Wait... What?

Not an Angel. Just a Fan.

They say distance makes the heart grow fonder.

Entering the cinemas with one arm wrapped around a massive bucket of popcorn and the other grasping a large cup of soda, I followed Chen Oppa to the middle of the cinemas. 
Allowing me the pleasure of the centre seat, Lay Oppa immediately took the seat to my right while Chen Oppa stayed to my left. Grumbling softly as the cinema was slowly filling, Sehun was left sitting on the other side of Lay Oppa while Tao took the seat next to Chen Oppa.
The irritating ads began almost immediately. The movie wasn't something I would have chosen but Chen Oppa seemed set on the horrific thriller movie. With a sly smile on his face, he had ordered the tickets and pushed Lay Oppa and me together.
Snapping out of my thoughts as the opening titles rolled, I leaned back, eating handful after handful of popcorn.
Half way in the movie, I had resorted to shrinking lower and lower into the seat and muttering to myself.
"No. No. No. Don't go there. NO."
Horrified as the girl opened the closet door to see her dead friend's mutilated body, I turned my head away to see what the others were doing.
On one side, Tao panda was clinging on Chen Oppa's arm and looked very close to tears. Chen Oppa was actually quite soothing, patting Tao on the back and assuring him this wasn't real.
Sehun's eyes were glued to the scene. Remarkably, he was still munching on popcorn, even with blood and guts spewing everywhere on the scene.
Turning back to the screen, I flinched as the girl screamed.
This movie was a little too much for me.
A little queasy, I closed my eyes.
Feeling an arm wrap around me, he moved me closer until I was easily able to hide myself in his shirt when the worse parts came.
"Aha... The movie's good. It isn't that scary. Or horrific. Or nightmarish."
Whispering my words into his shirt, I felt his chest vibrate with laughter. 
"Just hide when it gets too much okay? Even I feel my stomach turning a little at the sight of all that blood."
I had seen his nonchalant expression before but was still grateful that he lied to make me feel better.
The rest of the movie was spent with me peeking at the movie for short moments.
Finally the movie was finished. The crowd slowly streamed out as I took a deep breath.
"I thought the movie was great! Very manly!"
The four of us all gave Tao a sceptical look. We had all seen him cling onto Chen Oppa like a baby koala.
Glancing around nervously, he laughed awkwardly.
"I wasn't scared at all!"
Exchanging looks, the four of us burst into laughter.
He pouted as we laughed as his childishness.
"Bbuing Bbuing?"
Unable to resist his cuteness, I reached up to ruffle his hair.
"Alright Tao. You weren't scare at all. Now let's go for ice-cream?"
Thankful that the attention was off him, Tao slung his arm over my shoulders, leading the way.
"Ice-cream! Come on Sehunnie! Chen Hyung! Lay Hyung! Let's go have ice-cream!"
Still laughing, the trio followed us as we headed to the food court.
Standing in line, I pondered the various choices.
Vanilla? Chocolate? Mint? Maybe cookies 'n' cream?
Standing behind our small group, I could hear whispers.
"Is that Chen Oppa?"
"Lay Oppa!"
I looked about nervously. Being seen with EXO was deadly. I could be caught on fancams and seen in photos!
Arriving to the front of the line, I tapped my fingers against the counter rapidly.
"I just want a cookies 'n' cream. Order for me? I'll be right back. Bathroom."
Spitting out the words, I fled the scene as the four watched my retreating back in surprise.
Racing to the nearest bathroom, I jumped into the first empty cubicle. Putting down the toilet lid, I sat down, leaning against the wall.
I couldn't be found now. My parents would kill me!
Sighing, I breathed deeply.
Think it over rationally Eunmi! The day's almost over and by the time you leave, the fangirls should be all gone. There shouldn't have been enough time to be caught in a photo. Reassuring myself, I breathed in and out.
Unlocking the door, I looked at myself in the mirror.
I hadn't been caught yet and had no plans of getting caught now.
After getting a few queer looks as I stared at myself in the mirror, I made my way out of the bathroom.
Right in front of me two derps were standing, pretending to be inconspicuous while the other two stood a ways apart, seemingly lost for words. 4 handsome teenagers eating ice-creams and standing in front of the female toilets? It definitely brought a smile to my lips.
Not suspicious at all.
Seeing me exit, Sehun's face lit up as he moved from his 'I belong here' pose. 
"Noona! Tao and I were just waiting for you out here."
Of course it'd be the maknaes derping it out. Chanyeol was rubbing off on them...
Unable to hold it in, I laughed.
