
Darkest Hour : A Dark Love ((COMPLETED))
Mi Mi was in her class as every girl was asking who that new guy was. He was waiting outside The chainw as pretty long but Mi Mi had her own thoughts about it. She wanted to know what Yun-Ho was thinking.

Yun-Ho stayed outside of teh school gates so that no one would notice that he was there. He looked at the windows where Mi Mi was but she was hardly shown. The girls all looked hat they were going to do when they had left the schoo.

Mi Mi looked outside as well but wasn't able to look at him at all wtih all the girls looking.

From outside,a young female teacher came to him and asked if he wanted to stay outside. Yun-Ho said that he rather not do that however the teacher had insisted and he started to go inside. He smiled a little and ts he came in.

Yun-Ho got inside and when he found a place where nobody was looking, he came closer to teh teacher and then said, " you want to help but finish something that I've wanted to?" he asked getting closer to her and putting those large arms next to the teacher's head he looked at the woman.

"What might that be?" she asked getting very excited. he looked at him with her pink blushing face. Yun-Ho looked at her and he imagined a different girl. It was Mi Mi's face, however it was somewhat differnt than what he had imagined. That wasn't a face of a girl who was blushing but a face of a girl who was determined and all." Yun-Ho lookd at her.

"What is it?" the teacher asked.

"Well, let me tell you something," he said getting closer to her ear. He looked at her and he whispered so much into her. she giggled as he her ear and bit it lightly.

"Oh..." she said. However, footsteps came.

"We'll finish this converstaion a later time," Yun-Ho said as he waslked into the halls. He found Mi Mi's classroom and he had tried to look inside without being noticed. He tried to here what they were talking about and with that super sensitive ears, he picked up what they were saying near Mi Mi.

"Hey Mi Mi, are you going out with that hot guy?" they asked.

"No, I wouldn't," Mi Mi said with a smile.

"Why not?"

"Well, I'm not sure..."

"Is it because you're going out with Hae-Won?" they asked.

"Stop it!" Mi Mi said softly as possible so that the teacher might not haer her.

"Oh come on, we have seen you kiss him before."

"No, I never did, so don't say that," Mi Mi said with an angry face on. "I'm serious, h had never kissed me and I have never kisse him."

"Then where did your first kiss go to?" they all asked eyeing her.

"To somebody..." Mi Mi aid blushing so red.

"Tell me..."

"Don't push it," Mi Mi said with a smile and a frown.

Yun-Ho looked at the kids and they didn't seem to notice him. Yun-Ho looked at Mi Mi.

When Mi Mi started to get out from the class to get her lunch, she saw Yun-Ho. She turned around and she walked like he wasn't there. Many students looked at him. They wanted to know what it was that they might be doing. Yun-Ho smiled at her determined and angered back. Mi Mi went to the girl's bathroom. There were several girls who left immediately and Mi Mi stayed there with a sighing face. She sat down by the sink and she looked into the mirror.

Yun-Ho was waiting outside. He looked at all the prety girls and he made smooching noises. Boys already marked him as an enemy. The bell rang again and Mi Mi was still in the bathroom. She left and found that Yun-Ho was gone somewhere. Mi Mi ran back to her classroom so that she could finish the rest of her school.

Yun-Ho was at the back of thes chool with three boys they all looked at Yun-Ho with dangerous eyes but Yun-Ho didn't seem to mind.

"What do you want from me?" Yun-Ho asked.

"You're eying my girl aren't you?" asked the leader with blue dyed hair and piecings to make him look cool just how Yun-Ho did it.

"No I'm not..."

"Then what?"

"I'm eyeing Mi Mi..."

"That girl is already taken..."

"No, she isn't," Yun-Ho said with unmoving eyes.

"She'd Hae-Won when they first dated. They tried to deny it but everybody saw it. They were at teh park when we wwere on the field trip, we even have pictures," they said. "Don't worry, it's nothing."

Yun-Ho started to get angry. His mind was blowing. How could she have already kissed another guy when she even said that his kiss as her first kiss. He came over and he picked him up with one hand. Yun-Ho gave him one good punch in his gut and put him on teh ground with a toss.

In her classroom, Mi Mi looked outside until the bells rang. She went to the back of the school where Yun-Ho was and she met up with girls who had asked tio meet her there.

"What do you want?" Mi Mi asked.

"I want to know what your relationship with Yun-Ho is!" they shouted in anger.

"So you already know his name and that's it and you want to go out with him is that it?" Mi Mi asked in surprise.

"Hey, stop making fun of him, he's so hot and he's really good looking." They all said with a smile on their face.

"I'm not making fun of him...what are you jealous?"

"Of course we are you guys are actualy together and seem to know each other and you keep on denying it...why do you do that huh? Hae-Won had already kissed you! Just go out with him," they said in all anger.

"Hey first of all, I had never in my life had ever kissed that guy, okay? My first kiss was with Yun-Ho..." she said and then she shut with her hands. She knew that she had made a bad mistake.

The girls came over and they slapped her and kicked her as she startd to go down. Mi Mi didnt' want to fight back, that would mean that she was only denying it and she was lying. Mi Mi didnt' like this at all. She was still being beat until they all suddenly stopped.

"Ah, Yun-Ho!" the girls shouted in glee.

"Stop what your doing right now, I don't know what you think you're doing to her but you can't do that...and let me tell you something. You can come over and visit me anytime, I'm spending a lot of money on all of my candles and the beds," said Yun-Ho looking at the girls.

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hae-gi33 #1
thank you carly! :)
hi there. ^^<br />
i have tagged your story under the "yunho" tag. tagging merely helps more users to find your story, which gives you a better chance of getting featured on the front page of this site. ^^<br />
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Happy AFFing~<br />