A Call

Darkest Hour : A Dark Love ((COMPLETED))
Mi Mi was there, she really did meet his eyes, but she ran away. She couldn't stand the pressure of what might happen of her just being there. She wasn't sure if she could handle it.

She had the cell phone that Victoria brougth and dialed Hae-Won's number even at late at night.

"What's wrong?" were the first words of Hae-Won who sounded so alert and yet tired.

"Sorry for waking you up."

"No, I'm at work actually."

"So late?"

"Overtime work, need the money."

"Oh, just don't over do it."

"I know, so why did you call me?" he was busying doing something and wiht the phone on his shoulder he was multi-talented.

"Well...I saw him," she said. Hae-Won immediately knew who it was and htere was a dead silence for a moment except for the washing of plates on the other side from hae-Won and loud music from Mi Mi's.

"So, did you talk to him?"

"I can't...it feels weird."


"Actually, this girl, she's a friend of mine and Yun-Ho's told me that I'll put him in grave danger."

"What does that matter? He's a vampire..." Hae-Won said a little angrily.

"Well...also, I will be in danger."

"What's that supposed to mean?" he said calmly. He had customers.

"Well, I'm not really too sure."

"You should know this stuff. Mi Mi, I want you home. Where are you?"

"I'm not sure."


"Well, I was sort of kidnapped by that girl and then she brought me to a party because she thought that it was a bad idea to leave me alone."

"But, at least you should have asked. I wanted to go pick you up," he said whining, he was clearly not that very afraid about her safety. He knew how she was always getting herself in and out of situations.

"Heh, it's fine, can you do all of the chores at home?"

"Of course, who do you think I am?"

"Okay, calm down." Mi Mi giggled.

"Anyway...the teacher are looking for you. The school's about to end in like a week and we haven't seen you, I said that you were sick..."

"Okay, tha'ts good."

"And also I said that you had college plans."

"Okay, now you're in deep ," Mi Mi said angrily. "I told you I don't want to go to college."

"But seriously, you have to be careful about your life, you have a lot of things to do in the future and if you stay here and wait around, it's only going to get worse...think about what Yun-Ho must be thinking, if you're here and if you do nothing, do you think he might like it?"

"I don't care...about his feelings," Mi Mi said with a grimace.

"Yes you do...I've known you longer, okay...I've been your friend and your family ever since we met...how can I not know, you're voice is trembling."

It was true, Mi MI had no say in this. Hae-Won knew her better than anyone, he was the first person to ever see Mi Mi cry and fall to the ground angered adn sad.


"Then, will you go and meet him?"

"Not now."

"Where are you?" Hae-Won finally asked irritated by the music that got louder.

"At a club."

"What?! You're getting out of htere right now."

"Hey, you're not my mother."

"But I will be if you don't get out of there!" he said angrily, he took off from his job and went into break and sat down in the locker room in teh furthest corner.

"No! I have to stay here...this party also involves clubs."

"Did you drink?"


"Answer me," Hae-Won said bitterly.

"Yes..." Mi Mi replied ever so meekly back to him.

"Gr..." he growled in his throat but he relaxed. "Okay, just make sure onnly a couple of bottles and that's it, and also you're coming home soon right?"

"Yeah, I'll go...don't worry."

"Fine, fine...the kids miss you and your cooking."

"Of course they do, you burn everything you touch Hae-Won," Mi Mi said with a lighter touch in her voice. SHe was smiling happily and so was Hae-Won.

"Alright...go now and remember to go see Yun-Ho..." he said and he hung up. His heart sank, he was afraid for her...for the very first time, he wanted to be there to protect ehr like her own guardian angel just like the old times.

Mi Mi, too, had her heart sink, she wanted Hae-Won to be there to hold her hand and to guide her through the way. She gulped and she breathed in and she left. SHe was goign to do it.

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hae-gi33 #1
thank you carly! :)
hi there. ^^<br />
i have tagged your story under the "yunho" tag. tagging merely helps more users to find your story, which gives you a better chance of getting featured on the front page of this site. ^^<br />
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Happy AFFing~<br />