This Feeling

Darkest Hour : A Dark Love ((COMPLETED))
Mi Mi was in her bed, she didn't want to go to school. Soem of them and some of htem also stayed home sleeping. MI MI couldn't take it anymore. She was too angry but there was also another feeling inside of her. IT was unsatisfactory. Seh wanted to know more about Yun-Ho, she wanted to be next to him. At first, it was all about boyfriend girlfriend, and then it was about love, adn then it was all about everything else that happened just that night. SHe wnated to know what was wrong. she remembered that he bit her and she was lying down cold, but she felt somethign else. Those teeth were doing them on their own.

She wanted to know more about him. Mi Mi was pretty unsatisified and she wasn't goign to let it og just like that, she was going to find him. But for now, seh was going to sleep.

Yun-Ho couldn't go to sleep no matter what he did. HE was at a hotel that he had rented out wiht the money that he had previously at a bank that he had. He was pretty good at saving money and he wanted to get a suite on the highest floor. He was on teh bed but he couldn't go to sleep. His heart was too disturbed, he really wanted to know what it was that was making him so confused about htis. He wasn't going ot let it slide of course.

Whne he closed his eyes, he only imagined MI MI and what they had been through in such a short time. There wasn't much that had happened but for some reason, he wanted to know. he was seriously in love with her, and whenever he remembered kissing her, those lips touched her neck and slowly went for teh bite. He was satifisied, bu then he remembered that familiar face, that girl, that , that , the woman who had taken everything away form him already and now she was goign to take away his only love.

"!" he shouted and in a matter of minutes, his eyes fell.

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hae-gi33 #1
thank you carly! :)
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