
Not an Angel. Just a Fan.

It had been nearly a week since everyone had found out my secret. I guess you could call it ironic that the person I once relied on the most had become my biggest fear. I spent most of my time in the studios, honing my dancing and attempting to get better at rapping.

“I must prove to Oppa I’m not just a spoilt heiress. I’m more than that.”

It had become my mantra. My goal.

Tired and weary, I bowed to Sir who had agreed to stay behind with me and look over my steps once more.

“Thank you for all the extra time you spend with me. I promise I won’t let you be disappointed in me.”

The stare he gave me made me cringe a little. It wasn’t the disapproving look he shot towards lazy students. Or even the ‘good work’ look. It was more of regret.

Hesitant in his words, the usually gruff teacher turned away.

“I’ve known you for a long time Park Eunmi. Just remember if you need to talk, I’ll listen.”

I couldn’t help but smile a little at the notoriously harsh teacher reaching a hand out to me.

“I appreciate the offer Sir. Things are just a little messy right now. I won’t let it distract me from my training.”

He paused before shaking his head.

“That isn’t what I mean and you know it. I won’t try to convince you of otherwise but just listen to that boy and he’ll explain.”

Embarrassed that even Sir had picked up on me always running from Baekhyun, I nodded, red faced.

“I... I’ll try.”

“And that is all I ask for. Now run along. I have better things to do.”

Sighing, I bowed once more before picking up my bag and exiting. It was now or never.

Knocking timidly on the door, I counted down the seconds to my doom. Baekhyun Oppa would probably blow up at me and I’d never be able to repair that bridge again.

10, 9, 8, 7...

“What are you doing exactly?”

Looking up, I gulped. Before me stood Byun Baekhyun with an amused expression on his face and a bunch of flowers in his arms.

“I-I was  counting in my head...”

His laughter made me squeak with confusion.

“Well Angel, I think you should reacquaint yourself with speaking aloud and to yourself.”

Angel. Angel. Angel. The word echoed in my head. He had called me Angel again. I wasn’t Eunmi to him anymore? Why?

“I was just planning to drop by your house before going out. Why have you been ignoring me? I’ve been trying to get your attention.”

I wasn’t avoiding him. At all. Well... There was that time in the cafeteria where he looked my way and I bolted away... Or that time where I saw him outside their dorms and I crossed the road to avoid speaking to him... Or that time where... So maybe I was avoiding him. Just a little.

“Bu-But I wasn’t giving you time to calm down. So that you wouldn’t be angry with me.”

His smile immediately fell from his face as he looked about awkwardly.

“Kai punched me that night.”



“Just let me speak now. Kai punched me after he came back from finding you. He actually challenged me to a fist fight but the leaders stepped in. He opened my eyes and proved to me you wouldn’t betray me like that so I might have been dragged to your house to apologise... And I might have heard your conversation with Lay Hyung...”

I opened my mouth. I closed my mouth. I must have looked like a gaping goldfish.

“I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to hear it but I guess it’s better to seek forgiveness than to beg permission. I want to confess something to you. Will you let me?”

Looking at me with such an apologetic expression, I looked away before shaking my head slowly.

“Oppa... I forgive you. I think I forgave you the moment you said those words. But I won’t forgive myself until I prove to you that I will be more than an heiress.”

I could tell he felt guilty but I wouldn’t give in until I made something of myself.

“I know you didn’t mean it but I can’t deny the truth. All my life I’ve been sheltered and then when I escaped, all I did was hide. When I prove I’m more then I’ll tell you my true feelings.”

Dense, dense, Park Eunmi finally got something right when I saw the bright grin he gave me in return.

“Then it’s a deal. When you prove your worth, I’ll tell you what I want to say now and you tell me your true feelings.”

As I nodded, he held out the bunch of flowers to me.

“I’ll call to cancel so how about we go out and spend some bonding time together. I bought these for-“

“For me? Oppa! You shouldn’t have!”

That voice was always followed by disaster. Bounding towards us was Soomin.

Plucking the flowers from my arms, she inhaled deeply.

“My favourite too! Are you ready for our date?”

Bewildered, Baekhyun Oppa’s eyes darted between the two of us.

“Mimi! What are you doing here? I don’t remember inviting you over.”

Staring at my empty hands, I blinked mildly before standing up a little straighter.

“I think I’ll take my leave now.”

Bowing, I steadied my gaze towards Soomin.

“I should thank you for telling the boys what I could not but I understand what you mean now. I hope you can take care of Oppa for me until I can tell him what I want to say.”

Giving her a wide grin and internally giggling at her fuming expression, I shot a quick smile towards Baekhyun Oppa.

“It’s a deal.”


... Please don't kill me?

I had a timeline of what would happen but then I started and then it went in this direction and I couldn't help it. D:

She wasn't supposed to forgive him... yet.

Hopefully I'll get back on track with my supposed plot line soon. :)



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spaghetti_soda #1
Chapter 38: It's a good. I love it ^.^
ok this story is amazing and oh my god the feels and the fluff
kill me everytime
Chapter 37: this story is just so awesome! This is like my 2nd time reading it! X)
Chapter 38: I loved both of the endings! But I prefer evil baek's one more hahaha
Ilikethis #5
WOW <- see dem caps?
Chapter 38: so , this is ending ^ _^ hahaha, thought i read both of it just to know how is it :P hihihi , whatever it is Author-nim!!! GREAT JOB~~ and now i'll participating your new fanfic~ *the one that you mention* hihi~ anyway IT'S AWESOME~~~~~ O_O WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 22: andwae!!!! i want a finish with Lay .. cuz he's perfect and don't have any other girls =='
takemetoSK #8
Chapter 4: haha. I'm laughing so hard when she's going in order with the bias list! :D
ItsElaine11 #9
Chapter 38: haha. this is cute. :3 nice story. :)
woohyunwifey #10
Chapter 38: Nice story . I love it <3