"Ah! The two of you blended in very well. Now where's my Ice-cream? Did you guys appease the fangirls?"
Nodding, Sehun pointed at Lay who was slowly walking away with Chen.
"Hyung! Give Noona her ice-cream now! Hyung!"
Seeing that the two older members weren't stopping any time soon, I smiled to myself. Smart idea.
As we ran to catch up, Lay handed me over my ice-cream, whispering to me all the while.
"The two wouldn't move from the door. You don't know how many odd looks they got... I figured if we walked a little faster we could move away quicker."
Giggling at the thought, I nodded, taking a chunk out of my ice-cream.
Joking around and pushing each other about, we boarded the bus back.
Reaching SM's stop, I shooed them all off, assuring them I'd be fine. After numerous agreements of staying safe, the four finally agreed to let me journey the rest of the way home alone.
The next stop was familiar. The park in which Baekhyun had taken me to our first date.
Smiling fondly, without realising, my feet led me off the bus in a spur of the moment decision.
The sun was just setting. I had time to visit the park and then head home.
Mindlessly ambling down the path, I walked towards the swings. It was here that I had met Soomin Unnie.
Sitting on a swing, I swung myself higher and higher.
"Maybe I'll really touch the sky one day."
Laughing at my silly thoughts, I swung even higher. By the time I had enough, the sun was already halfway gone. Slowing the swing to a stop, I hopped off and began to walk.
"Eunmi! Eunmi!"
Was that Soomin's voice...?
"Eunmi! Over here!"
Looking in the direction of the voice, I saw a picnic spread laid out on the ground with a joyful Soomin and an awkward Baekhyun.
Hesitant, I was tempted to walk away yet it'd be much too rude.
Walking over, I plastered a wide smile on my face.
"Baekhyun Oppa! Soomin Noona! On a date?"
Baekhyun opened his mouth to speak yet Soomin butted in first.
"Of course! This is our park. Since we were children, we've always come here! I mean, Oppa does brings a few of girls here but I was first."
"Mimi! Don't say such untruths!"
"But Oppa! This is our park!"
Looking between the two, I gave a pained smile.
"Ah. As much as I love listening to a good lovers quarrel, I have to get home before dark..."
"We should go home too! Oppa! Let's pack up and all go together!"
Unable to say no, I stood awkwardly as the pair packed up the area.
Tucking the blanket into the basket and swinging it off her left arm, Soomin hooked her free arm around Baekhyun's.
"Come on Oppa! Are you coming Eunmi?"
The walk to the stop was short yet it felt like eternity with Soomin chatting about and Baekhyun standing stiffly.
"Which way do you go Eunmi?"
Pointing towards the right, she frowned.
"But I go the opposite... Who does Oppa take home then...?"
Catching sight of my bus pulling into the stop, I smiled widely.
"Baekhyun Oppa can go home with Soomin Noona. I'll be fine on my own. I'll see the two of you some other time then!"
Stepping into the bus before they could say otherwise, I took a seat near the front.
The tinted windows prevented them from seeing inside but I could clearly see the bright smile on Unnie's face.
Leaning my head against the window as the bus slowly rumbled down the street, my mind went in a million different directions.
I was special to Baekhyun Oppa... Wasn't I...? 
Yet an uncomfortable feeling was brewing inside of me.
Even if I was just another girl on the street to Baekhyun Oppa, there would still be others who I mattered to.
Without even realising, an image of a dimpled unicorn came to mind.
...Wait... What?


^Trolling. Or am I? 

Thankyou as always to my beloved friend for helping me with writers block. Else it'd taken a LOT longer.

So. Indecisive Eunmi~ 

Any guesses about her past?


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spaghetti_soda #1
Chapter 38: It's a good. I love it ^.^
ok this story is amazing and oh my god the feels and the fluff
kill me everytime
Chapter 37: this story is just so awesome! This is like my 2nd time reading it! X)
Chapter 38: I loved both of the endings! But I prefer evil baek's one more hahaha
Ilikethis #5
WOW <- see dem caps?
Chapter 38: so , this is ending ^ _^ hahaha, thought i read both of it just to know how is it :P hihihi , whatever it is Author-nim!!! GREAT JOB~~ and now i'll participating your new fanfic~ *the one that you mention* hihi~ anyway IT'S AWESOME~~~~~ O_O WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 22: andwae!!!! i want a finish with Lay .. cuz he's perfect and don't have any other girls =='
takemetoSK #8
Chapter 4: haha. I'm laughing so hard when she's going in order with the bias list! :D
ItsElaine11 #9
Chapter 38: haha. this is cute. :3 nice story. :)
woohyunwifey #10
Chapter 38: Nice story . I love it <3