Another Good-Bye Kiss???

Darkest Hour : A Dark Love ((COMPLETED))
Victoria saw the two and sighed. Her boyfriend came over and took over her lips and then he too sighed. He always had seen his love thinkin about other men even when their bodies were almost one.

He wanted to sigh out his love for her but sometimes, he wished that it wouldn't be so.

"Victoria, stop thinking about him."

"I know, but..."

"Stop" he said putting a finger on her lips. he kissed them and blocked her eyes from seeing Yun-Ho and Mi Mi dancing together on stage.

Everybodye else all looked. Even Yoo-Chun was smiling and was looking.

"Yun-Ho, will you leave me again?" Mi MI asked but her voice didn't reach Yun-Ho's ears. SHe decided to leave it alone. She didn't want to think about it after all.

The night was goign by fast and finally it was dawn, it was early at four in the morning and most of the people who came already left. The major people all stayed adn they also played around a little with their women. They weren't tired, they usually slept in the day anyway. It was fine for htem.

The ladies at the club were all gigglign and tired and the men kept on launching themselves at them. Finally, when it was starting to reach five in the morning, the women were gone and only a couple people were left. The three major old men were there and Yun-Ho alongside Yoo-Chun and Mi MI remained.

"Yun-Ho, I'm really happy you're back, now we can start with the hunt..." said the old man.

"Yeah, we'll definitely get the woman that locked you up!" shouted another. Mi MI had no idea what they were talking about but Yun-Ho was shocked, he didnt' want to do that.

"Eh, she died already," Yun-Ho said to cover it up. "I"m fine."

"We're not! That woman took away our precious man!" said the third guy. He laughed.

"'s really fine," Yun-Ho said eyeing Mi Mi.

"We'll get the daughter or son," the first guy said.

"Whatever," Yun-Ho said and he started to leave.

"Hey, let's go to my house," Yoo-Chun said. They agreed, they all didn't even have a ride.

They went inside the nice Mercedes Benz. Yoo-Chun was teh driver and Yun-Ho sat in the passanger seat leaving Mi Mi in teh back. She leaned to see in the front. She usualy never rode a car and especially nto somethign this well furnished and lcena. SHe looked around and pressed almost every button.

"You've never sene a car liekthis?"

"Well, I have, one of my brothers have one, but he never keeps it clean," Mi Mi said

"Oh, so you have siblings?"

"Yeah, over twenty of them," she replied without thinking. Yoo-Chun was scared and then Mi Mi replied to his shocked face. "I live with a lot of homeless kids. I'm one fo them, we're considered brothers and sister, and I'm the only girl."

"Oh, I see, it must be really hard for you."

"Not really, I just have to cook, clean, and pick and drop of kids."

"That's hard work," Yoo-Chun said. "My mother tired it and she was already down by the afternoon."

"Well, it gets better once you're used to it."

"So what's your relationship with Yun-Ho?"

"Well I was the one who releas-"

"Released me from jail!" Yun-Ho finished. "Yeah, I was caught by the police and I was in jail for a while and she knew me so she bailed me out."

While they were making a turn, Yun-Ho changed the direction.

"What's wrong?!" Yoo-Chun shouted angrily.

"Take her home first."

"What?" Mi Mi asked. "I dont' want to leave!"

"You have to."

Yun-Ho's eyes were scary and Mi Mi couldn't resist, she didn't say anythign and while Yun-Ho was telling directions, Mi Mi was angered adn ended up sleeping. Finally, she woke up and she was in front of her house. She couldn't believe it, they were really there.

Yoo-Chun started to head out and Yun-Ho said to wait. Mi MI was angry but even with the pouted face, Yun-Ho smiled and gave her a longing kiss, he left and mi Mi knew she was thrown away for a second time.

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hae-gi33 #1
thank you carly! :)
hi there. ^^<br />
i have tagged your story under the "yunho" tag. tagging merely helps more users to find your story, which gives you a better chance of getting featured on the front page of this site. ^^<br />
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Happy AFFing~<br />