relatable! In truth I think that every girl must have felt this way before and authornim, yiu captured it perfectly! Great job ( :
Chapter 1: oh my god how come no one comments here yet! this is beautiful! :((((((( im subscribing i love you authornim